Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1602 Meeting

Li Feiyu was not a fool. Han Li had asked him more than once the question "Has your master mentioned me?" No matter how slow he was, he could still sense Han Li's fear of Su Yi.

He looked at Han Li in astonishment, then frowned deeply.

"Junior Brother Han, I don't know why you have such ridiculous thoughts, but I can tell you with certainty that Master is definitely not here for you." Li Feiyu said slowly, "The reason why Master and I came here , I decided on a temporary basis, I just said it was a secluded place, and he agreed without saying a word."

"When I got here, I said that a friend of mine was also here, and he immediately said that he didn't want to see you, and I haven't mentioned your name to Master until now. Brother Han, do you think that under this situation, your Is there any legitimate reason to worry?"

As he said that, he became helpless: "Let's be more polite, what is there in you, Junior Brother Han, that is worthy of my master's attention? If he really wanted something from you, why wait until now? Seriously, you and I combined are not enough for Master. Hit by hand."

"Don't be angry, Senior Brother Li, that's not what I mean." Han Li laughed. "Actually, I just saw how much progress you have made. I also want to meet your master and ask him to teach me a few tricks."

Li Feiyu looked at him suspiciously: "Really?"

"Really." Han Li nodded, "But you said that your master didn't see me, so I kept asking you."

Li Feiyu was a little stunned, but still a little skeptical, he thought for a while and said: "Well, I will try to mention it to my master tomorrow to see if he is willing to see you."

"That's great, Senior Brother Li is so interesting!" Han Li was overjoyed immediately, and clasped his fists at Li Fei hurriedly.

"Come on," Li Feiyu thumped his chest angrily, "If you really want to see my master, you've said it in time, my master said it, and he will leave here in three days."

"Leave?" Han Li was taken aback, "Where are you going?"

"I don't know." When it comes to this topic, Li Feiyu is also a little frustrated, "Master said that he stayed at Caixia Mountain temporarily for me, and another three days is enough for him to teach me what he wants to teach, so he will time to go."

Han Li's face was uncertain: "Then where are you going to find him in the future?"

"He said that we will meet each other if we are destined." Li Feiyu smiled wryly.

"What if there is no fate?" Han Li asked.

Li Feiyu looked at him like a fool.

Han Li thought thoughtfully, "From this point of view, your master is really a strange man who is playing around?"

"No, no!" Li Feiyu waved his hands hastily, "My master is a villain who wanted the gold and silver treasures from you, the rich man Han, and maybe he also used your useless internal strength."

Han Li blushed, and said embarrassingly, "I've said it all, I don't think so."

"Tch, I don't know you yet?" Li Feiyu sneered, and gave him an angry look, "Wait, I'll find a chance to tell Master and see if he sees you."

After Li Feiyu left, Han Li let out a long breath. He looked a little doubtful, and paced back and forth in the same place, showing hesitation.

According to his own personality, he would definitely not do something like contacting a strange and powerful dangerous person.

But the imminent threat of death, coupled with Li Feiyu's stimulation, made him finally decide to seek help from others.

He didn't know if his decision was right, if he refused the wolf at the front door and entered the tiger at the back door, he would be shooting himself in the foot.

But according to Senior Brother Li, it shouldn't be a problem... right?

Han Li pondered for a long time, and finally his expression became firm.

He is very thoughtful, and now he has even thought about what benefits he will use to impress people when they meet tomorrow.

In the past two years, he has ripened some hundred-year-old elixir, and he decided to bring two plants with him tomorrow, in case he needs to trade them.

The hundred-year-old elixir is very valuable, even the head of the Qixuanmen sect would be jealous, and he doesn't believe that this person is not tempted...

Of course, it is still necessary to guard against the other party's motives at the sight of money, and prepare for what should be done.

Some poisons and hidden weapons originally prepared for Mo Juren had to be carried with him, and some precious things had to be hidden first, such as the vial...

This night Han Li was deliberating and planning this matter. He thought of many possibilities and designed his own countermeasures for these possibilities.

The next day, Han Li was a little absent-minded during his martial arts practice, looking west from time to time, waiting for Li Feiyu to appear.

In the evening, Li Feiyu arrived as promised.

Han Li was overjoyed immediately, and almost wanted to go up to meet him impatiently.

But still pretending to be reserved, he didn't stop until he had practiced the remaining few moves of swordsmanship.

At this time Li Feiyu just walked up to him.

"You look better than yesterday." Han Li looked at Li Feiyu and said in surprise.

Li Feiyu smiled triumphantly: "Of course!"

But he didn't explain, but changed the subject and said, "Tell me something that reassures you, you don't have to worry about what my master wants you to do."

Han Li's expression froze, and he had a premonition in his heart that something was wrong.

"What do you mean?" he asked in a low voice.

"He doesn't want to see you." Li Feiyu spread his hands, "I told him, but he refused without hesitation."

Don't want to see?
Han Li froze in place.

He thought about too many possibilities, but he never thought of the possibility that people don't want to see him at all...

A finger waved in front of his eyes, bringing him back to his senses.

Seeing Li Feiyu's expression that seemed to be a smile but not a smile, Han Li took a deep breath and said, "Your master really said that?"

"Do I have to lie to you?" Li Feiyu rolled his eyes, "And he's leaving tomorrow."

Han Li's heart trembled again: "Didn't you say it will take three more days?"

"Oh, I'm also to blame for this..." Li Feiyu scratched his head, a little distressed, but also a little proud, "Master taught me another very powerful martial art that stimulates my potential. He thought he would have to teach me for at least three days. Thinking that it took me only one day to practice to the third level. Master didn't expect me to be so talented in this martial art... As a result, he decided to leave early."

Speaking of this, Li Feiyu patted Han Li on the shoulder: "In short, whether you really want to see him or test him and worry about him, it's not necessary. I will send master out of the valley early tomorrow morning."

Speaking of this, Li Feiyu was a little melancholy and emotional: "I really miss him. To be honest, I feel like I'm dreaming these days. I wake up many times and worry that this is really just a dream."

In the past, Han Li would definitely have laughed at Li Feiyu for worrying about gains and losses, but now his mind is full of "bad news" that the man will leave tomorrow morning.

To say that he was a little apprehensive and hesitant before, now he has no thoughts at all!
He's sure he's being overwhelmed.

He was a little annoyed, his skepticism caused him to miss a good opportunity, if he had planned and operated this person when he first came to this valley, he might not be able to let him help him.

Dealing with Mo Juren on his own, this man was probably his only chance to escape from death.

Must not miss!
Luckily it's not too late...

"Okay, I'm just here to tell you." Li Feiyu said, "I have to go back, hurry up and ask the teacher a question, after this village, there will be no more shops..."

"Senior Brother Li!"

"Anything else?"

"Can you talk to your master again, and just say that I have something important to ask him for help. This is a greeting, not a respect!" Han Li took a deep breath, and took out a wooden box from his back.

Li Feiyu looked at Han Li in amazement, who had a serious expression on his face.

He lowered his head and opened the wooden box to take a look, and couldn't help being surprised: "Hundred-year-old mountain ginseng!"

His eyes shot brightly, he stared at Han Li suddenly, and said in a deep voice, "Junior Brother Han, do you also want to be a teacher? If you want to, you can tell me directly! Do you think I won't help you?"

Hearing the displeasure in Li Feiyu's tone, Han Li smiled wryly and said, "Senior Brother Li, you misunderstood me. I didn't want to be a teacher. This matter is related to my life. I... Before I was sure whether the teacher could help me, I Don’t dare to reveal this matter, or it will harm you!”

As he spoke, he pointed to the sky.

Li Feiyu dubiously looked up to the sky, only to see a small black dot hovering above his head high in the sky.

"Could it be that yellow bird?" Li Feiyu blurted out with a surprised face, "Is there something wrong with this bird?"

"How do you know?" Han Li's expression changed.

"Master said it." Li Feiyu said, "Master has long since discovered that something is wrong with this bird, but he said that he didn't come for us, so don't mind your own business."

After a pause, Li Feiyu said with a strange expression: "Junior Brother Han, you are not going to tell me that this bird is coming for you, are you?"

"It is indeed for me." Han Li said helplessly.

"Who?" A chill flashed in Li Feiyu's eyes, "Who wants to harm you?"

Han Li shook his head and said, "If you can help me, I will definitely not be polite to you."

He knew very well that the previous Li Feiyu couldn't help him at all.Now, not necessarily.

But the lives of himself and his whole family were at stake. Instead of relying on others, Han Li hoped that whether the matter could be resolved could be in his own hands.

He looked at Li Feiyu: "I'm sorry Senior Brother Li, I have difficulties and I didn't hide them on purpose. This matter is related to my life and death, so I can't help but be careless. If it is not a last resort, I actually don't want to bother Master Ling..."

"Needless to say!" Li Feiyu waved his hands resolutely, "You saved my life, and now that you are in trouble, I will never ignore it! I'll go and talk to Master, if it doesn't work, I'll kneel down and beg him!"

"Thank you Senior Brother Li." Han Li was moved in his heart.

"You come with me, you stand far away later, I'll ask Master." Li Feiyu said, "If he wants to see you, you can just go there, so that I don't have to run back and forth to notify you."

"it is good!"

Han Li was full of anticipation.

The two headed west all the way. On the way, Han Li asked about Su Yi's temperament and taboos, but Li Feiyu couldn't say anything.

"Master is very easy-going and doesn't put on airs." He said, "You asked me what kind of person he do you say this? In fact, he is not much older than us, and he looks like he is in his 20s."

"Over 20 years old!" Han Li's eyes widened. He always thought that Li Feiyu's so-called master was an old man, but he didn't expect it to be a young man.

"That's right, didn't I tell you?" Li Feiyu looked at him strangely.

"You didn't say anything at all!" Han Li said speechlessly.

"It doesn't matter, you will see it soon." Li Feiyu said, "Actually, I can probably guess that Master doesn't want to see you just because he is afraid of trouble, there should be no other meaning."

The two were talking, and soon they came to the pool of water. From a distance, Han Li saw a person standing with his back facing him, with his hands behind his back.

Yue Zhiyuan Ting!

A group of high-ranking people came rushing towards him, which made Han Li feel awe-inspiring and awe-inspiring.

Just a back view made him feel that this person was probably much stronger than the head of Qixuanmen.

In addition, he sensed a very familiar aura from Su Yi...


This feeling made Han Li a little puzzled. He thought about it carefully, and suddenly his eyes widened in disbelief.

Isn't this the Changchun Gong he practiced, the kind of energy that fluctuates?

How is this going?

"You wait here, I'll go and tell Master." Li Feiyu said to Han Li, and walked over there at a faster pace.

Han Li's eyes were a little suspicious, and his heart was already on the alert.

But it's all here, and at this time, he can't get off the tiger.

Soon, he saw Li Feiyu walk up to that person, salute him respectfully and say something.

The man waved his hands without looking back.

Han Li's heart sank slightly, are you still missing?

He's in a delicate mood right now, he doesn't want to see that person, and he wants to see...

Fear and expectation, very tangled.

Li Feiyu took out the hundred-year elixir he had prepared, and handed it to the man respectfully.

The man finally reached out to take it, opened it and looked at it.

I don't know what he said to Li Feiyu again, after the latter was slightly taken aback, he nodded and clasped his fists, walking towards this side.

Han Li keenly noticed that the hundred-year-old wild ginseng was still in the hands of that person.

Although he was uneasy, he vaguely guessed that since he took the things, there should be no problem.

Sure enough, Li Feiyu didn't give a shit when he came over, and said straight to the point: "Master promised to see you, you can go."

"Thank you, Senior Brother Li!" Han Li took a deep breath, clasped his hands and nodded, and walked over there.

He stopped after walking two steps, turned his head and asked doubtfully, "Aren't Senior Brother Li together?"

Li Feiyu shook his head and said, "Master told me to wait here."

Han Li was a little puzzled, but he didn't ask any further questions. He nodded and walked over there.

When he got close to him, Han Li became more and more keenly aware of the fluctuation of the familiar force on this person.

He took a deep breath, suppressing the anxiety in his heart.He bowed his hands and said respectfully: "Junior Han Li, I pay my respects to Senior Su."

Regarding Su Yi's name, he had already heard it from Li Feiyu.

Su Yi didn't look back, played with the wooden box in his hand, and spoke leisurely.

The very first sentence he said directly scared Han Li out of his wits!

"That little green bottle is in your hand, isn't it?"

The tone is a little playful, although it is questionable, but it is very determined.

Han Li's mind was in a panic for an instant, and his whole body froze!



At this moment, he was startled and angry, and countless chaotic thoughts popped up in his mind. He could hardly bear it and wanted to strike first, but when he thought that he couldn't even catch Li Feiyu's move, this impulse instantly disappeared. Like melting ice and snow.

He was silent for a moment, and made a blank expression: "What are you talking about, senior?"

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