Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1618 Teaching

Practitioners can only fast when they reach the foundation building stage. Even if they do not eat any food, the spiritual energy can nourish the body and maintain metabolism.

But the qi training period is not enough, unless they take the specially refined Bigu Dan, otherwise the practitioners in the qi training period need to supplement nutrition more than ordinary people and eat more.

The second daughter had been hungry for a long time, so naturally she ate heartily at this time.

After eating and drinking, the group of four walked through the market and headed straight to the south of the city.

The courtyard of the mansion that the second daughter was looking for was not bad, with three entrances and three exits, and a large back garden.The lotus flowers in a pool are in full bloom, and the pavilions and pavilions on the water are very elegant, and even a rockery is decorated.

The house was not sold by the original owner, but by a dental firm specializing in intermediary sales.Su Yi took everyone around the front and back yards, and immediately decided to rent this house.

Fu Xiaozhuo was in charge of negotiating the price, and in the end he paid the five-year rent for the eight useless horses, which was really a good deal.

After signing, drawing and depositing, the right to use the house officially belonged to Su Yi and others.

Moving to a new house, the four of them are in a very good mood, talking and laughing, planning how to arrange and use the house.

"The plaque at the door still says Sun's Residence, Master, this sounds like a curse, should we replace it first?" Ning Caichen suggested, "How about... calling it Su Residence? Or Su Residence?"

"This is not my home alone, why do I have to be named Su?" Su Yi didn't think so, "Xiao Zhuo, take off the plaque, and I'll inscribe it!"

"Yes, my lord!" Fu Xiaozhuo went to the front door to take down the plaque without saying a word, and turned the wooden plaque over.

Su Yi slapped his storage bag and took out his earliest long sword. Without saying a word, the book was written in three large characters—He He Tu.

"Silver hook drawn on iron, three points into the wood, what a good word!" Ning Caichen's eyes lit up immediately, "Master, I understand the word "hehe", which means harmony and unity, but adding a picture after it... what does it mean? "

Su Yi chuckled: "This is what I hope that when you develop your ambitions in the future, don't forget the word harmony. You can fight for it if you lose your interests, but if you lose your love, you will fail the four of us." The fate of living under the same roof at this moment."

The faces of the three of them became serious at the same time, and they all cupped their hands together: "I would like to follow the teachings of Master (Young Master)."

Su Yi nodded with satisfaction and said: "Our purpose is to live in seclusion and cultivate quietly, so it is not appropriate to make a high profile. But the arrangement of the spirit gathering array and the protective array must be arranged, otherwise the progress and safety of the practice cannot be guaranteed. Didn't we just go to the backyard to see it all? Have you passed? I plan to dig an underground practice space three feet under the pool in the backyard, and arrange the spiritual eyes and the spirit gathering array under the pool."

"As for the protective array, it doesn't have to cover the entire house. After all, we can't avoid dealing with outsiders. If the entire house is deployed, it is inconvenient and easy to cause trouble, so the protective array only needs to protect the backyard. Usually we can live in Activities in the front house, and retreat to practice in the backyard underground."

"Young master is thoughtful, I think it's very good." Nie Xiaoqian praised after hearing the words.

The other two had no opinion, so the matter was settled.

Digging out an underground space may be a very troublesome thing for ordinary people, but it is extremely simple for practitioners who have mastered spells.Without Su Yi and Ning Caichen doing it, in less than an hour, Fu Xiaozhuo and Nie Xiaoqian dug an underground space with "five bedrooms and one living room". The furnishings are also fully furnished.

Su Yi formed a matrix with spirit-gathering talismans, covering the entire underground space in a spirit-gathering array.Once the Spirit Gathering Formation was activated, it was obvious that the aura in the entire underground space became much more lively.

But the spiritual energy is still very limited, which is also natural. In a world that contains spiritual energy, the spiritual energy is not evenly distributed in every corner of the world, but some places are richer and some places are weaker.In some places with very strong spiritual energy, spiritual veins of different sizes will be formed over time.

Some large spiritual veins may stretch for hundreds or even thousands of miles, and branch out into many branches, but it seems that these places are all occupied by those cultivation sects.

Some small spiritual veins only cover several miles, or even several feet.The small spiritual veins in the cave of Old Monster Mu were the ones covering Erli.

Lingmai is not a one-time consumption of resources, but a "recyclable" resource that continuously absorbs spiritual energy from other places to strengthen itself.The largest spiritual veins in Guanggui City are all in the nearby famous mountains and rivers. The spiritual energy in the mortal city has been continuously absorbed to the surrounding areas. Su Yi has set up a small spirit gathering array, no matter how efficient it is, how can it be better than that? Can it match the absorption and cohesion of so many natural spiritual veins to the spiritual energy?
Practitioners practicing in a place with thin aura and practicing in a place with abundant aura are two completely different concepts.During this journey, Su Yi carefully studied the body training method obtained from Old Monster Mu. He found that to practice this kind of exercise, the demand for spiritual energy is very large. Therefore, he found a cave with abundant spiritual energy to practice. It has become the imminent demand of Su Yi.

Su Yi knew that the spirit-gathering formation had limited effects. When he left the cave of Old Monster Mu, he really wanted to remove that spirit vein, but it was a pity that this was impossible.But the spiritual veins cannot be moved, but the spiritual eyes can.

The so-called spiritual eye is actually the opening through which spiritual energy erupts from a spiritual vein, similar to a spring eye.

The spiritual eye of Old Monster Mu's cave is just under the stone couch where Old Monster Mu sits and practices, so the speed and efficiency of his cultivation is not a bit higher than that of normal monks.

The spiritual eye is originally invisible and colorless, and can only be sensed by the practitioner's perception, but usually a spiritual eye exists for a long time, it will assimilate its surroundings, it may be a tree, it may be a stone , and possibly the surrounding soil.

The amazing thing is that these assimilated tangible spiritual eyes, even if they are removed, still have the effect of absorbing and extracting spiritual energy.Su Yi didn't know about this at all, and it was Nie Xiaoqian who gave him popular science.

Knowing this, Su Yi was of course not polite, so he cut old monster Mu's stone couch into a stone pillar, put it in a storage bag and packed it away.

This stone pillar is a spiritual eye!
After setting up the spirit-gathering array, Su Yi placed the stone pillar in the middle of the hall of the underground space. As soon as the stone pillar fell to the ground, the spiritual energy in the entire underground space became stronger several times!
This is the effect of spiritual eyes.

Of course, compared to the old Mu monster's cave, the richness of the aura is still much lower. After all, this is a new spiritual eye, and there is no spiritual vein supply under the spiritual eye. There is only a gathering spirit array that slowly draws the aura of the surrounding world.Now that there are spiritual eyes sitting in the center, they are actually complementary to the spirit gathering array.

But this level of aura is definitely enough for Su Yi and the other four. After all, their four realms are not high, and the speed of absorbing aura and the amount of aura that the body can hold are very limited.

After solving the problem of aura, Su Yi returned to the ground and arranged the protective formation in the backyard, covering the entire backyard.

Of course, this large protective formation was contributed by Old Monster Mu with all his heart. It is said that even a monk in the late stage of foundation establishment would have to spend a lot of time trying to break through this formation. Although it is not very good, it is definitely not bad.

That sentence is definitely enough for Su Yi and others at the current stage.

After the formation is set up, the backyard is still the same from the outside, but once someone breaks into it, it will activate the large formation, and at least it will be trapped in it and cannot get out. If the resistance is fierce, it will also trigger the large formation to kill. For entrants, once the killing array is activated, monks who have not established a foundation will die one by one, without exception.

On the first day when they first came to Guanggui City, none of the four of them practiced cultivation. After setting up the house, the second daughter personally cooked a table of sumptuous dishes, and the four of them had another big meal under the moonlight.

Because of the spiritual eyes and the spirit-gathering formation, the lotus in the pool grew wildly, which was particularly spectacular.Nie Xiaoqian was very interested in cultivating a spiritual field in the middle of the pool and planting some spiritual herbs.

Su Yi had no objection, so Nie Xiaoqian went out to buy flower seeds after dinner.

As soon as she left, someone came to the door behind her.

It was a neighbor next door who came to visit, saying that he wanted to get to know each other.

Su Yi and Ning Caichen were not interested in this kind of thing, so they left it to Xiao Zhuo to deal with it.

Originally thought it was just a small episode, but soon Xiao Zhuo came to report to Su Yi with annoyed face.

"The person who came is Xu Feng, holding the deed of our house in his hand, and questioning us about the crime of trespassing!" Fu Xiaozhuo said angrily, "The deed is real, and it was given to us by the dental dealer during the day. I can recognize the one I saw! Young master, this Xu Feng said that his house has never been entrusted to the dental firm for lease, so he wants us to move out quickly, or pay double the rent."

"How did this happen?" Ning Caichen had little experience in life, and he was very angry when he heard the words, "So, we let the people in the dental clinic deceive us?"

"My lord, one of the two sides must be lying," Fu Xiaozhuo said angrily, "You told us to keep a low profile as much as possible, but these mortals are so daring to lie to us, do we have to be patient? "

"Handle it in your own way." Su Yi didn't take this matter to heart at all, he believed that Xiao Zhuo would be able to handle it well.

Sure enough, Fu Xiaozhuo, who got Su Yi's permission, quickly figured out the matter. It turned out that Yaxing and this Xu Feng were colluding and wanted to blackmail Su Yi and the others.

Fu Xiaozhuo cast a little spell, and made Xu Feng suffer a lot. In the end, not only did he get nothing, but he caused a lot of trouble.

But this is not the end of the story.

In the world of mortals, small troubles often lead to big troubles, and big troubles lead to old troubles. Troubles keep coming.

This Xu Feng and Na Yaxing turned out to be members of a gang named Wu Semen in Guanggui City. They were not reconciled to having suffered a loss at the hands of Xiao Zhuo, so they brought hundreds of people here early the next morning. Slam the door and make trouble.

Fu Xiaozhuo was not polite, and retreated to the enemy with a mundane sword, beating these gangsters to flee in all directions.

Fu Xiaozhuo originally thought it was over, but who knew that at noon, a group of policemen surrounded the house, holding crossbows and sharp blades, demanding that everyone in the house wear shackles and go to the county government prison to give the people inside a stick It's time, otherwise you will have to forcibly break in and take people.

Fu Xiaozhuo was startled and furious, it was easy for her to kill the group of policemen outside, but the four of them came here not to fight with these mortals, they came here to live in seclusion and practice, now It is obviously contrary to the original intention that things happened like this.

Fu Xiaozhuo thought about it and couldn't think of a safe solution, so he went to the backyard and reported the incident to Su Yi with a face full of shame.

"Do you know where your mistake is?" Su Yi asked calmly after hearing Fu Xiaozhuo's complete story.

"Young master, my mistake is that I didn't find out the origins of these guys in advance, and didn't plan ahead, which made us so passive." Fu Xiaozhuo reflected.

Su Yi smiled: "Yes, not right."

"We are practitioners, and they are ordinary people. You may think that practitioners are superior to ordinary people. When you look down on them, you think they are not worth mentioning at all." Su Yi said lightly, "Normally, this is the case. But we Our situation is different. We need to hide among mortals and devote ourselves to cultivating. If it is not necessary, we cannot reveal our identity as a practitioner. In this way, we are actually equal to mortals, and we must deal with them on an equal footing. Otherwise, anything we do will look like nothing to them."

After a pause, he looked at Xiao Zhuo and said, "This is the first mistake you made. You didn't recognize the essence of this matter. Because of this, it led to your second mistake-why are you right? Are they showing mercy?"

Be it Xiaozhuo and Xiaoqian, or Ning Caichen, although these three people are very smart, they are actually Xiaobai who have not experienced much in the world. Since they have followed Su Yi, Su Yi naturally wants to cultivate their abilities in this area, Complementing their shortcomings, therefore, he is not considered a "good teacher".

When Su Yi was teaching Fu Xiaozhuo, the other two were also present, and they both looked thoughtful.

"The current order in this country has collapsed, and the law of the jungle believes in the law of the jungle." Su Yi continued, "Just because you have big fists, doesn't mean you are strong. You have to be ruthless and smart enough."

Su Yi said and pointed to his temple: "Think about it, you beat them away with one enemy a hundred. These people obviously already know how powerful you are and understand that you are not easy to mess with, but why do they dare to come here?" Trouble us?"

"Because I just beat them, but didn't seriously hurt them, so although they think I'm powerful, they're not afraid of me." Fu Xiaozhuo obviously figured it out, and said in shame, "They think I'm still abiding by the rules, so I'm going to do it today. If something like this happens, let the police quickly deal with me."

"A gentleman can be bullied, hmph, these guys are really despicable!" Ning Caichen slapped the table angrily.

Su Yi glanced at him, and continued to deal with Xiaozhuo: "Actually, since you beat those people away with one enemy a hundred yesterday, the nature of this matter has changed. It's not extortion, nor seeking revenge, but fighting for face." , Fight for authority!"

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