Chapter 1611
Su Yi didn't expect to meet Ning Caichen here.Because Su Yi "occupied" Ning Caichen, this down-and-out scholar was even more unlucky than in the original plot. The Xiaoqing who captured him didn't have much feeling for him as a mortal scholar, so he just got dizzy and captured him alive.

"Old Mu, who is this?" Su Yi had already guessed why Old Monster Mu came, but he pretended to be puzzled, but he didn't hide his surprise when he saw Ning Caichen.

"Fellow Daoist Han came to the humble house. I was afraid that I would neglect the honored guest, so I specially grabbed a piece of blood food for you to enjoy, Fellow Daoist Han." Old Monster Mu smiled kindly, "This man's Yuanyang has not been lost. He is a scholar but powerful in martial arts. He is a rare top grade. Fellow Daoist Han, I will help you set up an altar, and you will drain his life and blood, so please don't be polite to me."

Su Yi raised his eyebrows and said, "Old Mu, please wake him up first."

"Wake up?" Mu Lao was taken aback, "Aren't you upset by the noise?"

"I have my own intentions." Su Yi made a fool of himself.

Mu Lao frowned slightly, but still waved his hand, signaling to Xiaoqing behind him to wake Ning Caichen up.

Xiaoqing blew out a breath of spiritual energy, which penetrated into Ning Caichen's nostrils, and the latter suddenly woke up faintly, looking around with sleepy eyes.

He obviously fainted without any precautions, his eyes fell on Xiao Qing and Mu Lao, their eyes were full of strangeness and puzzlement, until they landed on Su Yi, he was startled for a moment, and then his face showed a look of surprise.

"Brother Su, why is it you?" He hurriedly got up, bowed his hands to Su Yi, and asked with a puzzled face, "Brother Su, this place? Didn't I stay overnight in Lanruo Temple? Will you come here when you wake up? These two are..."

This captured blood eater actually knew Han Li?

This was beyond the expectations of Old Monster Mu and Xiaoqing.

If Su Yi had taken the initiative to talk to Ning Caichen just now, then the matter would not be clear, and Old Monster Mu would definitely suspect that Su Yi was pushing back against enjoying blood food.But now he has no doubts. After all, Ning Caichen recognized Su Yi himself. Under his nose, this cannot be faked.

"Brother Su?" But Old Monster Mu quickly noticed something was wrong, and showed suspicion towards Su Yi.

"It's normal for Han to have a few aliases in the game world." Su Yi waved his hand indifferently, "It's not important, the important thing is that this brother Ning Caichen and I are old friends, and we get along well. For more than three months, we have congenial spirits and regard each other as close friends."

Speaking of this, Su Yi showed helplessness and said: "Mu Lao, I appreciate your kindness, but how can I have the heart to treat my best friend as blood? Fortunately, Mu Lao had his best intentions, but he indirectly killed Brother Ning with his fist. , you are Brother Ning's savior."

He paused to look at Ning Caichen, and said solemnly, "Brother Ning, why don't you thank Mr. Mu for saving your life?"

Ning Caichen is an extremely intelligent person, when he heard Su Yi say "we've been together for three months", he probably guessed what was going on in front of him.Hearing the word "blood food" again, although I don't know what it is, but as the name suggests, it is definitely not a good thing.

So he bowed slightly to Old Monster Mu without hesitation, and hurriedly said: "Thank you Old Monster Mu for saving your life."

On the contrary, they cooperated perfectly with Su Yi.

Su Yi nodded and said: "Old Mu, no matter what, I want to thank you for sending Brother Ning here. I haven't seen Brother Ning for a long time. We are very happy to meet again after a long absence..."

Old monster Mu is quite a man of the city, and his smile doesn't diminish when he sees this, as if he doesn't care about anything.But Xiaoqing behind him was a little impatient, and couldn't help questioning: "How can there be such a coincidence in this world? Just grab someone and be your friend? Mr. Han, it could be that you don't understand blood sacrifice at all. Fa, is this just an impromptu excuse?"

"Who told you that I understand the method of blood sacrifice?" Su Yi heard the words and said lightly, "Have I ever said that?"

Xiaoqing was startled for a moment, and subconsciously looked at Old Monster Mu.

"Xiaoqing, don't be disrespectful to Fellow Daoist Han, why don't you apologize?" Old Monster Mu coughed lightly and said pretendingly.

"Yes, Mr. Han, the servant did not intend to question, please forgive me." Xiaoqing immediately apologized obediently, making a cute and pitiful gesture.

"Hehe, how could Fellow Daoist Han care about a junior like you, but next time we talk, a junior like you must not interrupt. Hmph, you girl, you are spoiled by me!" Old Monster Mu snorted. Then he looked at Su Yi, pretending to be puzzled and said, "Fellow Daoist Han, you said you don't understand the method of blood sacrifice, so where does your evil spirit come from?"

Su Yi deliberately laughed and said: "Mu Lao, if I don't demonstrate it, I'm afraid you will be puzzled."

Under the puzzled eyes of Old Monster Mu, Su Yi made a tactic with both hands, pretending to be exercising his power, but in fact he was using the power of seizing green to suck in the evil energy scattered around him into his body bit by bit.

To Xiaoqing and Ning Caichen, who had a shallow cultivation base, this scene was naturally inexplicable, but Old Monster Mu saw it clearly!
He saw with his own eyes that traces of evil energy gathered into Su Yi's body from all directions following Su Yi's "luck skills". Seeing this scene, he cried out in horror: "You, you actually directly attracted evil energy into your body? Fellow Daoist Han, why? in this way?"

Everyone knows that evil spirits are not a good thing, for practitioners of the righteous way, they are filthy spirits that should be avoided.Even demon cultivators who cultivate evil spirits for their own use love and hate this thing, because once evil spirits break the balance of the body, they will drive the mind crazy, and even completely lose their reason and consciousness, and become a muddled corpse.

Therefore, if a monk who practices evil qi can not inhale or inhale, and can inhale less, he must try his best to control the intake of evil qi.Furthermore, the intake of all evil spirits is generally passive.

Let alone someone like Su Yi who took the initiative to draw evil spirits into his body, Old Monster Mu had never heard of it!

"Mu Lao, my body training method is called Condensing Evil Energy, which is to specifically attract evil energy into the body to purify the body and transform it into the power of Qi and blood." Su Yi opened his mouth and came, "I know the method of blood sacrifice. Yes, but I can't use it."

Old Monster Mu was full of suspicion and disbelief: "Fellow Daoist Han, aren't you worried that your sanity will be ruined by evil spirits?"

"Impossible." Su Yi waved his hand with a confident face, "I have practiced this skill for so long, and there is no hidden danger in it at all. My skill is special, and I have no worries about it at all."

"So that's how it is." Old Monster Mu was silent for a moment, then smiled suddenly, "Then I don't worry about it."

He looked at the silent Ning Caichen, then at Su Yi, and said with a smile: "Since Fellow Daoist Han is happy to meet an old friend, I won't bother you any more. Fellow Daoist Han, after three days, don't forget our agreement, you You have to recharge your batteries and adjust your state."

"As for this little brother...Xiao Qing, clean up the guest room next door and let Brother Ning rest here for a few days."

Before Xiaoqing could speak, Ning Caichen hastily waved his hand and refused: "No, no, I have important things to do, so I have to leave tomorrow morning..."

Su Yi interrupted before he finished speaking: "Brother Ning, you and I haven't seen each other for so long, you can't leave in such a hurry! Let me tell you, the spirit tea here is a must. If you miss it, you will regret it for the rest of your life." of."

He smiled and waved his hands, not allowing Ning Caichen to refuse: "Listen to me, you and I will stay here for a few days, and after a few days I will finish a big event with Mr. Mu, and you can leave! These days, you I just happened to catch up on the old days and talk about some academic things!"

"But..." Ning Caichen frowned.

"No, but, it's settled like that." Su Yi smiled and said strangely to Mr. Mu: "Mu Lao, then I will use the precious treasure to entertain my best friend. You don't mind, do you?"

"Of course not, Fellow Daoist Han can do whatever he wants." Old Freak Mu nodded with a smile, "Then I'll take my leave first, Fellow Daoist Han stay."

Su Yi bowed his hands in salute, watched the two leave, and then stepped forward to close the stone gate.


Ning Caichen was about to speak, but Su Yi stopped him with his eyes. Then he took out two talismans and pasted one on the southeast corner and one on the northwest corner.

After finishing all this, he smiled and said: "With the sound-proof symbol, they won't be able to hear anything when we talk. Brother Ning, are you all right?"

"Brother Su, I didn't expect to see you here." Ning Caichen smiled wryly, "I'm still confused, what's going on here?"

"Do you still remember Monk Kusang?" Su Yi asked.

"Of course I remember." Ning Caichen nodded, "I thought he was a good person at first that day, but who knew..."

"As far as I know, this monk Kusang and Mu Lao just now belong to a very evil group of cultivators. They sacrifice blood to innocent mortals and commit all kinds of evil. The crimes they committed are too numerous to write down." Su Yi said.

"Blood sacrifice?" Ning Caichen was puzzled.

"Yes, blood sacrifice." Su Yi nodded and looked at him, "It is to drain all the flesh and blood of a living person and turn it into the power of cultivating evil methods. The person who was sacrificed by the blood will be turned into a mummy, and his soul will be scattered. He cannot even be reincarnated." , very miserable."

When Ning Caichen heard the words, his complexion turned pale and he shuddered.

"Brother Ning, it's a good thing you met me this time, and it's also a good thing that this old wooden monster deliberately tested whether I was his kind and brought you here. Otherwise, I'm afraid your life will be in danger this time." Su Yi tutted , "I don't even know whether to say you are lucky or unlucky."

"It's my misfortune to be almost sacrificed by blood, but it's my little brother's luck to be rescued by brother Su." Ning Caichen smiled wryly and cupped his hands at Su Yi, "Brother Su saved my little brother again."

Su Yi smiled and said: "I used a pseudonym here, Brother Ning can temporarily change the name. By the way, haven't you been to Guobei County a long time ago? Why are you still staying here in Heifeng Mountain?"

"Yes, this is the second time." Ning Caichen said, "The last time I came to collect the bill, I got nothing, and the boss asked me to come for the second time. Alas, I had no choice but to come here for a few taels of money. .”

"So that's it." Su Yi nodded, "Brother Ning, I don't let you go for your own good. This place is not a good place, and Old Monster Mu and the others are definitely not kind. If you inquire about my news, you will be tortured to extract a confession, and then kill your life. Although it is dangerous here, as long as I am still alive, no one will dare to do anything to you, but it is the safest."

Ning Caichen said gratefully: "Brother Han has worked so hard, but I can only be grateful. Don't worry, I have already guessed this situation, so I didn't insist on leaving before. But you, Brother Han, and this group of villains just pretended to be a snake. Could it be that..."

Su Yi nodded and said: "It is my duty to act for the heavens."

These words made Ning Caichen stand in awe: "Brother Han is truly a hero in the world! If there were more people like Brother Han in the world, the world would have been cleared!"

"How can it be so easy?" Su Yi shook his head, "Individual power is insignificant in the torrent of the secular world. Unless you can stand on the top of this world, any change will be nothing."

Ning Caichen sighed: "I want to say that Brother Han, you are too pessimistic, but what I saw and heard when I came out this time is really hard to be optimistic. People cannibalize people everywhere in this world, how can it change? Like this?"

After a pause, Ning Caichen looked at Su Yi and said solemnly, "Brother Han, I want to practice cultivation. I wonder if I have the qualifications for this?"

"Changed your mind?" Su Yi smiled, last time he asked Ning Caichen such a question, but Ning Caichen felt that he was not suitable.

Ning Caichen was a little embarrassed: "Actually, who doesn't yearn for flying into the sky and living forever? The reason why I refused before was just that I was a little afraid of this strange world. But the two times I went out were in danger, and I survived from death. Realizing that I don't have the ability to protect myself is not enough, I can't count on Brother Han to save me every time, can I?"

Su Yi nodded: "You're right to think so. But you need spiritual roots to practice. If you don't have spiritual roots, it is impossible to practice even if you want to."

"Then do I have spiritual roots?" Ning Caichen asked eagerly.

Su Yi said: "Although I can detect whether you have a spiritual root, but I can't detect what kind of spiritual root you are..."

He pondered for a moment, then suddenly smiled and said: "Although I don't know, Old Monster Mu must know. Brother Ning, you rest in the room, I will go to him. This guy is asking for something from me now. He must be responsive to my requests. You wait, I will come as soon as I go. "

"Thank you, Brother Han." Ning Caichen hurriedly cupped his fists.

Su Yi nodded, turned around and left the stone room.

Not far away, I saw Nie Xiaoqian flashing out of a forest, standing not far away and bowing to Su Yi, showing doubts.

Su Yi smiled and said, "Take me to see Mu Lao."

"Yes, Mr. Han."

In the room of Wood Boss.

Xiaoqing was a little reconciled: "Grandma, there is definitely something wrong with this Han, so let's just let him go? Xiaoqian is really abnormal, grandma..."

"When Han Li was running his power just now, his qi and blood were shaking, and I sensed the existence of the five ghost seals." Mu Lao said with a smile, "This shows that Xiaoqian didn't lie to me, and Han Li is already under my control. I If you want to kill him, as long as you have a thought, you can completely turn this person into my puppet!"

"Then grandma, why don't you just torture his skills first, and then let him become a corpse, so as not to cause any accidents due to long nights and dreams?" Xiaoqing asked.

"No, no, no." Mu Lao waved his hand, "I still want to use this person to deal with Yan Chixia. His current strength is a little bit reluctant to join forces with me. If he is turned into a corpse demon and loses his wisdom, he will be killed by then." It is stagnant and heavy, and its strength is greatly reduced."

(End of this chapter)

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