Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1608 Conspiracy

Chapter 1608 Conspiracy
Jinglei is a good hammer. If I have a chance in the future, I will make another dharma sword, which will be called Zidian.

Su Yi doesn't know what politeness is, if you dare to borrow it, I will accept it.After playing with the hammer, he put it into the storage bag, smiled and said to Mu Laoguai: "Mu Lao has his heart, then I will accept it."

Old Mu looked at Su Yi strangely, hesitated to speak, but finally said with a smile: "Then we took action against Yan Chixia..."

"No problem!" Su Yi responded, "Old Mu, you saved my life, invited me to a singing and dancing show, and gave me a hammer. You are such a nice person, can I refuse you? Don't worry, Isn't it Yan Chixia? Let him go!"

Old Monster Mu was overjoyed: "Okay, happy! If Fellow Daoist Han can really kill Yan Chixia, a thief, why not give you the hammer?"

"I promise you it's not for this hammer, but mainly for this person!" Su Yi narrowed his eyes and looked at Nie Xiaoqian again, "As the saying goes, a gentleman has the beauty of an adult, Mr. Mu, I see you are a gentleman!"

Old Monster Mu's face twitched slightly, looked at Nie Xiaoqian, pondered for a moment and said, "Fellow Daoist Han, if you really want to do things like clouds and rain, why don't I let them go to Guobei Town to capture a mortal woman for you? Don't worry, I promise it will be Jiao Didi Dao." beauty."

"Who does Mr. Mu think of me?" Su Yi waved his hand in displeasure, "Mr. Han has always been devoted to love, and he hates lecherous people who are always looking for flowers and women. Anyone who I like, I will never Giving up or changing goals easily."

Old Monster Mu narrowed his eyes and said, "It seems that Fellow Daoist Han really fell in love with Xiaoqian at first sight..."

"I don't know if Mr. Mu is willing to bear the pain and give up his love?" Su Yi asked.

"Okay! A mere furnace, how can it be worth the friendship between me and Daoyou Han?" Old Monster Mu slapped his thigh and gritted his teeth, "Since Fellow Daoist Han really likes it, I will give this girl to you as a gift!"

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of the four goddesses over there were different.

The other three women all showed surprise, only Xiaoqian was slightly startled, and the corner of her mouth curled up with a trace of bitterness.

Su Yi was "overjoyed": "It's a deal?"

"Never regret it!" Old Monster Mu laughed, "Friend Daoist Han, you must have consumed a lot of fighting just now, why don't you let Xiaoqian send you to the guest room to rest, after three days of rest, we will discuss how to deal with Yan Chixia .In the past three days, you happened to be familiar with the hammer magic weapon, and I am refining a set of array flags, and the last step is almost finished. Shall we get together again in three days?"

"Then I'd rather be respectful than obedient!" Su Yi laughed.

Old monster Mu nodded and clapped his palms, and the singing and dancing over there stopped immediately.

He said to Xiaoqian in a friendly manner: "Xiaoqian, you heard what grandma said just now? You send Fellow Daoist Han to the guest room to rest first, and then you come back to me first, I have something important to explain to you. Then you can Go back and accompany fellow Daoist Han."

"Yes..." Nie Xiaoqian said in a low voice, bowing slightly with a numb expression.

There was gloating in the eyes of a woman next to her.

"Mr. Han, this way please." Nie Xiaoqian raised her head and expressed her respectful gesture to Su Yi with a blank expression.

"Okay, okay!" Su Yi seemed to have his bones shattered, "Old Mu, then I will..."

"Hehe, let's go." Old Monster Mu smiled and waved his hands.

After watching Nie Xiaoqian lead Su Yi one by one into the depths of the corridor, the smile on Old Monster Mu's face slowly disappeared, revealing a sarcasm and ferocity.

The other three girls surrounded her, and one of them said anxiously: "Grandma, do you really want to give Xiaoqian to this person? Didn't you say you wanted to give Xiaoqian to the old fairy of Heishan?"

"Hmph, I wanted to give Xiaoqian to the Black Mountain old demon before, because I wanted him to help me deal with the lingering Yan Chixia." The old monster Mu said with a gloomy gaze, "But the old black mountain demon has provoked some people recently. Troublesome, too busy to take care of myself, I don’t have the energy to help me at all, so why should I look for him? Xiaoqian is the most talented furnace among the four of you, how can you take advantage of this old demon for nothing?”

Jealousy flashed in the eyes of the three women, and one of them said: "Grandma, but you and the old fairy Heishan have agreed to give Xiaoqian to him, if you go back on your word..."

"If he doesn't help me, he can't give it away for nothing, right?" Old monster Mu snorted, with a little fear in his eyes, he hesitated and said again: "If that old monster is really entangled..."

His eyes fell on one of the women, and he said with a half-smile: "Then I have to replace Xiaoqian with you."

The woman was startled when she heard the words, and then her face turned pale, she was so frightened that she fell to her knees and begged repeatedly: "Please forgive me, grandma! That old Black Mountain demon is cruel and vicious. I have heard that all the women who are with him will be raped by him to death." , Even the bones were sacrificed by his blood, and in the end, the soul flew away, and there was no chance of reincarnation! Grandma, I don’t want to die, please remember that I have served you for so many years, don’t let me go..."

"If you don't go, then the two of them will go?" Old Monster Mu smiled and looked at the other two girls.

The two girls were so frightened that they hurriedly knelt down and begged in unison: "Please forgive me, grandma!"

Old Monster Mu snorted coldly and said, "Didn't the three of you laugh very happily when Xiaoqian was asked to go?"

The three girls trembled, but begged again and again.

One of the women gritted her teeth and said, "Grandma, since the Montenegrin old demon didn't do anything, why do you still have to please him..."

Before the words were finished, a vine shot out from the sleeve of the old monster Mu, and slammed the girl on the shoulder, causing the girl to roll on the ground with a scream.

"If you dare to be disrespectful to grandma, without the old Black Mountain demon doing anything, I'll harvest you until you die, and sacrifice your blood again!" Old Monster Mu said seriously.

"Slaves don't dare! Slaves don't dare!" The woman repeatedly kowtowed and begged.

Old Monster Mu's face turned pale, and then he sneered and said, "What is the old Black Mountain monster? If the leader hadn't given him the Black Sha Shura Kung Fu, how could he be where he is today?"

The three women just shivered and dared not answer.

Old Monster Mu didn't expect them to answer anything, and soon he himself became excited again: "But the old Black Mountain demon won't be arrogant for long, haha! This man surnamed Han is a rare body refiner. I'm afraid it's also caused by the body training method, grandma, I am proficient in the yin and yang reversing chaos and blood evil art, and I can't get rid of the evil energy and worry that I can't use it. If I get his evil energy training method... Ha ha!"

"This son is not very old, but he can carry Yan Chixia with his physical strength, and even hurt this dog thief. It shows how extraordinary his skills are? Especially the speed of appearing and disappearing, even my grandma can't see clearly, haha! I If you learn this technique, you will be able to overwhelm the Black Mountain old demon! Hahahaha..."

Speaking of excitement, Old Monster Mu couldn't help laughing wildly.

The three women looked at each other, and one of them flattered and complimented: "Grandma's miraculous skills are world-class, and my wish will definitely come true! But... If my grandma plots this surname Han's martial arts, why not just arrest him and torture him? Why do you want to eat? To entertain him? And to give Xiaoqian to him?"

"That's right, grandma, it's better to leave Xiaoqian to the old fairy of Heishan..." Another girl said immediately.

"Hmph, you guys know nothing! Grandma, I have a clever plan, how can you understand it?" Old Monster Mu looked smug, "Yan Chixia is a serious problem in my heart, and I hate that this person always spoils my good things and prevents me from doing blood sacrifices." Ordinary people, this person must be eliminated as soon as possible, otherwise, when his cultivation base recovers, I will really have a headache..."

"Originally I was counting on the Black Mountain old demon, but now he can't count on him. Who can I rely on? You?" The old monster Mu sneered, "The surname Han is quite strong. He took the initiative to send it to the door. If I don't make use of it, Isn’t it stupid? I borrowed his magic weapon and asked Xiaoqian to accompany him, just to make him obedient and help me deal with Yan Chixia!”

"Then grandma, you just need to give him some benefits, why give him Xiaoqian?" A girl apologized, "Xiaoqian is the most talented among us, and she has already reached the eleventh floor of the Absolute Yin Ghost Shagong. If in a few years, I get a foundation-building pill, foundation-building is possible. Grandma, a furnace cauldron in the foundation-building period is not the same as a furnace cauldron in the qi training period. It would be a pity for her to break her vital yin now. ?”

"Don't bother your little thoughts with me," Old Monster Mu sneered, "I know you don't want to be given to the old Black Mountain demon by my grandma, that's why I said that. In private, who among you admires Xiaoqian? Now praise her God, are you confused when you are a grandma?"

The girl smiled apologetically and said, "How dare I, my servant? What I mean by this servant is that this man surnamed Han seems to have never seen anything in the world. Grandma, you can fool him casually. Why bother to spend so much money?"

"Things that you can all think of, how can I not think of it, grandma?" Old Monster Mu chuckled, with a look of pride in his eyes, "Don't worry, Xiaoqian's Yuanyin, he can't take it away! Xiaoqian will come over later, I will instruct her to use charm to confuse Han Li, making him think that he really spends the night with Xiaoqian, but in fact, he can't even touch Xiaoqian's toes, ahahahaha..."

He laughed triumphantly as he spoke.

The other three girls looked at each other when they heard the words, they were both surprised and happy.

As long as Nie Xiaoqian is still in perfect condition, they will not be able to serve the old demon of Montenegro.After all, they had seen all four of them, and the old demon fell in love with Nie Xiaoqian immediately, and didn't pay attention to the three of them at all.

This kind of thing happened often, so the three of them were jealous and hated Nie Xiaoqian's appearance and temperament, and they never got along with her.

"Grandma, didn't you say that Han Li can even threaten Yan Chixia, so with Xiaoqian's charm, can he really be charmed?" A girl asked worriedly.

"Hehe, grandma, I have no plans to spare, how can I not think of this?" Old Monster Mu said proudly, "My tea is not so delicious."

"You poisoned the tea?" the girl asked in surprise.

"It's not poison, but pure medicine!" Old Monster Mu laughed, "An aphrodisiac that can make practitioners lose their minds! With the help of this aphrodisiac, no matter how determined Han Li is, he will still be charmed by Xiaoqian's charm." of."

The three girls wanted to ask again, but they saw Xiaoqian coming in from the door, walked up to her, and bowed slightly with no expression on her face, "Grandma, I'm being sent to the guest room."

"Well, the three of you go down first." Old Monster Mu nodded and ordered.

The three girls agreed in unison, and exited the door.

"What did he tell you?" Old Monster Mu asked.

"This man is a hungry ghost, and he didn't say anything other than nonsense," Nie Xiaoqian said.

Old Monster Mu laughed and said, "Lust is good, lust is a bone-scraping steel knife, this knife, he can't dodge it! Xiaoqian, after you go later, it will be like dealing with those mortals who were tricked into blood sacrifices before. Cast your charm and charm him!"

Seeing Nie Xiaoqian's expressionless face, Old Monster Mu was taken aback, and said, "Aren't you surprised? Did you guess that I wouldn't really give you to him?"

"The one surnamed Han is not an old demon from Montenegro, how could grandma take advantage of him?" Nie Xiaoqian said lightly.

Appreciation flashed across Old Monster Mu's eyes: "Well, among the four of you, you are indeed the smartest. Don't worry, he has been hit by my aphrodisiac. As long as you lure him a little bit, it will arouse his medicinal properties. When his medicinal properties take effect, Then you can cast your charm."


The old monster Mu suddenly chanted a mantra, and the robe on his body suddenly fluttered, as if there was something alive struggling to swim away.

"Hey hey hey..."

"Hee hee hee……"

The tingling and creepy laughter of the child rang out, followed by five ghost boys with pale faces and hideous expressions, who got out of his clothes, and the five ghosts climbed onto the shoulders of Old Monster Mu, all grinning at Nie Xiaoqian. with.

Nie Xiaoqian's complexion changed, fear flashed in her eyes, she hurriedly lowered her head not daring to look at them.

Mu Laoguai turned his palm upside down, and suddenly a black cloth bag appeared in his hand. He muttered something, and suddenly pointed at the cloth bag, and five ghost boys rushed into it.Only then was he satisfied with sealing the mouth of the bag with magic power and handing it over to Nie Xiaoqian.

"The physique of the four of you is an excellent habitat for the five ghosts, so you must use this ghost bag to isolate it." Old Monster Mu said, "When you charm him, release the five ghosts. The five ghosts will go up to his body, lurking in his body, forming the five ghost seal. As long as the seal is not triggered, the surname Han will never notice it."

Nie Xiaoqian was startled, and said, "Grandma wants to control him?"

"What's your opinion?" Old Monster Mu raised his eyebrows.

"Of course I have no objection," Nie Xiaoqian said hastily, "This servant thinks that grandma wants to sacrifice him with blood."

"Of course I will sacrifice him with blood, but that is the last thing." Old Monster Mu said with a sinister smile, "I will use him to deal with Yan Chixia first, and I will use the five ghost seals to prevent him from playing tricks. Then I will control him Go and fight Yan Chixia to your death! But I will not let him die, because I still need to search for his soul and get his body-refining method! When he is worthless, then I will sacrifice him with blood!"

"The flesh and blood of a body refiner who can bear the foundation-building cultivator will definitely make my skill greatly improved, maybe it will go directly to the late stage of foundation-building! At that time, I will learn the method of body-building with evil energy, I see how the old Black Mountain demon still fights with me? Hahahaha..."

Hearing the insolent and triumphant laugh of Old Monster Mu, Nie Xiaoqian looked down sadly, and lowered her head.

The rabbit died and the fox was sad, and the end of Su Yi described by the old monster Mu reminded her of her future self.

She knew very well that her fate would be the same, that she would be sucked out of her last bit of value by her grandma, and nothing would be left of her body or soul.

(End of this chapter)

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