Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1601 Decision

On the fourth and fifth days, Han Li didn't see Li Feiyu again for two consecutive days.

This made Han Li, who had been practicing a secret skill of swordsmanship hard for two nights, hold back his energy but had nowhere to let it go.

Fortunately, on the sixth night, Li Feiyu came again.

Although Han Li was calm on the surface, he was overjoyed in his heart. He was confident that with his newly learned secret skills, even if he was not Li Feiyu's opponent, at least he would be able to return to the situation where he could fight him with a hundred moves.

"Are you here?" He held his sword behind his back to pretend to be reserved, watching Li Feiyu approaching from a distance.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but he felt that Li Feiyu's footsteps were extraordinarily light today.

Could it be that people are in high spirits on happy occasions?

Han Li muttered in his heart, pretending to be helpless, and said: "You won't come to me to compete again, will you? Each practice each other without disturbing each other..."

Before he finished speaking, Han Li couldn't help but widen his eyes when he saw Li Feiyu who was walking in front of him, with a look of seeing a ghost on his face.

Li Feiyu smiled and looked at Han Li with high spirits: "Are you shocked by my handsome appearance?"

"It's impossible!" Han Li's tone changed a little, he stepped forward and grabbed Li Feiyu's wrist, feeling his pulse.

"Hey, hey, you've been teasing me as soon as I've become handsome, don't you have a habit of cutting off your sleeves?" Li Feiyu exaggeratedly exclaimed.

Han Li was not at all surprised that the cold and reticent "Li Hu" was so outrageous and funny. This was the boy's original personality, and "coldness" was just a mask he deliberately created.

Han Li's master, Mo Juren, is a master of apricot forest. In terms of medical skills, he just threw a few medical books for Han Li to read by himself. Being a talent, medical skills are quite good now, but except for Li Feiyu, outsiders don't know about it at all.

Han Li single-handedly pulled Li Feiyu back from the closed gate of hell, and no one knew better than Han Li the physical condition of Li Feiyu after taking the marrow pill.

Once this elixir that prolongs qi, blood and lifespan is taken, the body will irreversibly decline and die.Moreover, this medicine must be taken regularly, otherwise, the erysipelas will be reversed, and the Qi and blood will flow backward, and the severe one will die suddenly on the spot.

In addition, one has to suffer inhuman pain for a certain period of time every day after taking the marrow pill. This pill is named "Marrow Draw" because of its principle and medicinal effect, and because of the meaning of inhuman pain. It is the pain of pulling the marrow.

It has been almost three years since Li Feiyu took the Marrow Pill, and he overdosed on this medicine in a hurry for quick success, and his body was almost hollowed out.

These years, if Han Li hadn't taken action to hang his life for him, I'm afraid his appearance would have been withered like an old man.

Even so, Li Feiyu's face was always pale and blue.But now, Li Feiyu's face is radiant, her complexion is rosy, and her gait is light. Does she look like she's weak in the slightest?

From Han Li's point of view, Li Feiyu's body was impossible to save. Even with his help, he could barely maintain it. Li Feiyu would never survive ten years!
But now, Li Feiyu's body has recovered!

He was still the same two days ago, but now he is fine?

How can this be?

This was why Han Li was so shocked.

He took Li Feiyu's pulse in disbelief, and after feeling the blood and vitality in his body, Han Li was so shocked that he couldn't speak a word.

Li Feiyu smiled and looked at his friend: "Master Doctor Han, you said that I would not survive ten years."

Han Li suppressed his shock, let go of his hand and said lightly: "It's because my medical skills are mediocre..."

"Stop farting, who doesn't know the power of the Marrow Pill?" Li Feiyu patted Han Li's shoulder excitedly, "It's not that you are not powerful, but there is no way, my master is even stronger!"

"How did he do it?" Han Li asked curiously, "What panacea did he give you?"

Li Feiyu shook his head like a rattle: "I won't tell you, this sect's top secret!"

The one that can replenish Li Feiyu's deficient air and blood, and restore him to his original state, is of course the Book of Changes, which can fill in the gaps.

In addition to moves, there is also internal strength that restricts speed, both of which are indispensable.Although Su Yi accepted Li Feiyu as an apprentice, although he meant to use him as a tool, he was really happy to see Li Feiyu, and he wanted to cultivate this material so that he could pass on his own martial arts. Hidden also spare no effort.

Su Yi told Li Feiyu that his physical deficit caused by the marrow pill had seriously affected his performance, and it was impossible for Su Yi to watch Li Feiyu take drugs in front of him to maintain his state and suppress backlash.

In order for Li Feiyu to practice martial arts in a better state, Su Yi simply decided to heal his wounds and recover himself, and by the way, taught Li Feiyu the I Ching's Marrow Cleansing Sutra.

Su Yi personally used his internal force to channel his qi, blood and meridians, so what's wrong with that?
The current Li Feiyu has not only recovered to the most vigorous state of qi and blood, but because he has quickly mastered the I Ching and the Marrow Washing Sutra, his internal strength has improved to a higher level.

"Congratulations, Senior Brother Li. From now on, I will bid farewell to such harmful pills as marrow pills." Han Li's expression was a bit complicated, but the shock in his heart did not weaken in the slightest.

He was very curious about how Li Feiyu's master did this?The unsolvable marrow pill was actually dissolved by him in two days.

Could the poison of the Corpse Insect Pill on my body be able to...

This sudden thought made his heart skip a beat.

"Junior Brother Han, I feel like I have been reborn!" Li Feiyu said with emotion all over his face, "Master gave me a second life, and I will cherish it, practice martial arts well, and not let him down!"

Han Li looked at Li Feiyu's face full of admiration and gratitude, and couldn't help pouring cold water on him: "There is no love for no reason in this world, Senior Brother Li, you and him have lived a normal life, why is he suddenly being so nice to you?"

Li Feiyu frowned, and said: "Junior Brother Han, do all good things have a purpose? Master said it, he just thinks I'm a good seedling, and he can't bear to let me go to waste like this."

"My master also said something similar..." Han Li said quietly.

"So does Doctor Mo have any plans for you?" Li Feiyu asked back, "How comfortable are you living now? Do you know how many people envy you to death?"

Han Li couldn't express his suffering, so he just sighed lightly, changed the subject and said, "It turns out that you have been busy healing your wounds these two days, no wonder you have time to come here."

"I also took the time to come and see you, and I will discuss with you by the way." Li Feiyu regained his energy, "Come on, didn't you say that if I beat you with two moves, you would bury yourself? Haha, I can't wait I saw Han Li buried alive!"

Han Li's eyes flashed, and he had a half-smile: "Listen to you, have you figured out how to beat me with two moves?"

"Of course, Master has taught me a lot these two days!" Li Feiyu drew out his sword and pointed at Han Li enthusiastically, "Let's make it right first, don't cry when you lose!"

"You're crying!" Han Li rolled his eyes angrily, "Aren't you busy healing your injuries? Why do you still have time to learn martial arts?"

"Don't delay, healing is a matter of night, and I still have to practice martial arts during the day." Li Feiyu couldn't wait, "Are you ready?"

But the news revealed in his words shocked Han Li even more.In just two nights, has the marrow pill been completely resolved?

"Look at the sword!" At this moment, Han Li only heard a shout, and he hurriedly came to his senses and was about to fight, but the flash of the sword in front of his eyes made him terrified, and hastily raised his sword to block it. , but still too late.

The cold feeling on his neck told him that he was restrained by Li Feiyu's knife.

Before he said anything, Li Feiyu was dissatisfied: "Hey, you dare to be distracted by beating me? Isn't it too much?"

At this time, Han Li was not the meticulous and cautious old devil Han of later generations, he was just a 16-year-old child.

Hearing this, his face blushed, and he shouted in embarrassment, "This one doesn't count!"

Just kidding, how could he be defeated by one move?
"It's not counting, it's up to you!" Li Feiyu pouted, "I'll give you another chance, this time be careful, don't make excuses if you lose!"

"No more!" Han Li took a deep breath and waited intently with his sword in hand.

"Look at the knife!" Li Feiyu yelled lightly, the light of the knife flashed, and a battle was imminent.

Soon, the two separated, both frowning, as if they were not satisfied with the result.

"What kind of swordsmanship is this? Could it be the Blinking Swordsmanship I gave you, which you have mastered?" Li Feiyu asked unwillingly.

"How is it possible?" Han Li frowned, "I just practiced one of the cheats."

"That's amazing too." Li Feiyu snorted.

"It was me who lost, and you seem very unhappy." Han Li smiled helplessly.

"I've improved so much, I planned to defeat you with two moves, okay?" Li Feiyu rolled his eyes, "Who knows, I still used four moves."

"You're enough!" Han Li said with a black face, "You think this secret book is easy to practice? I learned this set of swordsmanship. If you were in the past, it would not be impossible for you to lose to me! Now you have four moves It's defeated, what else do you want?"

Li Feiyu grinned and said: "That's right, but if you say two moves, it's two moves. Just wait, starting tomorrow, my master will teach me a set of saber techniques. Let's compete again in three days and see if I can beat you with two moves." defeat!"

"Three days?" Han Li raised his eyebrows and sneered, "I still say that, if you defeat me with two moves, I'll just bury myself!"

"You said that!" Li Feiyu pointed at him, "Wait! See you in three days!"

After that, he was going to turn around and leave.

"Senior Brother Li!" Han Li stopped him again.

"what's up?"

"Has your master mentioned me in the past few days?" Han Li asked.

"No." Li Feiyu looked at him strangely, "Why did he mention you? He doesn't even know you!"

"I'm just asking casually." Han Li forced a smile.

After watching Li Feiyu leave, Han Li's smile restrained, thoughtful.

Didn't mention me?There is no trace of the small traps arranged by anyone, which means that the other party has never come to spy on me.

Is it really not for me?
Does he have any purpose for Li Feiyu...?
Or is it really like what he said, just trying to teach a genius?
Three days passed quickly, and this evening, Li Feiyu found Han Li excitedly again with a knife in hand.

"Junior Brother Han, this time you are dead! Have you figured out where to bury yourself?" Li Feiyu yelled, very excited.

Han Li, who was practicing martial arts, stopped his movements, raised his eyebrows and said, "Senior Brother Li is very confident. Why, have you mastered your saber skills?"

"Where is that? Master taught me the sunflower knife technique. I have only learned a little bit, and I am not even considered proficient, and I am still far from being a master!" Li Feiyu waved his hand hastily, "But it is definitely enough to deal with you! Come on, come on! "

Seeing Li Feiyu's impatient look, Han Li sneered and said, "Really? Then I'm going to learn Senior Brother Li's clever trick."

He has not been idle for the past three days. In order to deal with today's exchange, he spared no effort to arouse the power of his blood, and specially practiced another powerful secret sword technique in the Blinking Sword Technique. He is confident that he can do it today. In the field of discussion, the previous defeat was completely reversed.

The two looked confident and stood opposite each other.

As the two sides yelled at the same time, they rushed towards each other in unison.

Han Li used Luo Yanbu, which he was still unskilled in, and his speed was extremely fast, but what surprised him was that the figure of Li Feiyu on the opposite side almost turned into an afterimage!
What a great speed!

What kind of light work is this?
Han Li was horrified, and almost subconsciously mobilized all his internal energy to unleash the powerful secret technique he had newly mastered.

But the next moment his neck felt cold, and a knife was placed on his shoulder. Han Li froze and stayed where he was.

Li Feiyu's eyes flashed with ecstasy and excitement, but his expression was indifferent, and he said loudly: "Kung fu in the world is invincible, only fast can't be broken! Brother Han, how are you? Are you convinced?"

"I've taken it." Han Li's face instantly became pale and pale.

Li Feiyu was startled when he saw this, and his heart suddenly "thumped", realizing that his one move to counter the enemy might have blown Junior Brother Han to pieces.

"Haha, I actually practiced this saber technique against you." He said with a sneer, "You don't have to take it to heart, Junior Brother Han, I've taken it by surprise..."

"You don't need to comfort me, I'm not that fragile yet." Han Li took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down, but the depression in his heart became more and more intense, and he even became a little desperate.

He is not a person who complains about himself, but now he is desperately practicing martial arts to strengthen his strength, so as to deal with the catastrophe of life and death in a few months.

He worked hard, and he has made great progress compared to before. He feels that he is not the same as he was half a year ago, and even imagines that he may not have a chance of winning against Shang Mo Juren.

But now, his heart is cold.

He couldn't even catch Li Feiyu's move, so what ability did he have to face the more powerful Mo Juren?
If you continue to practice so hard, it will be nothing but useless work.


Han Li looked at Li Feiyu with an uncertain expression, making up his mind.

Li Feiyu was terrified by his appearance: "Junior Brother Han, are you alright?"

Han Li shook his head: "Brother Li, your master...has he mentioned me these days?"

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