Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1589 Destroying the Enemy

Chapter 1589 Destroying the Enemy
Is Su Yi a cultivator?

If it is judged by whether he has practiced inner alchemy skills, then he does not count.He had tried all the Maoshan alchemy methods and inner alchemy methods of various sects that he had come into contact with before, but he couldn't feel any sense of qi at all, and he couldn't practice at all.

For practitioners in this world, what circulates in Su Yi's meridians is only mortal inner strength, no matter how powerful he is, he is still just a mortal.

But if you count by having extraordinary means, Su Yi is definitely a cultivator.

Su Yi is proficient in the way of talismans, knows how to open altars, can arrest souls and catch ghosts, and can release dark thunders. Fortunately, these skills can also be used in this world.

In the past six months since he came to this world, although Su Yi said he was depraved and lying flat, in fact, in order to protect himself, he drew a lot of talismans for himself, among which there are some extremely powerful purple or black talismans, which can condense the aura of heaven and earth and kill people. in the invisible.

Su Yi has tested the power of some talisman spells, not only did not weaken them, but because of the more abundant aura in this world, they were much stronger than the previous spells.

For example, Su Yi has drawn the most anti-ghost talisman. Drawing this talisman in the Dharma-ending era can isolate ghosts and ghosts, and with the cooperation of the magic circle, it can even seal ghosts.

But what happens if you draw an anti-ghost talisman in this world?
For a ghost of Chu Renmei's level in the later generations, in this world, Su Yi can keep her away with just a ghost-proof talisman. This is the qualitative change caused by the abundance of aura.

Although most of the talismans of Maoshan method are used to suppress ghosts and exorcise evil spirits, some of them can still be used for fighting between monks.

For example, Su Yi now has the "soul arresting talisman" and "absolute spirit talisman". The former is a purple talisman that can be used to capture the soul of a stranger in an instant; Only an empty shell remains.

As soon as these two talismans came out, Su Yi was confident that the two self-proclaimed "immortal" practitioners in front of him could be wiped out with his palms.

In addition, for protective spells such as the "earth armor technique" of the man in yellow, Su Yi also has talismans or incantations with similar effects.

For example, the Liuding Liujia amulet, and the golden light mantra, one of the eight basic magic spells of Taoism.Once the former is activated in this world, Su Yi will be covered with a layer of six-color aura armor from head to toe. The man in yellow's earth armor technique is not even a bit worse than the Liuding Liujia amulet.

As for the golden light curse, as long as Su Yi pinches the formula and recites the spell, the golden light on his body will immediately suffocate people, which can not only defend against ghosts and ghosts, but also isolate all magical attacks.Casting this mantra in the Dharma-ending era and casting it in this world are completely different things.

Su Yi had a hunch that if he was protected by the golden light curse, the black soft whip magic weapon of the man in yellow just now would never be able to get close to him.

In addition to spells, Su Yi's Sheqing Soul can still instantly kill the two people in front of him once he makes a move.

In order to prevent the balance of the body and soul from being broken, Su Yi cannot easily use the ability of the soul of taking green, but "easily" does not mean that it cannot be used at all.If it's time to use it, Su Yi will never hesitate.

Therefore, in terms of magical means, Su Yi is definitely not a mortal.The same talisman, for any ordinary person, completely reproduces Su Yi's method, even if it is not bad at all, after the painting is completed, Su Yi's talisman is really a spiritual talisman, and it must be useless if someone else draws it. Paper.

why?Because Su Yi recited the scriptures tens of thousands of times in the state of emptiness and tranquility, only in this way can he achieve the unity of heaven and man and see ghosts and gods, and then he can communicate with the aura of heaven and earth and draw effective talismans.

Therefore, Su Yi is actually a practitioner, but he is a practitioner who does not practice inner alchemy.

But in this way, the problem arises. There is no distinction between "outer alchemy" and "inner alchemy" in this world. The difference between immortals and ordinary people only depends on whether the practitioner has practiced inner alchemy and whether there are spiritual fluctuations in the body.

A person like Su Yi who does not have any aura fluctuations in his body, nor does he practice any exercises, will of course be regarded as a "mortal" by others.

For practitioners in this world, only practitioners can recite spells, cast spells, and draw talismans to refine weapons. If a mortal can use talismans to communicate with the aura of heaven and earth, it will definitely subvert the practice system of this world.

Once Su Yi does this and exposes this, it is likely to bring him a lot of trouble.

Although Su Yi didn't realize that it would be so serious, after all, this was the first time he met a practitioner in this world, but he has always acted cautiously. After that, he subconsciously wanted to hide the fact that he could cast spells first.

So now he is just using martial arts against the enemy.It's a pity that even with his profound martial arts against his miraculous techniques, he can only be "evenly matched".

Now it was time to fight two against one, Su Yi thought to himself that with the other party on guard, the outcome would be unpredictable with martial arts alone, so he decisively called out the whereabouts of the monk who had sneaked back to the temple and had been hiding until now.

Su Yi actually noticed it the first time the monk sneaked back into the temple. Not long after he sneaked back, Miss Han's expression and attitude suddenly changed, which made it hard for Su Yi not to connect the two.

He had some vague guesses, but the monk was hiding in the dark and didn't know what his intentions were. Now that a strong enemy was in front of him, Su Yi didn't want to try his best, but there was still a hidden danger of instability that was difficult to distinguish between the enemy and us and could erupt at any time.

When Su Yi yelled, the three people present all changed face.

The two practitioners who suddenly attacked in front of them were naturally startled, and immediately followed Su Yi's gaze, but no matter how they perceived it, there was nothing there, and thinking of Su Yi's identity as a mortal, the two of them Subconsciously, he felt that Su Yi was playing tricks, and he was in doubt.

The other one who was taken aback was Ms. Han. Just as Su Yi expected, her attitude changed suddenly because the monk who had gone and returned but hid his whereabouts secretly communicated with her.But according to the monk, Su Yi should not be able to see through his tracks...

After Su Yi finished speaking, he fell into a brief silence.

"Pretending to be a ghost, trying to scare us?" The man in yellow sneered, but the next second he shot suddenly without warning.

But seeing him pinching formulas and chanting mantras, dozens of ice cones were condensed out of thin air in an instant.

"go with!"

As the man in yellow stopped drinking, the ice cones shot towards the empty window!

Seeing this, the corners of Su Yi's mouth curled up slightly.


A helpless Buddha's name suddenly sounded from the empty window, which startled everyone, and the next second a figure appeared out of thin air, it was the thin monk from before!

He held a talisman in one hand, and made a talisman with the other. A golden light appeared all over his body. When those ice picks touched the golden light, it was as if they had hit a reinforced concrete, and they were all shattered.

"Kusang! It's you!" The man in black obviously recognized the identity of the monk, and shouted in surprise and anger.

"Buddhist sect's invisibility technique is really exquisite, we can't even see the slightest clue..." The man in yellow sneered sinisterly, and he glanced at Su Yi, "It's a pity that you chose an idiot as your partner, monk, if he doesn't call Break your tracks, if the two of us are led to you, you will indeed be successfully attacked by you..."

"A mortal is just a mortal after all, even if there are some tricks that can't be put on the table, how can they be against the majesty of Xianwei?" The man in black stared at Su Yi solemnly.

Su Yi ignored them, nor did he get angry in the slightest because of this low-level division and provocation.

Part of his mind was on guard against the movements of the two, and he stepped back obliquely, taking Monk Kusang who had just shown his whereabouts into his line of sight.

In this way, it seems that he is confronting the two parties.

All the people present were human beings. With Su Yi's half-step back action, everyone understood his intention of being on guard.The two people on the opposite side suddenly became suspicious.

"Young hero, we are facing a strong enemy, let Xiaoseng retreat and then explain." Monk Kusang was straightforward, directly stating the position of the enemy and ourselves first. "Your excellency in martial arts is rare in the world. How about the two of you in front of us?"

"Okay." Su Yi nodded, this proposal was exactly what he wanted, but he didn't completely let go of his guard against the monk.

"Bastard, do you really think we're settled?" The man in yellow became furious when he saw the two "distributing tasks" majesticly, and suddenly slapped himself on the forehead, and the next moment his body miraculously sank into the ground. Disappear.

The man in black also had a tacit understanding with him, when he made a move, he suddenly pressed his waist, and a green and black gourd flew out of the cloth pocket at his waist.

He grabbed the waist of the gourd and lifted it over his head, pointed the mouth of the gourd to the front, and shouted angrily: "Hit!"


In the next second, countless black balls shot out from the gourd, covering Su Yi and Kusang.

Behind Su Yi is Hanjiabao and his party. If he avoids these people, they will all suffer, so he has no choice but to carry his sword again.

After all, Su Yi is not a cold-blooded old devil. He doesn't mind giving rescue if he can. Although Miss Han's family is suspected of reneging on her promise, after all, she reined in her horse from the precipice and turned around.

Ding Ling Dang...

In the next second, the sword shadows all over the sky blocked the black balls flying like locust swarms.

These black balls are actually the seeds of some kind of vegetation, but they have been refined to be harder and stronger than steel balls.

What would be the consequences if it was hit by a grain?
A fish that slipped through the net jumped over Su Yi and hit some unlucky servants behind. Suddenly, several blood holes appeared on their bodies. Before they could react, the black ball exploded in their bodies for the second time.Some of the servants were hit to the vitals and died on the spot, while others were bloody and bloody rolling on the ground and howling. Soon those steel balls that exploded gave birth to strange vines, which continuously grew roots to absorb their flesh and blood, and even broke them from the inside out. The skin, rooted and crawling on their bodies, looked horrific.

On one side, Su Yi waved his sword to resist, on the other side, the golden light reappeared on Kusang's body, which also blocked all the black ball seeds.

But in the next second, a pair of big hands shining with yellow light suddenly protruded from the soil under his feet, and they grabbed Kusang's feet with lightning speed, and the golden light on his body flickered indefinitely.

At the same time, the black soft whip that had chased Su Yi before climbed up along the big hand of the yellow light, quickly wrapped around the monk's limbs, and then tightened instantly!
But when he heard the sound of "crack bang bang" bones, Kusang was immediately strangled and couldn't move. The continuously jetting black balls hit the flickering golden light, making the latter dimmer and even cracked!
Kusang's complexion changed drastically and he was about to break free, but the man in black looked overjoyed at the same time, and threw the green and black gourd here with one hand and the other.

"go with!"

The green and black gourd turned into a flash of lightning, and quickly flew towards Kusang. It was slightly stagnant when it touched Kusang's flickering golden protective mask, but the next second there was a "crash", the mask shattered, and it was backlashed. Kusang's face flushed instantly and blood dripped from the corners of his mouth, and the green and black gourd drew an arc in mid-air after being bounced, and hit Kusang fiercely again.

"Ahhh..." Kusang yelled frantically under the crisis, his body swelled suddenly, the monk's robes on his body were torn apart, and the black ropes wrapped around his limbs were instantly torn apart by him.He soared into the air with all his strength, and he led the man in yellow out of the ground together with him.

Seeing the green and black gourd attacking again, Kusang hurriedly slapped his waist in mid-air, a red glow shot out from the cloth bag around his waist, and went straight to meet the green and black gourd, only to hear a loud "dang" sound , the red light flew back to Kusang's hand, it turned out to be a red wooden staff, and the green and black gourd was also blocked by it and flew back backwards, which shows that this wooden staff is extraordinary.

The man in yellow at his feet let go of his hand the moment he broke through the ground, and walked away from Kusang in embarrassment.

The joint attack of the two was temporarily resolved by Kusang. Although the latter was a little embarrassed, he also showed his skills.

"Buddha Sect's Body Refining Technique is really mysterious, even my Juli Technique has been forcibly broken, Kusang, it's your fate!" the man in yellow knelt not far away, holding a black soft whip and gritted his teeth to Kusang.

Kusang was dressed in ragged clothes at the moment, staggered a few steps after landing, looking very embarrassed.

While looking at the two of them vigilantly, he gritted his teeth and said angrily, "Young man, when will you wait if you don't make a move?"

Obviously, he was very dissatisfied with Su Yi's act of watching with a cold eye in the second half of the process.

"Who knows if you are a ghost or not, did you play me?" Su Yi smiled and pulled the sword flower, "It's all right now, you and I will repay each other."

When Su Yi started doing it just now, didn't you, a monk, also sneak out and hide in the dark?

"Kill!" The two enemies didn't have time to listen to the nonsense of the two people here, so they shot again without saying a word. The two still rushed towards Kusang this time, as if they had made up their minds to get rid of Kusang first.

"Really pretend I don't exist?"

Su Yi didn't delay any longer, took a step forward with his sword drawn, and in the next second he was in front of the monk who was about to cast another spell and sacrifice the green and black gourd.In the latter's astonished eyes, he punched down hard.

This punch was so powerful that the cyan light mask that was gushing out from the man in black kept shaking.

Seeing this, the man in black grinned grimly: "Boy, I really thought..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw that Su Yi didn't swing his fist again, but just withdrew his fist a little later and landed on the mask again, but this punch was more than twice as powerful as the previous punch?
How do people in this world know the principle of Wing Chun's inch strength?Caught off guard and hit the trick.

There was only a "bang", and the mask was split open by the sudden second punch.

The sword in Su Yi's other hand deftly pierced through the crack through the gap, and accurately pierced the man in black's chest.

With a flick of his wrist, his internal force was transmitted to the tip of the sword, shattering his heart instantly.

The smirk on the face of the man in black froze before it dissipated at this time, his protective mask dissipated instantly, and the black and green gourd he sacrificed lost control and fell to the ground, rolling to the wall.

"You..." Endless fear suddenly appeared in his eyes, and he opened his mouth to say something, but all the light in his eyes instantly lost, and he was powerless to fall down.

(End of this chapter)

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