Experienced fishermen know that after the fish is hooked, they should lift the rod as soon as possible while ensuring that the fish will not be unhooked. Don’t hesitate or make other unnecessary actions, otherwise a little accident will cause you to be happy in vain.

Although Han Li is still young, it can be said that Su Yi has worked hard to catch this big fish. After nearly ten days of planning and calculation, he finally attracted him to come to his door.

The hook was already hooked tightly enough, so of course Su Yi had to lift the pole quickly to prevent him from escaping.

To beat the drum with a heavy hammer, Su Yi knew exactly what Han Li's biggest secret was, so he had to hit his weak spot directly to break through his defense.

"Don't play dumb." Facing Han Li's denial, Su Yi chuckled and shook the century-old ginseng in his hand, "Don't tell me that this ginseng really took a hundred years to grow. Even with my eyes closed, I can smell the scent of the chemical liquid, this mountain ginseng must have been ripened by you."

He looked at Han Li with a half-smile in front of him, and said leisurely, "If I were you, the poisonous smoke and crossbow in my sleeve would never be taken out to humiliate me. With your three-legged kung fu , I can poke you to death with one finger."

Fear flashed in Han Li's eyes, and he finally took a deep breath, folded his fists and bowed, and said in a deep voice, "This junior has absolutely no intention of making mistakes in front of seniors."

"That's the best." Su Yi said lightly, "You hid the bottle? Go get it."

Han Li thought sharply, but tried to procrastinate: "Senior, what kind of bottle are you talking about? Junior..."

"Heaven palm bottle!" Su Yi squinted at him, "A small green bottle that can absorb moonlight and has the effect of ripening elixir, do you want me to go on? No one else in this world can see it except me. The elixir that was ripened by the towering liquid, but you brought such a thing in front of me..."

He raised the wooden box in his hand with a half-smile: "You don't really think that mere hundred-year-old ginseng can impress me, Han Li? If you didn't see its specialness, you thought I would meet you?"

The last fluke was broken.

Han Li took a deep breath, suppressed the panic and fear in his heart, and forced himself to calm down.

After a little silence, he clasped his fists and said, "Senior, could it be that you came here for this bottle?"

"You think too much." Su Yi smiled faintly, "If you hadn't taken the initiative to deliver it to your door, I would have missed it."

Even if he guessed this possibility, Han Li wanted to slap himself hard when he heard Su Yi's confirmation.

If you ask for help, ask for help. What's wrong with it, but the ripened ginseng?

He was remorseful and frustrated in his heart, with a complicated expression, thinking about how to solve the situation in front of him.After a long time, she gritted her teeth and was about to speak, but was interrupted by Su Yi.

"Don't try to negotiate terms with me." Su Yi seemed to see through his mind and said lightly, "You didn't carry this kind of treasure with you, but you probably wouldn't put it in some inexplicable place. I'm sure it must be there. This valley. So you'd better not be smart enough to blackmail me with this."

Han Li fell silent, and despair gradually appeared in his eyes.

He had already realized that he had to cut his arm to survive today.

Even if there were 1 reluctances in his heart, Han Li had to grit his teeth and cup his fists at this moment: "Senior, this junior is willing to dedicate the bottle to you, but this junior has a request, can I see it for the sake of Fei Yu and this junior's treasure offering?" Help the junior once?"

Although the vial was good, it was not as important as his own life, and Han Li knew which was more important.

Su Yi said lightly: "Go and get things first."

"Yes!" Han Li cupped his fists, turned around and left with a heavy heart.

Su Yi looked at his back, a smile flashed in his eyes.

Li Feiyu, who was waiting on the other side, saw that Han Li had returned so quickly, and he was still looking like a concubine. He was startled, and hurriedly asked, "Why? Master didn't promise you?"

Han Li shook his head slowly, looked at Li Feiyu hesitated slightly, finally just forced a smile and said: "I'll go get something."

"Oh." Li Feiyu sized him up suspiciously, and couldn't help but said, "How about I ask Master for you?"

"No need." He patted Li Feiyu's shoulder and smiled bitterly.

If it really can save me a chance of survival, then hand over the vial...

Han Li didn't come back too slowly, he soon returned to Su Yi, took out the vial from his pocket, and handed it to Su Yi.

"I thought you would take the opportunity to escape." Su Yi took the vial with a half-smile.

"Can this junior escape?" Han Li asked back.

At this time, he obviously calmed down completely, and it seemed that he had decided to accept his fate.

It's not that he didn't think about running, but when he thought of Su Yi's unfathomable depths and Su Yi letting himself go to get the vial without defense, he struggled repeatedly, and finally gave up his plan to escape.

He didn't dare, and felt that he couldn't escape.

Su Yi smiled, but didn't answer. He looked at the vial in his hand and narrowed his eyes slightly.

To be honest, this small bottle doesn't look special from the outside, it's not gold or porcelain, but it's very heavy when you hold it, and it looks very hard.

"It's a pity, it's a pity, there is only an empty shell left..." Su Yi said slightly melancholy.

Han Li's eyes flashed on the side, and he asked tentatively: "Senior, junior, I heard from you that this bottle is called the Zhangtian bottle. You seem to know it very well and have a long history?"

Su Yi said lightly: "You don't need to inquire, if some existence knows that this bottle is actually in this human world, they will not hesitate to get it even if they kill all living beings and destroy this world."

Hearing these words, Han Li was shocked.

Su Yi looked at him blankly and asked, "Do you know what I'm thinking about now?"

Han Li forced a smile and shook his head.

"I'm thinking, should I kill you to silence you to avoid future troubles." Su Yi said lightly.

Han Li's face instantly became ugly, and he couldn't smile anymore.

He was tense all over, and said: "Senior..."

Before he finished speaking, Su Yi suddenly threw back the palm sky bottle in his hand.

Han Li caught it subconsciously, and was stunned for a moment.

"Senior...what's the meaning of this?" He didn't relax his vigilance, but Monk Zhang Er couldn't figure it out.

"A gentleman does something and doesn't do it. I still can't do the thing of killing for money." Su Yi sighed, "If I take the vial away, I have to kill you, otherwise if I save your life, you will die." To generate resentment is also suspected of leaking secrets. But killing innocent people indiscriminately is against my way of life... Forget it, forget it!"

Han Li was stunned, he stared blankly at Su Yi, and couldn't believe his ears.

"Put it away." Su Yi said solemnly, "Remember, no matter what height you grow to in the future, the matter of holding the bottle must not be known by anyone, otherwise it will definitely bring you disaster! "

Han Li was still in a dream. He was ready to be snatched by Su Yi or even wiped out, but he never expected such a turning point.

It took a long time for his heart to be filled with ecstasy and excitement, but he still couldn't believe it.

Is there really such a gentleman in this world who can hold back his greed in the face of a treasure?

He can't believe it!
He had some doubts, whether there was any conspiracy in it.

But he couldn't figure out where the conspiracy was.

"Senior is a gentleman, and this junior admires him very much..." No matter how suspicious he was, the surprise of Xiaoping's return made Han Li react quickly, and wanted to put Su Yi on the shelf.

"Stop flattering!" Su Yi interrupted him with a smile, "The more you flatter me, the more I feel bad. You are a rookie on the sixth floor of Qi training, how can you think of what I gave up? Let me tell you, Han Li, just rush Seeing that I didn't kill you to seize the treasure, I need you to help me ripen some elixir in the future, and you'd better do what you ask for!"

"In the future, if the seniors have needs in this regard, the juniors will never hesitate!" Han Li hastily promised, and at the same time he relaxed a lot of his heart, because the more Su Yi said that, the more it proved that he was indeed giving up. The idea of ​​snatching the vial came up.

"You'd better learn alchemy, and I'll just ask you to get the finished pill in the future." Su Yi thought for a while and said, "Don't worry, I won't ask too much, and the raw materials and rewards I should give you will not be less .”

"Senior can return such a treasure to this junior, and this junior is already in awe, how dare we talk about remuneration?" Han Li said hastily.

"Hehe, there are times when the great kindness is exhausted. In the future, if I always reach out and ask you for something, will you feel refreshed?" Su Yi smiled half a smile.

After finishing speaking, his face straightened: "Okay, let's leave it as it is. Han Li, you have the Heavenly Palm Vase, and you will achieve a lot in the future on the road of cultivation, but I hope you will not cultivate into an unfeeling, unjust, selfish person. People, but always abide by the principles of being a human being and remember the original kindness. In this way, my decision to leave the vial to you today is not in vain!"

Han Li's heart was filled with awe, he solemnly clasped his fists at Su Yi, and bowed deeply: "The teachings of the seniors, the juniors must remember them in their hearts, and never dare to forget them!"

Su Yi nodded and said, "I hope so."

It wasn't until this time that Han Li dispelled all doubts and confirmed that the vial had really returned to his hands.

The more he thought about this matter, the more he respected Su Yi, Su Yi's character had been infinitely elevated in his heart!
He knew very well that if it wasn't for Su Yi, if it was anyone else, his ending would be a death sentence.

No one can give up the treasure at their fingertips!

This palm bottle can be given to anyone, and it can create a wealthy family that will be passed on from generation to generation!
Han Li's heart was agitated, and the respect in his eyes was undisguised when he looked at Su Yi.

At this time, he didn't even know that he was cultivating immortals, so naturally he didn't have such a high vision. He could think of the biggest role of Zhang Tianping, that's all.

But as he grows up later.He will understand more and more what Su Yi gave up today, and he will be more grateful and respect Su Yi.

Doubt that Su Yi has ulterior motives?
it's out of the question!After all, the bottle was really returned to him, and this alone can shatter all doubts.

But for Su Yi, this fish has finally been completely hooked.

From now on, he just needs to practice with peace of mind, and he can leave the matter of alchemy and ripening elixir to Han Laomo with complete peace of mind.

Although Han Li is known as an old devil, he is quite sincere in his heart.In terms of faith, it is trustworthy.

Su Yi didn't have to worry about Han running around and finding no one. Since he was here, he would naturally guide Han Li wherever he went or not.

This matter was perfectly resolved, and Su Yi was also very satisfied. The ten-day layout was finally not in vain.

"Han Li, you must have asked for something when you came to me with herbs. Tell me, what's the matter?" Su Yi asked.

Feeling ups and downs, Han Li was in a trance and couldn't make up his mind. Hearing Su Yi's question about something serious, he hurriedly pulled himself together, cupped his fists respectfully and said, "Senior Su, this junior does have something to ask for."

He pondered for a while, collected his thoughts, and then said: "This junior... has been poisoned by someone. The poison is called Shi Chong Pill. This junior has some medical skills, but he can't find the way to detoxify at all. This junior knows that senior I solved Fei Yu's hidden dangers, so I came here to ask for help."

Su Yi pretended to be surprised: "There is such a thing? Come, reach out!"

Han Li stretched out his hand without hesitation.

In fact, it is a very dangerous thing to hand over the pulse door to others, but Su Yi is the first person who believes in this in Han Li.

He didn't believe that a person who could even give up a treasure like a vial would be against him.

Of course, Su Yi didn't have any ill intentions.

He opened the pulse door, pondered slightly, and frowned for a long time.

"Interesting." He smiled.

With his medical skills, he could clearly see the corpse insect's eggs quietly dormant in Han Li's stomach.

In fact, this can already be regarded as a kind of Gu technique, rather than simply poisoning.Moreover, the corpse insect eggs gave Su Yi a very familiar feeling.

Unless the right medicine is prescribed, or the corresponding spells are used, it is impossible to get rid of this corpse insect by ordinary means.

But for Su Yi, this is too simple.

He separated out a strand of green power as thick as a cow's hair, and entered Han Li's body along his meridians.

The power of Sheqing is hard for mortals to bear, even if it is so simple.

But Han Li is a cultivator, he only felt a cold and evil energy entering his body, and his flesh and bones seemed to be frozen wherever he passed, it was bitingly cold!
His complexion changed drastically, and he subconsciously used his aura to resist.

"Don't move!" But at this moment, Su Yi whispered in his ear, Han Li hesitated slightly, then gave up resisting, gritted his teeth and endured the sharp pain of Senhan.

Fortunately, Su Yi moved very quickly, and the green-stimulating power he released quickly wrapped the corpse insect egg. The egg that would take a long time to explode was wrapped by the green-stimulating power, and suddenly It was stained with a layer of pitch black, and soon broke out of the egg.

It frantically absorbed the power of seizing green. When it quickly absorbed the power of seizing green, with a thought in Su Yi's mind, the bug quickly climbed up uncontrollably following Su Yi's will.

Han Li naturally felt the changes in his body clearly. He was so surprised that he opened his mouth hastily without Su Yi's instructions.

When the corpse bug had just crawled into his throat, he almost couldn't wait to spit it out forcefully.

But seeing a black worm fly out of Han Li's mouth, Su Yi made a gesture,
The worm instantly turned into a fireball and disappeared.

Su Yi smiled slightly. The fireball skills he had practiced these past few days were not in vain, and he became more and more able to send and receive as he wanted.

Seeing this scene, Han Li, who was about to thank him in ecstasy, couldn't help but widen his eyes in astonishment.

He looked at Su Yi incredulously, and tremblingly said: "Senior Su... Could this be an immortal technique?"

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