This is the westernmost part of the Yue Kingdom. Whenever the sunset falls on the Caixia Mountain, it is the most beautiful time here.

The town at the foot of Caixia Mountain is called Caixia Town, which is of course a very reasonable thing.

Su Yi sat in the best position by the window on the third floor of Caixia Building, drinking local specialty tea and eating local snacks, while admiring the beautiful scenery of Caixia Mountain at sunset.

He shouldn't be so relaxed and relaxed, because he still has a lot of headaches to deal with.But if you live long enough like him, you will understand that "worry" is the last emotion a person should have in this world.

Don't worry about things that have happened, and don't worry about things that haven't happened yet.The most important thing in life is to be happy.

Su Yi is very happy now, because he not only enjoyed the beautiful scenery, tasted the delicious food, but also met a very interesting person.

a teenager.

The boy was dressed in black, with an old long knife hanging from his waist. His nose was very straight, and his lips had been pursed since he went upstairs.

Generally, people who like to purse their lips hide a lot of things on their minds.Su Yi guessed that the black-clothed boy's mind should be how to kill people, because there was a strong murderous look in his eyes.

Of course this boy is here to kill people, not only Su Yi can see this, but also the dozen or so big men on the big table to the east can see it clearly.

Because the boy is here to kill them.

The reason why they saw this was because someone of them recognized the boy in black.

"Li Feiyu! One of the two tigers of the Seven Profound Gates!" The fat man recognized Li Feiyu, and his complexion instantly became ugly, "Why did he come here? Couldn't he be here for us?"

"It shouldn't be... He was sitting there by himself. If he came for us, why didn't he just come over?"

"We have a dozen knives, but he only has one. Does he dare to come over?" Someone sneered, "He must be scared! We should go together and hack him to death with random knives!"

"Don't be impulsive! After all, this is the site of Qixuanmen... Maybe he didn't come for us. If so, he should lie in ambush instead of just sitting there alone, hitting and not hitting, walking and not leaving, he Picture what?"

This sentence was approved by other people, but soon these people who agreed with him overturned their own thoughts, because Li Feiyu glanced over here.

A murderous look.

Although he never saw these people again after that glance, no one dared to ignore that glance.

"He's coming for us!" The fat man said in a trembling voice at the beginning, "Qixuanmen already knows that Qingfengzhai is going to join the Wild Wolf Gang, and Li Feiyu is here to kill us!"

"No, who in the world doesn't know that Li Feiyu is famous for daring to go all out!" The other person waved his hand irritably, "If he really came to kill us, why would he just sit there and not do anything? Unless..."

Everyone's faces changed, and they all thought of what was behind the "unless".

Unless, he still has support, and the support is almost here.

That's why Li Feiyu, the desperate Saburo, was willing to sit there safely, instead of rushing up and desperately.

Since he is more confident in dealing with them, why should Li Feiyu go all out?

After all, he only has one life, and if he fights it, it will be gone.

"Let's go! We must go now!" Fatty saw sweat on his forehead and his face was full of horror. "We can't delay any longer, or we won't survive! Jump out of the back window..."

"No!" His suggestion was quickly rejected by several partners in unison.

One of them gritted his teeth and said, "Geng San and I went to the backyard to look at it when we first arrived. There is a very narrow alley there. As long as a few archers are guarded there, we can all be blocked there! When the time comes, we will be attacked from the back, and we will have no trouble." You can't take this risk!"

"What should I do?"

"Fight with him!" The other person showed a ruthless expression, "He is alone, let's break through from him! When we reach the street, two miles to the west is the horse market, let's grab a few good horses and go straight Wolf Gang!"

"Just do it!"

They are all men licking blood on the blade of a knife, and when it is time to go all out, no one is vague.

More than a dozen people drew their swords one after another, and walked towards Li Feiyu without concealing their murderous intent.

"Li Feiyu, don't pretend, you came here for us, right?" One person pointed a knife at Li Feiyu and shouted.

The boy in black didn't look at them, but coldly drew his knife.

"Today, none of you can get out of this building." He said coldly.

"Just because..."

The sword flashed like a wind and thunder!
The boy who was just sitting not far away had already slashed at the person closest to him.

Even Su Yi had to admit that this knife was really fast, because it was simple, so it was fast.

But it's not easy when you get to the extreme.

Blood burst out, screams burst out, and the war was about to break out!
The waiters and shopkeepers of the restaurant are obviously very experienced, and they have been hiding from the people early on.For such a wonderful fight, there was only Su Yi in the audience.

The moves of the boy in black are very ruthless. He used the words "fast, accurate, and ruthless" to the extreme. His sword skills seem to be only attacking and killing, and he has no defense. At the same time, when it fell on him, he didn't change his face, and he didn't even hide, just to kill another enemy with one blow.

Of course, this is also because he still wears an iron armor under his clothes.

Even so, he suffered serious injuries.

But it was worth it, because more than a dozen people died on the spot in the blink of an eye under his desperate style of play.

When he blocked the knife with his chest again, his mouth bled from the shock, and the knife in his hand stabbed fiercely into the chest cavity of the enemy in front of him, the remaining four people were finally scared out of their wits, and turned their heads and ran away at the same time.

The black-clothed boy pulled a ferocious smile from the corner of his mouth, and he was the first to stop at the stairs, blocking their way.

"I said, none of you can get out of this building!" He pointed at the four of them, his voice hoarse.

"Your support is coming soon, isn't it?" One person laughed miserably, "Li Feiyu, it's hard on you, the most common wind and thunder sword technique of Qixuanmen is so powerful in your hands!"

"Support? No support." Li Feiyu sneered, "How can I let others share the credit for dealing with you mob?"

"Aren't you waiting for backup?" Someone asked in a trembling voice, "Then why didn't you just rush over to kill us, but sit here?"

"If I don't do this, what will you do if you run away from the backyard?" Li Feiyu smiled ferociously, "If any of you run away, I will lose one point of credit."

The four of them looked at each other, and one of them suddenly realized that he pointed at Li Feiyu and shouted in horror: "This is all your plan! You know the terrain in the backyard, and you deliberately made us think that you were waiting for reinforcements! You deliberately looked at us That glance exposed your murderous intent, all this is to force us to break through from you, so that you can drive us all to death!"

"Crazy, you crazy!" The other person also had a face full of fear, and his body began to tremble.

"I've talked too much, let's use the knife!" Li Feiyu grinned, and rushed over with the knife suddenly.

After a few breaths, there were four more corpses on the ground.

The four people who have lost their courage pose no threat to him at all.

Li Feiyu leaned on the knife and gasped for breath, looked around with wolf-like eyes, and finally fixed his eyes on Su Yi.

In the bloody mess, this person was as elegant and leisurely as if he was sitting in the verandah of his own house, which made Li Feiyu infinitely vigilant.

With a smile on the corner of Su Yi's mouth, he raised his teacup and respected him from a distance, and said leisurely: "Good knife."

"This is a good knife." He said coldly, "Who are you?"

"It used to be a passer-by, but not necessarily now." Su Yi drank the tea in his cup, "I have a habit, when I see a good knife, I can't help but want to sharpen it."

"This is a terrible habit, I advise you to change it." Li Feiyu sneered, he had already stood up straight again, and clenched his knife tightly.

"It can't be changed, it's natural." Su Yi said.

"Then you have to die." Li Feiyu pointed at Su Yi.

"The sun is going down soon." Su Yi suddenly turned his head and looked out the window.

The colorful clouds are becoming dim, the distant mountains are covered with gray shadows, and the rays of light on the horizon are getting less and less.


Seeing Su Yi who turned his head away, Li Feiyu's eyes suddenly shone with dazzling light, and when he kicked his feet, he rushed over like an arrow from the string!

He couldn't see Su Yi's depth, and he wasn't sure if Su Yi turned his head to show his flaws on purpose, but he didn't think about it.

If you think too much, you will become less courageous, and if you are less courageous, you will not dare to fight hard. If you don't fight hard, you will slow down, and if you slow down, you will die.

Li Feiyu is not afraid of death, but he wants to die on the road of desperately.

He was able to gain a great reputation in the Jianghu with his third-rate swordsmanship in just a few years, all because of his hard work!

Fortunately, over the years, every time he has risked the lives of others, not his own.

He believed that this time was no exception, because his knife had already been cut down, but the man hadn't turned his head, and he didn't even react at all.

Scared out of my wits?

Will it kill an innocent person?
These were not in Li Feiyu's consideration.

When he kills, the only word in his mind is killing.

But with the swiping of the knife, Li Feiyu's heart did become more at ease.

The self-confidence accumulated from countless killings told him that this person was bound to die.

Some people say that the darkest time is before dawn, and the brightest time is when the sun sets.

Li Feiyu never believed this kind of statement, but today, he at least believed the second half of it.

When the horizon was about to swallow the last ray of light from the sky, the light shone on the body of the person in front of him, so that every pore of him was revealed.

He saw this person smiling at him, but this person obviously didn't turn his head just now.

His knife couldn't cut anymore, because there were two white jade-like fingers that pinched his knife, which completely engulfed the setting sun, and Li Feiyu's heart fell into darkness at this moment.

A strange force came along the blade, and he felt a numbness in his mouth, and he involuntarily let go of the knife in his hand.

Then he saw the person in front of him swinging his knife casually.

At this moment, it seemed that the sun had risen again.

No, that's not the sun, but the knife light!
But this knife light is more dazzling than the sun!
The light of the knife was fleeting, and by the time Li Feiyu realized it, the long knife was already on his neck.

Are you going to die?

He stood there blankly, and at this moment his heart was peaceful.

His only friend once advised him that there is only one life, if you try your best every time, then you will never fail.But no one is invincible forever, so if you continue like this, you will die once.

"I don't regret it." This was Li Feiyu's answer to his friend.

"It's too late when you regret it," his friend said with a sigh.

He's tempted to tell his friends now, and I really have no regrets.

I have tried my best to give out my most dazzling light.

I've been here and I don't regret it.

Li Feiyu, who had no regrets, just stood there waiting to die, but Su Yi put away the knife, threw the knife on the table with a clang, and took another sip from the teacup.

Li Feiyu came back to his senses and looked at Su Yi in a daze.

"You won't kill me?" he asked.

"Have you ever seen a fool who grinds a knife to break it?" Su Yi asked with a smile.

Li Feiyu was silent.

He is not a person who is good at thinking about things. Faced with such an incredible turning point, he often has a little trouble turning his head around.

Fortunately, he still has a mouth.

"What do you want?" he asked directly.

Su Yi put down his teacup and turned to look at him.

"You are a good knife without a sharpening edge, but only I can sharpen your knife." Su Yi said.

"You should have taken some messy medicine, which caused a serious deficiency of Qi and blood. Even if you don't use force from now on, you will not live to be 30 years old." He continued, "Fortunately, I can solve this problem. Internal strength, as long as you practice it well, you can not only make up for the lack of energy and blood, but also make your internal strength skyrocket from now on."

Li Feiyu's eyes instantly brightened.

"Do you know why I have to talk to you so much?" Su Yi asked.

At this moment, Li Feiyu felt blessed, and suddenly fell to his knees with a "plop", and kowtowed three times to Su Yi without saying a word.

"Disciple Li Feiyu, kowtow to master!"

"Finally, your brain is not too stupid, um, a child can be taught!" Su Yi smiled gratifiedly.

"I'm just happy to see Lie Xin, don't expect me to keep teaching you." Su Yi looked at him and said, "Find me a quiet place, it's best if no one comes to disturb me to teach you martial arts."

Li Feiyu immediately said: "Master, why don't you go to my Qijue hall? I still have status in the sect, so I can apply for a secluded place with the hall master..."

"No!" Su Yi shook his head without hesitation, "I don't want to have anything to do with the local gang."

When Li Feiyu heard the words, his eyes lit up in deep thought, "Yes! I know a place that is very secluded and hidden, but a friend of mine recently went there to practice lately...but it's up to me to ask him to give up the place. Things are not a big problem!"


Isn't your only friend, Li Feiyu, the fool Han Er?

Su Yi looked at him with a smile and said, "If it's just your friend, then there's no need to drive him away."

"Okay!" Li Feiyu heaved a sigh of relief, and hastily asked respectfully: "My disciple's name is Li Feiyu, and he is the deputy head of the Qijue Hall of the Qixuanmen. How dare you ask the master's name?"

"Su Yi."

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