Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1609 Rebellion

Chapter 1609 Rebellion
This is a stone room about two feet square. The furniture and furnishings in the stone room are all available, and the arrangement is quite elegant.

Su Yi sat cross-legged on the wooden couch with his palms facing upwards, absorbing spiritual energy into his body, and refining the evil spirit into his body.

Cultivation is different in places with spiritual veins, and Su Yi obviously feels that the efficiency is much higher.

But the so-called "high" is only compared to his own before. Although Su Yi doesn't know how fast others are practicing, he is sure that compared to others, he is definitely a turtle.

This is helpless, the upper limit of the self-created "bale energy refinement technique" he intercepted from Jinsha's deadly palm is too low. From the beginning of cultivation to the present, Su Yi has not even "spiritualized" a single acupuncture point, and now he is only using it superficially. Reiki refines flesh and blood, and its simplicity and brutality are outrageous.

So Su Yi urgently needs to replace his own skills.He has seen Old Monster Mu make a move, and he knows that the opponent's technique also has the function of body training, and it also uses evil energy and blood to cultivate, isn't it a coincidence?
He knew that Boss Wood was playing with his own ideas, but he didn't care because he was also playing with Boss Wood's ideas.

Not only for his skills, but also for this cave.

With Su Yi's aptitude and strong evil spirit, he is doomed not to join the famous sect, so he can only become a casual cultivator.

In this way, it becomes very important to have a cave with spiritual veins.

The reason why Su Yi made false promises to Old Monster Mu was because he didn't know much about practitioners' methods, especially what hole cards and trump cards Old Monster Mu possessed. He needs to be more confident before he can make a move; secondly, where is Old Monster Mu's technique?Is it in the storage bag, or is it in his mind, and there is no real thing?This is what Su Yi needs to figure out.

Otherwise, it would be in vain if you tried your best to kill the old monster Mu, but you didn't get the skills you need the most?
Therefore, Su Yi still needed an internal agent, and the internal agent he chose was Nie Xiaoqian.

The lust he showed was of course fake, in fact, facing Nie Xiaoqian and Su Yi, there was no disturbance in his heart.It's not that Nie Xiaoqian is not beautiful, but that Su Yi has no need for women and emotions right now.He only wants to improve his strength now, he only wants to cultivate immortality, women and emotions will only affect the speed of his hammer.

At a certain moment, Su Yi stopped his cultivation with a thought, and looked towards the gate.

dong dong dong.

"Master Han, I'm Xiaoqian."



The door opened, and Xiaoqian floated in. With a flick of her wide sleeves, the door closed behind her with a "bang".

She bowed to Su Yi Yingying: "Young Master Han..."

Her blue hair drooped down like a waterfall, her eyes showed a desolate and half-hearted obsession, and she bit her red lips lightly with her white teeth.

She specially changed her clothes, she was wearing a bright red gauze, her graceful body was looming, her slender hands were placed in front of her lower abdomen, she twisted her ten fingers together nervously, her bare feet were exposed, revealing her calves like tender lotus root.

Su Yi showed emotion, and waved with a smile: "Come, come, sit here."

"My lord, why are you in a hurry?" Xiaoqian remained silent for a while, then suddenly raised her head and smiled, her smile was indescribably charming.

Under this smile, Su Yi suddenly felt an unspeakable hotness, his blood boiled, and an impulse made him wish he could rush forward and rub the beauty in front of him into his arms.But after he woke up with a slight start in his heart, all the discomfort suddenly disappeared.

what happened?

Surprised, Su Yi hurriedly checked himself, only to realize that he had been poisoned by pure medicine!

He was amazed, this medicine is so miraculous, even he didn't notice it when it didn't take effect, until now when he felt a little desire, the medicine's effect was immediately activated.

He is like this, if a mortal would have lost his mind by now.

It's a pity that giving Su Yi pure medicine is equivalent to piercing the earth with embroidery needles.

Not to mention the I Ching Washing Marrow Sutra can detoxify hundreds of poisons, even if it is not used, the pure medicine will have no effect on Su Yi.

Su Yi's control over the physical body has long since reached an unbelievable level, and his qi and blood are very strong. He doesn't even need to deliberately dissolve this pure medicine, and it doesn't pose any threat to him.It was because of Su Yi's carelessness that the medicine's effect could be triggered at the moment of the onset of the attack.

Although it was fine, Su Yi still made a look and the color of the soul, manipulating the blood to flow to his face, making his face appear abnormally flushed.

Seeing this, Nie Xiaoqian activated the charm without hesitation.

Su Yi's eyes flickered for a moment, and when he looked again, he saw Nie Xiaoqian's eyes were as charming as silk, and he suddenly stretched out his hand and gently pulled the ribbon tied around his waist, and the red gauze immediately fell to the ground, revealing a bumpy body Come.

"Mr. Han, please take pity on me." Nie Xiaoqian said shyly, and then floated over like a gust of wind, and threw herself into Su Yi's arms.Xiaoqian put her arms around Su Yi's neck, turned over and straddled Su Yi's lap.

Su Yi was slightly silent, motionless.

He didn't pay attention to the "Xiaoqian" who was like a wild horse pounced on him, and he didn't use the corner of his eye to look at Xiaoqian who was still standing there, chanting the mantra, but frowned slightly and remained silent.

Nie Xiaoqian, who was standing there and performing the charm, was stunned when she saw this, with doubts in her eyes.

According to the normal situation, the person who has been charmed by her is now tearing his clothes frantically, then kissing the air, shaking his waist, making ugly appearances.

But the Young Master Han in front of him frowns motionlessly, what's going on?

Not enchanted?
Impossible, if the other party breaks her charm, she will sense it, her own charm is running without hindrance, obviously it has not been broken.

Since he was hit, why didn't he move?
Could it be that the other party has some kind of skill or magic weapon to block the charm?
But if that was the case, why did he remain motionless and unresponsive?

Nie Xiaoqian couldn't figure it out, her complexion changed from cloudy to cloudy.

She quickly weighed the pros and cons, and finally felt that Su Yi, a man with a strong cultivation base who could take on a foundation-building monk, had no reason to put on a show in front of her, a young monk in the Qi training period, so she guessed that although Su Yi had been enchanted, Because of his identity as a body refiner, although his consciousness has fallen, he has controlled his body instinctively.

Even though she thought so, Nie Xiaoqian was still a little surprised. She didn't dare to neglect, she hurriedly took out the ghost bag, unsealed it, and wanted to let the five ghosts out.

As long as the five ghosts form five ghost seals and plant on this person, then the life and death of Mr. Han will be controlled by grandma.Even if this person finally breaks free from his charm and wakes up, he cannot escape the fate of being controlled.

But something even more incredible happened to her.

She opened the ghost bag, but the five ghosts shrank in the ghost bag and never came out!

She waited for a few seconds and saw that the five ghosts hadn't moved, so she subconsciously submerged her consciousness into the ghost bag.

The five ghosts were trembling, expressing extreme fear!

Nie Xiaoqian was not a stupid person at all, she reacted quickly at this moment, her heart was horrified, and she wanted to retreat without even thinking about it.

But before she could make a move, she heard Su Yi on the other side say with a smile that was not a smile: "If you dare to run, you will die."

At the same time, Nie Xiaoqian's charm was instantly broken!

Her face turned pale, and she looked at Su Yi with horror on her face. Just as she was about to make a move, she heard Su Yi say again: "Don't worry, I have no malicious intentions."

Her hand that made the tactic froze immediately, and she looked at Su Yi vigilantly in surprise.

"You didn't catch my charm at all?" Nie Xiaoqian asked tremblingly.

"I think so too, but my strength doesn't allow it..." Su Yi sighed, "Your little trick has no effect on me."

"Pure medicine is also fake?" Nie Xiaoqian paled, "Mr. Han already knew that I was going to hurt you?"

"It's not a big mistake to live under someone's fence." Su Yi chuckled, "What's more, how could I believe that an evil cultivator like Old Monster Mu who sacrificed blood to mortals would respond to my needs?"

Nie Xiaoqian's face was uncertain: "Since Mr. Han is so cautious, he must be pretending to be impatient with Xiaoqian? You deliberately behaved like this, what exactly is your intention?"

"Cooperate." Su Yi didn't expect that he would show his flaws by not pretending, so he just cut to the chase and spoke frankly.

"The first time I saw the four of you, I saw that you were different from the three of them at a glance." Su Yi looked at Nie Xiaoqian and said, "You are not willing to be controlled by the old monster Mu, are you?"

Nie Xiaoqian bit her lip, and said softly: "Mr. Han, Xiaoqian's cultivation base is superficial, and I don't think I'm qualified to cooperate with you. Either kill me, or run away quickly... The magic circle in this cave contains eighteen kinds of changes. , among the six types of killing formations, even in the late stage of foundation establishment, you have to drink hatred, even the old black mountain demon dare not forcefully break in. Grandma can launch a large formation to strangle you with a thought."

"If you don't enter the tiger's lair, how can you get a tiger cub?" Su Yi didn't show the slightest fear when he heard this, but instead smiled lightly, "Miss Xiaoqian, you remind me like this, it shows that you really want to resist Old Monster Mu, but you don't believe that I can deal with him ,right?"

Nie Xiaoqian looked at Su Yi and said, "Whether you kill me or I don't return after a long time, with grandma's paranoia, he will definitely notice and activate the formation immediately."

"So you have to make a decision quickly, whether you want to cooperate with me." Su Yi smiled, he looked at the ghost bag in Nie Xiaoqian's hand, and suddenly his figure flashed, and Nie Xiaoqian felt empty in the next moment.

She was startled, and when she looked again, she found that the ghost bag had already been in Su Yi's hands.

"The five of you have developed spiritual wisdom, so you can definitely understand what I say." Su Yi played with a ghost bag and said with a half-smile, "I give you two choices, first, I will eat you now; Whatever the old monster asks you to do, do whatever you want, obediently cooperate with me in acting, and when I kill the old monster Mu, you will hang out with me in the future."

The five ghost boys twittered and screamed, they almost couldn't wait to get out of the ghost bag, merged into one body, turned into a palm-sized mark, and got into Su Yi's body without any response.

Ghosts are inherently afraid of Sheqing. Although Sheqing doesn't feed on ghosts like Huang's father, she scares ghosts more than Huang's father.Unless it reaches the level of the ghost king, even Li Gui has no room to resist in front of Sheqing.

The five ghost boys felt the oppression of this natural enemy, and naturally knew how to choose between complete destruction and betrayal.

Nie Xiaoqian didn't know this, she stared at this scene with dumbfounded eyes, and wondered if she had been enchanted by Su Yi's charm.

"You, how is this possible?" She trembled in disbelief, "The five ghosts were sacrificed by grandma's painstaking efforts, how could they obey your orders? Who are you?"

"It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is that I may be your only and last life-saving straw, why don't you grasp it vigorously?" Su Yi laughed.

Nie Xiaoqian's complexion changed for a moment, then suddenly she knelt down in front of Su Yi, and begged, "I beg Mr. Han to save Xiaoqian from the sea of ​​suffering. Xiaoqian is willing to be a slave and a maidservant to repay your great kindness!"

"You help me deal with Old Monster Mu, and I'll save you from him. This deal is fair and reasonable, and it's definitely worth doing!" Su Yi chuckled, "As long as you and I cooperate sincerely, your wish will definitely come true! "

Having seen the incredible scene before, now Su Yi's words are particularly convincing.

Nie Xiaoqian knelt down excitedly and said: "Grandma forced our sisters to kill mortals, and planted a ghost lock spell on us, and trained us to be a furnace for him to harvest. If Xiaoqian doesn't resist, she will only die if she continues! Today It is Xiaoqian's luck to meet you! You have a mission, but Xiaoqian will die!"

"Okay, you get up first, let me see what kind of curse Mr. Mu cast on you." Su Yi nodded.

"Yes!" Xiaoqian couldn't hide her excitement, she hurriedly got up and walked to Su Yi, and stretched out her hand.

Su Yi squeezed his white wrist and looked intently.

With his medical skills, he couldn't see anything.

With a thought in his mind, he activated the power of shooting green.

Looking at it from the perspective of Sheqing, I immediately discovered the clues!
But seeing that Nie Xiaoqian's living soul was surrounded by a dense layer of black mist chains, it looked particularly strange.

"Spell?" Su Yi showed surprise.

This spell Su Yi has never seen before, but it is not difficult to understand its principle with his vision.

From the looks of it, it was Old Monster Mu who refined an unjust ghost into a cursed chain, entwining Nie Xiaoqian's soul.This spell is very vicious, it directly acts on the living soul, and it cannot be resolved by ordinary means.If you don't know how to break the curse, you will also have no way to do it.

It's a pity that I met Su Yi.

But any spells related to souls and ghosts can be dispelled by Su Yi without any effort.

"Hehe, a mere spell can be broken with the palm of your hand. You don't have to worry, this spell can't threaten you." Su Yi looked confident, "But it can't be resolved now, otherwise it will alarm the old monster Mu, and ruin the plan instead."

Nie Xiaoqian was full of surprises. Although she still had some doubts in her heart, it was diluted by the hope and dawn in her heart.

"Xiaoqian understands! Mr. Han, Xiaoqian is not in a hurry!" She said hastily, "Your Master Han wants Xiaoqian to cooperate, just tell me!"

"What's the purpose of Mr. Mu asking you to come?" Su Yi asked.

"Grandma said that you were poisoned by his pure medicine, and asked me to confuse you with charm, and then take the opportunity to plant the five ghost marks on you, so that you will fall into his control." Nie Xiaoqian poured beans into the bamboo tube without hesitation Generally sold the old wooden monster.

"Mr. Han, the reason why grandma did this is because he wants to manipulate you and let you deal with Yan Chixia with him!" Nie Xiaoqian said eagerly, "After this is done, he will torture you to find out your body training skills Fa, and then sacrifice your blood!"

(End of this chapter)

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