Chapter 1613
After the Mu Lao's flag festival was fine, the days of dealing with Yan Chixia also arrived.

Old monster Mu has been looking forward to this matter for a long time, and he can't wait to get rid of the threat of Yan Chixia. The black mountain old monster who had placed high hopes on him can't count on it, and now Su Yi is the helper he has the most high hopes on.

"Han Daoyou, the sword in the hands of Yan Dog thief is the top magic instrument, you can't underestimate it. Have you ever tasted it before? But I want to tell you that Yan Chixia did not do my best on that day, you If he can hurt him, there is a reason why he cares. "

Before leaving, Old Monster Mu solemnly and solemnly made a final explanation to Su Yi and discussed tactics.

"The most powerful thing about Yan Chixia is not his swordsmanship, but his lightning technique." The old monster Mu continued with fear in his eyes, "Wuji lightning technique is the top inheritance of the Yan family. There is also Yan Chixia who can practice Wuji Leifa, but unfortunately, this person is born rebellious and betrayed the Yan family, and has never had any contact with the Yan family."

At this point, Old Monster Mu paused, and asked Su Yi, "Fellow Daoist Han, that day you dispelled Yan Chixia's two lightning strikes one after another. It seems that the black mist on your body dispelled his lightning strikes. I wonder what the black mist is for?"

It's no wonder that Old Monster Mu couldn't understand. Su Yi's extremely dark thunder did not release from his body that day, but only dissolved Yan Chixia's thunder in his body. of fog.

"Evil Qi." Su Yi opened his mouth and came, without blinking his eyes, "My body training method has the effect of dispelling thunder, and the black mist is produced after the evil spirit and thunder disappear."

If Old Monster Mu knew that Su Yi actually had such a thing as the Extreme Yin Thunder, he would definitely realize that Su Yi was not under his control at all.Because the extremely dark thunder is naturally restrained against ghosts, if the five ghosts get hit, they will be killed.

Old Monster Mu believed what Su Yi said, and his heart became hot again.

He had one more reason why Su Yi's body training method was inevitable.

"Fellow Daoist Han has such means, we will be a little more sure of killing this bastard!" Old Monster Mu said happily, "Since that's the case, if Yan Chixia casts the lightning method, please trouble Fellow Daoist Han to come forward! He Lei Fa is the most restrained to me, if there is no threat from Lei Fa, it is equivalent to breaking his arm for me!"

"Okay, as long as he casts the thunder method, leave it to me!" Su Yi readily agreed.

Seeing that the Su -S -Said cooperation, Mu Lao's heart is more satisfied.

"Actually, Yan Chixia still has a trump card. To tell you the truth, this guy still has a treasure in his hand!" Mr. Mu thought for a while, and then said, "This treasure is a Buddha treasure, it should be a vajra relic. This guy can use this treasure to use the six-character mantra to destroy falsehood, and he can also transform into the Linglong Pagoda to suppress incoming enemies, which is very powerful."

Seeing that Su Yi's expression changed slightly, Old Man Mu smiled and said, "Don't worry, I'll deal with this talisman. The banners I made in the past few days are designed to deal with his talisman. Fellow Daoist Han, just deal with his talisman." Lei Fa, if I trap him or hurt him, you must seize the opportunity, kill if you can, and hurt if you can, don't be soft-hearted."

"Don't worry, Yan Chixia attacked me for no reason, I must avenge this revenge!" Su Yi snorted coldly.

"That's good." Old Monster Mu nodded in satisfaction, "Fellow Daoist Han, then let's start according to our prior agreement?"

"it is good!"

After half an hour.

Su Yi ran wildly in the jungle covered in blood, full of evil spirits.

Just as he was about to run out of Heifeng Mountain Pass, a figure stepped on a broad sword and fell from the sky, landing in front of Su Yi.

This man was burly and tall, with cheeks all over his face, and his facial features were upright. He was majestic without being angry. It was Yan Chixia who had a relationship with Su Yi before!
Su Si stopped his footsteps and stared at Yan Chixia and drank: "The surname Yan, what are you doing!"

"Kill you!" Yan Chixia didn't talk nonsense, and looked at Su Yi with a look of sarcasm in her eyes, "It seems that you broke up with Old Monster Mu?"

"That shameless old thief actually plotted to sacrifice my blood!" Su Yi gritted his teeth with a look of resentment.

"You demons and heretics are all selfish and vicious. Is it strange that he treats you like this?" Yan Chixia sneered, "If it were you, would you treat him like this?"

Su Yi stared at Yan Chixia and said, "Yan Chixia, you and I have no grievances, why do you have to stop me?"

"Just rely on the evil spirit of your little evil star!" Yan Chixia snorted, and suddenly stretched out her hand to grab it out of thin air, and the broad sword flew into his hand immediately.

He pointed at Su Yi with his sword: "If I let you go today, I don't know how many people you will kill if you go out! All of you demons and heretics who sacrifice blood to mortals are all damned! If you can't touch it, it's fine. If I touch it, you will kill one. See a pair and kill a pair!"

"I really thought I was afraid of you!" Su Yi yelled angrily, reached out and slapped his waist, and suddenly a purple hammer appeared in his hand.

"Stop talking nonsense, I hit half of it last time, and this time it will kill you! Duh!"

Yan Chixia slammed her mouth shut and made a bold move. With a wave of her hand, the broadsword in her hand split into two, two into four, four into eight...

In the blink of an eye, it turned into a sky full of sword shadows and shot towards Su Yi!

That's not to mention, he pinched the seal with his hands, and instantly sent out two infinite thunders, which struck Su Yi's body without any hindrance, making Su Yi's whole body stiff.

Different from the carelessness of last time, this time Yan Chixia made a move with all her strength, apparently determined not to give Su Yi a chance.

Seeing that Su Yi froze all over and couldn't move, and the rain of swords fell down in an instant, it was about to stab him into a hornet's nest. At the critical moment, Su Yi's body suddenly burst into bright blood, and the shadow of the sword all over the sky touched the bloody light, and there was a sudden "pinging, pinging, pong!" Clang was smashed to pieces."

A blood talisman in Su Yi's hand turned into flames and burned out, and as the sword rain stopped for a while, the blood light gradually dimmed.

Su Yi took a deep look at Yan Chixia, turned around and stepped out without saying a word, and he was [-] meters away in the next second, followed him to perform teleportation one after another, and quickly moved away from the way he came.

Yan Chixia stretched out her hand and grabbed it out of thin air, and the broad sword immediately returned to his hand, clanging and trembling.

Looking at the back of Su Yi going away, his eyes showed surprise, but he quickly shouted "Where are we going?", jumped up and stepped on the broad sword, turning into a shooting star and chasing Su Yi closely.

No matter how fast Su Yi teleported, it was only a hundred meters at a time, but Yan Chixia's speed was also extremely fast, and soon the two were getting closer.

"Heaven and earth are boundless!" Yan Chixia shouted and let out another thunder.

Su Yi's whole body froze immediately, and although black smoke rose from his body soon to resume his actions, in just this short time, Yan Chixia's sword rain poured down again.

"I'll fight with you!" Su Yi roared, turned around and swung a sledgehammer, rushing towards Yan Chixia against the rain of swords all over the sky.

The corner of Yan Chixia's mouth curled into a sneer, and she did not rush to split the sword with her hands, and immediately the rain of swords turned into four strands, falling overwhelmingly towards Su Yi.

Su Yi suddenly disappeared from the spot, and appeared in front of Yan Chixia in the next second, raised the hammer high, and smashed it down hard without saying a word!

Yan Chixia has long seen Su Yi's elusive teleportation speed, and has suffered because of it before, so how can she not guard against it this time?

He slapped the storage bag, and suddenly a golden ball flew out and hit the sledgehammer in Su Yi's hand.

There was a loud bang, and the hammer in Su Yi's hand was left with a short stick.

"My thunder!" Su Yi was startled, and couldn't help crying out.

He hasn't warmed up a middle-level magic weapon yet, so it's gone?

But this shows how powerful this golden ball is.

Now Su Yi turned around and fled without thinking, and the two teleportation disappeared 200 meters away.

Just kidding, no matter how powerful he is, he is still a body of flesh and blood, and his bones are absolutely impossible to be harder than that hammer.

The hammer shattered, and if he was hit by it, he would definitely be crushed to pieces.

If you don't run, are you waiting to become meat?
Fortunately, his purpose itself was to lure the enemy in, Su Yi had no interest in staying here to meet Yan Chixia to the death.

As Su Yi disappeared, the rain of swords all over the sky lost its target, whistling and hovering in mid-air.

Yan Chixia made a tactic and pointed to her foot, and suddenly the broad sword appeared in front of his finger and buzzed loudly, and the rain of swords disappeared at the same time.

He jumped onto the broad sword and chased after Su Yi in the direction where Su Yi disappeared.

This time Su Yi ran with all his strength, but Yan Chixia chased him for a long time.

But Su Yi's teleportation is actually more suitable for short-distance maneuvering, and long-distance dashing is not too fast for a monk like Yan Chixia who can fly with imperial weapons.Unless Su Yi is willing to throw away his body and act with his soul, he will not be limited by the [-] meters.

This is of course impossible.

Soon, the two came to the depths of Heifeng Mountain after chasing and fleeing.

Su Yi had already run to the edge of a cliff, and the cliff was surrounded by clouds and mist, but he could not see the real face of the bottom of the cliff clearly when he heard the murmur of the water and the waves of Lin Tao.

Su Yi stayed on the edge of the cliff, looked back at Yan Chixia, and suddenly gritted his teeth and jumped down.

The next second Yan Chixia also arrived, and he stepped on the flying sword without hesitation and rushed into the clouds and mist.

Yan Chixia has been to this cliff mountain stream before, there is a turbulent stream at the bottom of the cliff, there are some ferocious birds and beasts on the edge of the cliff, and some rare grasses grow.

Yan Chixia knew that she could see the bottom of the cliff through the clouds and mists about several feet thick.

For his flying speed, the distance of a few permanex is just a moment.

But for some reason, today's cloud and mist are extremely thick, and he swooped down with his sword and flew for three breaths, but he still couldn't penetrate it.

He was startled in his heart, and without even thinking about it, he stopped abruptly, held up his hand in the seal of the formula, and shouted sharply: "The sun and the moon are shining!"

In an instant, the electric snake swam away, and the thunder was everywhere, illuminating this space like daytime!All the dense fog was instantly dispelled under the thunder and lightning!
Take a closer look, where is there any cliff here?Surrounded by towering trees, the end of which cannot be seen at a glance, and the clouds cover the sun, making it dark.

And less than an inch in front of Yan Chixia, a towering tree was covered with sharp ice picks as thick as thumbs, each of which was more than two feet long!

Yan Chixia's eyes widened immediately, cold sweat broke out on her forehead in an instant!

If he had been slower to react just now, he would have been pierced by the ice pick and turned into a hornet's nest!
Although such an injury is not enough to kill the Foundation Establishment cultivator, it will definitely cause him serious injuries, and he will face the next greater risk with a seriously injured body.

After fear, there is vigilance.

Yan Chixia jumped off the broad sword and held it in her hand, without saying a word she reached out and slashed forward.

The tree covered with icicles quickly exploded into sparks and smoke disappeared under this sword.

"Hey hey hey..."

Laughter from men to women came from all directions, Yan Chixia looked around vigilantly with her sword, and gritted her teeth and shouted: "Old Mu! You have worked so hard to lure me into the bait!"

"Yan Chixia, you have entered my Wansen formation, today is your death day!" Old Mu grotesquely yelled.


In the next second, the sky trembled, and the towering trees around suddenly started to move in circles, some were turning forward, some were turning backward, some were fast, some were slow...

Yan Chixia suddenly became dizzy, and she used her sword on the ground to stabilize herself from falling.

He gritted his teeth and looked around, looking at the sky covered by the tree canopy, but he didn't dare to fly rashly.What was even more frightening was that his head became more and more dizzy at this time, and even his thinking was about to become blurred.

Without saying a word, he put away the broad sword and held the seal in his hand, gritted his teeth and quickly recited a mantra: "Prajna Paramita, Prajna Paramita, Prajna Paramita..."

As he chanted the mantra, his body became golden, the spinning trees stopped slowly, and the earth stopped shaking.

In fact, nothing moved, all of this was an illusion, and Yan Chixia broke the illusion with the six-character mantra.


A cold snort came from the void, and in the next second countless vines swung like long snakes, sweeping towards Yan Chixia.

Just as Yan Chixia was about to move, his legs were suddenly immobilized by rapidly growing vines.

At the same time, these vines also extended rapidly, trying to wrap around his entire body.

"Monster, how dare you!"

Yan Chixia was furious, and suddenly lightning flashed around him, but there was a crackling sound, and all the vines wrapped around him were broken inch by inch.

Yan Chixia, who had regained her freedom, shouted angrily, "The world is boundless..."

Swipe, a figure appeared out of thin air, holding a small black formation flag in one hand, and a long knife in the other, and slashed at him without saying a word!

It was Su Yi!

Yan Chixia, who was interrupted from casting a spell, had no choice but to point at Su Yi——

All the infinite sky thunder he cast poured on Su Yi.

Su Yi's body flickered with thunder, and he froze in place.

Yan Chixia took the opportunity to stab Su Yi in the chest with a sword.

But the corner of Su Yi's mouth evoked a strange smile, and at the same time, the black formation flag in his other hand emitted a faint light and quickly engulfed Su Yi, causing his figure to disappear in place in an instant.

Yan Chixia's sword immediately pierced through the air.

After being delayed, the vine vines quickly drowned Yan Chixia, wrapped into a huge vine ball in the blink of an eye, and trapped Yan Chixia in it.

crash crash...

More and more golden light came out from the gaps in the takraw ball. Although there were still a steady stream of vines constantly strengthening and winding around, the takraw ball trembled violently.

at some point...

With a violent explosion, the sky was filled with debris, and Yan Chixia broke out with a long roar!

His head was holding a golden spider, which was the diamond relic he had used before.

With Su Yi's cooperation, Yan Chixia was forced to play her hole card from the very beginning.

(End of this chapter)

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