In the mountain stream, beside the stream, Su Yi and Ning Caichen lit a bonfire again. The two gathered around the fire after a brief wash, and chatted about what happened in the ruined temple before.

"Brother Su, there are ulterior motives in people's minds. It's really hard to tell whether things in this world are true or not, and what's true or not..." After listening to Su Yi roughly telling the truth, Ning Caichen couldn't help sighing, "Then Monk Kusang is kind and kind, who would have guessed that he is the villain who hides the deepest? Those two immortal cultivators killed people as soon as they came, and their hands were covered with blood, who would have guessed that they came to save people instead?"

"In vain, I have been studying sage books since I was eight years old, and I still can't understand the word "heart" until today. I am like a fool, unable to distinguish between good and evil, good and evil, alas..."

Seeing Ning Caichen's sighing expression, Su Yi couldn't help laughing: "As the saying goes, you can travel thousands of miles by reading thousands of books. Reading can indeed make you understand, but what you understand is death. Only by walking more in this world, Only then can the principles in the book be combined with reality, and the two can be confirmed and integrated.”

"Why don't you understand this, little brother? But you are a scholar who is useless, and my little brother has no strength to restrain a chicken. How can you compare with Brother Su, you are invincible?" Ning Caichen laughed at himself, "Don't talk about traveling thousands of miles. I have been in danger frequently for dozens of miles, if it wasn't for you, brother Su, I'm afraid my little brother's life would be in danger."

Su Yi said: "Brother Ning, what are your plans for the future?"

"Go ask for the bill." Ning Caichen said, "This place is not far from Guobei County, and we should arrive tomorrow afternoon."

"The world is chaotic, and this road is not peaceful." Su Yi said, "Wouldn't it be a pity to lose your life for a few taels of silver? A gentleman has the righteousness to make money. If Brother Ning is short of money, I can do my best."

"Don't!" Ning Caichen hastily waved his hand and refused, "Brother Su and I hit it off right away, don't let the smell of copper pollute our friendship. Friends don't talk about money, if I borrow money from you, we friends have nothing to do .Brother Su, I cherish you as a friend very much."

Su Yi was a little surprised, smiled and said: "Okay, then let's not talk about money."

"That's right!" Ning Caichen became happy now, "I'm a man of seven feet. If I'm short of money, I'll earn it by myself. If I can't even be self-reliant, Brother Su, you'll look down on me, right?"

Su Yi smiled and said: "That's not true. There are some shorts and some longs. Brother Ning, your talent is not in making money. In fact, there is no need to force it."

Ning Caichen said with a smile: "So I don't want to make a fortune, as long as I can fill my stomach."

He didn't want to talk about this topic again, so he changed the subject and asked, "Brother Su, will Monk Kusang and his organization trouble you? After all, you ruined their good deed, and they must hate you very much."

"Even if they don't look for me, I will look for them!" Su Yi said lightly, "Turning a living person into a walking corpse without sanity, this can no longer be described as cruel, it is simply appalling."

Ning Caichen's expression was shocked, and he said: "Brother Su is chivalrous, and I admire you. It's just that you are alone and alone..."

"Of course I will do what I can." Su Yi smiled, "Don't worry, if I don't have the corresponding ability, or I can't know myself and the enemy, I won't act rashly."

Ning Caichen sighed: "Your world and our mortal world are completely different worlds. In fact, I yearn for your world and fear it at the same time."

"Do you want to practice?" Su Yi asked.

Ning Caichen shook his head and laughed at himself: "I know myself well. I can get by besides studying, but in fact I can't do anything well. If I enter your world, I will definitely die a miserable death. I'll still be me. Do what you're good at."

"Reading... reading may not make you unable to practice." Su Yi said, "I heard that in a country called Dajin, scholars there can also practice with awe-inspiring spirit."

"There is such a thing?" Ning Caichen became excited, "Brother Su, is what you said true?"

"As far as I know, there are." Su Yi smiled at Ning Caichen, "But it is too far away from here, and it is impossible for ordinary people to reach it."

Ning Caichen said: "I really hope to see it in my lifetime."

Su Yi smiled.

If there is no accident, this hope is destined to be impossible to realize.

After all, Ning Caichen was a mortal, he had traveled all day during the day, and at night he was also frightened and afraid of running around and tired, and he was already in dire straits at this time.

Seeing that his complexion was too bad, Su Yi proposed to rest.

Ning Caichen almost fell asleep, while Su Yi sat by the fire and began to count the harvest in the ruined temple.

In today's battle against the temple, Su Yi had a preliminary glimpse of the demeanor of practitioners in this world, and he also made a preliminary comparison of his own strength with those of practitioners in this world.

According to what Ku Sang said, the man in black was at the eighth level of the Qi refining stage, and Su Yi only used martial arts to kill this man, leaving a lot of strength left.He believed that even if the man in black and the man in yellow joined hands, as long as he used good tactics, it would not be difficult to kill them.

But the short blade sacrificed by Kusang gave Su Yi a feeling of trepidation. Su Yi was convinced that it was an existence that could threaten his life, so he killed Kusang without hesitation and used a talisman of absolute yang, combined with martial arts to fight quickly quick decision.

Thinking of this, Su Yi had a thought, took the cane pinned to his waist in his hand, and gently pulled it out, revealing the short blade inside.

The short blade is engraved with runes, and there is a palpitating breath.

This thing is called a talisman. When Ku Sang sacrificed this thing to chase and kill the man in yellow, the man in yellow yelled in horror.

When it comes to the man in yellow, one has to say the fact that the man in yellow was actually killed by Su Yi.

Kusang's talisman did not fatally injure the man in yellow, but stunned the man in yellow from serious injuries.When he went out to lick the corpse, he put a restraint on the man in yellow by the way, sealing the man in yellow's cultivation.

Obviously, Kusang wanted to capture the man in yellow alive.

After Su Yi found out that the man in yellow was still alive but fell into a coma, he originally planned to keep him from waking up forever without anyone noticing.

The reason why he wanted the man in yellow to die was because of two reasons——

One is because the two sides have already become enemies, even if he misunderstood the position of the man in yellow, but he has already killed the man in black, and then let the man in yellow go, can he let him go?

The second is because the man in yellow is not a good thing, although he is here to save people, but after seeing Su Yi's martial arts against them, it is true that he covets Su Yi's martial arts.

It is precisely because of this that Su Yi's kick to wake up the man in yellow actually laid a hidden danger of his death. After he got the answer he wanted to know, he let the man in yellow go on the road.

Su Yi looked at the talisman in his hand, frowning slightly.

this thing...

How to control it?

Su Yi didn't know how to use spiritual energy to infuse internal energy into this talisman, and it didn't respond unexpectedly.

Putting away the talisman, Su Yi picked up the green and black gourd and black soft whip to try one by one, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't control it.

In addition, Su Yi also got three cloth bags engraved with runes.

These three bags are all one foot square in size, and the seals are tightly bound together by spiritual energy, and the inside is bulging, and I don't know what's in it.

This should be the storage bag in the legend, and there should be a lot of good things in it, but it's a pity that it's the same reason, Su Yi doesn't know how to use spiritual energy, and doesn't know the principle of opening them, so he can only watch helplessly.

Violent destruction?

This option is not within the scope of Su Yi's consideration at all. Don't think about whether he has the ability to break open violently. He only says that if it breaks open, all the things inside will be destroyed. Wouldn't it be a waste of work?
Lay out the ultimate spirit formation, and gradually adjust the spiritual power to seal the mouth of the storage bag?
This method can be tried, alternative.

In addition to these, Su Yi also got one other thing, that is, the so-called secret book from Miss Han.

Su Yi took out the object from his arms, unwrapped the wrapped cloth, and a sinister aura rushed towards his face.

If a weaker mortal inhaled this breath, he would definitely suffer a serious illness, but Su Yi felt a sense of comfort after inhaling it.

In terms of the weight of malevolence and yin, who can compare to him?

Kusang said that this thing is a harmful thing that can turn people into corpses. Su Yi believed this, because at that time, in order to win Su Yi's trust, Kusang didn't need to lie about such things that could be exposed immediately.

"Golden Fiend's Desperate Palm..." Su Yi chuckled, the name was rather domineering.

Su Yi opened the cheat book and studied it carefully by the light of the fire.

His brows were quickly furrowed, and after a while, they gradually relaxed, showing a look of surprise and surprise.

"Good things, good things!" He said happily to himself.

To practice the "Golden Fiend's Deadly Palm", there are three crucial steps.

The first step is to need five or six kinds of materials that look like some kind of metal ore, refine them in a specific way, and then devour a part, and wipe the remaining part on your arms and torso according to a certain pattern superior.The function of this first step is to turn one's upper body into a magic circle that receives evil spirits.

The second step is to insert 72 golden needles into specific acupuncture points in sequence, so that spiritual energy can be drawn into the body.

The third step is also the most critical and core step. Arrange a yin evil altar according to a wicked method introduced in the book, and inhale the evil energy into the body in this altar, and the spiritual energy and evil energy will automatically combine together, and then Operate according to the unique exercise circuit, so that it will exert great power and practice this golden evil deadly palm.

This secret book says that the three steps are indispensable.If there is no first step, it is impossible to receive evil energy into the body; if there is no second step, there is no way to absorb spiritual energy with a mortal body; Alive and bursting with aura.

But for Su Yi, he can directly omit the first step, because there is no lack of evil spirit in him.

The second step is to draw spiritual energy into the body, which is quite ingenious, and it is what Su Yi needs most at the moment.As the saying goes, all laws are interlinked. Although Su Yi has never learned the way of the talisman array in this world, he can roughly see that this is a spirit-gathering array arranged with the human body as the base, and gathers the spiritual energy into the dantian of the person. .

This step seems to solve the problem that mortals cannot absorb spiritual energy, but in fact it is equivalent to forcibly infusing spiritual energy into the human body. If ordinary people cannot practice self-cultivation skills, they will not be able to control these spiritual energy at all.If you let these uncontrolled auras stay in your body, you can imagine what will happen.

This is also the same for Su Yi, Su Yi does not know any inner alchemy skills, and he cannot control the aura in his body, so for him, the third step in this "martial arts" is also very important and crucial, However, there are some steps in this step that he can completely ignore.

According to the explanation in the cheat book, setting up a Yin Sha altar, combined with the drawing of the Sha Yin Magic Circle drawn on the body in the first step, can attract the Yin Sha Qi into the body, and this step can be completely ignored by Su Yi.

Next, due to the principle that the evil spirit and the spiritual energy are in conflict, as soon as the evil spirit is inhaled into the body, the spiritual energy will be drawn, immediately attached to the evil spirit, and consume each other with the evil spirit.

If you ignore it at this time, the aura and evil spirit will use your body as a battlefield, and there will be a fierce conflict, and the result will be—boom!

The dantian exploded.

Therefore, at this time, it is necessary to guide the evil spirit to circulate in the body according to a specific exercise route. This is actually the process of making the evil spirit refine the body. If it is only pure evil spirit, the body of a mortal warrior cannot bear it at all, and will soon be overwhelmed by the evil spirit. Erosion, necrosis of the meridians, rot of the internal organs, and a miserable death in the end.

But with the aura attached to the evil spirit, it will be different.

Yin evil spirit will circulate in the meridians together with aura like "maggots of tarsus". A more thorough transformation can also allow mortal warriors to persist longer under the impact of the evil spirit.

In this way, even if the body is completely refined by the evil spirit, it will not die, and only then can it become a corpse evil.

This is the biggest trap and hidden danger of this martial art, but for Su Yi, there is no concern at all!

First of all, he can perfectly control his evil spirit, retract it freely, and prevent his body from being infiltrated by the evil spirit, so he can completely run the evil spirit and spiritual energy according to the special route of this step, and let them be refined according to the method of refining corpse evil spirits. body.

Then, with a movement of his mind, the evil spirit refined into the flesh will be "recovered" by his green soul in an instant.

In this way, only the aura that has been refined into the flesh is left!
Su Yi doesn't even have to worry about the balance of his body and soul!
According to this kind of operation, for Su Yi, this "Golden Fiend's Deadly Palm" is a "body training" formula for drawing spiritual energy to exercise the physical body!

Not only that, the reason why this Jinsha Jue Ming Palm is called "Ju Ming Palm" is because in the process of body training, it is possible to use the combination of Yin evil energy and spiritual energy through this exercise circuit, and hit it with the palm of your hand. Go out and exert great power, so as to achieve the effect of injuring the enemy.

It is because of such "side effects" that the warriors can be fooled into thinking that this is indeed a profound martial art.

But for Su Yi, he can completely control the evil spirit. He can instantly withdraw the evil spirit at the moment when the combination of spirit energy and evil spirit strikes the palm, so that only the spirit energy is thrown out.

In this way, wouldn't Su Yi be able to use aura?
Use aura without practicing any self-cultivation skills.

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