Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1600 Hooks

When Li Feiyu came to look for Su Yi, he saw Su Yi standing with his hands behind his back by a small wooden house by the pool, with his back turned to him.

He was shocked again.

He is very clear that there were no wooden houses here before, but now a brand new wooden house has risen from the ground.

From parting with Su Yi to meeting again, at most a cup of tea, right?

It’s too late to go to the toilet, but they actually built a house?
Li Feiyu looked at Su Yi's back in awe, and felt that his new master's back was even taller and more mysterious.

"Master, here I come." He bowed his hands respectfully.

Su Yi then slowly turned around.

"In the world of martial arts, everything is invincible, but speed cannot be broken." He said slowly, "Do you think this is right?"

Li Feiyu froze for a moment, then nodded with certainty, "Yes!"

He felt that the words had spoken to his heart.

No matter how powerful martial arts are, there are flaws, and they may be destroyed, but only with extreme speed, there is no way to be cracked.

Su Yi smiled and said: "You agree with this truth, which shows that your martial arts philosophy is so-so, which can be regarded as an introduction."

Li Feiyu frowned, somewhat dissatisfied, but did not refute.

"Don't be unconvinced, think about the trick I used to hold your knife." Su Yi glanced at him lightly, "I can hold your knife not because I am faster than you."

"What is that?" Li Feiyu blurted out, he was so curious about this matter.

"It's Tibetan, it's also rhyme." Su Yi said.

Li Feiyu was bewildered.

"Don't you understand?" Su Yi smiled, "The reason why you don't understand is because your concept of martial arts is still very superficial, as if you have just learned a little bit of Chinese, how can you understand it? The ancient prose of Qu Jinya?"

At this point, Su Yi changed the subject: "Do you think martial arts theory is important?"

"Theory?" Li Feiyu was stunned again, shook his head and said, "It doesn't matter, as long as my knife is faster, it doesn't matter what theory it is."

"But isn't speed also a kind of theory?" Su Yi chuckled, "And this is a theory that you have summed up yourself, and it is completely your own theory. You think that good martial arts must be fast, and fast can kill others. Is it right?"

Li Feiyu was stunned for a long time before realizing it, nodded hurriedly and said, "Yes!"

"Actually, in my opinion, your saber technique is simply vulgar and full of flaws." Su Yi continued, this made Li Feiyu a little embarrassed but he couldn't refute it. He also knew that Fenglei saber technique was only a third-rate martial art in Qixuanmen.

"Out of the dozen or so people you killed today, at least half of them used more subtle martial arts than yours, but you still killed them." Su Yi looked at him, "Why do you think so?"

"It's also because I'm not afraid of death, but they are." Li Feiyu said.

"I'm also afraid of death, but can you kill me?" Su Yi asked with a smile.

Li Feiyu didn't speak anymore, he frowned.

Under Su Yi's earnest guidance, he thought about the three words "why" for the first time in his life.

"Because I'm faster than them!" This question was very simple, so Li Feiyu quickly thought of the answer.

"Right or wrong." Su Yi said, "Actually, the real answer is that you have your own understanding of martial arts, and you have integrated your own understanding into your martial arts, that's the word 'quick'; but those people don't, They just learned a martial art by imitating cats and tigers, and practiced a little internal strength, that's all."

"So no matter how exquisite their martial arts moves are, they are useless, because they don't understand the principles of your martial arts at all, just like you don't know what my martial arts are so you can't beat me."

Li Feiyu stood there in a daze, as if a door had been opened in her heart, but it didn't seem to open again.

"Feiyu, someone must have told you that you have the talent to practice martial arts, right?" Su Yi said again.

"Yes, Master." Li Feiyu said hastily.

"But did anyone tell you where your talent is? What is it?" Su Yi asked again.

Li Feiyu shook his head hastily, his eyes full of expectation.

"Your talent is that you can see that the first level of martial arts is the word 'fast'." Su Yi said, "And for this word 'fast', you have decisively discarded many things that others can't let go of. thing."

"That's right, Master!" Li Feiyu was very excited, he felt that Su Yi was his bosom friend.

In order to make his knife faster, he abandoned all fancy movements, gave up all defensive moves, and went all out with his knife.Many people laughed at him as a desperate Saburo, and even his best friend Han Li felt that it was wrong for him to do so, saying that he was too extreme and could not even have a chance to fail.

But no one ever understood him why he did it.

He just wants to make himself faster!

If not, he would have died long ago, so how could he possibly admit that he was wrong?
Asking him to admit that he was wrong is tantamount to denying all his dedication and hard work.

But when everyone said he was wrong, no matter how determined Li Feiyu was, he would still doubt himself, he just forced himself not to think about it.

But now Su Yi told him that this was his talent!
"Master, do you think I'm right?" Li Feiyu asked excitedly and nervously.

"Of course, that's the reason why I saw Lie Xinxi and wanted to accept you as my apprentice." Su Yi said with a smile, "It's one thing to have talent, but it's another thing to be able to integrate talent into your own martial arts. You It’s another thing that’s rare, otherwise why would I accept you as an apprentice?”

At this moment, Li Feiyu's eyes turned red, and he almost had the urge to die for his confidant, his voice was a little trembling: "But Master, some people say that there is only one life, and I will do my best to go fast, as long as I fail once, I will die. So I can't be defeated, but how can people be undefeated all the time? So I was wrong!"

Han Li's words caused Li Feiyu to fall into deep self-doubt and fear, almost becoming his inner demon.

"That's not wrong." Su Yi nodded, "Your speed is earned by your desperate efforts. Of course you can't lose. If you lose, you die. But who told you that if you want to be fast, you can only work hard?"

"Is there any other way?" Li Feiyu felt that the pores all over his body were about to explode, and he widened his eyes excitedly.

"Of course, I'm here to teach you this." Su Yi said, "Besides, the way you eat marrow pills to stimulate qi and blood is too eager for quick success. I can understand your desire to become famous at a young age, and I also came here like this. Do you think It’s true to make your internal strength higher, but you use the wrong method, just like you want to go fast and desperately. The goal is right, but the method is wrong. But you can’t blame you, after all, you have experience I don’t understand anything, so if I can find the right direction, it’s pretty good.”


Li Feiyu bent his legs and knelt down to Su Yi. At this moment, all his worries were forgotten!

As you hear the news, you can die in the evening.

He was convinced that Su Yi was opening a door to a new world of martial arts for him. If Su Yi's ultimate goal was to harm him, even if it was to get a glimpse of the scenery inside the door, he would willingly admit it!
"Master, please teach me how to walk the right way!" Li Feiyu knocked his head to the ground and shouted excitedly.

Su Yi smiled lightly, he knew that from this moment on, this apprentice would treat him like a god.

the next day.

Han Li stared blankly at the knife on his neck.

Five strokes!

Li Feiyu defeated him with only five moves!
But in the competition half a month ago, he fought with Li Feiyu for more than 100 moves, and finally forced Li Feiyu to beat him with clumsiness and brute force.

For the past half month, Han Li has not been idle. He hid in this nameless valley and devoted himself to cultivating hard. He put in so much hard work. He asked himself that he had made too much progress, but what was the result?

Now he was defeated by Li Feiyu with five moves!

Han Li's face was pale, and his heart was a little broken.

He was a little desperate, he was so weak, could he really deal with Mo Renju?
The excited Li Feiyu didn't notice Han Li's strangeness at all. He also found it incredible that he defeated Han Li with five moves without brute force. He even took a long time to react.

"Haha! Hahaha!" His face flushed instantly, and he shouted in ecstasy, "It works! It really works!"

"What's useful?" Han Li asked.

"Master taught me the truth! This is the most valuable martial arts principle!" Li Feiyu hugged Han Li's arms excitedly, "Junior Brother Han, I've developed, I really want to develop! Hahaha!"

Looking at the ecstatic Li Feiyu, Han Li was stunned for a while before hurriedly asking: "You mean, you defeated me with five moves today because of that person's teaching?"

"Of course! Otherwise it's because of something!" Li Feiyu waved his arms excitedly, "In martial arts, everything is invincible, only speed can't be broken! Haha! Master didn't lie to me, even if I don't need to work hard, I can be faster! This is not my limit, I can go faster! Do you know Junior Brother Han, I can go faster! Hahaha..."

Seeing Li Feiyu who was so excited that he was incoherent, Han Li felt all sorts of emotions in his heart.

"In martial arts under heaven, everything is invincible, only speed can't be broken..." As he recited these words silently, he felt a sense of domineering rushing towards his face.

"That person said that?"

"Don't talk about that person!" Li Feiyu was still very excited and dissatisfied, "He is my master, and you are my brother, so you have to respect my master! Hey, just relying on him to teach me for a day, I can be in five If I beat you within a few strokes, it is not too much for you to call me master, senior?"

"Okay, senior is senior," Han Li said, he was a little puzzled and curious, "What did he teach you? How come you have made such great progress?"

"True! Master told me how to go faster!" Li Feiyu excitedly said, "Junior Brother Han, do you know, I never knew that martial arts are so vast, I never knew!"

"Only if you don't break through quickly..." Han Li's eyes flashed, and he asked tentatively, "Even if it's just this sentence, it's not enough to make you improve so fast, right?"

"Of course it's not just this sentence!" Li Feiyu excitedly said, "Master said, this sentence is only the first level of the most basic martial arts, and my current martial arts is just a beginner's level."

The most basic first level?Such a big tone?

Han Li wanted to ask again, but Li Feiyu waved his hand and said, "Don't talk, don't talk anymore, Master has left homework for me. Master told me that you must use your brain to practice martial arts. A martial artist doesn't use his brain. Enter the stream! I will set aside an hour every day to think about the principles of my own martial arts. I have to hand in my homework tomorrow morning, and I have to hurry to think about the questions asked by the master..."

Li Feiyu couldn't wait to leave before he finished speaking.

Han Li hastily called to him: "Senior brother Li, so you have already believed in your master?"

Li Feiyu heard the words and said seriously: "Of course I believe it! Brother Han, the master said that if I keep the current progress, he will leave in half a month at most. He was passing by here. He said that the master led the door and the study is on his own. How much I can learn depends entirely on my own understanding and good luck. Master has no plans for me, he just thinks that I am a material for martial arts."

"Then did your master ask about me?" Han Li asked.

Mo Renju had plans for him, and now another inexplicable person came. Han Li actually had some doubts whether this person came after him.

"No." Li Feiyu simply shook his head.

After thinking for a while, he said seriously to Han Li: "Junior Brother Han, Master doesn't like being disturbed by others, so please don't bother him. I beg you for this matter. After Master leaves, I will buy you a drink!"

Han Li was stunned for a moment, and said, "Don't worry, I won't."

"Yeah, he's over there, you're here, they don't interfere with each other." Li Feiyu said, "Okay, I'm going back, and I'll come see you tomorrow!"

After saying that, he left in a hurry.

Han Li looked at the back of Li Feiyu leaving, his face was cloudy and uncertain.

It took him a while to calm down and start practicing martial arts.

He practiced the five moves that Li Feiyu used to defeat him!
It's a pity that no matter how much he imitates, he can only get the shape, not the spirit.

Day three.

Li Feiyu defeated Han Li with only four moves. Han Li, who practiced so hard last night, felt a bit at a loss as if he was mourning his concubine.

He didn't even know how he lost.

Today's Li Feiyu didn't seem very happy either. He defeated Han Li with four moves, but he frowned, as if he had encountered some difficulty.

"Da Tianli is still not happy about defeating me with four moves. Could it be that he thinks my defeat is not bad enough?" Han Li asked with some displeasure.

"It has nothing to do with you." Li Feiyu frowned and shook his head, "My master was not satisfied with yesterday's homework, so I barely passed it. I didn't fully understand what he taught me today, and he also saw it... So today I My task is to digest what he said, but unfortunately I can't figure out some key points..."

Han Li said: "What's the key?"

"I can't tell you." Li Feiyu shook his head and said, "I can't pass on what Master said in private."

"I was just asking casually." Han Li forced a smile.

"However, if I figure this out, I can defeat you with at most two moves!" Li Feiyu said.

"If that's the case, I might just dig a hole and bury myself!" Han Li said lightly.

Who doesn't have a youthful heart?Li Feiyu's words actually aroused Han Li's unyielding heart.

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