On the surface, the front is just the most ordinary mountain forest.But in fact, this is just an illusion. In fact, this is a cave shrouded in formations, and its real terrain is a valley.

If a mortal enters this formation by mistake, he will be trapped in the formation and circle back and forth. Old Monster Mu is not a good person, so one can imagine the fate of this mortal.

Mr. Mu slapped his waist and got an extra wooden token in his hand. He held the wooden token and made a few formula seals. A miraculous thing happened. The forest in front of him actually parted from it, forming a bluestone road.

Old Monster Mu put away the token with a smile and looked at Su Yi: "Friend Daoist Han, please?"

Su Yi smiled and stepped onto the Qingshi Road without hesitation.

Sight, touch, everything seems very real, so real that Su Yi can't even tell the slightest difference with his naked eyes and senses.

He didn't hide his ignorance, looked around and said in admiration: "Old Mu, is this a formation? It's the first time I've seen it, and it's really amazing."

Old monster Mu's eyes flashed: "Oh? Why hasn't Fellow Daoist Han seen formations before?"

"I'm not afraid of your jokes. I've been working hard since I got the secret book. This is the first time I've come out of the mountain." Su Yi said casually, "You are the second practitioner I met."

A strange color flashed in the eyes of Old Monster Mu and said: "Hehe, I guess it's the same, even a practitioner can see your evil spirit, if you are seen by people from the Seven Great Sects, it will be strange if they don't subdue demons and eliminate demons. "

Su Yi frowned and said: "This is the reason why that old thief Yan just yelled at me without saying a word? This straight mother thief, indiscriminate, see you next time, I must kill him!"

"Hehe, these people claim to be righteous, but they are actually hypocrites." Old Man Mu laughed and said, "It may not be a good thing that fellow Daoist Han can see through the true colors of these so-called decent people so early on."

Su Yi nodded in agreement, as if agreeing.

Walking along the bluestone road to the end, the eyes suddenly opened up.

However, pieces of spiritual fields are inlaid in narrow valleys like emeralds, with trails and paths.

The steaming stream winds around the Lingtian, like white ribbons.

There is a thatched hut on a gentle slope to the east of the valley, where some mortals in ragged clothes are handcuffed and shackled, pushing stone mills to work numbly.

It looks like a strong coolie brought back by Old Monster Mu...

Su Yi narrowed his eyes slightly, turned his head and looked straight ahead.

At the end of the valley, under the straight cliff, there is a huge stone gate with the words "Hei Mu Zhai" written on it.

This is like digging out a cave in the cliff, just looking at the gate is extraordinarily grand.

"It's a good place..." Su Yi said sincerely, it was beyond Su Yi's surprise that an evil cultivator in the foundation-building period actually occupied such a paradise.In Su Yi's mind, this place should be full of howling ghosts and howling wolves, with gusts of gloomy wind.

Old monster Mu has been observing Su Yi's expression, and a smugness flashed in his eyes when he heard the words, and he said with a smile: "There is a small spiritual vein in this valley, which is not worth mentioning to those famous sects, but to us As far as casual cultivators are concerned, they are the most precious treasures in the world! Hehe, as far as I know, there are only a handful of casual cultivators in the entire Yue Kingdom who can monopolize a spiritual vein to practice like me."

Isn't this just looking for praise?

Su Yi praised without hesitation, gave a thumbs up and said, "Amazing!"

Should I say it or not, this place with spiritual veins is indeed different.He quietly operated the exercises, and the speed of absorbing spiritual energy was indeed more than a star and a half faster than that from ordinary places.

"Hehe, Fellow Daoist Han, please!"

While exchanging greetings, the two arrived at the gate of the cave.


The stone door rumbled open as if being sensed, and the fragrant wind wafted in. With the laughter like silver bells coming out of the door, the color in front of Su Yi's eyes suddenly became beautiful and lively.

I saw four women wearing light gauze pouring out of the door lightly, lined up, all bowed and saluted: "Welcome grandma back home!"

"Okay, okay!" Old monster Mu smiled and nodded, then turned his head to look at Su Yi, but saw that Su Yi had a look of "sex and soul granting", a pair of eyes fixed on the faintly visible white and tender skin of the four girls, and he couldn't move at all. opened.

A trace of sarcasm flashed in his eyes, and the smile on his face deepened.

The four girls in front of them are really plums, orchids, bamboos and chrysanthemums competing for beauty, some are cold, some are charming, some are pure, and some are shy.In the world, it is definitely a top character.

But here, they are just mere maids.

What surprised Su Yi even more was that the four girls were full of yin energy, and the faintly fluctuating spiritual energy on their bodies showed that they were not ordinary people, but practitioners.

Su Yi's "smiling" eyes flicked across the faces of the four girls one by one, guessing which one was Nie Xiaoqian.

According to common sense, it should be the most beautiful one, that is, the one with a pure and pleasant appearance.

Su Yi stared at this woman's face a few more times, and all this was naturally seen by Old Monster Mu.

"Fellow Daoist Han, these four are my maidservants. All of them have spiritual roots. What's more rare is that they all have yin bodies. Hehe, I spent more than ten years looking for them." Old monster Mu He said with a smile.

"Heaven Yin body? Is there anything special about this body?" Su Yi asked without understanding.

"This is a good furnace that can help me transform evil spirits into alchemy. Do you think it is special or not?" Mr. Mu smiled triumphantly, "The four of them are only Xiaoqian with better aptitude, and the rest of them are very ordinary. But cultivation When the qi training is complete, a wisp of extremely yin qi will be produced in their bodies. At that time, they will be replenished with the method of double rest, and the evil qi will be resolved, echoing my exercises, and increasing the probability of alchemy."

He did not shy away from saying these words, but the four girls still smiled indifferently.

Only Xiaoqian's eyes flickered with sadness.

While talking, Old Monster Mu observed Su Yi's expression, and seeing that Su Yi was as excited as he expected, he laughed and said: "You four, hurry up and prepare tea, pick some spiritual fruits, and then prepare for singing and dancing. I want to treat Fellow Daoist Han well!"

"Yes, grandma!" The four daughters bowed in response, and Tingting stepped back gracefully to get ready.

Old Monster Mu enthusiastically led Su Yi into the cave.

The space in this cave is not small, and the layout is also very elegant. Old monster Mu led Su Yi to sit down in the lobby, and soon the four women came with cups and cups, and made tea for the two of them and placed spiritual fruit preserves.

The aroma of tea and fruit came to the nostrils, making Su Yi move his index finger.

Su Yi intends to set up his own hillbilly persona, and almost impatiently picks up a spiritual fruit, and takes a big bite out of it.

Juice splashes everywhere, full of fragrance.

"Good fruit!" Su Yi praised sincerely.The fruits grown in this fairyland spirit field are different from ordinary fruits. They are crisp and refreshing, and one bite will refresh one's mind.

"Eat more if you like it." A trace of disdain flashed in Mu Lao's eyes, and he clapped his hands, and the four girls immediately came to the arena, chanting softly, while swaying their bodies and dancing.

Suddenly, Su Yi's blood surged up, and his heart was hot. In his eyes, the beauty of the four girls in front of him was faintly visible, and they all poked their heads and poses, as if they were inviting him.

This is obviously a charm.

As soon as the Sheqing Qi was activated, Su Yi's mind was immediately cleared, but he still pretended to be blushing, and stared at the four women in the field with fiery eyes, especially Xiaoqian.

Old Monster Mu smiled and said, "Fellow Daoist Han, how are you doing?"

"It's really big and white." Su Yi said casually without blinking.

"It seems that Fellow Daoist Han is also a man of temperament." Old Mu smiled strangely, and his style of painting suddenly changed, "Speaking of which, Fellow Daoist Han and I are destined to be destined. Daoyou Han was rescued by Yan's dog thief."

Su Yi came back to his senses and said seriously: "Old Mu, thank you for saving your life. I, Han Li, am not an ungrateful person. Don't worry, I will definitely repay this kindness."

"Hehe, it's enough for Fellow Daoist Han to have this kind of intention." Old Monster Mu said with a smile, "Actually, the dog thief and I have always been at odds with each other. Back then, he insisted on robbing me of this spiritual vein. Fortunately, I have My friend arrived in time and repelled him. But the dog thief has been circling around, waiting for an opportunity to harm me..."

As he talked, Old Monster Mu already gritted his teeth: "This bastard has repeatedly ruined my good deeds, I have wanted to kill him for a long time!"

"Yan Chixia has a savage face, and she is not a good person at first glance!" Su Yi immediately yelled at the enemy without hesitation, "This bird man shouted and killed me as soon as he saw me. It is simply incomprehensible! If I don't take revenge, Han Li swears Not human!"

Old Monster Mu smiled and said, "The dog thief surnamed Yan has a lot of mana. He and I are one-on-one, and we can't do anything to each other. You, Daoist Han, can hold on to him for so long and still hurt him!" , really opened my eyes."

"Where is it, I am also average." Su Yi waved his hand, and glanced at the four dancing girls in the field.

Old Monster Mu coughed lightly, and said again: "Body-refining cultivators are very rare in the world of practice. Counting Fellow Daoist Han, I've only seen two of them..."

He was about to quote the following, but Su Yi suddenly interrupted him and asked without looking back: "Who is the other one?"

Old Monster Mu hesitated, and said with a smile: "There is another national teacher of Yue Kingdom, Master Cihang Pudu."

"I've never heard of it." Su Yi said indifferently.

"This person's cultivation is unfathomable, and he possesses very powerful Buddhist body training methods..." A trace of fear flashed in the eyes of Old Monster Mu.

"Hehe, forgive me for being ignorant, but I can't see anything about your body training method, Fellow Daoist Han." Old Monster Mu said with a smile, "I wonder if Fellow Daoist Han can clear up my confusion for me?"

"My technique is nameless, and it's not easy to practice." Su Yi's eyes were still fixed on Xiaoqian, and before Old Monster Mu could ask questions again, he suddenly changed the topic, "Old Mu, In fact, I admire you very much, I didn't expect you to be a true gentleman who can sit still."

Old Monster Mu was stunned, but he didn't react.

Su Yi smiled and pointed to the four dancing girls in front of him, "Such four people are so beautiful, they are still virgins. If it were me, I would have turned them into sisters-in-law."

A trace of disdain flashed in the eyes of Old Freak Mu, and he said with a smile: "Friend Daoist Han doesn't know that before their extreme Yin Qi is brewed and cultivated, they can't break their bodies, otherwise they won't be able to cultivate Extreme Yin Qi. Starting from Jiedan Avenue, what is a mere female sex?"

Su Yi said: "Love Jiangshan and love beauty more, Mu Lao, you don't understand love."

Old Mu smiled and said nothing, but the look of contempt in his eyes grew even more.

"Fellow Daoist Han, I wonder why you came to Heifeng Mountain?" Old Freak Mu asked again.

"Wander around." Su Yi said, "I want to ride the fastest horse, drink the strongest wine, and fuck the most beautiful woman!"

"..." Old Monster Mu smiled again and changed the subject, "Oh, it's a pity, it's a pity, Fellow Daoist Han offended Yan, let alone wandering around, I'm afraid it's impossible to think of this Black Wind Mountain."

Su Yi was stunned for a moment, and finally turned his eyes back from Xiaoqian, looking at Old Monster Mu.

"Mu Lao means that this Yan Chixia still refuses to let me go?" Su Yi frowned tightly.

"This person will take revenge, and he will definitely not let you go!" Old Monster Mu said seriously, "Fellow Daoist Han, I can protect you for a while, but I can't protect you forever. You have to be wary of Yan Chixia."

"If you can't provoke me, I can afford to hide." Su Yi said, "If it doesn't work, I will go far away, and when I succeed in cultivation, I will come back to seek revenge on him."

"How happy and free is Daoist Han to travel around? If you have a grudge and can't avenge it, but you are forced to flee in a panic, it's too shameful." Old Mu said strangely.

"Don't provoke me, it's useless." Su Yi smiled half-smile, "Come out to mess around, nothing matters. I can't beat Yan Chixia, and I will never do anything that seeks death."

Old Monster Mu smiled and said, "Friend Han, you misunderstood me. I don't want you to fight alone. Since you and I have a grudge against Yan Chixia, why don't we join forces and kill him together?"

"Joining hands?" Su Yi frowned.

"That's right, join hands." Old Monster Mu said, "With the strength of Fellow Daoist Han and me, as long as we plan carefully, we will be able to kill this beast! In this way, I have eliminated a confidant, and you have revenge, Fellow Daoist Han. Why not do it?"

Su Yi seemed to be moved, but he still shook his head and said: "No, no, I can't do it now, my magic sword is destroyed, how can I fight him?"

Old monster Mu glanced at the two storage bags on Su Yi's waist, and said with a smile, "It's impossible for Fellow Daoist Han to only have one magic weapon, right?"

"This is the only one who fights." Su Yi spread his hands helplessly, "Mu Lao, your proposal is very good, but unfortunately I have no intention, let's talk about this matter later."

After finishing speaking, he turned his head away again, enjoying the singing and dancing without blinking his eyes.

Old Monster Mu's eyes flickered, and he suddenly said: "Friend Han, if I'm willing to lend you a medium-grade magic weapon, are you willing to join forces with me to fight against the enemy?"

"Lend me a magic weapon?" Su Yi was surprised.

"That's right!" Old Monster Mu stretched out his hand to press his waist, and suddenly a two-foot-long handle as thick as an arm appeared in his hand, and a magic weapon with a purple body like a hammer the size of a skull.

"Purple Gold Hammer?" Su Yi blurted out, with a strange look in his eyes.

"This is not purple gold, but copper." Old monster Mu handed the purple hammer to Su Yi, "This hammer has no name. It was originally used for forging magic weapons, but it can also be used for fighting skills. Fellow Daoist Han, give it a try and see." Take advantage of it or not."

Su Yi grabbed the handle of the hammer and swung it twice. The heavy feel actually gave him a particularly solid and comfortable feeling.

"This hammer has no name?" Su Yi smiled and turned the handle of the hammer, "Then it will be called Jinglei from now on!"

Old Monster Mu's face darkened suddenly, I'll lend you a hammer, what's your name?

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