Su Yi knew what Old Monster Mu wanted, so he showed it to him to reassure him, and he really deceived him.

It is always difficult for people to break their own inherent cognition. For example, Old Monster Mu firmly believes that as long as the person who is planted by him with the five ghost marks, as long as his cultivation level does not exceed his own, he will be enslaved by himself.

It's a pity that there are accidents in everything - Su Yi is the accident of this accident.

Just as Su Yi expected, Mr. Mu agreed without hesitation to Su Yi's request to borrow the magic weapon for testing the spiritual root, and sincerely wished Ning Caichen a genius in practice, and wished him an early journey to immortality.

After Su Yi got the things and left, Old Monster Mu clapped his hands happily and said with a smile: "If this scholar really has spiritual roots and can cultivate, then feed him some Explosive Spirit Pills so that he can reach the fourth level of Qi training sooner. Haha , Blood sacrifice to a monk is a hundred times better than blood sacrifice to a mortal."

Xiaoqing glanced at Nie Xiaoqian, who had a cold face on the side. The more she looked at her, the more unhappy she felt, and she simply said: "Xiaoqian, haven't you always disliked those mortals who sacrificed blood to grandma? Didn't you always want to escape grandma's control? This man surnamed Han has a lot of cultivation, such a great opportunity, are you tempted?"

As soon as these words came out, Old Monster Mu smiled unabated, but his eyes suddenly became sharp, looking at Nie Xiaoqian.

Nie Xiaoqian's complexion changed slightly, and she said: "I haven't had such thoughts for a long time. If I really had a different intention, how could I follow my grandmother's words and plant the five ghosts on him?"

"Who knows if you have other tricks." Xiao Qing sneered, "Don't think I don't know, you secretly released some mortals more than half a month ago!"

"Is there such a thing?" Old Monster Mu asked in a deep voice.

"Grandma has learned from you, there is absolutely no such thing." Xiaoqian hurriedly knelt down, "The group of mortals are from Hanjiabao, and they have a lot of background. Xiaoqian let them go because she was afraid of causing trouble to grandma."

"Hanjiabao?" Old Monster Mu's expression froze when he heard the words, a trace of fear flashed in his eyes, and his expression immediately softened. "If this is the case, then Xiaoqian did the right thing. The Hanjiabao is not a mortal family. Their family's ancestors are so powerful that even the leader can't afford to provoke them."

Speaking of this, he gloats a little: "Hanjiabao hides very deeply, and I didn't know about it at first, but this time the Black Mountain old demon caused a lot of trouble and caused the leader to lose a lot, so he calmed down the matter, and then informed the whole church The details of Shangxiahanjiabao. Well, Xiaoqian did a good job and saved us a lot of trouble."

Both Xiaoqian and Xiaoqing were quite surprised by Old Monster Mu's attitude. The former thought that he would be whipped this time, and the latter also felt that he had succeeded in his scheme and could get out of his heart, but he never thought that it would make Xiaoqian When Qian was praised, she immediately turned extremely ugly, but she could only keep silent.

Here the two daughters are fighting each other in front of their grandmother, while Ning Caichen on the other side is ecstatic.

Tested by Su Yi, this Ning Caichen really has spiritual roots.

Although it is not a heavenly spirit root, it is a true spirit root second only to the heavenly spirit root and the mutant spirit root - gold and fire dual spirit roots.

"So, I can cultivate?" Ning Caichen was very happy.

"Of course you can, and Brother Ning is an upper-middle-class figure, so he will have a smooth journey in his practice in the future." Su Yi said, "But this exercise..."

In Su Yi's storage bag, there are exercises of wood attribute, water attribute and earth attribute, but Su Yi does not have exercises of metal attribute and fire attribute.

"Forget it, I'll make another trip and ask Mr. Mu for it." Su Yi stood up and said.

What is this number?Ning Caichen was dumbfounded.

"Would this... be bad?" Ning Caichen said guiltily, "After all, he is an enemy..."

"If it's a friend, I don't ask him for it." Su Yi said with a smile, "Don't worry, the bigger the enemy plots against you, the more generous you will be. Such a request is what he wished for."

Su Yi was very accurate in seeing people, and after a while he came back with a copy of "Gengjin Jue", and threw it to Ning Caichen with a smile.

"He really gave it?" Ning Caichen held the cheat book with an extremely strange expression on his face.

"This shows that the value of a secret book of exercises is not as good as what he drew from you. This is not a good thing." Su Yi laughed.

Ning Caichen clasped his fists and said, "Brother Han is so unconstrained, it's really refreshing."

"Brother Ning, first familiarize yourself with the content of the exercises. If there is anything you don't understand, I can explain it to you." Su Yi said.

"Okay." Ning Caichen took a deep breath, opened up the exercises, and read them intoxicated.

This look is more than an hour.

Ning Caichen closed the book, and said with emotion on his face: "Cultivation is really amazing. It turns out that there are so many mysteries in the world and the human body. Ning Caichen didn't realize until today that the world I know is really a drop in the ocean. negligible."

"Life has a limit and knowledge has no limit. If we talk about the vastness of knowledge, the principles in the Four Books and Five Classics are worth studying for a lifetime." Su Yi said, "In fact, whether it is practice or reading, there is no higher or lower. Practice only extends the length of your life. , but reading can broaden the breadth of your life.”

Ning Caichen was greatly shocked when he heard the words, and said with shame on his face: "Brother Han's words are like Huang Zhongda Lu Zhen's deafness, it is in vain for me to claim to have read poetry and books, after reading this exercise, I feel that reading is useless in my heart, I feel that all my life's study is useless. If Brother Han hadn't given me a good blow, I don't know when I will wake up from my extreme thoughts!"

Su Yi smiled and asked, "Brother Ning, do you still have doubts about this exercise?"

Ning Caichen thought for a while, and said: "Brother Han, after reading through this exercise, I feel that my younger brother is not talented, and I have some shallow opinions. Why don't I talk about it first, and then ask Brother Han to correct me."

"Okay." Su Yi nodded.

Ning Caichen sorted out his thoughts a bit and began to talk.

Su Yi was a little careless when he first listened, but he was stunned when he listened, and couldn't help but sit up straight.

Then, with a strange expression on his face, he opened the "Gengjin Jue" on the table, and while listening to Ning Caichen, he looked at the exercises thoughtfully.

When Ning Caichen finished explaining all his understanding of the exercises, and asked Su Yi a little nervously if he had any mistakes or omissions, Su Yi was speechless.

Never underestimate any protagonist!
After knowing that this is the world of mortals, Su Yi once felt that the protagonist Ning Caichen is a temporary tool man who can be thrown away after use.Because Ning Caichen is just a mortal, he seems to have nothing but a kind heart.

But after the precipitation of the last world, Su Yi changed his past style of being utilitarian first, and became a little more sincere, tolerant and kind, so when getting along with Ning Caichen, he always put himself and Ning Caichen together. viewed on an equal footing.

That's why he was delighted with Li Feiyu, accepted him as his apprentice, and spared no effort to spend time and energy teaching him martial arts with sincerity.

Even in the matter of using Han Li, Su Yi is actually full of sincerity——

Do you really not want Su Yi who is holding the sky bottle?

Even if you can't take it away, of course such a treasure is the safest and most valuable to keep on your own.

He made a lot of excuses for himself to leave the Zhangtian Ping on Han Li, and took painstaking efforts to attack Old Demon Han. The premise of all this was that his heart became soft and tolerant.

In fact, in many cases, good and evil cannot be controlled by people, and people will stand on their own standpoints to do things.

If Su Yi had taken the palm sky bottle as his own at that time, no matter how perfect excuses he made for himself, Han Li would have a grudge against him and forge an enmity with Su Yi.

In the future, after the two gradually alienate, their positions will inevitably become more and more antagonistic, which will affect many of Su Yi's future decisions, and the constant hostility and confrontation will inevitably make Su Yi angry.When the two really stand on opposite sides one day, who represents good?Who represents evil?

Therefore, Su Yi now focuses on seeking common ground while reserving differences.

Of course, evil cultivators like Old Monster Mu are not included in this list. They are enemies with only differences but no differences, so they must be destroyed.

"Brother Ning, if I hadn't known that you had never been in contact with practice, I would have suspected that the person sitting in front of me was an old man in the practice world explaining the way of practice." Su Yi said with emotion, "Your understanding of this practice The understanding is too thorough, especially if you can infer other things from one instance, and explain the details and principles clearly. As the saying goes, sharpening a knife is not the same as chopping firewood. If you have studied this technique so thoroughly, you will definitely get twice the result with half the effort.”

Ning Caichen was taken aback, scratched his head a little shyly, and said, "Brother Han is absurd, but I'm just expressing my own opinion."

"Your views are all correct, which shows that you are very talented in this area." Su Yi said, "However, since you didn't know anything about cultivation before, your understanding in some places is like a castle in the air, let me explain it to you Talk."

From the aspect of learning and studying knowledge, Su Yi and Ning Caichen are actually two kinds of people. Su Yi's learning ability is relatively strong, he can understand many truths thoroughly, and he can also be regarded as "erudite". , so can comprehend by analogy and understand thoroughly.

But in terms of creativity and imagination, Su Yi actually performed fairly well.His talent in this area is mainly manifested in his actions. In terms of learning and studying knowledge, he is actually still in the box.

For example, in the world of Xiaoao, he got Moluo Neigong and Yijinjing. If it was just him, these two exercises are still two completely different exercises until now, because Su Yi doesn't know how to integrate them.

But it would be different in Dongfang Bubai's hands.Compared with Su Yi, Dongfang Bubai's creativity and imagination are much stronger, so he can innovate on the basis of the original martial arts, combine the two martial arts into one, and then integrate his Sunflower Book to form So far, it is still Su Yi's basic major exercise-the I Ching Washing Marrow Sutra.

Now Su Yi has discovered that Ning Caichen is actually a genius of the same kind as Dongfang Bubai.

In Ning Caichen's narration just now, he showed his unrestrained imagination and creativity. A basic five-element exercise, Gengjin Jue, was completely understood by him.

A lot of truths have greatly inspired Su Yi, and Su Yi has a sense of enlightenment.

And Ning Caichen is just a person who has never been in contact with practice.

If he comes into contact with more and more cultivation methods in the future, then he will definitely become a "scholar expert" in the cultivation world!
What is Su Yi most lacking now?
Isn't it suitable for you?

He doesn't have this ability himself, so he can only go around to collect various exercises.

But there must be something unsatisfactory in these exercises, Su Yi can only barely improve, but it might be different in Ning Caichen's hands.

Thinking of this, Ning Caichen's status in Su Yi's heart has been infinitely elevated.

After telling Ning Caichen about his omissions just now, Su Yi was thinking about how to deepen the connection between him and Ning Caichen, but the latter suddenly stood up with a serious face and walked to Su Yi, tidying up. After getting dressed, he knelt down in front of Su Yi with a plop.

"Brother Ning, what are you?" Su Yi's heart moved, he had already guessed what Ning Caichen was going to do, he couldn't help being happy, but on the surface he pretended to be puzzled and asked.

"Brother Han saved my life several times, and now he is passing on my skills and leading me to practice. Ning Caichen can't repay this kindness and virtue. If you don't give up, I'm willing to take Brother Han as my teacher. The master is here , Caichen must be loyal and filial to repay the teacher's kindness!"

After these words were finished, Ning Caichen kowtowed respectfully and fell on the ground without getting up.

Su Yi chuckled, this was according to his own will, and all problems were easily solved.

He was not pretentious, he helped Ning Caichen up with a smile and said: "Okay! Since Brother Ning has this intention, I will accept you as my apprentice. But you and I hit it off right away. From now on, we will be both teachers and friends, and you don't have to be bound by common etiquette."

Ning Caichen was overjoyed when he heard the words, and hurriedly changed his words: "Master! Caichen kowtows to you!"

After finishing speaking, he couldn't help but knelt on the ground and kowtowed three times.

Su Yi didn't stop him, and accepted his gift, so the status of master and apprentice was confirmed.

After Ning Caichen stood up again, the two looked at each other and laughed, feeling that they were getting closer to each other.

"Master, if you don't think I'm presumptuous, I will still talk to you in this tone in the future." Ning Caichen said with a smile, "The scene of you talking happily with me in that ruined temple is something I will never forget in my life. In my heart, Master will always be like that at that time.”

"Okay." Su Yi smiled, "I'll call you Caichen from now on."

"Of course Master, if you call me Brother Ning again, I will be rebellious." Ning Caichen laughed.

The two then chatted happily for a while, and then Su Yi assisted Ning Caichen to start practicing for the first time in his life.

The latter had a good talent, and with Su Yi's assistance, he quickly absorbed the first ray of spiritual energy, and began to practice according to the exercises.

His cultivation speed made Su Yi feel jealous.The spirit root of the middle and upper figure is so fast, how about the sky spirit root and mutant spirit root?

There is really no comparison between people...

The next two days were calm, Su Yi and Ning Caichen stayed in their respective stone chambers to practice, Nie Xiaoqian sent the two of them Bigu Pill, which solved the problem of eating for the two of them.

Nie Xiaoqian told Su Yimu the old monster's plot against Ning Caichen, which did not surprise Su Yi.Su Yi learned about the situation of the other three women from Nie Xiaoqian, and learned that one of them, Xiao Zhuo, still had kind thoughts in her heart and secretly took care of Nie Xiaoqian.Su Yi began to think about whether there was any value that could be used in this matter.

Su Yi had always been very careful when dealing with Mr. Mu, especially now that he had an extra task - to protect Ning Caichen.

When it comes time to deal with Yan Chixia, Su Yi's use value will be consumed, and Ning Caichen who stays in the cave at that time is bound to be very dangerous. Nie Xiaoqian's strength alone may not be enough to keep him safe.

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