Chapter 1617
This is the most famous Bilian Lake in Guanggui City. It is the time when the lotus is in full bloom.

Guanggui City is surrounded by mountains on three sides, so although it is noon, the weather does not feel hot at all, and the cool breeze is blowing by the lake, and people swimming in the lake with paper umbrellas can be seen everywhere.Not far away, the hustle and bustle of the market was full of people and pedestrians.

There is a three-story restaurant by the lake embankment, called Songbailou. The environment here is elegant, and the food and drinks are exquisite. It is the best restaurant in Guanggui City.

At this moment, Su Yi and Ning Caichen were sitting by the window on the third floor, tasting the most special local food and wine, and admiring the lotus flowers in this lake.

"Master, this small town has a pleasant climate and elegant scenery. It's really a good place to live in seclusion." Ning Caichen liked this place very much, "If possible, let me live here for the rest of my life!"

Su Yi took a sip of wine and said with a smile: "You are very contented. Didn't you tell Xiaoqian to take her to see all the scenery in the world when you were on the road a few days ago?"

Ning Caichen froze when he heard the words, scratched his head embarrassingly, and said, "Master, Miss Xiaoqian told me that she wants to serve you wholeheartedly and doesn't consider matters between men and women... Don't make jokes like this in the future."

"I'm not a young man from a rich family who doesn't touch the spring water with ten fingers. What can I serve?" Su Yi disagreed.

Compared with Nie Xiaoqian and Fu Xiaozhuo's two daughters, Su Yi admires Fu Xiaozhuo's slightly extreme and direct temperament more, but Nie Xiaoqian is actually a bit weak and indecisive.

And Fu Xiaozhuo is very smart, although Nie Xiaoqian is much higher than Fu Xiaozhuo in terms of cultivation talent and realm, but along the way, Fu Xiaozhuo has arranged everyone's daily life properly and in order.

The only bad thing is that this woman is a little observant and submissive, unlike Nie Xiaoqian who is generous.

Ning Caichen and Nie Xiaoqian were originally a couple, and Su Yi didn't want to break them up.But the two did not experience the unforgettable life-and-death love that they had before, and Nie Xiaoqian was rescued by Su Yi, so Nie Xiaoqian was completely indifferent to Ning Caichen.

Ning Caichen is a smart person, of course he noticed this, and he noticed more keenly that Nie Xiaoqian was more interested in Master than in himself, so of course he knew what he should do.

"Master, I'm telling you the truth. I only have respect for Miss Xiaoqian, and I never dare to have any blasphemous thoughts. If you don't believe me, I can swear it!" Ning Caichen said solemnly.

"Okay, okay, what about it?" Su Yi waved his hand speechlessly.

"Of course as for..." Ning Caichen muttered, and suddenly thought of something and smiled: "Master, you still can't say that? Do you remember when Junior Brother Xia Hou knelt down to worship the master, what did you call Xiaoqian and Xiaozhuo? Cough cough……"

Ning Caichen cleared his throat, recalled the scene at that time and imitated: "Disciple Xiahou Fenglei pays respects to Master and the two teachers' wives..."

As he said that, he couldn't help laughing: "Haha, Master, the faces of the two girls were very red at that time! But they were only shy, but not angry, which shows that the two girls have a heart..."

As he spoke, his tone became sour again, he forced a smile and said: "Master, you must not let them down."

"Take care of yourself, you are so old that you haven't even touched a woman's hand, how dare you act as a matchmaker for others?" Su Yi glanced at him, "Xiahou Fenglei's son knows how to make soy sauce, you are still his senior brother. "

"How can it be compared? Junior brother Xiahou is almost 40 years old, how old am I?" Ning Caichen said with a smile, "He bullied me on the way to Guobei County before, but now he still holds his nose and calls me Brother? Haha!"

From Heishan all the way to Guanggui City, the journey took more than one month, not to mention the rugged mountain road, this journey is not peaceful.Not only do you have to deal with the attacks of ferocious birds and beasts, but you also need to get rid of those road tyrants who don't have eyes.

The junior brother Xiahou that Ning Caichen said was actually Su Yi's old acquaintance.This person is the armored man who shot at Su Yi in the ruined temple where Su Yi and Ning Caichen met.

That day, Xiahou Fenglei took a few tricks from Su Yi. Although Su Yi just shot at will, he felt that it was not easy for the other party to do this, so he spared Xiahou Fenglei's life.Later, Xia Hou met Ning Caichen Daozuo again. After recognizing Ning Caichen, although he spoke sarcasticly, he threw Ning Caichen a steamed bun to satisfy his hunger, which shows that his nature is not bad.

Su Yi and his party met Xiahou Fenglei at the exit of the Black Wind Mountain Range. At that time, Xiahou Fenglei was fighting with a group of bandits.

It's a pity that the opponent's leader has a very strange saber technique, once this person makes a move, Xiahou Fenglei is immediately overwhelmed.

Su Yi and his group happened to pass by the scene at this time. After he recognized Xiahou Fenglei, he heard Ning Caichen say something about a steamed bun, so he pointed out Xiahou Fenglei on the spot.

The latter also recognized Su Yi as an expert in the ruined temple, and was very convinced by Su Yi's advice, so he did as he said, and sure enough, he took the life of the bandit leader within three moves.

After Xiahou Fenglei was rescued, he knelt down immediately and thanked him for saving his life and passing on his skills. He was not annoyed by being teased by Ning Caichen. Instead, he told Ning Caichen seriously that you are the apprentice of your benefactor. .

Ning Caichen was embarrassed immediately when he heard the words, and asked Xiahou Fenglei what he was going to do.The latter replied: I made an appointment with a swordsman named Yan Chixia to compete in swords.

It was this sentence that aroused Su Yi's interest.

After inquiring, Su Yi found out that this Xiahou Fenglei didn't know the identity of Yan Chixia's cultivator, but once had a conflict with Yan Chixia. But Xiahou Fenglei was still defeated.

Yan Chixia, with a pure heart, triumphantly told Xiahou Fenglei that she was the number one swordsman in the world, which made Xiahou Fenglei very unconvinced, and agreed to have a swordsmanship competition every year in the future, and Yan Chixia agreed, and since then, the two swordsmen have become famous every year. Tradition, it's a pity that Xiahou Fenglei never won.

It's just that this person has a tenacious heart, the more frustrated he becomes, the more courageous he becomes, and he is never discouraged. Even if he knows he can't beat him, he still has to work hard to practice his sword before he can compete with Yan Chixia.

"I have a set of swordsmanship. As long as you practice it well, you will surely beat Yan Chixia. Do you want to learn it?" Su Yi asked with a smile.

He could imagine that Yan Chixia deliberately concealed her identity as a cultivator, probably out of the mind of playing with the world of mortals.

Practitioners performing worldly martial arts are no different from cheating. Practitioners have outstanding spiritual awareness. The "moving first" that can only be achieved by martial arts masters is only a basic operation for practitioners. Therefore, normally Xiahou Fenglei is a practice I can't beat Yan Chixia in my life.

But there are exceptions to everything, martial arts in the world, only fast can not be broken.If it goes to the extreme, the practitioner's spiritual perception will not be able to understand it.

Xiahou Fenglei is a pure swordsman, and his focus on the way of swords makes Su Yi feel ashamed. His temperament also makes Su Yi have the fun of cultivating again. More importantly, Su Yi is looking forward to Xiahou Fenglei learning his sword There is no way to defeat Yan Chixia again.

Yan Chixia, who played the game Hongchen, was given to the game by Hongchen. The expression on the face of this bearded man must have been wonderful...

It's interesting to think about.

How could Xiahou Fenglei be unwilling?

What he can't forget the most these days is the tricks that Su Yi used to defeat him. Now that Su Yi is willing to teach him, he can only wish for it.

Immediately, he knelt on the ground and kowtowed to his master: "Disciple Xiahou Fenglei, pay respects to master, two senior wives, senior brother!"

The second daughter blushed immediately when she heard the words, and Su Yi was a little bit dumbfounded.

"I only teach you a set of sword skills. After I have taught you, you will go your own way. Your future achievements and fate are all up to you, so I only accept you as a registered student." Su Yi said, "But I have A request."

"Master, please tell me, I will definitely do it even if I go through fire and water!" Xiahou Fenglei said firmly.

"After you defeat Yan Chixia, you must tell him that the person who taught you this set of sword skills is named Su." Su Yi said leisurely, with the corners of his mouth curled up.

The picture of Yan Chixia beating like a thunder seems to have appeared in his mind.

"Hey, the two girls are back!" Ning Caichen suddenly pointed out the window and shouted.

Su Yi withdrew his thoughts and followed the prestige, and sure enough, he saw Nie Xiaoqian and Fu Xiaozhuo walking through the busy city and coming here.

The two girls had outstanding looks, so they both wore loose clothes and bamboo hats to cover their faces so as not to cause unnecessary trouble.

But people in the world often say that the more you hide people, the more you want to see them, so wherever they go, they attract a lot of attention.

"Master, do you think other than us, there will be practitioners like us who choose to live in seclusion in the marketplace?" Ning Caichen asked suddenly.

"Of course, there are here, and there are quite a few." Su Yi smiled, his eyes narrowed slightly.

"Is there?" Ning Caichen was startled.

"Of course." Su Yi said lightly, "Although they seem to have practiced a very clever technique of restraining breath, without revealing half of their aura, they have the smell of practitioners, but I can't hide it from me."

Su Yi's words are not bragging. These people may be able to hide it from ordinary practitioners, but they really can't hide it from him.

Firstly, Su Yi has sharp eyes and ears, and he can't hide any small actions these people do; secondly, he gradually realizes that his green power is very sensitive to the fluctuation of spiritual energy, and the technique of restraining breath can deceive spiritual power and spiritual consciousness , but it can't be hidden from the power of photography.

"Why can't I see it?" Ning Caichen stretched his neck and looked down at the entire market, but seeing the bustling crowd, he didn't feel anything unusual, so he couldn't help showing a dazed expression.

"The third stall in the first alley to the east is the aunt who sells tofu; the second-to-last stall in the third alley sells calligraphy and painting with a long face, and the tall man with a hammer in the blacksmith's shop in the north..." Su B casually mentioned three people, "I found eight cultivators in this market. These people should know each other, and they also pass messages through gestures and specific sounds. Moreover, they have long noticed our gone."

Ning Caichen was puzzled, and nervously said: "Master, who are these people? Will it be harmful to us?"

"They are natives, and we are outsiders. Maybe they are more worried that we will be unfavorable to them." Su Yi chuckled, "They must think that they are in the dark and we are in the light, so let's ignore them and pretend Tsukuru didn't see their anomalies, just wait and see what happens."

Ning Caichen was no longer as relaxed as before, and frowned, "Master, is it normal for so many practitioners to be hidden in the market for ordinary people?"

"Of course it's not normal, but since they were lurking here before we came, it shouldn't have anything to do with us." Su Yi said leisurely, "In short, it's best for everyone not to interfere with the river. If there is any trouble, there is no way. We can't shrink back just because we're afraid of troubles that haven't happened yet, right?"

Ning Caichen nodded.

While talking, Nie Xiaoqian and Fu Xiaozhuo had already returned.

The second daughter went upstairs with a "thump, thump, thump," and they all gave a blessing: "Young master, young master."

Ning Caichen hurriedly stood up to return the salute, Su Yi waved his hand to signal them to sit down and said, "Thank you, come, sit down and talk while eating."

"Young Master." Fu Xiaozhuo smiled sweetly, and pulled Nie Xiaoqian to sit down.

The second daughter didn't move her chopsticks, and heard Fu Xiaozhuo say: "My lord, sister Xiaoqian and I have taken a fancy to three houses, the first one is in the south of the city, and there are all deep houses. Ours is the house of a run-down rich businessman. It has been abandoned for more than two months, and is looking for a buyer; the second one is on the street of the city lord's mansion, it is the abandoned house of a prisoner, and it has been abandoned for more than ten years. It is rumored that this house is haunted, so no one dares to live in it; the last house It’s a Taoist temple in the east of the city, and there are only two Taoist priests, one big and one small, and they want to sell their small Taoist temple because they want to go to Jiayuan City to join the big temple.”

"Which one do you like more?" Su Yi asked casually.

"I like the deep house compound in the south of the city, but sister Xiao Zhuo thinks the Taoist temple is better." Nie Xiaoqian said softly, "My lord, the environment in the south of the city courtyard is elegant, and the furnishings are still new, so we can live in it without taking care of it. And this house is the largest, and there is a pond in the backyard."

"Although the Taoist temple is a bit small, with only one main hall and two rows of cloisters, it is the cleanest." Fu Xiaozhuo said with a smile, "I know you like a quieter place. Although the house in the south of the city is nice, the neighbors are all Powerful people in this city, if we move there, I'm afraid it will be difficult not to be approached by right and wrong."

"Why didn't you choose that deserted ghost house?" Ning Caichen asked curiously, "We are not afraid of ghosts."

"Little master, that house has been in disrepair for a long time. If we want to live in it, it will take at least a few months to repair it." Fu Xiaozhuo patiently explained.

"That's no good, we don't have so much time and energy to waste on such chores." Ning Caichen immediately shook his head and waved his hands.

"My lord, mansion or Taoist temple, which one do you choose?" Fu Xiaozhuo looked at Su Yi.

"A mansion." Su Yi said without hesitation, "How do we live in a Taoist temple? Are we going to dress up as Taoist priests and nuns? That's weird. Why don't you just live in a normal house, and it doesn't matter if you have troubles. The two of you eat first, and when we're done, let's go to that mansion together!"

"Yes, son."

Su Yi made a decision, and the two daughters naturally had no disputes.

(End of this chapter)

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