Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1616 Leave

Chapter 1616 Leave
"Five years! Five years, do you know how I have lived these five years?" Xiao Zhuo's exquisite face was distorted by madness, and the scar on his forehead became more and more hideous.

She pointed her sword at Xiaoqing, who was terrified, and gnashed her teeth and yelled angrily: "When you two bullied me, did you ever think that today would happen? Bitch, I swore a long time ago that I would take your head off with my own hands!" Cut it off! God opened his eyes and gave me a chance to take revenge, hahahaha..."

"Crazy! You are crazy!" Xiao Qingshen yelled, "How dare you betray grandma? You, it's too late for you to regret it! Don't forget the Yin Gui Soul Locking Curse on your body!"

"Shut up, bitch!" Xiao Zhuo glared at Xiao Qing viciously, subconsciously stroked the scar on his forehead, his face was full of hatred. "Blessed by you, I am left with this scar that is hard to get rid of in this life. It is useless to talk too much. Today is your death day!"

"Xiaoqian, are you going crazy with this crazy woman?" Xiaoqing was really scared. She backed away, her eyes rolled around to find a way out, and she pinned her hope of survival on Nie Xiaoqian, "Do you know that grandma is powerful?" Xiaoqian..."

Nie Xiaoqian sighed and said, "Xiaoqing, since we dare to stand up, we won't change our minds because of you, so why bother?"

"You are looking for death..."

"You are the one who died!"

Xiao Zhuo, who had long held grudges against Xiaoqing, was impatient and rushed up to fight with Xiaoqing.

Nie Xiaoqian knew that the strength of the other three women was not much different when it came to fighting alone, and Xiaozhuo was not even as good as Xiaoqing.So she didn't stand by, and with a flick of her whip, she also joined the battle group.

Nie Xiaoqian was already the highest in cultivation, and her joining made Xiaoqing quickly show his defeat.In desperation, she desperately took a whip, screamed and threw herself into the stone room behind her, trying to hold Ning Caichen inside to blackmail Nie Xiaoqian.

But when she rushed into the stone room, her heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

There is no one in the stone room!
Before she could react, Xiaoqian and Xiaozhuo had already chased in, and the second daughter attacked again without saying a word.Xiaoqing, who was full of fear, became even more flustered. After a few moves, Xiaoqian wrapped her hands with a soft whip, and Xiaozhuo took the opportunity to stab her chest with a sword.


Xiao Qing screamed and fell to the ground, her clothes were instantly stained red with blood.

"Forgive me! Xiaoqian, please, please forgive me, I don't dare anymore, please..." Xiaoqing crawled on the ground, grabbed Nie Xiaoqian's ankle and begged in horror.

Xiaoqian showed pity, bit her lip and looked at Xiaozhuo.

But Xiao Zhuo drew out his long sword without hesitation, and smacked Xiao Qing's neck fiercely. The latter died suddenly, eyes full of unwillingness and fell into a pool of blood.

Xiao Zhuo spat on her dead body, and said bitterly, "It's a cheap bitch to die like this!"

Xiaoqian was silent for a moment and sighed: "The same people who have fallen into the sky, but want to kill each other, why bother..."

"Sister Xiaoqian's heart softened?" Xiaozhuo sneered, wiping the blood with Xiaoqing's clothes, "This kind of bitch is selfish and cold, bullying the weak and fearing the hard, and never knows how to be grateful. Even if we spare her today, she will not She will be grateful to us, but she will hate us instead, as long as she has the chance, she will definitely kill us!"

"I'm just a little bit emotional. If our four sisters would work together, we would have escaped from grandma's clutches long ago. How could we have made trouble like this?" Nie Xiaoqian said.

Xiao Zhuo put away his long sword and looked at Nie Xiaoqian: "Sister Xiaoqian, this is the end of the matter, it's useless to think too much, the only thing we can do is to pray that Mr. Han can kill grandma, otherwise, our fate will only be worse than these two bitches Worse!"

Nie Xiaoqian said: "Let's go, let's act according to the plan first, you go to your room and invite Mr. Ning, I will go to collect the things in grandma's room, and then go out together and go to Guobei County to wait for Mr. Han. Mr. Han said , as long as we can't wait for him before dark tonight, let us fly away."

"The curse is incomprehensible, where can we go?" Xiao Zhuo laughed at himself, "Forget it, the reason why I agreed to Mr. Han is for revenge! Today I have earned my revenge. Can I survive? , it depends on God's arrangement."

"God doesn't need to arrange it, I will arrange it!" A familiar voice came from behind.

The second daughter Qiqi turned around in surprise, and saw Su Yi standing not far away with a smile.

"Mr. Han!" The two cried out in surprise.

"Mr. Han, grandma..." Nie Xiaoqian asked impatiently.

"He's dead." Su Yi smiled, "Congratulations, girls, you are free."

The two girls were taken aback at the same time, showing a look of disbelief.

"Master Han, is what you said... true?" Nie Xiaoqian asked in a trembling voice.

Su Yi smiled and didn't speak. Suddenly, with a thought, the five ghosts roared out and rushed towards the second daughter.

The two were startled and wanted to react, but they heard Su Yi say: "Don't move! They are to help you break the curse."

The curse of Old Monster Mu was cast by the five ghosts, and the five ghosts are the key to unraveling the curse. Naturally, the two girls also understand this truth.

Nie Xiaoqian knew long ago that Su Yi could control the five ghosts, but Xiaozhuo only heard about it, but never saw it himself.But right now, Su Yi has no scruples about controlling the five ghosts. How could they have imagined that the mountain that had been pressing on them had really been removed!
The two girls burst into tears almost at the same time!

The five ghosts screamed and got into Nie Xiaoqian's body first, then into Xiao Zhuo's body, and finally returned to Su Yi's body with joy.

During this process, the two women could clearly feel that the shackles that had locked them all along had been released.

The two wept with joy, and after looking at each other, they fell to their knees with a plop.

"Mr. Han's life-saving grace can never be repaid. Xiaoqian is willing to serve you as a slave and maidservant to repay the great favor!"

Xiao Zhuo was even more blunt: "Young master, Xiao Zhuo's life belongs to you from now on. From now on, you will be your son's person, and you will die as your son's ghost!"

Seeing the second daughter lying on the ground in front of her, it would be a lie to say that she didn't feel anything.Although the kindness is not intended to be reciprocated, the recipient's heartfelt gratitude and willingness to repay the vision will always give people spiritual satisfaction and comfort.

For an ordinary person like Su Yi who is not considered a hero, at least half of the meaning of being a hero is here.

"Please get up, both of you." Su Yi smiled and gave a little support, "Actually, my surname is not Han, but my real name is Su Mingyi. The reason for changing my name is just an expedient measure to deal with Mr. Mu. Your thoughts I have received it, but since I have obtained freedom, why give up my freedom in order to repay my kindness? Wouldn't that mean going round and round and returning to the original point?"

"The future will be long, as long as the two girls live well, there will always be a time to see each other in the future, and there is no need to rush to repay your favor." Su Yi said, "And this time I got rid of Old Monster Mu to save myself. Speaking of which, the two of you are also me. one's business Patner."

Seeing that the second daughter was about to talk again, Su Yi waved his hands and said: "That's it. This place is not suitable for staying for a long time, you should leave as soon as possible, the farther you go, the better."

The two women looked at each other.

"Could it be that the appearance of our sisters Puliu doesn't catch your attention?" Xiao Zhuo said with some fear, "My lord, our sisters have no extravagant wishes, but to stay by your side as slaves and handmaids, serving your meals and daily life."

"Master Su, in fact, we want to stay with you because of our selfishness. The world is big, but there is no room for us sisters." Nie Xiaoqian sadly said, "We are extremely yin bodies, and we all set foot on the earth. Immortal path is an excellent cauldron. No matter where you go, you may not escape the fate of being coveted and harvested. But the young master is different..."

"Although we haven't known each other for a long time, Xiaoqian has never seen such a modest gentleman. You can see that there is no evil in our sister's eyes. Even the high-ranking young master Ning is as pure as jade, which makes Xiaoqian admire... ..." Nie Xiaoqian looked at Su Yi with tears in her eyes, "If anyone in this world really treats our sisters sincerely, I'm afraid it's only the young master! Xiaoqian has the audacity to beg you to take our sisters in, and ask the young master to show mercy!"

"My lord, have mercy!" Xiao Zhuo also begged.

"This..." Su Yi frowned.

He could see that the two girls really wanted to be with him.But he still has too much time to take care of himself, how can he walk in the world of practice with two burdens?
Although the two daughters are both outstanding in beauty, Su Yi, who has gone through a lifetime of vicissitudes, has long been calm in this regard, without any waves.Therefore, from a utilitarian point of view, these two women are really useless to Su Yi, and keeping them with him is not only a burden, but also the source of right and wrong in the future.

He pondered slightly, shook his head and was about to refuse, but at this moment Ning Caichen walked over.

Su Yi had noticed Ning Caichen's arrival just now, and when the two daughters begged Su Yi, Ning Caichen was listening.

"Master, as the saying goes, saving people to the end and sending Buddha to the west." Ning Caichen persuaded as he walked over, "I know that Master has lofty aspirations and a great way in his heart, but in life, there are always things you don't want to do." But you have to do it, there are some troubles that you obviously want to avoid but you can't avoid them. If someone helps you take care of these things, wouldn't you be able to save more time and spend it on cultivation?"

Su Yi saw that Ning Caichen did not speak, and the latter walked up to Su Yi with a smile, bowed his hands and said, "Actually, Master, you don't have to be afraid that the two girls will become your troubles. I think that since the two girls are willing to follow Master, , they themselves never want to be your trouble, am I right, two girls?"

Nie Xiaoqian hurriedly said: "That's right, Mr. Su, our sisters will never cause you any trouble!"

"If there is a day, we would rather kill ourselves than cause you any trouble, young master!" Xiao Zhuo gritted his teeth and promised, "Young master, what Sister Xiaoqian said just now is wrong, I want to follow you, I just want to put this life Leave it to you, without any selfishness!"

Embarrassment flashed across Nie Xiaoqian's eyes when she was about to explain, when Ning Caichen laughed and said, "Master, you don't have to worry about it. The two girls want to follow you just for peace of mind. You are alone and have no one to take care of you." Why not be beautiful and fulfill their wishes? In fact, let alone them, even disciples want to follow you, master, and stay by your side to listen to your teachings. I am different from them. Even if you beat me and scold me, I will not leave of."

Looking at Ning Caichen with a hippie smile, and at the expectant second daughter, Su Yi smiled casually and said, "Okay, there is no rule that you can't drag your family with you. Since you are willing to follow me, then everyone will be in trouble." Blessings and common good! I said ugly things before, I am a person who is restless and likes to cause trouble, follow me, and be prepared to be implicated by me!"

"It's not certain who is involved." Ning Caichen was overjoyed, "You two girls, why don't you thank Master soon?"

The second daughter knew that this was Ning Caichen's strike while the iron was hot, and asked them to thank Su Yi quickly, lest Su Yi go back on his word.

They hastily and happily thanked Su Yi, and sincerely thanked Ning Caichen as well.

Ning Caichen scratched his head and smirked shyly, glancing at Nie Xiaoqian from time to time.Obviously, although he didn't go through the life and death on the original fate line, he still had feelings for Nie Xiaoqian.

Su Yi only found it interesting, and already had the idea of ​​watching a good show in his heart.He has no feelings for Nie Xiaoqian, but he is actually quite willing to help the two of them.

"Old Monster Mu is dead, but we can't stay in this cave." Su Yi pondered for a moment and said, "This guy's background is not shallow. Just in case, we have to hide from the limelight and hide for a while. Next, let's go Where, do you have any suggestions?"

Ning Caichen and the others looked at each other.

"I've always lived in Jingcheng, and I've been to Guobei County as far as I can. Master, I don't have any ideas." Ning Caichen said.

Nie Xiaoqian hesitated slightly and said: "Crossing the Heifeng Mountain is the Tainan Mountain Range. This mountain stretches for hundreds of miles. We can find a place to live in seclusion."

"It's an idea." Su Yi nodded and looked at Xiao Zhuo, "What about you, Xiao Zhuo, what do you think?"

Xiao Zhuo said: "I heard from my grandma before that the Heisha sect knows that most of the loose cultivators live alone and like to live in seclusion in the deep mountains and old forests, so they have special personnel to search for traces of loose cultivators in the wilderness all the year round. My son, I think we are in the wilderness. It is not safe to live in seclusion in the countryside, it is better to find a mortal town and live in seclusion."

"Mortal town?" Su Yi was actually inclined to this plan, "Then what suggestion do you have?"

"Across Tainan Mountain is Lanzhou Guanggui City." Xiao Zhuo said, "I once went with my grandma and passed by there. The people there are simple and honest, not as chaotic as in Jingzhou. I think Guanggui City is pretty good. .”

"Okay, let's go to Guanggui City!" Su Yi made a final decision.

Originally wanted to be a lone ranger, but unknowingly became the patriarch of the family.

Although it deviates from the original intention, Su Yi can see it, no matter what kind of lifestyle is just a choice for him, each has its own fun and challenges, and he is willing to accept it.

At the moment, following Su Yi's order, everyone split up and began to search for valuable things in the cave of Old Monster Mu. Everything that can be taken away must be taken away.All storage bags are filled to the brim, and packing boxes are packed if they cannot fit.

Su Yi deliberately left for a visit to a nearby town, bought eight horses and returned.Four horses carry people, and the remaining four camels carry luggage. The arrangement is clear.

When he finally left, Su Yi dismantled the entire formation and took it away, leaving a mess.A group of people rode horses and carried luggage into the mountains.

(End of this chapter)

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