Following Yan Chixia's pointing, the number of sword rain in the sky skyrocketed again in an instant!
If it was originally a storm, it is now a big splash.

Being beaten passively like this is not an option, Su Yi's face sank like water and he took another step back, disappearing in place in an instant.

In the next second, all the sword rains turned around and shot towards Yan Chixia!

Yan Chixia's complexion changed, and without even thinking about it, she turned her palms, and the Juejue took off.

Su Yi slapped Yan Chixia hard!

With the ringing of a bell like a great bell, Yan Chixia's whole body glowed with dazzling golden light, blocking all of Su Yi's power.

Su Yi's complexion changed and he did not hesitate to slap three times in succession!
With the first palm shot, the golden light reappeared, and the sound like the ringing of a bell shook the mountains and fields again.Yan Chixia flied backwards with a startled expression, but Su Yi kept chasing after her!

At this moment, the rain of swords all over the sky has come like a meteor shower, and Su Yi slapped out again before Wan Jian came to him.

The golden light was a bit dimmer than before, Yan Chixia lost her balance and fell obliquely downwards, while the sword rain behind her suddenly lost control and dissipated into the sky, leaving only a broadsword floating in the air, still relentlessly slashing at Su Yi !

A stern look flashed in Su Yi's eyes, and he didn't even want to teleport to Yan Chixia again, and at the same time, without turning his head, he raised his sword to block the fiercely slashed broadsword from behind.

When the two swords collided, a destructive force was introduced into Su Yi's body, but this force did not stop at all, and was transferred by the surging internal force, following Su Yi's body together. The third palm hit Yan Chixia hard.

There was a sound like glass breaking, and in Yan Chixia's horrified eyes, his body shield was broken!
He was sure that Su Yi's palm was a common martial art, but he somehow diverted the power of his sword back to himself.

What means is this?
Of course Su Yi used martial arts, not magic power.

His mana is only a mere level of qi training. With such a little mana to fight against others, it's like lighting a lantern in the toilet-looking for death.

Of course he would not do stupid things like using his own weaknesses to attack the enemy's strengths.

A martial arts master is not necessarily inferior to a practitioner, especially a martial arts master like Su Yi whose martial arts have long since left the scope of martial arts.

The huge power that Yan Chixia's magic sword slashed was not mana, but because of the huge power of mana, so his great teleportation of the universe can still work.This huge force combined with the power of his own third palm, breaking through Yan Chixia's protection in one fell swoop.

But after this palm broke through the protective shield, he was already exhausted.

From Yan Chixia's point of view, this is simply a fantasy!
He couldn't even believe his eyes.

Seeing Su Yi's eyes glaring fiercely, Yan Chixia's heart skipped a beat, and she hastily made a formula and pointed at Su Yi: "The world is boundless..."

A blue thunder came out of thin air, and struck Su Yi fiercely, causing Su Yi to freeze in place immediately!

At the same time, Yan Chixia flew back without hesitation, and at the same time once again commanded the broad sword to slash Su Yi fiercely!
"The world is infinite!"

Then another thunderbolt was released to slash at Su Yi!

A black thunder light glowed from Su Yi's body, immediately counteracting Yan Chixia's green thunder, and at the same time raised his sword to block the blow of the broad sword again.


The magic sword in Su Yi's hand broke in two, and the broad sword continued to cut at Su Yi without stopping. Su Yi took a step back and disappeared, and appeared in front of Yan Chixia in the next second. The broken sword in his hand stabbed at Yan Chixia without hesitation. Chixia chest.

Yan Chixia's complexion changed drastically, and the golden light reappeared all over her body.

But Su Yi's whole body was covered with a black thunder flash, and the golden light was instantly dimmed. The broken sword broke through the mask and penetrated an inch, Su Yi yelled and slapped the hilt of the sword hard.

The broken sword pierced into the dim light mask and stabbed fiercely into Yan Chixia's left shoulder. The latter let out a muffled groan and flew out backwards. Before losing his balance, he had a ferocious face and made a seal with his hands, and pointed at Su Yi fiercely again!
The sky full of swords and shadows reappears!

Su Yi teleported twice in succession to switch directions, and when he stood still again, Yan Chixia had already gritted her teeth and stood firm, and with a flip of her hand, a talisman with a dangerous aura fluctuated in her palm.

Seeing the shadows of swords all over the sky follow, they were about to submerge him again. On the other side, although Yan Chixia was injured, it did not affect her combat power at all. Instead, she took out a magic talisman that made Su Yi clearly feel the danger. Kill me!
Martial arts were used, the magic sword was cut off, and even Yin Lei was used, but they still couldn't do anything to the opponent.

That being the case, then you have to use the power of photography.

At this time, he doesn't care who is opposite, good or bad!

Just when Su Yi was about to kill the killer, suddenly his complexion changed drastically, and he didn't even want to teleport again!
Whoosh whoosh!

But seeing countless vines dancing wildly like silver snakes, shooting from all directions, "Ding Ling Dang Clang" greeted the rain of swords all over the sky. Five fingers.

Su Yi fled [-] meters away at the first moment, and after making sure that the vines were not chasing him, he stopped, looking back at the billowing black mist in some doubts.

The sound of gold and spear colliding in the fog was like rain hitting plantains, mixed with Yan Chixia shouting in shock and anger: "Old Mu, how dare you!"

"Hey hey! Why don't you dare?" A voice sounded extremely strange, far and near, left and right, high and low, male and female, "Yan Chixia, was forced to this place by a junior." Come on, if I were you, I'd just die!"

"The world is infinite!"

There was a thunderclap in the black mist, and Yan Chixia soared into the sky, but in the next second, countless vines shot up, forcibly entangled him and dragged him back.

But after hearing the exclamation and anger in the black mist again, after a burst of explosions, countless golden lights pierced through the black mist, but saw severed vines flying around, followed by Yan Chixia, soaring into the sky again, stomping on his branch The broad sword went away in an instant and disappeared into the vast mountains and forests!
He escaped!

Su Yi squinted slightly to watch this scene, but did not move.

"Forget that you run fast!" The voice of the half-male and half-female said sinisterly, and the next second, a figure suddenly appeared under a tree not far away, looking at Su Yi with a half-smile.

This man was wearing a black gold embroidered robe, his face was red and smooth, and he had no beard, his hair was pulled up high, and countless vines squirmed wildly and retracted into his two wide sleeves.

When all the vines got into his sleeves, he raised his arms and took both hands out of the cuffs, but saw that he was still holding a bloody jar in his left hand.He muttered something, and suddenly threw the blood-colored jar into the air. Immediately, the dense black fog with a radius of several tens of feet was sucked into the small blood-colored jar as if being swallowed by a dragon.

After inhaling the last trace of black mist, the blood-colored jar landed in the middle-aged black-robed man's hand again. With a flip of his palm, the jar disappeared in his hand.

During the whole process, he kept staring at Su Yi with a half-smile, without any deviation in his eyes.

Boss Wood?
Grandma tree?
Su Yi raised his eyebrows, cupped his fists at the other party and said, "Thank you for your kindness in saving me. Dare I ask Gao's name?"

"You can call me Mr. Mu." He said with a half-smile, his voice still changing between male and female, "Xiangsheng, what's your name?"

"Junior Han Li!" Su Yi clasped his fists and said solemnly.

"Han Li..." Mu Lao sized Su Yi up, "You have never seen such an evil aura before, how did you get here?"

"Murder." Su Yi said.

"Murder?" Mu Lao sneered, "Even if you slaughtered a city by yourself, it's impossible for you to have such a strong evil spirit! If I'm right, your evil spirit probably came from the blood sacrifice, right?"

Su Yi's complexion changed drastically, and he stared at Mu Lao fiercely with murderous intent.

"Don't be nervous, I'm not one of those pedantic people." Not only was Mu Lao not angry when he saw this, but a gleam of joy flashed in his eyes, "To be honest, you and I are in the same path! Fellow Daoist Han, my exercises also require blood sacrifices from time to time For strangers, take their essence and blood to make human pills. I will never report you to the seven major sects, on the contrary, I will treat you well and sit down with fellow Taoists to discuss the Tao!"

Su Yi's murderous intentions continued: "Why should I trust you?"

Mu Lao smiled faintly, suddenly black air appeared on his face, and suddenly a strong bloody air rushed towards his face!

"Reply this time?" Mu Lao said indifferently.

Su Yi's complexion suddenly changed.

Before this, Mu Lao had great aura fluctuations, but he couldn't see any evil spirit at all, but now this man is obviously full of evil spirit!

Soon the blackness on Mu Lao's face quickly faded, and the strong evil spirit on his body disappeared once again.

"The exercises I practiced can cover up evil spirits, so Fellow Daoist Han didn't notice it." Mu Lao explained, "Although my blood evil spirits are not as strong as yours, it is enough to prove that you and I are actually fellow-paths, right?"

This method of concealing evil spirits is very practical.

Su Yi's complexion softened immediately, and he burst into a smile. He has made a deal with Mu Lao as a friend.

"Mu Lao, I was so rude just now, please forgive me." Su Yi smiled and cupped his hands.

"Maybe it's okay!" Mu Lao said with a smile, "Han Daoyou, this is not a place to talk, why don't you go to my cave to have a talk, how about?"

"Being obedient is worse than respect!" This is exactly what Su Yi wanted.

Mu Lao nodded: "Fellow Daoist, wait a moment. Allow me to deal with something first."

He suddenly chanted the mantra, and with his movements, Su Yi keenly noticed the violent fluctuation of the yin energy in Lanruo Temple.

Su Yi suddenly stared at the past.

However, from the ground of the temple, several bulging small bags quickly went to Mu Lao's side.Soon these small packets surrounded Mulao, seven or eight withered hands burst out from the ground, grabbing Mulao's legs together.

The mantra in Mu Lao's mouth became more rapid, and a trace of energy and blood flowed from these palms into Mu Lao's legs.

It took a while for Old Mu to stop, he chanted the mantra again, these palms retracted to the ground one after another, and walked towards Lanruo Temple again.

When they all returned to the ground of Lanruo Temple, Mu Lao put down his hands and looked at Su Yi with a smile: "This little trick that can't be put on the table makes fellow Taoists laugh."

Su Yi said: "To be honest, I don't know what this is at all. Would Mr. Mu please explain it to me?"

Mu Lao's eyes flashed, and he laughed loudly: "Of course, of course! This way please, let's talk as we walk!"


The two walked towards the dense forest to the west of Lanruo Temple. After walking a few steps, Mu Lao explained with a smile: "This is actually the most common kind of corpse puppet. It helps me collect blood essence and prevents me from increasing my evil spirit. Very useful little tricks... but they are low in strength, and they can't see the sun, so they can only deal with mortals at best."

"In this Lanruo Temple, mortals will rest here from time to time, so I hide these corpse puppets underground and collect them every once in a while."

Su Yi came to a sudden: "So that's the case, but mortals also have powerful people. If they meet people who practice martial arts, Mu Lao, a corpse puppet, will probably be useless."

"It's natural. In fact, I have other means to collect blood essence. The main function of these corpse puppets is to clean up the mess and not waste a little bit." Mu Lao laughed, "throw the corpse that has sucked up the blood essence to They are kept for you until there is not even a bone left! They can gather a lot of blood after eating dozens of corpses..."

"So that's how it is." Su Yi heard murderous intent in his heart, but the smile on the corner of his mouth grew stronger, "This can be regarded as the best use of everything."

"Hey!" Old Mu looked very excited, "This method can be regarded as my own creation. Fellow Daoist Han, what about you? What method do you use for blood sacrifice?"

Su Yi said with a smile: "My idea won't make it to the table, so it's fine if I don't talk about it."

"Can't get on the stage? Fellow Daoist Han is too modest." Mu Lao's eyes flickered, and a hint of greed disappeared, "You seem to be only at the level of Qi training, but you can hurt Yan Chixia! This dog thief I have always had trouble with me. A year ago, I teamed up with my friends to knock down his realm to the first level, but he is still at the early stage of foundation establishment, but not only did he not take advantage of Han Daoyou, he was injured instead, hehehe..."

In the early stage of foundation building?

Su Yi was startled for a moment, then suddenly realized.

No wonder Yan Chixia is so powerful, she turned out to be a foundation cultivator who really embarked on the immortal journey!

From this point of view, the reason why the opponent's energy and blood are so powerful is probably because of the sublimation of the physical body after the foundation was established.During this journey of cultivating immortals, the spiritual energy will inevitably feed back to the physical body. It is not obvious during the training period, but once the foundation is established, it will cleanse the essence and cut the marrow, improving the physique.

Yan Chixia's qi and blood power is somewhat stronger than Su Yi, a master of martial arts.People say that immortals have different paths, and the difference is not only in longevity and mana.

Even if the physical body is a raft for practitioners, it is stronger than ordinary rafts.

Su Yi glanced at Mu Lao beside him. The old man's aura was introverted. Su Yi could only sense that his aura fluctuated no less than that of Ning Caichen. I no longer know.

"Fellow Daoist Han, if I'm not mistaken, you should be a body refiner, right?" Mu Lao said with a smile, "I've never heard of such a powerful body refinement method that can beat a foundation cultivator. Please forgive my ignorance." , I don’t know where Daoyou Han studied under?”

"I'm just a casual cultivator with no background or sect." Su Yi said, "The reason why I know this technique is also by chance."

Old Mu smiled even more when he heard the words: "It turns out that you can learn by yourself without a teacher. Fellow Daoist Han is a genius! Haha, my cave is here. Fellow Daoist Han, please!"

He pointed forward and smiled.

Su Yi frowned slightly, looking at the vast jungle ahead.


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