Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1592 The Truth

"Han Tie, shut up!" Miss Han shouted sharply, "It's not your turn to make decisions here!"

"Miss, he is a demon, he wants to kill us, do it quickly! Kill him with a rainstorm meteor needle!" The leader of the guard pointed at Su Yi and shouted in horror.

Kill him?
Miss Han was full of bitterness, if she could really kill this person, why wait until now?

Although the Rainstorm Meteor Needle is fierce and powerful in the martial arts world, it is only for ordinary people. To put it bluntly, this thing is a one-time magic weapon made by practitioners that can be triggered by ordinary people. For ordinary people, it is naturally incomprehensible , but for practitioners, once the body protection technique is used, they can't even hurt a single hair.

My family knows their own affairs, no matter how powerful the rainstorm meteor needle is, it is not even a star and a half worse than the ice cone technique released by the man in yellow before, how can it hurt Su Yi?
"Shut up!" Miss Han yelled sharply, "Han Tie, if you dare to talk nonsense again, be careful of my family's law!"

The leader of the guards was shocked all of a sudden, his eyes rolled in fright, and his whole body trembled.

"Grandfather." Miss Han turned around and saluted Su Yi respectfully, even changing her address. "I don't know where Han Tie offended Engong? If he really disrespects, if he doesn't do it, the little girl will definitely give an explanation to Engong."

Su Yi smiled and said to the terrified Han Tie: "Ku Sang is dead, and your eldest lady can't keep you anymore. Now you are dead or alive, it depends on whether I will let you go. Why don't we have a discussion, we Come to ask, you come to answer, as long as you are willing to tell the truth, I will let you go."

After a pause, Su Yi said again: "I've given you the chance. I never like to say the same thing twice. I'll give you three times to think about it. If you don't answer, I'll treat you as if you would rather die than submit. three……"

"I said, I said, I said! Immortal master, spare me! I can say anything!" Han Tie yelled in horror, and suddenly rushed out of the crowd like crazy, and knelt down in front of Su Yi with a "plop".

"Master Immortal, will you spare my little life as long as I say it?" Han Tie asked tremblingly.

"As long as you know everything and say everything, I promise not to kill you." Su Yi laughed.

"Okay, Immortal Master has a noble status, and he doesn't even bother to ruin his own status to deceive the villain. If the villain says it, he can say anything!" Han Tie trembled, as if he was grasping at the last straw.

Su Yi nodded: "When I first came here, you sent me a message. You deliberately didn't mention the reward promised by your lady, but just vaguely said that there is a big thank you. Why?"

As soon as these words came out, Miss Han's complexion suddenly changed, and she looked at Han Tie who was prostrate on the ground in shock and anger.

"Small man... the villain is because of Master Kusang's orders..." Han Tie said tremblingly.

But half of the conversation was interrupted by Miss Han's exclamation: "What? Han Tie, you actually have a connection with Master Kusang?"

She was shocked and angry, her face full of disbelief.

Su Yi gave her a cold look, showing dissatisfaction.Miss Han immediately trembled all over, shut her mouth and remained silent, just staring at Han Tie like fire.

"Go ahead." Su Yi looked at Han Tie.

"Actually, the villain joined the Ascending Immortal Association three years ago, and Master Kusang is one of the immortal masters in the association, but the villain has never heard of or seen him before..." Han Tie trembled, "This time The news of the Black Mountain Secret Realm was deliberately revealed by the Shengxian Society to the eldest lady, and as far as the villain knows, the five factions and eight families to explore the Black Mountain Secret Realm were all facilitated by the Shengxian Society."

"Ascending Immortal Society...why did your society do this?" Su Yi asked.

"I don't know, the villain really doesn't know. The villain is just a little person. He was threatened by his family and had to submit. The villain just obeys orders..." Han Tie said with tears, "The villain only knows that coming out of the secret realm Finally, the higher-ups asked the villain to take the eldest lady to walk this road, saying that there would be a fairy master who had received the signal to contact the little one on the way, and it was at this time that the villain met Master Kusang. After he revealed his identity, he never followed I have contacted the little one, but after you came, the fairy master, when the eldest lady asked the little one to ask you to help, he used the fairy method to transmit the sound to the little one..."

"His exact words." Su Yi interrupted.

"Yes yes yes." Han Tie hurriedly said, "Master Kusang's original words are—don't let him do anything, just these five words. The little one didn't know what he meant, so he had to follow orders. He wanted to say it on purpose. If you have to be vague, you won’t make a move, but I never thought...I didn’t expect that you would still make a move, Master Xian. After that, Master Kusang never contacted Xiao’er again, and never spoke to Xiao’er.”

"When I got rid of those gangsters, you encouraged your eldest lady to kill people and seize treasures. Whose idea was that?" Su Yi asked.

"Yes, it's the little one who made up his own mind." Han Tie tremblingly said, "Master Kusang has been ignoring the little one, and the little one is very afraid that he will blame me for not doing things well, so he wants to make amends, that's why he said that. ..."

"What else do you know?" Su Yi asked.

"I don't know anymore, I really don't know anymore." Han Tie said, "Immortal Master, I was just forced by others. If I knew... I would never dare to go against you, Immortal Master! I beg you to spare me, my little one." I kowtow to you!"

After saying that, Han Tie kowtowed like pounding garlic.

As expected, Han Tie knew very little, which made Su Yi a little disappointed, but there were not many surprises.

It is impossible for such a small person to know too many things.

He glanced at the "corpse" of the man in yellow lying alone, pondered for a moment, then suddenly stretched out his hand and slapped it in the air.

The turbulent palm wind directly overturned the "corpse" of the man in yellow. The "corpse" made a sound of pain, and woke up faintly, struggling to get up.

But he was seriously injured, and it seemed that some kind of restriction had been placed on his body, so he couldn't use any magic power.

This movement of his startled everyone in Han Family Fort, but Han Tie was not surprised at all, just prostrate on the ground and trembled more violently.

The man in yellow was very weak, but his mind was still very clear, and he quickly realized his current situation. He looked around, and when his eyes fell on Su Yi's face, his pupils shrank suddenly, showing a look of despair.

"Are you here to save Han's family?" Su Yi asked suddenly.

As soon as this remark came out, everyone in the Han family and Ning Caichen who was hiding behind the door were all taken aback, showing disbelief.

The man in yellow smiled bitterly: "Thief, I have fallen into your trap. I have nothing to say. I will kill you or cut me up!"

"It's quite backbone." Su Yi chuckled, "Do you think I'm with Kusang?"

"Isn't it?" The man in yellow sneered, "You monster, although you have concealed your cultivation, there is no way to hide this evil spirit! You group of monsters are causing trouble in the world, and the seven major sects will never Let you go!"

"Master Immortal, are you really here to save us?" On the other side, Miss Han couldn't help asking.

The man in yellow took a look at her and then lay down slowly, and said calmly: "Your brother and sister lured the enemy away, and we were entrusted by them to escort you home. I didn't can ask for blessings."

"Master Immortal..." Miss Han wanted to speak, but saw the man in yellow spit out a mouthful of blood, tilted his head, and died.

"Master Immortal!" Miss Han turned pale with shock, hurriedly separated from the crowd and rushed over, unwilling to investigate, but she was destined to be disappointed.

"Miss Han, your brother and sister are also immortal masters?"

"Yes, my second brother and third sister all have spiritual roots. They were taken to the master's house since they were young. Our Han family castle is actually just a secular branch of the Han family." Miss Han stood up depressed and said.

Su Yi asked again: "Then you are here to explore the secret realm this time, does your second brother and third sister know?"

Miss Han shook her head: "Immortals are different. In fact, I haven't seen them for more than ten years. My father is old, and now my mother and I are in charge of the Han family castle. This time I came to the secret place of Montenegro..."

She paused at this point, glared fiercely at Han Tie who was prostrate on the ground, gritted her teeth and said, "Now that I think about it, it's all this bastard's instigation, Han Tie, I really wish I could kill you!"

Han Tie trembled all over, and hastily kowtowed to Su Yi again: "Master Immortal, you promised to spare my life, you promised me!"

"Don't worry, I keep my word. I will never kill you. You can leave now." Su Yi smiled.

"Thank you Immortal Master, thank you Immortal Master! The villain wishes the Immortal Master good fortune and immortality! I will take my leave, I will take my leave..." Han Tie was ecstatic, excitedly slapping his ass, got up, nodded and bowed, and then backed away go.

Miss Han on the side gritted her teeth and stared at him resentfully, wishing to swallow him alive, but how dare she disobey Su Yi's intentions for the person Su Yi let go?
At this time, Su Yi said leisurely: "Han Tie, I have kept my promise and let you go, and I have not shot you, but if someone wants to kill you next, it has nothing to do with me."

When these words came out, everyone was stunned.

The next moment Han Tie's complexion changed drastically, he turned around and ran away.

Miss Han showed ecstasy, and suddenly raised her hand, holding a black cylinder in her hand, and lightly pressed against Han Tie's running back.


In the next second, countless light and shadows as thin as cow hairs streaked across the night sky.

Bang bang bang!
Blood mist exploded from Han Tie's body who was running wildly, he flew forward, fell heavily to the ground, and there was no more sound!

"You dog thief, you died under the rainstorm meteor needle in my Han family, it's cheap for you!" Miss Han said with gritted teeth.

Su Yi let out a long breath, and said with some emotion: "Right is not right, evil is not evil, there are many things in the world, and people's hearts are unpredictable..."

He looked at Ms. Han and said, "The enemy is gone, but who knows if they will show up again? Ms. Han, if I were you, I should start fleeing now."

"Grandpa, the little girl also has such intentions." Miss Han said sadly, "It's a pity that I let down the painstaking efforts of my second brother and third sister, and I don't know them..."

Su Yi shook his head, turned around and waved to Ning Caichen: "Brother Ning, I'm leaving, if you don't want to stay and wait for trouble, let's go together."

"Okay, let's go together!" Ning Caichen was taken aback for a moment, and hurried out, smiling at Su Yi, his face full of relief.

He didn't want to stay in this ghostly place for a second, but he didn't dare to walk alone at night. Now that he was following a master like Su Yi, he felt more at ease.

"Grandpa, my little girl would like to invite..." Ms. Han hesitated slightly, and summoned up the courage to speak again.

But Su Yi interrupted her with a smile: "No, you don't want to, Miss Han, goodbye!"

After saying that, he turned around and left, Ning Caichen hurriedly ran two steps to catch up.

Behind them, Ms. Han and her party watched Su Yi and Ning Caichen go away, and then looked at the corpses all over the floor, speechless for a long time.

"Brother Su, what does Miss Han want you to do in the end? Why don't you listen to her?" Ning Caichen asked out of breath while chasing Su Yi quickly on the road.

"It's nothing more than asking me to escort her home." Su Yi smiled.

"That's it... well, what happened tonight was full of twists and turns. In fact, I'm still confused and don't know what happened. Brother Su, are you really a fairy?"

"Where are there gods in this world? Huh? There is no way ahead."

"Oops, it's a cliff."

"Brother Ning, do you want to try the feeling of flying?"


Su Yi suddenly grabbed Ning Caichen and flew into the air.

"Ahhh... and said you are not a god!"

In the mountain stream, Ning Caichen's screams echoed like killing a pig.

Although there are still many mysteries about what happened in the ruined temple, in fact, Su Yi has almost figured out the general truth of the matter by synthesizing the scattered information.

An evil organization called the Ascending Immortal Society, whose members include practitioners and mortals, they single-handedly planned the adventure of the mortal Wulin Black Mountain Secret Realm, and used the so-called magical cheats to lure the martial arts people, but in fact the cheats are a trap. It turned into a corpse, and was finally harvested.

Things were going smoothly, but a group of monks broke into the secret realm of Montenegro, whether intentionally or unintentionally, and discovered the secret of the Ascension of Immortals.This group of monks included Miss Han's younger siblings.

What Kusang and Su Yi said before are basically facts, but there are nine truths and one falsehood. He played a trick on the most critical place, which is his own identity.

Kusang is also a member of the Ascending Immortal Association. After the conflict between the brothers and sisters of the Han family and the Ascending Immortal Association, at least some of them should have escaped from birth, but they also knew that their own sister had also fallen into this trap. The fairy society organization will be harmful to the elder sister, or threaten them with the elder sister's life, so in the case of being helpless, they sent the man in yellow and the man in black to meet the elder sister and protect the elder sister from the clutches of the devil.

But the Ascending Immortal Society has long been prepared for this. They guessed that the brothers and sisters of the Han family would not easily give up their relationship with their sister, or they used some means to guide the brothers and sisters of the Han family to protect Miss Han, and Set up a trap for this matter, let Kusang hide her identity and lie in ambush among the Jianghu people who besieged Miss Han, and planned to ambush the practitioners who came to meet Miss Han.

However, the plan of the Shengxian Society to gather around and fight for aid was completely destroyed because of Su Yi's arrival.

Su Yi, who happened to meet at the meeting, messed up Kusang's plan. Kusang saw Su Yi's evil spirit from the very beginning, which should be true. He was a little confused about Su Yi, so he didn't dare to act rashly. Or he wanted to observe Su Yi again, so after pretending to leave, he sneaked back and hid in the dark.

The man in yellow and the man in black also saw the sinister aura in Su Yi's body, so they mistakenly thought that Su Yi was a member of the Ascension of Immortals, and shot mercilessly.Su Yi didn't know their identities, but if they made a move, Su Yi would definitely not sit still and fight back without hesitation.

A misunderstanding arose just like that, and later Su Yi called out Kusang's whereabouts. Of course, the latter was happy to see such a scene, so he made the mistake and "joined hands with the enemy" with Su Yi.

Su Yi quickly wiped out the man in black, which made Kusang even more jealous of Su Yi. He secretly manipulated Su Yi, thinking that no one knew it, but Su Yi was a master of martial arts, and he would not be afraid of any changes in his body. They are all extremely sensitive, and Kusang's small movements can't hide from Su Yi's perception at all.

Why did Kusang do this?

Although the other person is dead and cannot be confirmed, Su Yi guesses that there is a high probability that Kusang did not dare to take action against Su Yi out of fear, so he first "marked" Su Yi, and then contacted his companions to form a group to kill Su Yi.

But by doing so, Su Yi, who already sensed that something was wrong, was completely sure that he was a ghost, and he would not let him go.

In addition, the fact that the man in yellow didn't die also proved that there was something wrong with Ku Sang. The life of the man in yellow was obviously left by Ku Sang on purpose, and he didn't know what he wanted to do.

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