Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1614 Oriole

Chapter 1614 Oriole
Seeing that Yan Chixia was forced out of the hole so quickly, Mr. Mu was not surprised but delighted.He quickly waved two formation flags in his hand, one black and one red, muttering words.

Following his actions, new changes suddenly occurred in the formation.

With deafening explosions, towering trees exploded one after another, releasing waves of sticky blood.

At the same time, the canopy that covered the sky and the sun turned into a rain of blood, and the mud all over the ground turned into blood.

The world in the formation suddenly turned into a blood-colored world.

Under such mighty power, Yan Chixia had no time to dodge, and the surging and roaring waves of blood beat him up and down, struggling in the blood tide in the blink of an eye.

Shocked and angry, Yan Chixia made a formula with both hands, and her body was full of golden light. She held the vajra relic with one hand, and touched the center of her eyebrows together with one hand and two fingers, and a golden light burst out immediately.

This is the Buddhist sky eye technique, Yan Chixia casts it with this vajra relic, and can see through all falsehoods.

He looked around, and immediately saw the only flaw in this bloody world - it was a misty cocoon, in which there was a faint figure waving a flag.

Before she had time to think about it, Yan Chixia opened her angry eyes, bit the tip of her tongue and sprayed a mouthful of blood on the Vajra relic, and sacrificed it without saying a word.

The relic quickly rotates and zooms in, and at the same time emits a dazzling golden light, so dazzling that people can't look directly at it.

In the golden light there was faint Chan singing, and as the golden light gradually restrained, it actually appeared in the shape of a seven-story exquisite pagoda.

"Break it!" Yan Chixia shouted angrily, pointing at the gray cocoon.

The seven-story exquisite pagoda immediately suppressed that side of the world, and wherever it passed, the blood rained away, and the sea of ​​blood disappeared.

It was as powerful as a broken bamboo, directly suppressing the gray cocoon at the bottom of the tower.

But the next second...

Countless vine branches and leaves grew and spread wildly in an instant, enveloping the golden Linglong Pagoda in the blink of an eye, and the surrounding blood waves rushed towards that direction, as if that point had become a bottomless pit.

In the blink of an eye, the blood wave, the jungle, everything disappeared, and the big formation that trapped Yan Chixia was withdrawn by the old monster Mu on his own initiative.

But the formation did not withdraw directly, but the power of the entire formation was used to trap Yan Chixia's vajra relic!

At this moment, Yan Chixia and Old Monster Mu were confronting each other, and Su Yi was holding a long knife ready to move not far away. The three of them were all at the bottom of the mountain stream, and between the three of them, a small stream was gurgling.

The original array flag in the hands of Old Monster Mu also showed its original shape at this moment——

It turned out to be a mass of wriggling, foul-smelling flesh and blood!
Yan Chixia's complexion changed drastically, and she wanted to take back the vajra relic by virtue of her mind-spirit connection, but her heart soon sank.

The connection between him and Vajra Relic was cut off!
"Hahaha..." Old Monster Mu let out a wild laugh that was indistinguishable from yin and yang.

"Yan Chixia, you have been fooled!" He laughed triumphantly, "Do you think I set up a large formation to trap you? You are wrong! What I really want to trap is your vajra relic! In the early days of the foundation, now that there is no Vajra relic, what do you use to fight me?"

"Heaven and earth are boundless!" Yan Chixia was startled and angry. He sacrificed the vajra relic so early with the idea of ​​a quick battle, but unexpectedly fell into the trap of Old Monster Mu. He was really ashamed at this moment Annoyed again.

A thunderbolt slashed straight at the flesh and blood in the hands of Old Monster Mu.

Mu Laoguai's expression changed, and he didn't dare to force it, and disappeared from the spot in a blink of an eye.

With the sound of a thunderbolt, a section of wooden pile burst into flames and fell to the ground, and the wooden monster had appeared not far away beside Su Yi.

"Wood escape technique!" Yan Chixia sullenly released thunder again without saying a word.

"Friend Daoist Han!" Old monster Mu was very afraid of Yan Chixia's thunder, and immediately shouted loudly when he saw it.

Without saying a word, Su Yi stood up and stood in front of the old monster Mu. All the thunders were submerged in his body. Su Yi's face suddenly turned purple, and he staggered a few steps before standing firmly on his feet.

At the same time, Old Monster Mu put away the stinky ball of flesh and blood, and opened his arms suddenly!
Whoosh whoosh!
In an instant, all the surrounding vegetation grew wildly, quickly entwining Yan Chixia in mid-air.

"Thousands of swords!" Yan Chixia yelled, and the shadow of the sword reappeared in the sky in an instant, quickly cutting off all the vines.

But before he landed, Old Monster Mu suddenly changed astonishingly!

He suddenly opened his mouth and stuck out his tongue.The tongue grows rapidly, and at the same time, his mouth and his whole body also continue to expand and grow. Rough bark grows on his face and exposed skin everywhere, and dozens of freshly drawn twigs also emerge from his clothes. Leaves come!
Waving her long tongue, she twirled towards Yan Chixia. Seeing this, Yan Chixia's complexion changed drastically, she didn't dare to take it hard at all, and hurriedly retreated.

But the long tongue pursued closely, and arrived in no time, Yan Chixia fled to the side of a big tree and turned sharply. The long tongue immediately wrapped around the big tree and tightened suddenly. There was only a "boom", and the two hugged each other. The big tree suddenly split in two from the entanglement, and collapsed obliquely.

Not to mention Yan Chixia, even Su Yi could see the corners of his eyes twitching.

The long tongue of Old Monster Mu is still growing and bigger. This is a kind of demonization technique. Old Monster Wood is now half human and half demon.

Yan Chixia was chased by Long Tongue, and several times she tried to get close to Huanglong, but was blocked back. At a certain moment, he raised his broad sword high and screamed, and slashed down!

The long tongue was indeed split in two, but the foul-smelling sticky juice splashed all over Yan Chixia!
The viscous juice seemed to have another effect. Yan Chixia, who was splashed with mucus all over her face, became obviously sluggish. When the long tongue attacked again, he was unable to dodge in time.

"The sword transforms into thousands!"

He yelled angrily and pointed at the Juejue. In an instant, sword shadows filled the sky and pricked the thick long tongue into a honeycomb. The sticky juice burst out from the long tongue almost buried Yan Chixia's whole body in it.

Su Yi saw that Yan Chixia was trying to break free, but it was very difficult. Before Yan Chixia could think of a way, the long tongue shot towards Yan Chixia again!

"Heaven and earth are boundless!" Yan Chixia's angry eyes widened and she pointed.

"Han Li!" A voice that was neither male nor female shouted shrillly, sounding from all directions.

Su Yi knew that this was the Wuji Thunder method that Old Monster Mu wanted him to hold Yan Chixia.

Without hesitation, without even thinking about it, he teleported to Yan Chixia again, and slashed down fiercely with the long knife!

There is no reason why Yan Chixia's magic can be retracted, so she had no choice but to release the lightning method that was originally able to restrain the old monster Mu on Su Yi.


Lei Fa entered his body, and Su Yi's face was bruised and veins bulged, showing pain, and even a stream of blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

"The sword will return in a moment!" Yan Chixia stretched out her hand to grab it out of thin air while struggling in the mucus, and the sword shadows all over the sky merged into one in his hand, reorganizing into the broad sword.He slashed at Su Yi's head with a fierce sword!

Su Yi stepped back and teleported away again!

"Hahaha! Yan Chixia, today is your death day!" Old Monster Mu shouted ecstatically.

Numerous vines grew out of the slime all over the ground to bind Yan Chixia tightly, and followed the long tongue to stab Yan Chixia head-on.

Yan Chixia's complexion changed drastically, and she forced a trick to control the broad sword and stab it through the tip of her long tongue.

But the next moment the long tongue was split open, the crocodile-like long mouth opened as tall as a person, and the ferocious laughing head of Old Monster Mu still appeared in his throat, and the long mouth bit down viciously!
In the next second, the Qiankun Sword descended from the sky, piercing the long mouth and nailing its lower jaw in place so that it could not move.

From the giant mouth, the head of Old Monster Mu shot out screaming and screaming, shooting towards Yan Chixia.

Yan Chixia's expression changed drastically, she slapped the storage bag vigorously, and a piece of talisman paper floated out of thin air.


In an instant, the whole space seemed to freeze, Yan Chixia and Old Monster Mu stopped at the same time, unable to move.

"Fixed body talisman? You actually have such a thing!" Old Monster Mu shouted angrily.

Yan Chixia didn't answer, but just started to exercise with a sullen face without saying a word. As the golden light radiated from his body, the branches and mucus around him began to loosen and melt slowly.

Seeing this, Old Monster Mu shouted anxiously: "Han Li, hurry up! Kill him! If he escapes from trouble, you and I will die!"

Yan Chixia's face sank like water, looking at Su Yi who teleported towards him with a long knife in his hand.

Seeing this, Old Monster Mu was overjoyed: "Quick! Hurry up!"

"How can you kill him with one blow?" Su Yi asked.


"Pull out the evil core of his dantian!"

Old Monster Mu and Yan Chixia spoke in unison.

As soon as the words fell, Old Monster Mu was stunned and stared at Yan Chixia with wide eyes.

Yan Chixia narrowed her eyes and said to Su Yi: "He is a self-healing body, and he won't die for a while after cutting off his head."

At this moment, Old Monster Mu finally woke up like a dream, and finally came to his senses.

He didn't even want to activate the Five Ghost Order!

"Wow!" Su Yi's body suddenly heard the voices of five children screaming and whimpering in pain, followed by five clusters of black mist rushing out of Su Yi's body, forming five ghostly children.

They struggled and writhed in pain, the red light on their bodies fluctuating.

This is their order to fight against the wood boss!

As the five ghost boys made by Mr. Mu himself, they must obey Mr. Mu's orders unconditionally and must not disobey.

If Boss Wood wants to destroy them, he can wipe them out with just one thought!

This is also the reason why Old Monster Mu was so relieved of Su Yi after he knew that the five ghosts' seal had been planted on Su Yi's body, because he didn't think the five ghosts would betray him at all!
But now, this scene that subverted his lifelong cognition was happening right in front of his eyes.

The five ghosts would rather bear the great pain of disobeying their master's orders than hurting Su Yi half a cent!
How can this be?

Under the horrified eyes of Old Monster Mu, Su Yi suddenly took a deep breath!
The five ghosts immediately cheered and rushed into Su Yi's mouth.

Bumble boom boom boom boom...

Immediately following Old Monster Mu, he felt that the connection between his soul and the five ghosts was broken one after another.

Every time a brat connection is broken, he will be backlashed by mana and blood will ooze from his mouth.In the end, he was bleeding from all seven orifices, and his face was like gold paper. He obviously suffered serious internal injuries.

"Han Li!" Old Monster Mu spat out blood foam, his eyes tearing open and he roared in a miserable voice!

The desperation and grief that could not be expressed in the cry.

"Thank you Mu Lao for giving me the knife!" Su Yi chuckled, stabbed the knife into Mu Lao's chest and abdomen, twisted his wrist, and picked it.

Immediately, a blood-colored ball shot towards Su Yi from its splashing blood, and Su Yi grabbed it in his hand.


Mu Lao's semi-demonized body quickly returned to its human form, its long tongue turned into flying ash and broke off inch by inch, and the bondage on Yan Chixia's body on Su Yi's side also disappeared at this time!
Yan Chixia, who had just regained her freedom, pinched the seal with her hand and remotely commanded the broad sword to slash Su Yi fiercely, and at the same time, she flew back without even thinking about it.

Su Yi raised the long knife to block the broad sword, and the long knife was cut in two and broke.

The corner of Su Yi's mouth twitched, the third one...

At the same time, there was an extra red wooden staff in his hand. Su Yi swung it forward with a trick, and the wooden staff split into two, and a short blade flew out from it, turning into a shooting star, and quickly caught up with Yan. Chixia.There was only a "poof", blood splashed, and the short blade pierced through his chest. With Yan Chixia's muffled groan, his body fell to the ground like a rag bag.

Su Yi's hand formula changed, and the short blade flew back into the sheath immediately, turning into a red wooden stick again.

He stretched out his hand to grab the Qiankun sword that was about to fall out of control, and then looked back at the old monster Mu who had been dug out of the evil pill and lost all his mana, and was already on his deathbed. "

"Dog thief!" Old monster Mu gritted his teeth, his eyes were about to split open, "I blame my blindness, I didn't see you, a vicious wolf in sheep's clothing!"

"Don't pretend to be innocent, as if you didn't plot against me." Su Yi chuckled, "What are your last words?"

"This is the sword in the staff of Monk Kusang. Did you kill him?" Old Monster Mu gritted his teeth, "You are the enemy of our Holy Cult, did you approach me on purpose?"

Su Yi nodded: "The last words are good, see you in the next life."

With a wave of the long knife, a head soared into the sky. Accompanied by it, there was also a spirit exuding strong evil spirit and resentment, rushing towards Su Yi with a roar!
Su Yi didn't even look at it, five ghost boys rushed out of Su Yi's body, scrambling to bite the spirit and eat it up!
The five ghosts screamed in unison, full of excitement.

Su Yi smiled but said: "For the sake of your obedience, this is a reward for you. Follow me in the future, the most important thing is to be obedient, understand?"

The five ghosts chirped and danced around Su Yi, trying their best to please him.With a thought, Su Yi took them back into his body, stretched out his hand again, and took back the three storage bags on the waist of Old Monster Mu, and then looked at Yan Chixia, who was not moving at a distance.

"If you pretend to be dead again, I will make you really dead." Su Yi said lightly.

Playing dead in front of a photo of him?What are you kidding, he still can't tell the difference between a real ghost and a fake ghost?

Not far away, Yan Chixia cried out inwardly that it was a pity, but there was no surprise.He turned over with great effort, and said with a wry smile: "Scheming, so scheming! The blood talisman you used at the beginning deliberately exuded the aura of Mr. Mu, right? It's for the current situation? You won! Come on, kill me!" Bar!"

Su Yi had a half smile but not a smile: "You want to die?"

"Otherwise, what else can I do?" Yan Chixia gasped, "I was seriously injured, and my mana loss was almost lost. Now I am just a lamb waiting to be slaughtered. If you are a man, give me a good time."

"I also want to give you a good time, but it's a pity that I'm afraid that Lord Yan will hold me back before he dies." Su Yi looked at him with a smile, "My instinct tells me, Lord Yan, you definitely have this ability. I Is that right, Lord Yan?"

Yan Chixia's expression finally changed.

(End of this chapter)

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