Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1599 Trust

Chapter 1599 Trust
This is a very hidden canyon, narrow and short, remote and quiet. If you are not very familiar with the local terrain, even if you walk by the side of this canyon, you will not be able to find that there is something special here.

The uncanny workmanship of nature is always amazing, such as the slippery cliffs cut by knives and axes, there is a vine tied to the tree on the edge of the cliff, leading directly to the canyon at the bottom of the cliff.

Li Feiyu respectfully said to Su Yi: "Master, the only way to get to the bottom of the valley is from here, there is no other way. Disciple goes down first, you follow, how?"

In this situation where there is only one rope going down the cliff, the one who goes down first will face the danger of being cut off the rope by the one who goes down later. Li Feiyu is quite thoughtful and knows to take the initiative to show his sincerity.

Su Yi stood on the top of the cliff and looked down.

But seeing the clouds and mist, the depth is bottomless.

There was a faint and inaudible ringtone floating up, if not for Su Yi's ear, ordinary people would not be able to hear it at all.

"No need." The corner of his mouth curled up, "Isn't it fine to fly down?"

"Fly?" Li Feiyu was startled, how could he fly over a cliff more than a hundred meters high?
The most powerful light kung fu in the martial arts that he knows, it is impossible to fly down a cliff more than [-] meters high.

Before Li Feiyu could react, he felt a tightening of his collar, followed by a lightening of his feet.

When he reacted in horror, the severe weightlessness made him unable to make any movements. He was falling rapidly, and the whistling wind roared in his ears, like a knife across his cheek.

Li Feiyu was scared to death at first, but soon regained his senses.

He didn't believe that Su Yi made such a big circle just to lead him to jump off the cliff.

But even so, my heart jumped into my throat, and my physical fear couldn't be contained at all.

Fortunately, soon after reaching the bottom of the valley, Li Feiyu noticed that when Su Yi was about to fall to the ground, his body suddenly hovered like a fallen leaf for a few weeks, and the speed of his fall suddenly became extremely slow, and finally he landed lightly and soundlessly on the ground.

It wasn't until he stepped on the ground that Li Feiyu realized that he was covered in cold sweat.

Fortunately, his psychological quality was already very strong, so he calmed down quickly, and said to Su Yi with eyes full of admiration: "Master's lightness kung fu is world-class, and I admire it."

"Stop flattering." Su Yi snapped, casually surveying the environment at the bottom of the valley, showing satisfaction, "This place is good, it's here."

This secret valley is somewhat similar to the hidden valley where Zhang Wuji was in the Yitian world back then, giving Su Yi a feeling of deja vu.

His eyes fell on the hanging vine next to him, and seeing the bell tied on it, the corners of his mouth curled up.

Moving his eyes, he soon discovered that there were some deadly small traps arranged around the vines, and the smile on his face grew stronger.

As expected of Old Demon Han, the word "cautious" is really engraved in his bones.

"Master, this disciple from the bottom of the valley came once. My friend built a hut in the east, and he lived in seclusion there to practice martial arts. I'll go say hello to him and let him come to see you!" Li Feiyu said.

"No need." Su Yi said lightly, "I don't see anyone except you."

Now is not the time to see Han Li, otherwise, with Han Li's excessive caution, it is very likely that he will run away early tonight to transfer to practice.

The moment he saw Li Feiyu, Su Yi knew that the Sky Palm Vase was in Han Li's hands.

Han Li and Li Feiyu entered Qixuanmen together in the same year. The former picked up the palm sky bottle in the first year of entry, but he never knew how to use it.

According to Li Feiyu, he is one year older than his friend, he is 17 years old this year.

Two years ago, he had a backlash attack due to taking Sui Sui Pill, and was rescued by Han Li. The two became friends after getting acquainted, and the latter prepared him an elixir to help him curb the pain of backlash.

At this time, Han Li had owned the Sky Palm Vase for four years, and he was able to concoct the elixir that could effectively curb the backlash of the Marrow Pill, which showed that he had initially developed the function of the Sky Palm Bottle.

With Han Li's heart and character, he must have regarded Zhang Tianping as the most core secret that his life depended on.

Therefore, as long as Han Li is not a fool, it is absolutely impossible for Su Yi to fool the palm of the sky bottle, unless Su Yi plays the trick of stealing.

Su Yi quickly ruled out this option. The most important reason was of course that he didn't want to break the bottom line and commit suicide. I am actually quite tasteless.

First of all, the function of the palm bottle to promote the birth of spiritual plants is very heaven-defying, but this requires Su Yi to farm the land. If he wants to grow a panacea suitable for cultivators, he has to go to a place with spiritual veins. For B, it is not a small threshold.

The second is the problem of alchemy.Han Laomo, also known as Han Laomo, is famous for his hard work. Outsiders only see him eating panacea as food, but they don't think about how these medicines come from.

These elixirs were made by Han Li's hard work in farming, harvesting, and then refining alchemy furnaces.

Alchemy is not only a technical job, but also a hard job. It is also a slow and patient job. Don't think that alchemy is as simple as cooking, it is impossible.

It takes ninety-nine and eighty-one years for the Taishang Laojun to refine the nine-turn elixir. Although ordinary panacea does not take so long, it is normal for a batch of elixir to be as short as two or three days, and as long as seven or eight days. Ten days and a half months, or even longer.

Why are pills so precious?
First, the raw materials are naturally precious, and second, it is artificial.Cultivators in pursuit of longevity are more willing to spend time on cultivation, such as Han Li who is willing to spend a lot of time on alchemy with high efficiency is basically unique.

If Su Yi snatches the Heavenly Vase, he will have to find a way to make alchemy by himself. This will be a series of troublesome things for him, and it will delay his practice time. It is actually difficult to weigh the pros and cons.

The most important and crucial point is the issue of alchemy fire.

For alchemy during the Qi training period, it is enough to find a large formation that can draw out the earth fire; but at the foundation building period, monks can control the congenital real fire to make alchemy, which is not only easier to control, but also better in effect; There is an infant fire in the future, and some strange fires can also be smelted...

But Su Yi, a body refiner, can only get angry.

Even if Su Yi can find a way to solve the problem of alchemy fire, but is it worthwhile to spend so much energy and cost just for alchemy?

Yes, there are other heaven-defying functions of the palm bottle, but those are not the issues that Su Yi should consider now. Su Yi's top priority is how to solve the major issue that he has to cultivate without spiritual roots. The heaven-defying matter is not his responsibility within the plan.

In view of the above reasons, Su Yi finally felt that if he could capture Han Li well, the Sky Palm Ping could actually help him more in Han Li's hands than in his hands.

After making this decision, Su Yi has already started to make strategies on how to get Han Laomo to work for him to make alchemy.

After meeting Li Feiyu, this strategy was officially implemented.

Su Yi is very patient, he must first ensure that he will not scare Han Paopao away.

Therefore, it is necessary to maintain a high-cold personality.

Su Yi looked to the west of the canyon, pointed to the dense fog and asked, "Where is that place over there?"

"There is a pool," Li Feiyu hurriedly replied, "It's foggy and humid there, so it's not suitable for people to live in."

"It's there." Su Yi smiled, "Go and say hello to your friends, and then go there to find me. Remember, I don't want to be disturbed, don't bring him to bother me."

"It's Master!" Li Feiyu cupped his fists and said.

When he finished his salute and looked up again, he found that Su Yi had disappeared in front of him.

Li Feiyu was startled, took a deep breath, and once again showed unstoppable excitement and apprehension in his eyes.

Pie in the sky!

For him, this is tantamount to a great thing like a pie in the sky.

This made him feel extremely unreal. He was looking forward to it, but also worried about gains and losses.

He urgently needs someone to help him figure it out, analyze and analyze what is going on.

Fortunately, there is such a person in this valley - his only good friend Han Li.

Han Li's expression when he saw Li Feiyu can be described as shock.

He stared at Li Feiyu as if he had seen a ghost.

"How did you get here?"

He tied a bell to the only vine that could go down the valley, so that he could hear the slightest movement over there, and then rushed over to check whether it was friend or foe.

If it is an enemy, the circle of traps under the vines is not a vegetarian, and it can kill the intruder in minutes.

But now, the bell didn't ring, the trap didn't touch, but Li Feiyu was already standing in front of him.

This "surprise" shocked Han Li into a cold sweat.

His first reaction was that it was fortunate that it was Li Feiyu who came, and his second reaction was that the early warning facilities needed to be strengthened.

The third reaction was a fleeting thought—should I move to a safer place?

"He flew here!" Li Feiyu was cold outside, but she did not hide her youthful nature in front of Han Li.

With an excited expression on his face, he grabbed Han Li's arms and shook them vigorously: "Han Li, I have met a nobleman! A nobleman who can fly!"

"Shouldn't those who can fly be birdmen?" Han Li smiled slightly.

"Don't talk nonsense, you are really a noble person... But I'm a little uncertain, you have a lot of eyes, you can analyze it for me." Li Feiyu was very excited, and pulled Han Li to the side, "Let's go , I have limited time, I have to tell you quickly..."

"Hey, I haven't finished practicing yet..."

"I'm shitting to the ass here, and you put aside the big things!"

"I'm going to Caixia Town on business today..." Li Feiyu sped up his speech, trying to use as short a language as possible to tell the story of meeting Su Yi.
When he heard what Li Feiyu said that the nobleman clamped the knife in Li Feiyu's hand with two fingers, Han Li was beyond shocked.

So much so that when he later heard that this noble man's casual knife was as hard to dodge as a scorching sun, and even Li Feiyu couldn't make any reaction, Han Li became a little numb.

He had a lot of martial arts lessons with Li Feiyu, and it was no exaggeration to say that all the martial arts he learned now were taught by Li Feiyu, or Li Feiyu stole them from Qijuetang.

Even with the length and richness of Changchun kungfu, Han Li was no match for Li Feiyu at all, so he couldn't imagine the existence of a kung fu that could hold Li Feiyu's full strength with two fingers.

After Li Feiyu excitedly finished talking about Su Yi leading him "flying down" from the cliff, Han Li recovered from the shock.

He tensed up all over, and said anxiously and angrily: "Did you bring this man here? Are you crazy? What if he has evil intentions..."

"What are you afraid of? People don't want to see you!" Li Feiyu gave him an angry look, "I wanted to share the blessings with you, but people told me twice that they don't want to see anyone other than me. People, especially don't let me take you to bother him."

Han Li's face was cloudy and uncertain, and he was still restless. The third reaction he had earlier became more and more intense.

"Junior Brother Han, you say he's plotting something wrong, what do you think he's plotting against me?" Li Feiyu asked suspiciously, "Actually, I'm also a little wary, he's going to pass on my peerless magical skills to someone who's not relatives, what can I do? I doubt him too, but I have nothing. What can he think of me? To kill me? To think I don’t like to take a bath? "

Han Li's eyes were deep, and he said deeply: "The reason why you think so is because you have never met such a person."

"What kind of person?" Li Feiyu asked.

"You don't know why he treats you well, and you don't know whether he wants to kill you." Han Li said quietly.

When he said this, the gloomy old face of his master Mo Renju appeared in his mind.

Although he and Li Feiyu were very good friends, he never talked about Master with Li Feiyu.Some bitter fruits can only be tasted slowly by yourself.

Once upon a time, he also had the same doubts as Li Feiyu, I am a fool from the countryside, what do you want?

But he was being plotted by his master Mo Renju, and the two sides had already torn their faces. Mo Renju not only threatened him with his family, but also fed him corpse insect pills.

"Senior Brother Li, there is no such thing as pie in the sky. This person must have a conspiracy." Han Li looked at Li Feiyu and said, "You think you have nothing worth plotting, maybe it's just because you don't know what you have yet."

Li Feiyu frowned deeply, and after thinking for a moment, he suddenly smiled: "It doesn't matter, if it's a trap, at worst, I'm doomed. Anyway, I took the marrow pill, and I didn't have a good life for a few years; but if this is an opportunity, I will If I don't catch it, I will definitely regret it. I am not afraid of death, but I don't want to have any regrets. Anyway, thank you for your opinion."

Han Li said: "You have your own way, but Senior Brother Li, it's always right to be more careful in everything."

"I'm a straightforward person with a stupid brain, and I'm most afraid of using my brain in everything." Li Feiyu said, "I also don't like to be half-hearted when doing things, since I decided to practice martial arts with him, then I won't be distracted by anything. "

Han Li frowned, and walked back and forth a few steps, looking rather hesitant.

Seeing this, Li Feiyu smiled and said, "Okay, don't worry about me, it's useless."

Han Li looked at him, and finally made a decision in his heart.

"Senior brother Li, if you trust me, you can come to me often and tell me about you and him." Han Li said, "It's always good to have more people to help you use your brain. Such a friend, I really don’t want to see you one day.”

"Good brother!" Li Feiyu patted him on the shoulder.

(End of this chapter)

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