Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1615 Little Harm

Chapter 1615 Little Harm
The whole thing is actually very simple. Su Yi didn't plan too complicated conspiracy and tricks. It can even be said that "Jiang Taigong fishes, and those who wish to take the bait".

In his plan with Boss Wood, he only made one small move from beginning to end, and only said one extra word.

The little trick was the blood shield talisman that Su Yi released at the beginning. This talisman was made by the old monster Mu, and Su Yi specially wanted it for self-defense.There is nothing wrong with the talisman itself, and it is not a unique secret. Many evil cultivators can refine this kind of talisman.

Question: When releasing this talisman, there was deliberately mixed with a wisp of Mu Lao's evil spirit.

This wisp of evil spirit itself can't explain anything, at most it just makes Yan Chixia a little suspicious and alert, but that's enough, this wisp of evil spirit originally served as the next hook.

All of Su Yi's subsequent reactions were true. He assisted Mu Lao in dealing with Yan Chixia, and he did his best.

Fortunately, this battle is developing according to the trend that Su Yi expected. He guessed that even if Mr. Mu tried his best, Yan Chixia would not be an easy person. Instead, he, Su Yi, became the key player who made the final decision.

This is really a miracle, Su Yi will naturally not miss this opportunity.At this point, he said something that should not have been said.

He said "how to kill with one hit".

This is nonsense, chopping off the head, piercing the heart, cutting the throat, draining the blood, shattering the internal organs, there are not many ways to kill people?
This nonsense was heard by the old monster Mu, and the old monster didn't have the slightest doubt, but felt that Su Yi was frightened.

But when he heard Yan Chixia's ears, he immediately remembered the evil spirit that Su Yi exuded at the beginning, and when he saw Su Yi's eyes looking at him when he asked this question, he immediately realized that Su Yi asked this question be yourself.

So, Su Yi took advantage of Yan Chixia's wisdom and sensitivity, and Old Monster Mu's taking it for granted, to complete this conspiracy to become the oriole.

As for the current confrontation with Yan Chixia...

In terms of penetrating people's hearts, Su Yi still has two brushes.

No matter how magnanimous Yan Chixia is and how righteous she is, it has nothing to do with Su Yi.From Su Yi's point of view, this person wanted to kill him twice when he met him. This is an enemy, and he must be merciless towards his enemy.So when he attacked Yan Chixia with a talisman, he was running for his life, but Yan Chixia didn't die in the end.

If you don't die, you don't run away, but lie on the spot and pretend to be dead. Why?
Su Yi could understand what was going on with his heels.

Then he called Poyan Chixia, but found that the latter seemed to be provoking Su Yi to kill him intentionally or unintentionally, which aroused Su Yi's further suspicion.

Does Yan Chixia have a trump card that can pull people to death?But this kind of hole card must first receive a fatal blow before it can be triggered?

The spiritual sense of a martial artist is very keen, and Su Yi sensed the fatal danger from the dying Yan Chixia, so now he really dare not rashly attack Yan Chixia.

"Hahaha..." Yan Chixia suddenly burst out laughing.

The corner of Su Yi's mouth curled up to look at him, but he didn't cooperate with his performance.

This made Yan Chixia, who was waiting for Su Yi to ask "What are you laughing at?" a little embarrassed, she stopped laughing embarrassingly, and said with a snort, "Boy, since you dare not kill me, why don't you talk about the terms?" Bar?"

"What conditions?" Su Yi asked.

"Cooperate!" Yan Chixia stared at Su Yi, "Old Monster Mu is not a helpless casual cultivator, he is a member of the Heisha Sect, have you heard of the Heisha Sect?"

Su Yi shook his head slightly and remained silent.

"The Heisha Sect is the largest demon heretic in the Yue Kingdom. I heard that in addition to the mysterious leader, there are two other guardians, four blood servants, and eight elders! Maybe." Yan Chixia said coldly, "This organization is very powerful, and Old Monster Mu is one of the eight elders! In addition to these high-level people, the Heisha Sect has also absorbed many grassroots cultivators throughout the Yue Kingdom, and even their The tentacles have also extended to the territory of Yuanwu Kingdom!"

Seeing that Su Yi's expression remained unchanged, Yan Chixia continued: "You killed Old Monster Mu, the Heisha Sect will definitely not let you go! And your talisman..."

He sneered: "In the Heisha Sect, the identity of the person who owns the talisman is definitely not simple. Before he died, the old monster Mu said it was something from a monk? Hehe, in the Heisha Sect, the only Buddhist lineage is the national teacher Cihang For the Pudu branch, the monk you killed is likely to be Cihang Pudu's apprentice, and the talisman in your hand is probably made by Cihang Pudu!"

"Is this Cihang Pudu a monk of alchemy?" Su Yi couldn't help frowning and asked after hearing this.

"Of course." Yan Chixia said, "Otherwise, do you think any character can be a national teacher? According to my guess, this Cihang Pudu should be one of the two guardians of the Heisha sect!"

Su Yi frowned, this was completely different from the background he was familiar with...

"There is also Old Monster Mu. This old guy also has a background. He has a close relationship with the old Black Mountain demon in the Black Wind Mine. If you kill Old Monster Mu, the old Black Mountain demon will definitely stand up for him!" Yan Chixia sneered Said, "This old demon is a monk in the late stage of foundation establishment. Even if I am in my prime, I may not be his opponent. If he finds you, do you have a chance of winning?"

"Whether it's Cihang Pudu or the old demon of Heishan, no matter who finds you, you will die! You are lucky, kid, I happen to have a grudge against the Heisha Sect. As the saying goes, the enemy of an enemy is a friend. You and I are together." Both benefit, and both lose, if you want to cooperate, you can just think about it, I don't care!"

At the end of Yan Chixia's speech, she spread her hands freely, as if she really could do whatever she wanted.

But how could he hide the tension hidden in his eyes from Su Yi?It's just that Su Yi is too lazy to poke it.

He pondered slightly, thinking about what Yan Chixia said.

This is Yan Chixia's conspiracy. Things are real and objective. How to weigh them all depends on Su Yi.

This multiple-choice question is actually not difficult to do.

Su Yi looked at Yan Chixia: "An incarnation of justice like Hero Yan, is he really willing to degenerate himself and join forces with me, an evil heretic?"

"Don't underestimate yourself, let alone think how noble I am." Yan Chixia sneered, "You are a gangster, and the Heisha teacher has a great career, and I know who is more harmful. Choose the right of two evils." Light, in order to eradicate the big harm, it is actually harmless to cooperate with you, a small harm."

"How do you want to cooperate?" Su Yi asked.

"It's simple, strike first!" Yan Chixia said, "Of course, I have to recover from my injuries first. This time my old injuries didn't heal, and you beat me like this again. It didn't take three or two years. I want to recover. So, let’s make an oath to deal with the Black Mountain old demon together in three years! If we can get rid of this demon, let’s talk about the destruction of the Heisha Sect.”

After a pause, he said again: "Old Monster Mu's cave originally occupied my place. Although he has spiritual veins, I advise you not to be greedy, to withdraw as soon as you need to, and don't stay attached! Otherwise, if the old monster from Heishan Bring his demon son and grandson to the door, don't expect me to jump out to save you!"

Su Yi looked at Yan Chixia and chuckled: "Listening to what you say, you're really weird."

"It's too rewarding, that's what everyone who knows me says!" Yan Chixia said.

"But why didn't I surrender to the Heisha Sect?" Su Yi smiled, "In any case, the old monster Mu and the monk Kusang are dead, and their losses have already been caused. Adults only care about benefits, especially us These demons are even less interested in revenge. If I choose to join them, if I still bring your head as a vote... I bet they will be very happy to accept me to join."

"Of course you can take a gamble." Yan Chixia said calmly, "You bet they'd better think that it's more cost-effective for you to live than to sacrifice you with blood, otherwise you will be a sacrifice to the door! If you are willing to use your own I have nothing to say if I want to bet on the [-]-[-] odds."

Su Yi sighed and said: "From this point of view, it seems that it is indeed safer to cooperate with you. But if you and I cooperate, I will let you live and let you live. What about me? What benefits do I have?"

"When you are hunted down by the Black Mountain old demon and Cihang Pudu in the future, you will know what benefits you have!" Yan Chixia snorted coldly.

"This is also your benefit." Su Yi said, "Hero Yan, you told me the principle that cooperation can benefit both, so don't use future benefits to deal with the current situation."

He had a half-smile: "Would you like to take a gamble, no matter what means you have, I'm sure I'll kill you and get out of here?"

Yan Chixia's complexion changed slightly, she looked deeply at Su Yi, and said after a long time: "I'll take the blame for killing the old monster for you for the time being! But it's only for three years, and today, three years later, you want to come to me, Come with me to deal with the Black Mountain old demon! Three years of cleanliness...isn't that a small benefit?"

"Not bad..." Su Yi smiled and threw the broad sword forward with his backhand, and Yan Chixia retracted the sword with a trick, and was completely relieved in his heart.

"Your proposal is good, so the matter is settled." Su Yi said with a smile, "Today, three years later, we will see you in front of Lanruo Temple. By the way, my surname is Su."

"The surname is Su." Yan Chixia's face was not good-looking, "Did you give me something less?"

"Do you know that there is something called a trophy in this world?" Su Yi smiled, "Hero Yan, don't be too greedy, if you can save your life and get a powerful helper for nothing, you are already the luckiest person in the world people."

"You're ruthless!" Yan Chixia's mouth twitched, her eyes flashed with heartache, she said through gritted teeth, "Su Xiaohai, if you don't come after three years, don't blame me for having a big tongue and kill you Kusang Monk and Mu Lao Tell the world about the strange things!"

"What did you call me?" Su Yi frowned.

"Hahaha!" Yan Chixia laughed loudly, "Su Xiaohai, do you know that there is a truth in this world that everything has a price! You took my talisman, I didn't call you Su Wang bastard enough I'm saving face for you! Hmph, I'm too lazy to tell you more, see you in three years, Su, Xiao, and Hai!"

Before he finished speaking, he turned over and climbed onto the broad sword, turned into a shooting star and went away in an instant!
Su Yi looked at the direction Yan Chixia was leaving, and smiled slightly.

While Su Yi, Old Monster Mu and Yan Chixia were fighting, a conflict was also unfolding in Old Monster Mu's cave.

In a small room, the three female cultivators except Nie Xiaoqian saw that the incense in the furnace was burned out, so they all got up and looked at each other.

Xiaoqing, who had been in trouble with Nie Xiaoqian many times before, sneered and said: "Grandma has gone for a while, according to grandma's order, let's go and take down that scholar named Ning together!"

The other two girls said yes one after another.

But a woman with a scar on her forehead hesitated slightly: "Sister Xiaoqing, do you want to inform Xiaoqian?"

"What to tell her? This bitch and the surnamed Han have never been clear, who knows if she will spoil our affairs?" Xiaoqing's face suddenly turned cold, "Xiao Zhuo, you miss Xiaoqian so much, don't you?" Do you want to be her dowry maid and marry her to the old demon of Montenegro?"

"Little sister dare not!" Xiao Zhuo hurriedly knelt down upon hearing this.

"Okay, Miss Qing, Xiao Zhuo has always been timid and uninhibited, and it's not like you don't know her." Another woman persuaded, "It's important, let's catch the scholar first."

"Hmph, for Xiaolian's sake, let me spare you once, if you dare to disobey me next time, see if I don't tear your mouth open!" Xiaoqing scolded.

Xiao Zhuo knelt on the ground and was obsequious, not daring to refute.

"Let's go!" With a flick of his sleeves, Xiaoqing pushed open the door and walked in front, followed by Xiaolian and Xiaozhuo.

Soon the three of them arrived at the room where Ning Caichen was, but to everyone's surprise, Nie Xiaoqian was standing at the door of the room, holding a soft whip, expressionless.

Xiaoqing was startled when she saw this, and frowned, "Xiaoqian, what are you doing here?"

"Stop you." Nie Xiaoqian looked up at her, "I can't let you take Ning Caichen away."

Xiaoqing was not surprised when she heard the words: "Okay, Nie Xiaoqian, this is grandma's order, how dare you disobey it? Xiaolian Xiaozhuo, you all heard it!"

"Xiaoqian, don't back down!" Xiaolian stepped forward and shouted.

Nie Xiaoqian didn't speak, but just shook the soft whip in her hand, making a crisp crackling sound.

Xiaoqing ecstatically smiled "haha", slapped the storage belt on her waist, and immediately flew out two short blades, which she held in her hands.

Her ecstatic expression showed a bit of ferocity: "Nie Xiaoqian, you are courting death yourself. Even if I kill you today, grandma will have nothing to say! Xiaolian Xiaozhuo, sweep the battle for me!"


The two girls said yes together, and took out their weapons one after another.

"Go to hell!"

Xiaoqing couldn't wait to make a trick, and flew towards Nie Xiaoqian with the short blade in her hand, and the two of them fought into a ball instantly.


Just when the two were fighting fiercely, Xiaoqing was startled by a shrill scream from outside the arena.

She glanced out of the corner of her eye and saw what was happening on the sidelines, and she was instantly horrified!
A sword pierced Xiaolian's back heart and pierced out from her chest. She was covered in blood and looked down at the sword tip that passed through her body in disbelief.

Behind him, Xiao Zhuo, who was holding a long sword, had a ferocious expression on his face.

Xiao Zhuo pulled out his long sword, and Xiao Lian, who lost his strength, immediately fell to his knees. Behind him, Xiao Zhuo raised his long sword high and stabbed straight down from the back of his neck!

The long sword sank in response, leaving only the hilt outside.

And Xiao Lian stared blankly, completely silent.

Xiao Zhuo who killed Xiao Lian suddenly laughed like crazy!
(End of this chapter)

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