"Immortal art?" Su Yi deliberately sneered, "It's just the lowest level of fireball art, you are also a practitioner, you don't even know this?"

Han Li's eyes widened, with a look of bewilderment and disbelief, and tremblingly said: "Senior, you mentioned that I am a practitioner, and you mentioned the sixth level of Qi training. How dare you ask what this is? mean?"

Han Li's master, Mo Juren, harbored evil intentions towards him, and only gave Han Li the Changchun Kungfu from the first to the sixth level of cultivation techniques for him to practice, but he didn't tell Han Li anything, so that the latter still thinks that he only cultivates It's just a useless martial arts method.

But Han Li is a man with a keen mind, he still faintly felt the extraordinaryness of Changchun Kung Fu, and realized that the kung fu he cultivated was probably something extraordinary.It's just that he is limited by his knowledge, he doesn't know about cultivating immortals at all, and he still can't figure out what his master is planning on him.

In the final analysis, the most prosperous place Han Erlianzi has ever been to is Caixia Town, and the most high-end and most prestigious person he has ever seen is the head of Qixuanmen. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is a country bumpkin.

However, such a country bumpkin can deal with his master so far. He knows how to hide his strength and bide his time in the face of an unrivaled force. He has the courage to fight back, which shows his own extraordinaryness.

He just lacks a chance to turn into a dragon in case of a storm.

"You don't know how to practice? Who taught you the exercises?" Su Yi asked knowingly.

Han Li hesitated slightly, cupped his fists and said, "It's my master. This technique is called Changchun Kungfu. When he taught me, he only told me to practice it, and didn't tell me anything else. Seniors and juniors don't know anything about cultivation, so I don't know if it is acceptable or not. Give me a lesson?"

"Alright." Su Yi nodded, "Since you have set foot on this road, you will know these things sooner or later, and we are destined, so let me tell you!"

"The so-called practice is cultivating immortality, absorbing the aura of heaven and earth for your own use, and becoming an immortal against the sky! In terms of levels, it is divided into Qi training, foundation building, and alchemy..."

"If you want to practice, you must have a spiritual root, and the spiritual root is divided into..."

"On the thirteenth level of Qi Refining, you can build the foundation. You must have the Foundation Establishment Pill, but the Foundation Establishment Pill has been..."

"In the country of Yue, there are seven sects of cultivating immortals, big and small, namely the Moon Sect and the Yellow Maple Valley..."

For Su Yi, the background of the world is just a word of mouth, don't be too simple, after briefly explaining Han Li's science, Su Yi looked at the latter's shocked expression as if his world view was subverted, and said with a smile: "What about you? , although I am just a rookie at the sixth level of Qi training, but you have a palm bottle, you can use the pill as a jelly bean, and eight or nine years should be enough to upgrade to the thirteenth level of Qi training."

Han Li laughed at himself and said, "Senior thinks highly of this junior. It has been six years since this junior practiced the Changchun Jue, and he has barely managed to reach the current state. And every time this skill goes up, it is more difficult to practice than the previous one." The first layer is ten times more difficult, in [-]..."

He shook his head: "The younger generation can't think so far, and the younger generation is in danger now, and will face a catastrophe related to life and death in a few months, and it is not certain whether it will survive."

Su Yi raised his eyebrows and said, "Hasn't your corpse insect poison been cured?"

"The Zombie Pill is just one of the means to threaten me to submit." Han Li smiled wryly, "Senior, I came to you rashly, in fact, I wanted to ask Senior to teach me some tricks, so that I can be more effective when facing the enemy. Greater certainty."

Speaking of this, Han Li paused for a moment, and then said: "Actually, I still don't know how he wants to harm me. If the senior doesn't think the junior is naughty, why don't I explain the ins and outs. With the experience of the senior, it will definitely not be like The juniors are so confused."

Su Yi said noncommittally: "Let's listen."

Su Yi didn't refuse, which made Han Li happy. He hurriedly said, "This matter started when I was accepted as an apprentice by my master Mo Juren six years ago. At that time..."

Han Li's expressive ability is good, the logic is clear, the language is simple and straightforward, and he explained in detail the details that he thinks Mo Juren is abnormal, as well as his doubts.

"Senior, my master said he just wanted me to practice this exercise to help him massage and heal his injuries, but if it's that simple, why did he poison me and threaten me with my family?" Han Liyi mentioned These things brought a hint of anger in his eyes.

At this time, Han Li was still far from being able to achieve the kind of deep scheming that does not show his emotions or anger.

"I have a vague feeling that this matter must be a catastrophe where my life is at stake, but I still can't imagine, what is he trying to do with me?" Han Li looked at Su Yi, and bowed respectfully again, "I beg you to clarify my doubts, senior!"

Su Yi pretended to ponder, and said, "Your Changchun Kung Fu is fine. I saw it when I pulled out the corpse bugs just now. The kung fu itself does not have any traps in it. According to what you just said, your master did nothing but lay a corpse on you. After the poison of the worm pill, he has never done anything that is actually harmful to you, he just wholeheartedly assists you in practicing exercises, and wants you to reach the fourth level of the Qi training period..."

"Yes, senior." Han Li frowned, "So I can't figure out how he will harm me."

Su Yi looked at him and asked: "Your master is not in good health? Could it be that he is dying soon?"

"It's true that you're in poor health, but it's not that you won't know until you die soon." Han Li shook his head.

"If this is the case, I think of a possibility." Su Yi looked at Han Li, "Maybe he knows he is doomed, so he wants to train you and take you away."

"Duoshe?" Han Li was at a loss.

"To put it simply, it is to eat your soul, make your soul disappear, and your consciousness completely disappear from this world! Then use his own soul to occupy your body, and use your identity to continue living." Su Yi said.

Han Li was taken aback, then his face turned pale, his eyes widened in horror, and he couldn't believe it: "There is such a vicious and evil method in this world?"

"There are thousands of times more vicious than this." Su Yi said lightly.

Han Li was stunned again. He shook his head with a face full of shock and anger, his eyes flashed sharply: "But it's not right, senior... what does it have to do with letting me learn this Changchun Kungfu if he wants to seize the house?"

"This is why we have to mention the three iron laws of seizing homes." Su Yi once again became a popular science expert, "There are three iron-like rules for seizing homes. Duoshe's physical body will immediately disintegrate because it can't bear the power of the immortal cultivator's soul to seize the house. That's why he wants you to practice Changchun Kung Fu first and become a practitioner."

Han Li was stunned, but he hesitated to speak, and seemed to have some doubts, his brows were tightly frowned.

Su Yi went on to say: "The second iron rule of seizing the house is that only when the person with high mana wins the house against the person with low mana, can he succeed and will not be backlashed by the opponent, and the greater the mana gap, the more successful it will be. Safety."

Han Li frowned even more when he heard this, and couldn't help asking: "Senior, since the bigger the gap, the better, why didn't he take me away when I just reached the first level of cultivation, and insisted on letting me practice?" To the fourth floor?"

"This is also what I find strange," Su Yi said, "He spent a lot of time cultivating objects from mortals to seize the body, which shows that his cultivation level is not very high. In this case, as long as he is a practitioner, he can seize the body and let you practice It is actually more risky to seize the house after reaching the fourth floor of the Qi training period."

"The third iron rule of seizing the house is that a practitioner can only seize the house once in his life, regardless of his mana, and there is absolutely no second time." Su Yi continued, "If you fail, your soul will fly away, and you will die or die. There is no reason why it is so dangerous to give up what is easy to ask for difficulty. Since he knows about the matter of seizing a house and knows how to do so, it is logically possible that he does not know the three iron rules of seizing a house, unless..."

"Unless what?" Han Li asked hastily.

Su Yi said: "Unless he was deceived by someone, he himself doesn't know much about the matter of seizing the house..."

Speaking of this, Su Yi deliberately asked again: "Cultivators can sense each other's aura fluctuations. Does your master have aura fluctuations?"

"This is actually what this junior just wanted to tell senior," Han Li said. "The first time I saw senior, I sensed the familiar aura of senior. I think it is the aura fluctuation you mentioned. But in my master's body , I have never sensed it before. Could it be that he hides his breath?"

"Is this necessary?" Su Yi said lightly, "He should be a mortal, then this matter is interesting, a mortal cultivates a practitioner, and you will be allowed to practice until the fourth floor of the Qi training period before taking the house... ...Hehe, there should be someone behind him, or a ghost, you master, you have been cheated miserably."

This was beyond the scope of Han Li's cognition again. With dazed eyes, he hurriedly cupped his hands and said, "Senior, junior is dull, please explain clearly."

"Let me put it this way." Su Yi smiled, "Let's first assume that there is indeed a ghost who was a practitioner who used some method to stay in the world and attached to your master. Then this ghost must be He knows the iron rules of seizing houses, if he wants to seize you, he can seize you as soon as you have just cultivated mana, there is no need to wait until now and not attack you."

"Yes." Han Li nodded in doubt.

"So there must be something wrong with this ghost. He doesn't have the ability to take the initiative to take you away." Su Yi said with a smile, "If this ghost has really been attached to your master for so many years, it is actually very easy There is a phenomenon called assimilation."

"Assimilation?" Han Li felt that his brain was about to lose track of Su Yi's sudden introduction of a new concept.

"Assimilation means that his soul and your master's soul will gradually merge together to form a new consciousness." Su Yi simply explained, "Only when this happens, can it explain why this ghost didn't take you away early .”

Han Li had a question mark on his face.

Su Yi didn't give a shit and continued: "This ghost probably wanted to avoid assimilating with your master, so he deceived your master and asked him to train a practitioner to seize the house. You are very unfortunate, you are the unlucky ghost who was chosen."

Han Li showed a look of helplessness.

"And the reason why you let you practice until the fourth floor is why you have an explanation for your possession. This should be to make you and your master's soul power evenly matched in the process of seizing the possession. When you and your master fight to the detriment of both sides, he will come out to clean up the mess at the end, and the fisherman will take advantage of it."

"Of course, all of these are my assumptions. Maybe the facts are completely different from what I guessed..." Su Yi said.

Han Li's face was cloudy and he thought for a long time, and finally let out a long breath: "Senior's analysis is completely reasonable and reasonable. If there is no accident, the fact is like this."

His tone was very heavy, although he finally knew how Mo Juren was going to harm him, but he was not happy at all.

What kind of soul, mana, sequestering, assimilation...

He had never heard of these things before, and now he only knows about them but doesn't know why, and doesn't know how to deal with them at all.

And compared to before, he was ignorant and fearless, thinking that if he prepared more poisonous hidden weapons and practiced more martial arts, he might not have no chance. Now that he knew the truth, he understood how naive he was.

What is the use of martial arts in the face of immortal cultivators?Mo Juren, who is just a wily and calculating man, is already hard to match, not to mention that there is a ghost of a practitioner who is suspected to be standing behind him.

Huge fear and deep powerlessness lingered in Han Li's heart. He looked at Su Yi and knew that this person in front of him was his only chance to survive.


Han Li knelt down in front of Su Yi without saying a word.

"Senior, save me!" He knelt down on the ground and cried out sadly.

In the distance, Li Feiyu, who was absent-mindedly practicing the saber while paying attention to this side, was stunned when he saw Han Li actually kneel down to his master, his expression changed slightly.

"Could it be that Junior Brother Han also wants to be a teacher?"

Here, Su Yi pretended to ponder, stepped forward to help Han Li, and said: "If the facts are as I expected, for me, killing your master and then destroying your ghost is just a very simple matter." But it is better to teach a man to fish than to give him a fish. In fact, given your current state, I will prepare some methods for you, and you can learn some spells yourself. As long as you deal with it carefully, although this matter is dangerous, it is not difficult."

Han Li's eyes became hot, and he immediately hit the snake with the stick: "Senior, please teach me! If you don't dislike it, this junior also wants to worship you as a teacher!"

To be Han Paopao's master?
Forget it, Su Yi still wants to live a few more years with his destructive physique.

Su Yi shook his head and said: "My path is different from yours, I can't teach you anything. Besides, you have a palm bottle, and your future achievements will not be inferior to mine, so it's fine to be a teacher."

Han Li's eyes suddenly showed disappointment.

But Su Yi patted his waist, and suddenly a secret book of exercises appeared in his hand.

Han Li glanced at it, and shouted involuntarily, "Changchun Gong!"

It was Su Yi's Changchun Kungfu that he exchanged from Han Yunzhi, and he had prepared it for now.

"This is a complete set of Changchun Kung Fu Cheats from the first to the thirteenth floor." Su Yi smiled and handed the Cheats to Han Li, "In the back, there are dozens of spells that can be used during the Qi training period. Since there are still several In a few months, you only need to focus on learning a few of them, and it must be enough to deal with the situation at that time."

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