Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1619 Handling

Chapter 1619 Handling
Whether it is in the world of practice or in the common world, in fact, the principles of the world are the same. After a conflict occurs, only when the status of the two parties is about the same will they talk about right and wrong. .

For the originally weak party, or the party that is at a disadvantage, it is understandable to seek nothing more than the word "fairness"; , his foundation will be shaken. To put it bluntly, once others find out that his strength is from the outside, no matter whether they are enemies or those who have interests, they will flock to him, and his survival will be threatened.

Therefore, we can often see that some evil forces who do bad things will not suffer at all. This is because in their survival philosophy, things like killing chickens to warn monkeys and killing one to warn others are related to their survival and safety. They have to do this. Do.

Therefore, unless you can completely let them understand that they can't beat you with all kinds of methods, otherwise they will use all kinds of methods to deal with you again and again.

Fu Xiaozhuo made such a mistake. The first small punishment caused Xu Feng a bit of a disadvantage, and the second time he defeated his gang with one enemy and one hundred, but these two confrontations left the opponent with a lot of trouble. My impression is that "the outsider renting this house is very difficult to deal with", not even "not easy to mess with".

You have damaged the majesty of other gangs, and they don't think they can't offend you, so of course they will come and punish you again and again.

"My lord, I know I was wrong!" Fu Xiaozhuo said in shame, "I will dispatch these arresters first, and then I will find Xu Feng who provoked trouble and the front tooth before, and kill them!"

"How do you dismiss the police outside the door?" Su Yi asked noncommittally.

"Enchantment." Fu Xiaozhuo looked up at Su Yi with a guilty conscience, "I can use the enchantment to trick them away first...after cleaning up the gang, these policemen should know our identity." Great, maybe they won't come to trouble us again, right?"

Su Yi looked at Ning Caichen and Nie Xiaoqian, "What about you? What can you do?"

Ning Caichen frowned and said, "If I... I might reveal some strength to frighten the gangsters, let them understand that we are not easy to mess with, and we will surrender without fighting. Then go to the hall of this gang, Let them understand that we can't afford to provoke them, so the trouble will naturally disappear."

"What about you?" Su Yi looked at Nie Xiaoqian.

"Me?" Nie Xiaoqian thought for a while, "My lord, I think no matter what you do, it will be difficult to prevent trouble, so whether it is Xiaozhuo's method or the method of the young master, it is good. What will happen in the future, we only have soldiers to cover up the water and the earth." gone."

"You are right. Both of their solutions are not bad. Since this incident has already happened, there is really no way to stop it if there will be troubles in the future." Su Yi said, "But to solve the problem, we must start from the root cause. Whether it’s the policeman, Xu Feng and Front Ya, they’re just small characters, and solving them can at most solve a temporary emergency, and can’t put an end to the black and white imminent moves, and can’t deter them from messing with us.”

"Master, what do you think should be done?" Ning Caichen asked.

"I'll arrange this matter as a practical lesson for you." Su Yi looked around at the three of them and said, "If you encounter problems in the future, I hope this solution can give you some inspiration."

"Yes, son (master)."

"The three of you will act separately next..." After Su Yi gave such and such instructions, the three of them followed suit, and each of them did things according to Su Yi's arrangement.

Ning Caichen and Fu Xiaozhuo left from the backyard one after another, while Nie Xiaoqian opened the front door as Su Yi said.

Outside the door, besides the arresters, there were also many people dressed as gang disciples, some of them were obviously higher status gang members, and even stood not far away from a few head arresters, chatting and laughing blatantly.

After Nie Xiaoqian walked out the door, everyone's eyes were on her face. Because she was covered with a light veil, everyone couldn't see her exquisite appearance.But if so, just the upper part of the face is enough to make people imagine.

"Which adult has the final say? My son, please tell me." Nie Xiaoqian looked around, her eyes locked on the few bosses who were chatting and laughing with the gang leaders.

One of them had a throbbing Adam's apple, with a flash of greed in his eyes, he stood up and said loudly: "What is your son? If you have anything to say, let him come out and tell me! Girl, don't blame me for not reminding you. Most of the time for burning incense has passed."

He paused and pointed to the incense burner held by a fast catcher, and said with a sneer, "When this incense burner is finished, there is nothing to talk about!"

"What's the name of this lord?" Nie Xiaoqian's eyes fell on him.

"It's easy to say, my catcher's surname is Guo, and he is in charge of the police station in Guanggui City!" Guo catcher said proudly.

"Guo Butou, my son said that to be a fast catcher, you only need to obey orders, but to be a catcher, you need to be discerning. Anyone who can sit in the position of Guo Butou is a person with a careful mind." Nie Xiaoqian said in front of everyone. He said in a hurry, "My lord sincerely invites Guo Tutou to come to the house to drink tea, you can come or not as you like."

After saying this, she stood with her hands tied, showing that she would not speak again.

Guo Butou's face was a little cloudy when he heard the words. Although Nie Xiaoqian's words did not mean a single word of threat, they seemed to imply something inside and outside the words.

Go in for tea?

"Guo Butou, don't listen to this witch's sweet talk!" Seeing this, the gang leader on the other side hastily persuaded, "They told you to go in for two purposes, either to spend money to eliminate disasters, or to trick you into going in. Stop you from threatening us! If it is the former, our five-color gate will pay a lot of filial piety! If it is the latter, wouldn’t it be worse? My lord, going in will do you harm and no benefit!"

Guo Butou's face was cloudy and hesitant.At this time, another head catcher next to him said: "Mr. Meng, do the people in this house really have no background?"

"Affirmatively not!" The leader's tone is firm, "If there is a real background, why would you find front teeth to rent a yard to live in? How can you do it yourself without regard to face? If there is a real background, they would have moved out a long time ago, so why wait until now?"

Common sense infers that this is the case, but everything is just in case.

Su Yi is well aware of ordinary people's psychology of seeking good fortune and avoiding harm. He knows that those who can get into a certain official position are really idiots, but there are always a few people who are not idiots around him to remind him, so as not to implicate himself.

Moreover, these arresters did not act recklessly as soon as they arrived, but gave a stick of incense time to react, which proved that the leader at least knew how to weigh the risks.

His guess was right.This Guo catcher indeed murmured in his heart.

He stared at the words on the plaque, and said quietly: "Hehetu... a serious man, why did he give his house such a strange name? Do you know what the name means?"

Everyone looked at each other.

"Captain, it sounds like a gang, maybe a foreign gang, wanting to take root locally." His subordinates guessed.

These words changed the face of the leader of the Five Colors Gate, Meng Sanye, and hurriedly said: "Guo Butou, there is no place for foreign gangs in Guanggui City. This is something that the city owner and the three gang leaders sat down to discuss in person. .”

"Of course I know." Catcher Guo waved his hands impatiently, narrowing his eyes slightly, "But now we don't even know the background of each other, it's very abnormal..."

"My lord, you must not go in and take risks!" Third Master Meng urged again.

"I won't go in, but I can send someone in." Guo Catcher said, "Since the other party hides his head and shows his tail and refuses to reveal his identity, then I don't have to give them too much face..."

After a pause, he looked around and raised his voice: "Which brother, would you like to go to the appointment for the chief arrester, and listen to what the people inside want to say?"

As soon as these words came out, the arresters all lowered their heads, for fear that they would be seen by the arrester Guo.

Everyone just eats and eats. Who is willing to do such a risky thing?
"I'll do it!" But there are more than 100 people here, and there are always exceptions.

A tall young man came out in a loud voice, and clasped his fists at Guo catcher with a firm face: "My lord, I am willing to go!"

"It's you again?" Catcher Guo frowned, a trace of disgust flashed in his eyes, obviously he didn't like this person very much.

But since this person is willing to take risks, he is also happy with the "adult beauty".

"Okay, the knife is also long, you have full authority to represent the head catcher, go in and listen to what the people inside want to say!" Guo catcher said.


The arrester named Dao Yichang walked up to Nie Xiaoqian, clasped his fists and said, "Girl, lead the way!"

Guo Butou was already prepared for the opponent's protest and dissatisfaction, but Nie Xiaoqian didn't have the slightest objection, but just said lightly: "Please!"

The two entered the house one after the other, Guo Catcher narrowed his eyes slightly and said: "It's a human or a ghost, you'll know later!"

Although Third Master Meng wanted the policemen to rush in to grab people, but he didn't want to disobey Catcher Guo's intentions, so he had to wait with him.

Nie Xiaoqian led the young policeman into the main room of the front house, Su Yi had already sat in the main seat and quietly sipped tea.

"My lord, this Dao Yichang catcher is here to talk on behalf of their head catcher." Nie Xiaoqian saluted respectfully.

The knife is also long?

Su Yi raised his eyebrows when he heard the name, thoughtfully.

The young police officer was quite sensitive, and immediately asked after hearing the words: "This young man seems to have heard my name?"

"I've heard." Su Yi smiled, "I heard that you are an upright person, but I don't know if it's true or not?"

"I am Tolerance, representing the law. I can't talk about integrity, but I will try my best to maintain the dignity of the law!" Dao Yichang said with a serious face.

"Does the dignity of law include acting as pawns for the gang?" Su Yi asked.

"Who are you?" Dao Yichang asked without answering, "You guys dared to offend the Five Colors when you first came here. You are not a simple person. Why don't you show your background, maybe you can turn the fight into friendship."

Su Yi chuckled: "Who am I? You will know after a cup of tea. I hear you want to make peace? Why don't you just sit down and wait."

"Have you moved backstage?" Dao Yichang was startled and guessed.

Su Yi was noncommittal: "That's right."

Dao Yichang was obviously relieved: "That's good, I'll wait with you, but the time can't be too long, otherwise my adults won't be so patient."

"I'm not patient enough, so I can only blame him for his bad luck." Su Yi chuckled, "Xiaoqian, serve tea to this little brother."

"Yes, son."

After Nie Xiaoqian served tea and left, Su Yi looked at Dao Yichang with great interest, and asked: "Your boss sent you in to talk to me, there are only two possibilities - the first is that you are very trusted and valued by him, and the second is The second is that he hates you very much and doesn't care about your life or death at all. Which one are you?"

"The second one." Dao Yichang laughed at himself, "Maybe I wanted to express myself too much, but it had the opposite effect."

"Since you know everything in your heart, why do you want to stand up for your boss?" Su Yi asked again.

"Because I have no other way, and I don't want to be like the light, so I can only do my own way." Dao Yichang said frankly, "I know that coming in and negotiating with you will take some risks, but no one else wants to do it, so I have to stand up by myself Yes. I just hope that if I do more, even if he wants to appease me, he can give me something sweet to taste."

"You shouldn't call Dao Yichang, you should call Dao humble." Su Yi said.

Dao Yichang chuckled: "You can say whatever you want, but as long as I'm still wearing this outfit, it's always right to be loyal to my duty. What about you? After talking for so long, I don't even know your name."

"Su Yi." Su Yi said, "As for my background, you don't need to inquire about it. After all, some people in this world don't need any background."

These words shocked Dao Yichang's heart, subconsciously straightened his back and looked at Su Yi.

"How do you want to send us away?" Dao Yichang asked again.

Su Yi didn't say anything clearly, and said with a smile: "Drink tea, after drinking this cup of tea, it's almost time."

Back in time not too long ago.

In the city lord's mansion, the city lord in a red official uniform was practicing calligraphy in the study, when suddenly a young man pushed the door open and entered.

The city lord was startled, his face changed drastically and he was about to shout, but unexpectedly the young man raised his hand with a smile, and suddenly a fireball came out of thin air and landed on the table, burning the words he had just written.

The city lord was dumbfounded, and then horrified.

But it wasn't over yet, the young man stretched out his finger again, and the jug on the table flew up and flew into the young man's hands.

He raised the jug in his hand and poured some into his mouth, praising: "Good wine!"

Only then did he look at the terrified City Lord, and said with a smile: "Your Excellency, don't panic, I won't hurt you. In Xia Ning Caichen, I rushed to visit just to eliminate some unnecessary misunderstandings."

The city lord tremblingly said: "Ge, is your Excellency an immortal master?"

"I can't talk about immortal masters, but they are indeed practitioners." Ning Caichen said, "Master and I came to Guanggui City to live in seclusion, and we should really say hello to the owner here, but I didn't expect the city owner So impatient, we haven't come yet, you have already surrounded our house with your men..."

(End of this chapter)

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