Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1610 Provocation

Su Yi found that he and Old Monster Mu really had the same views as heroes. He sought others' exercises, and they also sought his own exercises.

It's just that if Old Monster Mu knows that his so-called cultivation technique is just the most superficial method of refining corpses, and that this method can't be learned by others, I don't know how he should feel?
Su Yi chuckled, and said, "Does this wood monster have any background?"

He asked this question casually, because in Su Yi's subconscious view, Old Monster Mu should be a lone cultivator fighting alone.

Didn't he say the same thing himself?

Unexpectedly, this question really asked something wrong.

Nie Xiaoqian nodded with a serious expression and said: "Grandma told us that he is a member of the Heisha sect..."

"What teaching?" Su Yi raised his eyebrows immediately.

"Hei Sha Sect." Nie Xiaoqian looked at Su Yi, "How come you have heard of Hei Sha Sect? Grandma said that Hei Sha Sect is extremely secretive and few people know about it."

"What else does Heisha teach you?" Su Yi asked, frowning.

"I don't know much. Grandma seldom talks about the Heisha Sect, and besides a black mountain old demon, he has never been in contact with anyone from the Heisha Sect." Nie Xiaoqian said, "But there may be some contacts, but I don't know. After all, he just took the four of us as slaves."

"The Black Mountain old demon is also taught by Heisha?" Su Yi's brows tightened, "Then do you know about the Ascension of Immortals?"

Nie Xiaoqian really knew, he nodded and said: "This is a casual cultivator organization supported by the Heisha Sect. Jingzhou is managed by the old Heishan demon. Grandma is still very upset about this. She lost her temper with us and scolded the leader for being biased. .”

"Then do you know who the leader of Heisha Sect is?" Su Yi asked again.

Nie Xiaoqian shook her head: "Mr. Han, that's all I know. Grandma basically doesn't tell us about the Heisha Sect. She just mentions a few casual words occasionally. But if Mr. Han needs it, Xiaoqian can go to inquire about it." some."

"No, how are you on weekdays, how are you doing now and in the future, don't do anything unnecessary in front of Old Monster Mu, so as not to be suspected by him." Su Yi waved his hand, he didn't believe Nie Xiaoqian's acting skills.

Heisha Sect...

If this Heisha Sect is really the Heisha Sect that Su Yi knew about, then the background of Old Monster Mu is really great.

The Heisha Sect is a secret evil cultivator organization in Yue State, whose head is the Emperor of Yue State.

This person practiced sorcery without telling the seven major sects, and with the power of a country, he captured scattered cultivators alive for blood sacrifices, and even founded the evil organization Heisha Sect.

Although the Heisha Cult was just a dungeon boss in the original plot, this organization is strong and strong, and it is definitely not something that Su Yi can deal with now.

Among other things, just dealing with a wooden boss is already difficult enough.How many foundation-building monks like Old Monster Mu are there in the Heisha Cult?

Originally, Su Yi had the idea of ​​robbing his skills, dominating his cave, and seizing his furnace, but now...

Su Yi frowned and murmured, he definitely wouldn't fight back, but after finding a way to kill the old monster Mu, he definitely couldn't stay in this place, otherwise, when the people from the Heisha Sect came to the door, Su Yi would be covered in blood energy. How many pots of Maoxuewang do you make?
And it is best to transfer the firepower of the Heisha Cult to other places.

The image of Yan Chixia suddenly appeared in Su Yi's mind, and he couldn't help but smile at the corner of his mouth—it's not bad to be taken advantage of.This Yan Chixia did things to her indiscriminately, so she had to teach him a lesson.

Don't think you are a good person and don't beat you.

Nie Xiaoqian on the opposite side had been carefully observing Su Yi's expression. Seeing Su Yi's frowning just now, she thought Su Yi had flinched, but now that Su Yi smiled, she immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

"Mr. Han, there is one more thing." Nie Xiaoqian thought for a while and said, "Not long ago, grandma received a letter from Feijian, which seemed to be from Lanzhou. The person who sent the letter from Feijian was called Baihu. He Invited grandma to rescue a man named Chimu, but grandma refused and refused. Xiaoqian doesn't know whether these two people were taught by Heisha."

White tiger, red eyes...

Su Yi thought for a while, but couldn't remember who these two were.But it doesn't matter, firstly, he still has nothing to do with him now, and secondly, these two names sound like the kind of special characters who won't live long, and they won't be too strong if they can be recruited by Mr. Mu go.

"Do you know what old monster Mu is capable of?" Su Yi looked at Nie Xiaoqian again.

"Grandma's practice is called Yin-Yang Reversal Chaos and Blood Shakung. He was originally an aggressive man, but because of practicing this practice, he became the man and woman he is today." Nie Xiaoqian said, "I see After grandma and Yan Chixia fought, grandma could be demonized and turned into a huge tree, and he is good at formations, the guard formation in this cave was forged by grandma herself."

"Go ahead." Su Yi nodded, his mind racing.

"Also... Grandma has a talisman, which she got not long ago, and it was specially used to deal with Yan Chixia." Nie Xiaoqian said, "But I don't know what it is."

"How much do you know about Yan Chixia?" Su Yi asked.

"I heard from grandma that this Yan Chixia is originally from the Yan family in Lanzhou." Nie Xiaoqian said, "This Yan family is the largest cultivating family in the Yue Kingdom, and its status is only below the seven major sects. Originally, grandma couldn't afford to offend her." This person, but this person is a different kind, he doesn't know why he betrayed the Yan family, and has never had any contact with the Yan family. All these years, the Yan family really ignored him and treated him as dead, that's why grandma dared deal with him."

Why are these one and two so big?

Su Yi thought for a while, and said, "Why did Old Monster Mu and Yan Chixia become enemies?"

According to what Old Monster Mu said, it was Yan Chixia who wanted to steal his spiritual veins, that's why the two became enemies, but Su Yi obviously wouldn't believe his nonsense.

Sure enough, I heard Nie Xiaoqian say: "The land of this cave originally belonged to Yan Chixia. There are two spiritual veins on Heifeng Mountain, but they are on the east and west sides. Occupy it. Grandma and we were originally practicing in Xizhou, and grandma brought us here to pick a medicinal herb. After discovering this spiritual vein, she broke the restriction and occupied it."

"Yan Chixia traveled all over the world. I heard that he went to Guobei County as a policeman for a while. He found out that his place was taken two years later, so he fought with his grandma. Grandma couldn't beat him, so he had to Use a large formation to keep him out. After that, Yan Chixia would come to break the formation from time to time, but never broke through. Later, grandma was so annoyed that she found out his details, so she invited the old black mountain demon to kill him. Yan Chixia, but it was a pity that the credit was lost and Yan Chixia escaped..."

Su Yi nodded thoughtfully, roughly understanding the twists and turns.

"Miss Xiaoqian, you can go back and return to your life, just say that you have done what he asked." Su Yi said, "As long as he doesn't activate his five ghost marks in advance, then he won't see the clue. Deal with Old Monster Mu You must plan carefully and not be sloppy. Don't worry, I have a plan."

"Yes, thank you Mr. Han!" Nie Xiaoqian said in surprise and gratitude.

Su Yi smiled and nodded.

When Nie Xiaoqian returned to her mission, she found a mortal scholar lying in her grandmother's room.

She wasn't surprised by this, and even her expression didn't change.

Old monster Mu would sacrifice blood to male mortals every three days, firstly to refine his qi and blood to increase his cultivation, and secondly to balance the yin energy in his body.For so many years, apart from practicing, the main task of Xiaoqian and the other four is to help Old Monster Mu find mortals for his blood sacrifice, and countless innocent dead souls have been sucked up by him.

It is no exaggeration to say that Mu Laoguai's path of cultivation was paved with bones.Although the Seven Great Sects of the Yue Kingdom do not claim to be upright, they have always hated this kind of evil cultivating methods and spared no effort in attacking them.It's just that the monks are busy living in seclusion and cultivating immortals, and they often retreat for several years or even decades. The soil where evil cultivators with devoid of humanity survive and thrive.

"Grandma, Xiaoqian is back to report." Nie Xiaoqian's eyes swept over the mortal scholar's face, thinking that this person is quite handsome.It's just that compared with Mr. Han, he is less masculine.

"What's the matter?" Old Monster Mu was setting up the altar for the blood sacrifice, and when he saw Xiaoqian immediately put down what he was doing, he asked with concern.

"It went well." Nie Xiaoqin bowed her head slightly, "Han Li has no power to fight back. After being enchanted by me, I released the five ghosts. Now the five ghosts have formed seals and sneaked into his body."

"Has he noticed anything abnormal?" Old Monster Mu asked worriedly.

"I didn't notice it." Nie Xiaoqian said.

Only then did Old Monster Mu heave a sigh of relief, and he laughed proudly: "Okay, this person is already meat on my chopping board, that's great!"

Nie Xiaoqian said: "Congratulations, grandma, for having another blood meal."

"Haha, this Han Li is not just about eating blood, I am sure to get his body training technique!" Old Monster Mu was in a good mood, "Xiaoqian, you have done a good job in this matter. You don't need to do anything, just concentrate on training, take good care of Han Li, and leave the rest to Xiaoqing and the others."

"Thank you, grandma." Nie Xiaoqian smiled slightly, completely oblivious to the fact that Xiaoqing, who was helping grandma grind ink, stared at her with jealousy.

After Nie Xiaoqian left, Old Monster Mu said in a good mood: "Of the four of you, Xiaoqian is still the most effective at handling things, but unfortunately she is a bit cold-tempered."

These words completely ignited Xiaoqing's jealousy.

There is a saying that the person who knows you best is often not your friend, but your enemy.

Even though Nie Xiaoqian seemed to have no flaws just now, Xiaoqing still found that she was a little different from before.

"Grandma, your old man has sharp eyes, didn't you see that Xiaoqian was wrong just now?" Xiaoqing turned her eyes and said.

"No?" Old Monster Mu frowned, "What's wrong?"

"You know that Xiaoqian has always been hypocritical, and has a lot of criticisms about your blood sacrifice to mortals. After being cleaned up by your grandma a few times, although you have become more honest, you have always ignored this matter. , without saying a word." Xiao Qing carefully observed the expression of Old Monster Mu, "But just now, she said something that she would never say before."

Mu Laoguai's face changed slightly, and his eyes narrowed immediately: "She just congratulated me on adding blood..."

"Yes, that's the sentence!" Xiaoqing was overjoyed seeing Old Monster Mu suspicious, "Grandma, think about it, when did Xiaoqian say such a thing to you? Why did such a sentence pop up today for no reason?"

"Why do you say?" Old monster Mu looked at Xiaoqing.

"Xiaoqian must have a ghost in her heart!" Xiaoqing said firmly, "The reason why she compliments grandma is to make grandma happy, so that she can deceive you so that you won't notice what's wrong with her!"

"Then tell me, what the hell is going on in her heart?" Old Monster Mu believed most of it in his heart at this moment.

"Grandma, do you still remember the time when you almost beat Xiaoqian to death two years ago?" Xiaoqing smiled viciously, "She took advantage of you and the old fairy from Heishan to deal with Yan Chixia secretly, Sneak into your room, want to search for the solution to the Yin Gui Soul Locking Curse, and then break the restriction, and then fly away!"

"That's right, I didn't have time to clone my grandma that time. Fortunately, Xiaoqing, you were so loyal and informed me in time that I prevented this from happening. If it wasn't for you, this bitch Xiaoqian would have almost run away!" This matter, Mu Laoguai's heart is full of displeasure.

Xiaoqing's eyes flickered: "Grandma, Xiaoqian has always been disobedient to you, but she knows that she is an ant to you, grandma, so she pretends to obey and cheat your trust. But as long as there is a chance, She must still be thinking of betraying you!"

"You mean, Han Li gave her the confidence to betray me?" Old Monster Mu grinned grimly, "She was obedient to me, but secretly colluded with Han Li to harm me? Ha ha, then he is too naive A mere Han Li, even though he is capable of supporting the strength of a foundation-builder cultivator, is not as good after all. If he didn't want to use him, he would not be able to live today."

"Didn't you invite him to deal with Yan Chixia, Grandma?" Xiao Qing said, "In case when the time comes, he turns back and helps Yan Chixia deal with you..."

Mu Laoguai's expression suddenly changed.

Xiaoqing hit the iron while it was hot: "And if there is a bitch like Xiaoqian as an internal response, maybe Yan Chixia will be put into the big formation..."

Before he finished speaking, Old Monster Mu suddenly changed his expression: "She dares?"

His face was uncertain, he paced back and forth for a week, then shook his head and said, "The five ghost seals are hidden unless I activate them, otherwise even I can't sense their existence, even face to face is useless. Unless..."

His eyes fell on the unconscious scholar next to him, and his eyes narrowed slightly: "Unless he activates the power of the blood sacrifice, and the blood surges and shakes, I can take the opportunity to peek at the state of the five ghost marks... Huh, it's cheap for him! Xiaoqing, take this scholar and follow me to find Han Li!"

"Yes!" Xiao Qing hurriedly bowed in response, picked up the unconscious scholar with one hand, and followed Old Monster Mu out of the door.

The two came to the stone room where Su Yi was located one after the other, and Old Monster Mu smiled warmly outside the door: "Fellow Daoist Han, is it convenient for you to come in?"


The stone door opened slowly.

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