Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1588 Fighting

Chapter 1588 Fighting
Miss Han's unfeeling request was rejected by Su Yi before she even spoke, which made the former a little embarrassed.

But no matter how embarrassing she had to say, after all, it was impossible for Su Yi to just take away the benefits she got.

"The little girl is ashamed, but you might as well listen to me first." Miss Han said awkwardly, "Young hero, do you know what was taken from the little girl just now?"

"It feels like a book." Su Yi said.

"That's right, it's indeed a book, a secret book from the secret realm of Montenegro." Ms. Han adjusted her mood and made her tone sincere, "Don't dare to hide it from the young hero. For this thing, my Han family has paid a lot. It's a big price, bloodshed and death. Due to the situation just now, the little girl had no choice but to hand over this thing to the young man, but in this way, all the sacrifices I made before the Han Family Fort are all in vain."

"Does this have something to do with me?" Su Yi said with a smile, "You spend money, I do things, our transaction is fair, open and just, reasonable and legal. Now that my business is done, you tell me this? What, what? Is morality kidnapping me?"

This word is fresh, but easy to understand, Miss Han hurriedly said: "That's not the case, young man, the young lady is just stating the facts, and has absolutely no intention of gaining sympathy. It's just this secret book..."

"You want to take things back?" Su Yi still had a smile on his face, "No way, no way? Look at your thick eyebrows and big eyes, don't you want to bring disasters to the east again, and you have to cross rivers and demolish bridges? Tell me, I just I am judging the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain."

"This..." Miss Han's half-covered face turned red with naked eyes, "Since this cheat book was given to the young hero, the little girl has no intention of going back on her word. The young hero takes it away, and my Han family only needs a copy, so it can be regarded as an explanation for those who sacrificed for this matter in my Han family."

"Of course, the little girl also knows that this is an additional request, and it is not within the agreement between you and me. Therefore, as long as the young hero wishes to be beautiful, as a token of gratitude, I would like to give the young hero an additional 200 taels of gold as a token of my gratitude. I don't know the young hero how about?"

"This request is not too much," Su Yi said with a smile, "but what if I don't agree? If I refuse, I don't know if Miss Han will use the half-unscrewed small cylinder hidden in her left sleeve to aim at it. Me, just press it lightly..."

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the guards of the Han family changed. They either took out their crossbows or drew their knives, and aimed at Su Yi one after another.

Miss Han's complexion also changed again.She stared into Su Yi's eyes and sighed: "Young hero's words are like knives, and the little girl is really hard to resist. Why tell the truth if you just see through? In fact, as long as the young hero nods, he can take away the cheat books and gold, and it's okay." Getting the favor of my Han family can be said to kill three birds with one stone, everyone is happy, why not do it? The little girl really can't figure out that the young hero has a reason to refuse."

"Hey, let me put it this way, why do I feel that I am the one who is ungrateful and pushes every inch?" Su Yi chuckled, "Miss Han, I am the most principled person, one is one, two is two, one size equals one size. "

He patted his chest lightly: "This thing is mine now, and what to do with it is my business. I want you to be happy, or I don't want you to be happy, it's my freedom. I said it clearly enough ?”

Miss Han was silent for a while, then sighed again: "Why must the young hero be so unkind? The little girl has already given her utmost sincerity by asking herself."

"No, you didn't." Su Yi smiled and stretched out a finger, "You have no sincerity at all, and you don't even respect me. I saved your life, facing your savior, you have not You didn’t even ask me my name, but you just talked about money and interests with me wholeheartedly, can this be called sincerity?”

Miss Han was silent, speechless.

On the other side, Ning Caichen heard the whole process, the repulsion and indifference in his eyes caused by Su Yi's murder gradually dissipated, and turned into a thoughtful expression.

"Miss, don't talk nonsense with him!" The head of the guards showed a stern face, "If you don't eat the toast and eat the fine wine, then you will kill the treasure! The rainstorm meteor, not a blade of grass! I don't believe that he can escape the rainstorm meteor needle!"

"You Hanjiapu are really ungrateful?" Ning Caichen couldn't help interjecting, "If this matter gets out, it will greatly damage your reputation."

"Kill all of you, won't this matter go out?" The leader of the guards grinned murderously, "Miss, don't hesitate! Things must not fall into other people's hands for nothing, or you will not be able to go back." I can't explain to the castle owner and his old man!"

Miss Han's face was cloudy and uncertain, and she was about to make a decision when she suddenly showed shock and looked around tensely.

But soon she calmed down, her eyes were suppressed with strong surprise, she was silent for a moment, she suddenly smiled gently at Su Yi, and said: "Since the young hero is the one who keeps the promise, then you should protect me until the dawn of the promise. Is it still valid?"

"Miss, in case he escapes..." the head of the guard was anxious.

But in the middle of his words, Miss Han raised her hand to stop him from continuing.

"Young hero is a man of high righteousness, don't speculate on your own, you'll just laugh." She looked at Su Yi and bowed suddenly, "The situation was so urgent that the little girl forgot to ask her benefactor Gao's name, it's really impolite No, please forgive me, it's definitely not that the little girl disrespects the young man. Dare I ask who is your benefactor, what is his sect, and what is his name?"

Su Yi glanced at the window with a half-smile, but it was empty.

At least that's what it looks like on the surface.

He was about to speak when suddenly his heart moved, he turned his head to look outside the gate, and frowned slightly.


The sudden gust of wind suddenly swept in from the door opening, and the wind swept the rain, forming a vortex that condensed and did not disperse.

The strong wind blew, blowing sparks from the fire in the temple, and everyone subconsciously squinted their eyes or covered their faces.

At this moment, a sudden change occurred!


Countless lights and shadows shot out suddenly from the vortex, like bullets from a machine gun.

Su Yi was the first to bear the brunt, his complexion changed without even thinking about it, and he drew his sword with a "clang" sound.

As the debris collapsed and flew, the people behind him could see clearly that the segments of white light and shadow were actually sections of crystal clear sharp ice picks.

Su Yi danced the long sword so tightly that the countless ice picks couldn't hurt him at all.

He happened to be in front of everyone in the Han family, so the ice pick was blocked by him.

It was even more unlucky for those Wolf gang members who were knocked to the ground by Su Yi. They couldn't move, making them each a living target. They could only hear the sound of "噗噗". In the blink of an eye, these people were poked into honeycombs, blood Instantly dyed all over the body, obviously not alive.

On the other hand, Ning Caichen was quite alert, and immediately hid behind a broken wall. Although he screamed in fright, he was unscathed.

The strong wind gradually weakened, the ice cones gradually stopped, and the condensed vortex at the gate also gradually disappeared.

With a light hey, a yellow figure appeared at the door out of thin air, his eyes fixed on Su Yi: "A mere mortal, how can you block my ice cone rain? Not bad, you can die in peace."

"Immortal Master! It's Immortal Master!" The leader of the guard suddenly cried out in panic, the long knife in his hand fell to the ground with a clang, his legs softened and he sat down on the ground, trembling all over, his face pale.

Su Yi shot like a ghost before, but now he is not so scared after blocking thousands of ice picks, but now he just showed his face, and he was so frightened that he collapsed on the ground, so unbearable.

It's just an "immortal master", so it's so different?

"Who are you?" Su Yi looked solemn, pointing his sword at the yellow figure in front of him.

"Want to know? In my next life!" The man in yellow chuckled, and suddenly pointed at Su Yi with a hand seal, "Down!"


The ground at the place where Su Yi was suddenly turned into fine sand and collapsed, but at this moment, Su Yi appeared in front of the man in yellow in a flash, the sword light flashed, and there was a "ding" sound, and the tip of the sword touched You can't even get an inch into the throat of this man in yellow!

This scene shocked both of them at the same time.

The next moment, seeing the shadows of swords flying, Su Yi stabbed dozens of swords in an instant, but when they landed on the man in yellow, they were all blocked by a layer of yellow light, and sparks splashed everywhere like being pierced on rock and steel.

"Ahhh!" the man in yellow yelled angrily and slapped Su Yi hard.With his palm still in the air, Su Yi felt something was wrong, and raised his sword to block it.

A black long knife suddenly appeared in his originally empty hand, and the moment Su Yi blocked himself, the long knife also fell on Su Yi's blade.But if Su Yi was a second slower, this eccentric knife would hit Su Yi's body without warning.

Su Yi's complexion changed and he was about to fly back without even thinking about it, but the long knife in his hand suddenly softened in the next second, and came alive like a snake, and shot at Su Yi with a "swish".

Su Yi slashed out with two swords, intending to cut off the "black snake", but unexpectedly he only cut it slightly off, and the black snake continued to chase Su Yi, fighting with Su Yi. B fight together.

On the other side, the man in yellow with a look of fear on his face commanded the "Black Snake" to fight with Su Yi in the air, his whole body glowing yellow.

His forehead was sweating, and when he thought that he had habitually blessed himself with an "Earth Armor Technique" before entering the door, otherwise he would have been killed by the opponent's weird and erratic swordsmanship just now, he felt scared and ashamed at the same time.

If it gets out that he was almost killed by a mortal, he won't even think about raising his head in the future.

Thinking of this, he gritted his teeth and stepped up commanding the black magic weapon, making him pursue Su Yi closely.

On the other side, Su Yi's shape-shifting and shadow-changing several directions failed to get rid of the black snake. No matter how much internal force he exerted, once the black snake was knocked into the air, the latter would soon fly back again, as if Su Yi's counterattack had no effect on him. not have any effect.

It's also strange that Su Yi's long sword is just ordinary iron, if it weren't for the blessing of Su Yi's internal force, it would have been broken by the black snake at this moment.

This made Su Yi wonder, what kind of material is this black snake?
All this is a long story, but it is only a moment.

Su Yi's figure was like lightning moving around in the ruined temple for half a week. Seeing that he couldn't help the black snake, he decisively changed his target. He took a step forward and arrived in front of the man in yellow in the next second. Hit his chest with a palm!

With this palm, the yellow mask on the latter's body suddenly burst into dazzling light, and Su Yi's entire body was ejected.

But then the yellow mask quickly split open like a spider web, shattered with a "crash", and disappeared into dots of starlight.

The man in yellow seemed to be backlashed, and he spurted out a mouthful of blood with a "wow", his face was full of shock and disbelief.

And as this scene happened, the out-of-control "Black Snake" also fell limply to the ground, revealing its original shape—it was actually a pitch-black soft whip engraved with tiny runes that were neither gold nor wood.

Before he could react, Su Yi, who was ejected in the next second, appeared in front of him again, with the long sword in his hand stabbing straight at his throat.

A ball of fire shot out, and the scorching breath rushed towards his face.

Su Yi didn't even want to withdraw his move and flew back. The fireball slanted down on the corpses of a wild wolf gang, and a raging flame was instantly ignited. With the sound of "beep beep beep", the smell of scorching permeated instantly.

Being so delayed, the man in yellow quickly slapped himself on the forehead, only to hear a "buzz", and the yellow light around him appeared again, and then he looked at Su Yi with lingering fear, his face completely distorted by panic .

A man in black suddenly appeared next to him, and there was still a trace of flame lingering on the fingertips of the Jue Jue. He also looked at Su Yi in surprise, his eyes full of disbelief.

"Is this mortal martial arts?" the man in black asked in surprise.

"Bastard, I want you to die!" The man in yellow came to his senses, his face instantly turned pale, and he pointed at Su Yi and shouted in embarrassment.

The black soft whip quickly returned to his hand.

Su Yi actually had time to snatch it, but he didn't touch it hastily.

He has always exercised the utmost caution over what he does not understand.

He had a serious face, and narrowed his eyes slightly to stare at the two in front of him.

Behind them, everyone in Hanjiabao retreated to the corner of the wall, huddled together and trembling.

For mortals, the short and intense fight just now is completely irresistible magic!
No matter how powerful martial arts and hidden weapons are compared with this kind of technique, they will be eclipsed, completely incomparable.

Su Yi was also secretly startled.

This is the first time he collided with a practitioner!
It's not like he didn't secretly measure the gap between himself and practitioners in this world before this.

In his opinion, with his cultivation as a martial arts master, he may not be unable to defeat ordinary practitioners, and he may be able to stabilize one of them.

It now appears that this view was only half right.

It is impossible to stabilize the voltage at one end.

Swipe, he swung his long sword across and pointed at the two people in front of him.

"Hand over your martial arts cheats, especially your body skills, and I will spare you!" the man in black said sharply, "Don't think that you can survive in front of us by relying on martial arts, mortal, you are as powerful as a fairy! I don't know!"

"Immortal? Just you?" Su Yi smiled.

But one is tricky enough, if it is a one-on-two, Su Yi doesn't know what other strange spells the other party has, so the outcome may not be certain.

Not to mention, Su Yi was a little careful about the one that was hidden in the dark.

With a flash in his eyes, he looked towards the empty window: "Master, how long do you want to watch the excitement?"

(End of this chapter)

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