Chapter 1605
The full set of exercises in "Eternal Spring Kung Fu" is definitely what Han Li just needs, and the spells recorded later can solve Han Li's current problems better than martial arts.

As soon as this thing was taken out, Han Li's life was basically guaranteed.

He is a practitioner who has mastered spells at the sixth level of Qi training, and against Mo Juren, a mortal, at most Zhang Tie who has been refined into a corpse, and a remnant soul in the Qi training period, even if it is a one-on-three, but the advantage Also in Han Li.

"You can ask Feiyu to help you when the time comes." Su Yi looked at Li Feiyu who was practicing not far away, "He cannot practice without spiritual roots, but maybe in the future I will let him embark on the road of cultivation in other ways. His ability can help you, and it can be regarded as giving him a lot of insight."

"Senior's life-saving grace, this junior will never forget it!" The sword hanging above Han Li's head was finally removed. Can you imagine the surprise in Han Li's heart?

More importantly, Su Yi gave him the follow-up method of Changchun Gong, which was equivalent to paving the way for him to practice in the future, so that Han Li could clearly see his way forward and no longer be confused.

And the lost vial...

The benefits that Su Yi brought to Han Li were so great that he was flattered and couldn't believe it.

Su Yi naturally understood the truth that too much is too late, and said lightly: "If you still die like this, it means that you are not worthy of having the Sky Palm Vase at all."

Han Li was startled, and was about to express his opinion, but Su Yi didn't give him another chance to speak, and said, "You go, I have to give Feiyu advice tonight."

Han Li didn't dare to have any opinion, he clasped his fists hurriedly and said, "Young man, let's go now, senior, thank you for your kindness, if Han Li can survive Mo Juren's hands, he will definitely repay senior in the future!"

Su Yi smiled: "Okay, then I'll wait for your reward."

Su Yi watched Han Li leave, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help evoking a relaxed and happy smile.

He wanted to train his body, and in the future he would inevitably have to take various panaceas to assist in tempering his body.When Han Li grows up, he will have a high-quality and low-cost alchemist.

Su Yi instructed Li Feiyu that it was almost dawn and stayed up all night.

Li Feiyu knew that Su Yi was going to leave, and he didn't know when he would see him again. This night, he was like a sponge, frantically absorbing martial arts knowledge from Su Yi.

When the red sun was rising and the sky was bright, Su Yi suddenly stopped talking, took out two talismans from his bosom and threw them into Li Feiyu's hands.

"These two talismans, one is called the anti-ghost talisman, which can keep evil spirits away from you! The other is called the golden light talisman, which can keep you safe for a while if you encounter something sneaky." Su Yi introduced it to Li Feiyu, who was a little astonished. After looking at the effect of the talisman paper, the latter immediately understood, couldn't help but change his face, and said eagerly: "Master, you, you are leaving now?"

"There is always a banquet in the world." Su Yi said with a smile, "I came here on the spur of the moment. Now that I can get a good talent and teach it, I have a lot of fun. How to go in the future, Feiyu, depends on you."

"Master!" Li Feiyu's eyes were flushed, and she couldn't help but knelt down to Su Yi with a plop.

Although these days are as short as a dream, Li Feiyu respects and appreciates Su Yi from the bottom of his heart, and he feels very uncomfortable when they are about to part.

"Master, don't worry, I will definitely practice the martial arts you taught me well, and I will never let you down!" Li Feiyu said loudly, her voice trembling.

Su Yi smiled and nodded: "Okay, I'll wait for the day when you become famous in the world! If you really satisfy me, even if you don't have spiritual roots, I will find a way to lead you to immortality!"

Regarding the matter of cultivating immortals, Su Yi probably mentioned something to Li Feiyu, and also used the method taught by Han Yunzhi to test that Li Feiyu had no spiritual roots at all, Li Feiyu was of course very disappointed.But the reality is so, he can only accept it.

Now hearing Su Yi say that there is a way for him to cultivate even without spiritual roots, Li Feiyu was naturally very excited, his face flushed and he said loudly: "Master, don't worry, Feiyu will definitely not fall into your name!"

Su Yi chuckled, and suddenly slapped the storage bag with his hand, Mo Yushuo zoomed in out of thin air and floated in front of Su Yi.

Holding a freshly taken out spirit stone in one hand, he made a formula with the other, and jumped into the shuttle with a light leap.

"Haha! I'll go too!" He let out a long laugh, and urged Mo Yushuo, and his whole body turned into an afterimage, shot straight to the top of the cliff, and disappeared into the thick mist in the blink of an eye, leaving him alone. The voice is still echoing layer by layer.

Li Feiyu looked up at the direction where Su Yi was leaving, knelt on the ground for a long time before letting out a long sigh of melancholy, and slowly got up.

On the other side of the valley, Han Li, who had been studying the kung fu technique presented by Su Yi all night, also noticed Su Yi's back rising into the sky, his eyes showed envy, and he also faintly breathed a sigh of relief.

For an extremely insecure person like him, as long as someone stronger than him can bring him danger, he will not feel relaxed.

The two of them didn't know that it would be two years since they parted today and saw Su Yi again.

Su Yi stepped on the black jade shuttle and flew in the deep mountains.

He was not aimless, but returned on the same road.

This time he came to Caixia Mountain and succeeded in attacking Han Li at the Seven Profound Gates, so his goal has been achieved.

But the current Han Li can't help him, and can't solve the urgent problem that Su Yi is facing now.

Although Su Yi can now use the method of gathering spirits with golden needles to absorb spiritual energy, and then achieve the purpose of body training through the technique of "Golden Fiend's Desperate Palm", but the efficiency of doing so is too slow after all. If he relies on these two methods alone, he will You have to practice until the year of the monkey and the month of the horse.

So he urgently needs more advanced body training exercises.

The "Ming Wang Jue" he knew was far away in the Jin Dynasty, so he can't count on it now.So there is only one way for Su Yi if he wants to practice body exercises——

Ascension Fair!
Since the Ascending Immortal Society has the Jinsha Jueming Palm, which can turn mortals into corpses, it should also have more advanced exercises. Ordinary people may be afraid to avoid this kind of refining method. , but for Su Yi, it is the only life-saving straw that can be grasped at the moment.

Monk Kusang of the Immortal Society has died at the hands of Su Yi, and this is the only member of the Ascension Society that Su Yi has ever come into contact with.

But fortunately, even though he is dead, there is still a place where people from the Ascending Immortal Society can be found, and that is the so-called Black Mountain Secret Realm.

Han Yunzhi and the others had conflicts with the members of this organization because they had discovered the secrets in this secret realm.

If you want to find the Ascending Immortal Society, it seems that you must explore this secret place in Montenegro.

According to the map, the Black Mountain Secret Realm is located in the Heifeng Valley to the north of Guobei County. Su Yi Yuqi flew all the way to this mountain without stopping.

The Heifeng Mountain Range stretches for hundreds of miles. In terms of its size, it is not far behind the Caixia Mountain.The forests in the mountains are deep and lush, and the scenery is not bad.

Su Yi came down when he was almost at Heifeng Mountain, and he didn't carelessly fly around the mountain range.

The enemy is in the dark, he is here to investigate the situation, so naturally he will not be stupid enough to search with great fanfare.

To go to Heifeng Valley, you have to climb over the first mountain range.Su Yi performed lightness kung fu all the way, but the speed was not slow at all.When he was approaching the top of the mountain, he saw a corner of a pavilion and a temple protruding from the dense forest in front of him. The tiles were stained with green marks, and the walls were mottled, looking extremely dilapidated.

Su Yi was startled, he must have arrived at Lanruo Temple, right?

It's been nine days since I bid farewell to Ning Caichen. Presumably what should happen in A Chinese Ghost Story has already happened.

At this time, Ning Caichen should have gone down the mountain, and only Yan Chixia was left to live in seclusion on the mountain.

In fact, Su Yi is a little curious. Is there any relationship between this Black Mountain secret realm and the old Black Mountain demon in the original plot?
If it is related, if Yan Chixia breaks through the secret realm of Black Mountain, wouldn't Su Yi make a trip for nothing?
Now that Yan Chixia has become the background board among mortals, what state is he in?
With such doubts in mind, Su Yi strolled to the dilapidated temple.

"Lanruo Temple..." Su Yi looked at the mottled plaque and couldn't help smiling, "Is it really this place?"

He stepped into the temple, and a gust of cold wind rushed towards his face immediately.

One must know that it is early in the morning, and Su Yi couldn't help but be dumbfounded by the fact that there is such a cloudy atmosphere in this temple.

The temple was empty, and there was only a mound of earth where there should have been a Buddha statue, and the windows on all sides were dilapidated, looking like it had been abandoned for a long time.

"Creak, creak..." The wooden board under his feet made a toothache sound when he stepped on it. Su Yi stomped his feet lightly, and was surprised to find that the bottom was actually empty.

It is rare for a temple to have an underground floor.

Su Yi was planning to find an underground entrance to find out, when he suddenly felt something, he turned around and looked out the window, narrowing his eyes slightly.

At some point outside the temple, there was a man standing outside the temple, a burly man with beards.

He was standing on the open space in front of the temple, looking at Su Yi coldly, full of hostility without any concealment.

Su Yi frowned slightly, and a name appeared in his mind——

Yan Chixia.

But if it was really Yan Chixia, where did he have such hostility towards him?

Because of my evil spirit?
Su Yi frowned, although it was a guess, but he was basically sure in his heart that this was the reason.

This green evil spirit is also troublesome, you have to find a way to cover it up, otherwise even a practitioner can sense it, and it will be troublesome wherever you go.

"You have crossed the line!" Yan Chixia looked at Su Yi and said slowly, "Go back to your Qingliugou!"

His tone was unceremonious, and his attitude was unquestionable, with the look of "try to say no".

The aura fluctuations in Yan Chixia's body are far better than those of Kusang. If the aura fluctuations in Kusang are like a river, then the aura fluctuations in Yan Chixia are like a bottomless sea.

No, it's not the sea, but a volcano that could erupt anytime!

Just standing there, this person brought an invisible pressure to Su Yi. What made Su Yi's heart skip a beat was that this man's blood was so thick that he couldn't match it!
Such a strong power of qi and blood is definitely not something that can be practiced by ordinary martial arts!

Could it be that Yan Chixia is also a body trainer?
Su Yi was a little surprised, but felt that it should be impossible.

According to his understanding, there are actually very few monks in the human world who rest on a regular basis, and it is impossible to meet one casually when going out.

But Yan Chixia seems to be practicing Buddhism as well... Could it be that he really knows the method of body training?
Su Yi was pleasantly surprised, but also had a headache.

The joy is that it doesn't take much effort to get it, and the headache is that Yan Chixia is so hostile to him, even if he is not hostile, I am afraid that it is not so easy to get his hands on.

Moreover, the opponent's vitality and magic power are obviously far stronger than his own. If it is difficult to fight with one of them, if you don't use the power of taking green, I'm afraid...

Things were changing rapidly in his mind, but Su Yi had to respond quickly.

"Who is your Excellency? Where is Qingliugou?" Su Yi frowned, "I just passed by here, I don't know what you are talking about..."

"Pretend! Pretend again?" Yan Chixia sneered, with disgust on her face, "Your aura is stronger than that of Old Monster Mu, and not worse than Old Ghost of Heishan. You must have done a lot of unreasonable things! Are you blind? Do you still dare to pretend to be stupid with me?"

"This is a misunderstanding!" Su Yi didn't want to fight Yan Chixia, so he could only explain as much as possible at this time, "The two people I told you are definitely not..."

"I'm too lazy to listen to your nonsense, go to hell!" But before Su Yi could say anything, Yan Chixia's face suddenly turned grim, her hands snapped together, and she made a tactic to send it forward!
But seeing a light and shadow came in an instant.

Su Yi's complexion changed drastically, and his figure disappeared immediately after taking a step back.

In the next second, he appeared on the left several zhang away, making the light and shadow disappear.

"You are the hero Yan Chixia Yan? Please listen to my explanation!" Su Yi shouted hastily.

"Untie your grandma!" Yan Chixia sneered, and the seal on her hand changed.

In the next second, the light and shadow came in front of Su Yi again, and the speed was extremely fast.

Su Yi reacted extremely quickly, and he didn't even want to continue teleporting.

"Weird and weird... Thousands of swords return to the clan, cut!" Yan Chixia's eyes flashed with surprise, and she made seals with both hands, suddenly shouted and pointed at Su Yi again.

Brush brush!
But seeing that white shadow divided into two, two into four, four into eight...

In the blink of an eye, the sky is full of white shadows!

Those white shadows were suspended in the air for a short while, before Su Yi found out in shock that they were huge broad swords!

Seeing the rain of swords coming all over the sky, Su Yi stepped back again, and disappeared in place again.

But this time, these swords seemed to be equipped with a positioning system. Just as he appeared from another direction, the sword rain overturned in an instant.

Su Yi teleported several times, but not only did not get rid of the sword rain, but these sword rains were getting closer and closer to him like tarsal maggots!
"I really thought I was afraid of you!" Being so persecuted, Su Yi also felt angry.

Without even thinking about it, he slapped the storage bag, and suddenly there was a long sword that was neither metal nor wood.

Of course, this sword is not a common sword, but the magic sword exchanged with Han Yunzhi.

Su Yi held the sword in one hand and poured spiritual power into the sword. At the same time, his other hand was silently holding a spiritual stone, frantically sending spiritual energy into his body.

In the next second, a rain of swords poured down the sky!

He greeted him with a sword!
Ding Ling Dang!

But seeing the sword shadows flying, the sword shadows in the sky were constantly being bounced out, and Su Yi's figure was flying around and waving the magic sword, protecting himself from being splashed with ink and airtight!

"Interesting, interesting!" Seeing this, Yan Chixia's eyes widened, and she murmured to herself excitedly, then suddenly made another seal with her hands, and pointed at Su Yi fiercely again!
"go with!"

(End of this chapter)

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