There is a saying called "He's arsenic, my honey".

This "Golden Fiend's Deadly Palm" is harmful and unhelpful to anyone, but to Su Yi, it is like a tailor-made spiritual energy training method.

Although this exercise is a bit simple and crude, it should be feasible.

In order to prove this point, Su Yi did not hesitate to choose to verify it.

For him, the first step is to lead the aura into the body, prick the acupoints with 72 gold needles, and use the body as the base to build a spirit-gathering array.

In the wilderness, where can Su Yi find golden needles?
There are always more solutions than difficulties. There are no gold needles, but Su Yi has gold ingots.

He took out the gold ingot in his arms and first twisted it into a cylinder.Then he took out Kusang's short-bladed talisman, and tried to use his inner strength to sharpen the gold.

A golden needle as thick as a toothpick was formed instantly as the short blade slid across it, and fell to the ground with a "ding".

Is it okay to sharpen the needle?
Su Yi chuckled, sure enough, the material that can be refined into treasure talismans is hard and sharp, and with the blessing of his internal strength, it is no problem to achieve the effect of cutting gold like mud.

Next, Su Yi's hand speed was very fast, and the operation of "swipe, swipe, swipe" was as fierce as a tiger. After consuming two gold ingots, he was able to cut 72 gold needles.

Su Yiben is a man of action, and after solving the material problem, he began to prick the acupoints with golden needles without hesitation.

Each golden needle had to be pierced an inch deep, and this process required a lot of pain, but to Su Yi, this was all pediatrics.

He was extremely fast, and quickly inserted 72 golden needles into the corresponding acupuncture points accurately.

When the last golden needle returned to its place, Su Yi suddenly felt a "hum" in his limbs and bones, and the next moment, it was like a breeze blowing through his body, making him feel so refreshed that he couldn't help crying out.

Spiritual energy fills the body!

This is the spirit gathering array laid out by the golden needle acupuncture points, and the spiritual energy was introduced into Su Yi's body!

What Su Yi couldn't do with all kinds of exercises before, is now done by a mere 72 golden needles and a small spirit gathering array.

Of course, this is definitely not the same thing. Cultivation techniques not only allow spiritual energy to enter the body without any medium, the most important thing is that exercises can allow spiritual energy to run, refine and accumulate in the body, and then quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes, breaking through the realm.

However, the aura inhaled by the gathering array will only stay in the dantian, and even wander around the meridians uncontrollably. Bad luck or a little carelessness will cause irreversible damage to the body.

One is only collected, and the other is collected for processing and utilization. Naturally, there is no comparison between the two.

But in any case, it was the first time that Su Yi experienced the feeling of filling his body with spiritual energy.

Soon Su Yi felt a pinprick-like pain coming from his dantian, and the aura sucked into his body was completely indifferent no matter how Su Yi manipulated it, even if Su Yi manipulated it according to the operating circuit in "Golden Fiend's Deadly Palm" It doesn't work either.

Now Su Yi didn't hesitate any longer, and put a little bit of evil energy into his meridians, and suddenly, a wisp of spiritual energy shot out from his dantian, heading straight for the evil energy.

The two were quickly intertwined, twisting and fighting crazily in the meridians, and Su Yi's meridians soon felt tearing pain.

Although he has the I Ching's Marrow Cleansing Sutra as a base, he doesn't have to worry about any injuries to his body, but he hasn't been so perverted that he intentionally gets hurt and asks for trouble.

He quickly followed the methods and routes recorded in the secret book, and began to guide the evil spirit to circulate in his body.

Sure enough, that ray of spiritual energy was also mobilized by Su Yi along with the evil spirit. As the evil spirit circulated for several weeks, it gradually mixed with the spiritual energy and became docile.At the same time, Su Yi was keenly aware that one-tenth of the evil energy and aura had been "consumed" into the flesh and blood, achieving the purpose of body training.

With a thought in Su Yi's mind, the evil spirit immersed in the flesh and blood was instantly recovered by him.But the aura that has been refined into flesh and blood is still contained in it.

Rao had expected it a long time ago, but now that his speculation has been confirmed, Su Yi is still overjoyed.

In the world of practice, there are two kinds of exercises that can't be found, they are very rare and precious.One of them is naturally the exercises that can exercise the consciousness, and the other is the technique of body training.

Su Yi himself did not expect that the first exercise he got in this world was the method of body training.

This is the method of body training that he tailored for himself by turning waste into treasure!

Although his internal strength protects his body and his blood is strong, he can withstand some powerful blows, but no matter how strong his internal strength is, he cannot be invulnerable.

A body tempered by aura is comparable to a magic weapon, and it is invulnerable.

Finding a way to become stronger always makes people happy and excited. Su Yi is looking forward to how strong his body will be after being thoroughly sacrificed by spiritual energy.

Body training is feasible, and the next step is to see if Su Yi can use this method to control aura.

In fact, after Su Yi tried all the inner alchemy methods collected in the previous world, he couldn't practice it, so he murmured for a while, did he not have the talent for cultivation?

Later, after hearing familiar names such as Kusang, Wild Wolf Gang, etc., and seeing the world of practice in this world for the first time, and adding the geographical knowledge he has come into contact with in the past six months to prove it, Su Yi can basically judge that this In addition to Ning Caichen, there should be Old Demon Han in the world.

After guessing this incident, Su Yi not only didn't feel excited or looking forward to it, but felt a chill in his heart and became a little apprehensive.

In the mortal world, one must have spiritual roots in practice.

Without a spiritual root, one has no chance to connect with the Dao, and can only be a mortal.

Su Yi was a little worried that those inner alchemy methods in other worlds could not be cultivated not because of "acclimatization", but because he did not have spiritual roots.

This is not impossible, especially since he can draw even talismans, he even doubts whether there is a problem with his aptitude.

To prove this point, the most direct way is of course to find a place or person who can test spiritual roots, to test whether you have spiritual roots, but Su Yi does not have this condition for the time being, and there is no way to do so.

After all, Old Demon Han knew that he was a mixed spiritual root with four attributes, and it was time to enter Huangfeng Valley at the tenth level of Qi training.

It is not impossible to know whether you have spiritual roots right now, and that is to open the three storage bags obtained by Su Yi.

Su Yi is sure that there must be a cultivation technique in this world. This is the cultivation technique of this world, and there must be no problem of acclimatization. If he still can't cultivate anything, then he really has no spiritual roots. It's huge.

Thinking of this, Su Yi first pulled out a golden needle, suspended the infusion of spiritual energy, and then released a wisp of yin and evil energy again, and the light and familiar way attracted a wisp of spiritual energy to run according to the route for several weeks.

After the mixed breath stabilized, Su Yi's eyes fell on one of the storage bags, and he groaned slightly. He pinched the seal with his hand, and slowly circulated the mixed breath to his fingertips, and moved it according to the previous idea. It forced out the fingertips, and then retracted the evil spirit the moment the breath left the body.

The method Su Yi conceived is indeed feasible, but it is a pity that he does not have the ability to manipulate the spiritual energy. The moment the spiritual energy leaves the body, it dissipates in an instant, and there is no way to use the spiritual energy for anything.

Su Yi frowned, this time he didn't separate the spiritual energy and evil energy, and let it flow out slowly.

This time it was manageable, but there was no response when it landed on the storage bag.

In this way, the storage bag cannot be opened.

Do you want to try the Absolute Spirit Formation?

Su Yi frowned and thought about it, but finally gave up on this decision.

After all, he knew too little about the practice world. The Absolute Spirit Formation could indeed drain the aura in the formation, but what if the storage bag was damaged after the aura was drained?
This risk cannot be taken.

In the end, he didn't do anything, and put away the three storage bags, the two instruments, and the talisman.

As the night was getting dark, Su Yi filled the fire with a lot of firewood, and began to practice the "Lingsha body training method" invented by himself with great interest.

Silent all night.

At dawn, as Ning Caichen woke up from his sleep, Su Yi suddenly felt something, and stopped practicing.

Ning Caichen yawned and got up, looked at Su Yi who was meditating, and was startled: "Brother Su, you didn't sleep all night, did you?"

"I have rested." Su Yi said with a smile.

This Ning Caichen can be regarded as a big-hearted person, sleeping until dawn in the wilderness, and asking Su Yi if he slept, is he really not worried about being eaten by wild animals?
"Brother Su, look a little different." Ning Caichen looked at Su Yi while getting up and said in a daze, "You seem to have become more immortal."

"Really?" Su Yi stood up, "Maybe it's because of the morning fog."

In the early morning, the mountain stream is covered with mist and the air is very cold.If Su Yi hadn't kept the bonfire alive all night, Ning Caichen would have woken up in the middle of the night last night.

But he said that Su Yi has become more immortal, which is not false.This night Su Yi used spiritual energy to temper his body, and his temperament would naturally change somewhat.

"It's dawn, and it's time for me to hurry. Brother Su, I haven't asked yet, where are you going?" Ning Caichen asked.

"Me?" Su Yi smiled, "Originally I was supposed to go with you, but now the plan has changed. I have to go to Caixia Mountain."

"Caixia Mountain?" Ning Caichen was taken aback, "Then we are not on the way, I want to go south, you want to go west."

Su Yi nodded.

Originally, he planned to follow Ning Caichen, and wanted to find Yan Chixia to see if he could find some opportunities.

But after confirming that this is the world of mortals, who cares about Yan Chixia?
Of course, I went to the Qixuanmen of Caixia Mountain!
There is the most precious treasure in this world - the palm bottle!

The Sky Palm Vase can ripen all kinds of elixir plants, and can ripen an immature elixir into a thousand or even ten thousand years in a very short period of time. This function is definitely a heaven-defying means to assist in cultivation.It is no exaggeration to say that half of what Han Laomo has achieved can be attributed to Zhang Tianping.

And the sky-defying feature of the palm bottle is more than that, but it needs to be cultivated to a certain level to "unlock" its more powerful functions.

Faced with such a treasure, everyone will be tempted, and Su Yi is no exception, especially when 031 told him that in this world, there is no need to worry about the existence of immortals and gods.

Zhang Tianping must still be in Qixuanmen, because the Wild Wolf Gang is still there, which means that Han Laomo is either still a fool in Wuligou during this period, or he is still dormant in Qixuanmen.

If it was the former, then the Zhang Tian Ping must still be lying undiscovered in the woods between Shenshou Valley and Chishui Peak of Qixuanmen. Su Yi is going to decide on this godless artifact.

But if the latter, there are two possibilities.One is that Han Er's idiot hasn't discovered the Zhangtian bottle yet, so Su Yi still accepts it with a smile.

The second possibility is that the Zhangtian bottle has already been obtained by Han Er's fool, and this situation is a bit troublesome.

Murder and treasure?
Su Yi has been in the business for so long, he has killed many people, and there are various reasons for killing, but he has never done such a thing to kill an innocent person purely for profit.

After all, it was the palm bottle. Su Yi didn't think about breaking his bottom line for this kind of peerless treasure, but this thought was completely dispelled after turning around in his mind.

After crossing the ten thousand realms, it's not that Su Yi has never broken his own bottom line, but he thinks that he still has nothing to lose, and all the broken bottom lines are harmless.

Such as drinking, such as smoking, such as being a scumbag...

Even if Su Yi did these things, he could still be sure that he was still himself.

But once such an extremely bad thing as murdering money and killing one's life is done once, Su Yi really can't be sure that he will still be him in the future.

Although the directors have told Su Yi more than once that actors are used to experience roles with different personalities, Su Yi has thought twice and is still being himself.

Therefore, it may not be a trouble for others at all, and there is no problem of choice, but for Su Yi, it really has to be seriously considered.

"If the Zhangtian bottle is really in the hands of the idiot... then accept the reality, but you can try to get the best benefit for yourself." Su Yi finally made a decision after some entanglement in his heart.

"Actually... Putting the Sky Palm Vase in the hands of Old Devil Han, and training him to be his alchemy tool, wouldn't it be better than working hard to grow elixir and alchemy?"

"Besides, this baby basically only has the function of ripening the elixir before becoming a fairy. If it really doesn't work, you can discuss it with Old Demon Han and order some elixir from the Zhangtian bottle for emergencies. This is also possible, right? "

"Besides, no matter how good the baby is, I can't take it with me. It's like the ecstasy sickle in the world of seeking immortals. It's all fused with the soul, isn't it also forced to separate?"

"Forget it, if the Zhangtian bottle really falls into the hands of Laomo Han, then let him keep it. However, when contacting Laomo Han, you still need to think carefully and plan carefully, but don't let Laomo give it to you. He ran away in fright. Han Paopao is not in vain, if he accidentally let him run away without a trace, it would be self-defeating..."

"Brother Su? Brother Su?" Ning Caichen couldn't help calling softly when he saw that Su Yi was thinking about things.

Su Yi came back to his senses, smiled slightly, took out two talismans from his bosom, and handed them to Ning Caichen.

"Brother Su, this is..." Ning Caichen took it in confusion.

"This yellow talisman is called an anti-ghost talisman. You wear it with you. Once something evil comes close, it will become hot, reminding you to be vigilant." Su Yi said, "This purple talisman is called an evil-killing talisman. When attacked by evil things, it will be triggered passively, counterattack for you, and kill the evil spirits."

"This, this gift is too expensive!" Ning Caichen was taken aback, and hastily declined, "Brother Su, I can't take it!"

"You and I met once, it's fate, keep it, it's nothing to me." Su Yi smiled, "Brother Ning, if we meet again next time, I hope you don't call me again Brother Su."

Brother Su's, it sounds like crisp breasts, why?Am I under kneading?

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