Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1620 Results

This city lord is obviously not comparable to an ignorant mortal, but knows that there are people who cultivate immortals in this world.When he heard the words, his face turned pale with fright, and he hurriedly bowed his hands and said in a trembling voice: "Misunderstanding! This must be a misunderstanding! Immortal Master, I don't know anything about it! Otherwise, even if I have the courage, how can I Dare to go to the immortal master as a mere mortal?"

"Relax, relax, as I said, I didn't come to trouble you." Ning Caichen smiled and helped the city lord up, and patted him on the shoulder, "On the contrary, I'm here this time to clear up misunderstandings."

After a pause, Ning Caichen continued: "There is a house in the south of the city called Hehetu, that is where my master and I live in seclusion. My lord, please send someone to recall those arresters first, before we continue."

"Yes, yes, I'll do it right away!" The city lord wiped his sweat, "Don't worry, Master Immortal, I will definitely explain this matter to you and Master Master, and I will dismiss the leader of the team as a warning to others!"

"We won't participate in the city lord's government affairs." Ning Caichen said lightly.

"I am so grateful for your generosity, Immortal Master. I'm going to call back those damned idiots, Immortal Master, wait a moment!" The city lord nodded and bowed with a smile, and went out backwards.

As soon as he closed the door and turned around, the city lord's face instantly turned pale, and his limbs trembled involuntarily.

He wiped off his cold sweat again, took some time to walk quickly to the front office, and summoned his housekeeper and master.

"Take my warrant and immediately go to a residence called Hehetu in the south of the city, and withdraw all the people from the patrol house! In addition, Guo Wei, who led the team, was dismissed on the spot and sent to the dungeon!" the city lord ordered severely Master.

The master's face changed greatly when he heard the words: "My lord, Guo Wei has always been loyal and effective in his work, why is this? What did he do wrong?"

"What mistake did he make? He almost killed me, isn't that a big enough mistake!" The city lord suddenly roared excitedly.

The master was taken aback, and asked in a daze, "Could it be that some important person lives in this house?"

"Don't ask, just do it, go and go! In addition, sincerely apologize to others on my behalf, and don't cause me any trouble, understand?" the city lord sternly ordered.

"Yes, yes, this subordinate understands." The master knew the seriousness of the matter and hurried away.

Only then did the city lord order the butler to go to his treasury to take out the most precious medicinal materials and rare treasures, and personally returned to the previous room with these treasures that he regarded as his lifeblood.

Ning Caichen was admiring a calligraphy and painting hanging on the wall with his hands behind his back. When he heard the sound of the door opening, he didn't even reply, and said, "This must be the authentic work of the former painter. The city lord is very elegant."

"Don't dare to dare, I'm just arty." The city lord apologized, "If the immortal master is interested, I will have this painting installed and sent to the mansion later. This painting can only be done by someone as tall as an immortal master." People who are elegant are worth having.”

Ning Caichen was stunned, scratched his head and said, "I'm not here to fight the autumn wind, so don't be alarmed, Lord City Lord. I'm here this time to resolve misunderstandings, and to say hello, that's all."

"Yes, yes, rest assured, Immortal Master. I have sent people to recall those ignorant arresters. Although I don't know about it, I am deeply sorry for the lack of strict control and even harassing the Immortal Master Qingxiu. This is a small matter. Be careful not to be respectful, Master Wangxian must not dislike you..."

The city lord offered the treasure with an apologetic smile.

Ning Caichen looked down, and his heart couldn't help beating.

"What are you doing? My master is elegant, how could he accept your things?" He was a little displeased.

The city lord was so frightened that his face turned pale, and he knelt down to Ning Caichen with a "plop".

"Master Immortal, there are old and young..." He begged tremblingly with tears in his eyes.

Ning Caichen was stunned and hurriedly helped him up: "My lord, you really misunderstood me. I'm not here to inquire about crimes, and I won't hurt you either!"

The city lord said with a mournful face: "The immortal master must have disliked these treasures for being invisible... To be honest, these are already the best things I can come up with."

Ning Caichen frowned and said, "Am I so scary? Why are you so afraid of me?"

The city lord said tremblingly: "The boss before me was belittled by an immortal master because of his words, and was released by that immortal master with the same fireball as you used before, and was burnt to death..."

This incident was an indelible nightmare in his life, and that's why he was so afraid of immortal cultivators.

Ning Caichen was stunned, and he said: "Don't worry, my master is not a person who carelessly ignores human life, and neither am I. But I do have one thing to ask the city lord. We don't want anyone but you to do the seclusion here. Everyone knows that it is not good to avoid being disturbed by others. My master said that as long as the Lord of the City is willing to cleanse us, he can fulfill your wishes of any size..."

The city lord was startled at first when he heard the words, and then his face showed ecstasy, and his face flushed instantly.

"Thank you, Immortal Master, rest assured, Immortal Master will not let anyone disturb the Immortal Master's Qingxiu!"

At the same time, the five-color gate headquarters.

The head of the sect, Hu Dayong, was discussing matters with the elders of the sect, but at this moment, a woman floated up.Without everyone noticing, she had already appeared in the middle of the lobby.

After discovering her, everyone was startled. They all jumped up and drew out their weapons, and surrounded the girl group.

Only then did everyone see the woman's face clearly.

She covered her face with a light veil, only the upper half of her face was exposed, and a scar on her forehead was extremely clear and shocking.

Hu Dayong's expression changed when he saw the scar, and he blurted out, "Are you from Hehetu?"

Apparently, he had heard about Fu Xiaozhuo's characteristics from his subordinates.

Fu Xiaozhuo looked at Hu Dayong and suddenly smiled.

The next second, the latter suddenly showed a dazed face, and then with a smile on the corner of his mouth, he swiped the long knife on his neck with his backhand, and fell into a pool of blood.

Such a strange scene brought the scene to a standstill for an instant.

Without waiting for everyone to react, Fu Xiaozhuo stretched out his hand out of thin air, and immediately sucked a pair of plaques hanging above the lobby onto the palm of his hand.

In the next second, the plaque turned into debris and flew around!
This scene caused everyone to be in an uproar again, and they all retreated!

Fu Xiaozhuo looked around for a week, facing everyone's terrified eyes, and slowly said: "This time, only the chief evil is punished, and the small punishment is the big punishment. There will be a next time, and no chicken or dog will be spared!"

After finishing speaking, she waved her long sleeves, and all the people present felt blurred in front of their eyes. When they looked closely again, there was no half figure in front of them?

If Hu Dayong's body hadn't remained where it was, everyone would have thought that what happened just now was just an illusion.

After a long time, an elder said in a trembling voice: "This is sorcery, it must be sorcery!"

"I told the sect master a long time ago, don't provoke people of unknown origin, he will never listen..." Another elder was terrified, "Hehetu is definitely not something we can provoke, you have all seen it, that woman killed someone , you don’t even have to do it yourself!”

"Quickly, quickly withdraw the people who went to Hehetu!" Someone's face changed drastically, "Hu Dayong is to blame, but don't implicate us!"

"Yes, yes, go, damn Hu Dayong..."

There was a burst of chicken and dog jumping at the entrance of the five-color gate.

Hehe diagram.

Catcher Guo saw that the knife had grown in and it was almost time for a cup of tea, so he became more and more impatient.

Just when he couldn't help but want to send someone to knock on the door to find out what happened, he suddenly heard horseshoes coming from the alley.

He followed the prestige, and saw the smoke and dust surging, and more than ten riders were galloping here.

The rest of the people also noticed the scene over there. A sharp-eyed man saw the costumes of these knights, and suddenly his expression changed, and he hurried to Guo Butou's side and said, "My lord, it's the city lord's mansion Tiqi!"

"Tiqi?" Guo Tutou's expression also changed. Tiqi is the city lord's entourage guard, with a detached status, all of them are highly skilled in martial arts, and their combat effectiveness is amazing.Unless there is an emergency and a major event, Ti Qi will not be dispatched easily.

He had a bad premonition in his heart, but he didn't have time to think about it, so he hurriedly dismounted to meet him.

The dozen or so riders stopped in front of them, only then did Catcher Guo see that the leader was actually the confidant of the city lord!

He didn't dare to be negligent, and hastily clasped his fists in salute: "The humble Guo Wei sees the master! I don't know..."

Before he could ask what he came for, the master said with a sullen face: "Take it!"

As soon as the voice fell, the four people behind him got off their horses. Without saying a word, two of them stepped forward, one left and one right, and pressed down on Guo Butou, and the other two swiftly put the shackles on him.

Guo Wei was shocked, and the police officers on the scene were also in an uproar.

"Master, what crime have I committed? Why! I want to see the city lord! I want to see the city lord!" Catcher Guo yelled angrily.

The master flashed out the token of the city lord and said with a sneer, "It's my lord's order to arrest you! Guo Wei, if you have anything to say, go to the dungeon and talk about it! Take it away!"

Amidst Guo Butou's hoarse screams of panic and anger, four Tiqi tied him to the horse, and the horse turned around and went away.

Then the master sternly shouted to the terrified arresters: "I am ordered by the city lord to temporarily take over the patrol room. All the arresters obey the order and immediately return to the patrol room to stand by. There must be no mistakes! Anyone who violates the order will be punished as treason!" "

"Yes!" The police officers were all awe-inspiring, and they didn't dare to ask more questions, and they all said yes.

One of them hesitated slightly, cupped his fists and said: "Master, a policeman has entered this house to negotiate, but he hasn't come out yet."

The master's face suddenly changed when he heard the words, and he shouted sharply: "Negotiation? Who asked you to negotiate?"

The man hastily explained: "It was the invitation of the owner of this house, not our suggestion or forced entry. Catcher Guo didn't give him permission, and he just obeyed and passed on the word when he went in."

The master looked pale, but still asked nervously: "Who went in? How long has it been in?"

"It's the new catcher who has a long knife, so it's about time for tea." The man replied.

The master's face was cloudy and uncertain, and he was about to speak again when he saw a woman floating towards the entrance of the alley, but she didn't know how she was going, but she arrived at the door of the house in two or three steps.

The master hesitated for a while, seeing that the woman with the scar on her head was looking over, he hastily stepped forward, clasped his fists and said with a smile: "Dare to ask, is this girl the owner of this house? My surname is Qian, and she is from the City Lord's Mansion. "

"What's the matter?" This woman was Fu Xiaozhuo who came back from work.

The master kept his posture very low, and said with a smile: "On behalf of the city lord, Zaite apologized to the noble house. Everything that happened before was a misunderstanding. This time, Guo Wei, who misunderstood the slander and disrespected the noble house, has been arrested and imprisoned." .Before I leave, the city lord has repeatedly ordered me to extend my most sincere apologies to the noble house, Miss Wanwang, please forgive me for my unintentional mistakes and offenses, please forgive me!"

The master said and bowed to the end, but didn't get up.

His attitude made everyone's expressions change drastically.

At this moment, the detectives finally knew why Catcher Guo was taken away by Tiqi and thrown into prison. It turned out that the person in Hehetu had such a deep background that even the master had to be so respectful and careful to accompany him.

The people from the five-color door on the other side also showed panic. At this moment, they looked at each other and moved back silently, intending to retreat.After realizing that no one cared whether they left or stayed, these people backed away for a few meters, and all ran wildly.

Fu Xiaozhuo looked at the master and said calmly: "I will pass on your words to my young master, you can go."

"Yes, yes, it's a crime to disturb your noble son's purity. Let's go now." The master said respectfully again.

Only then did Fu Xiaozhuo turn around and enter the door.

The master got up, exhaled a long breath, waved his hand with a solemn face: "Get out, get out of the alley!"

The person who answered before asked again: "Master, that knife is also long..."

"Leave two people waiting at the entrance of the alley. If he comes out, he will be taken directly to the city lord's mansion. The rest of them will all return to the arresting room!" the master ordered.

In the house.

Fu Xiaozhuo reported that the matter was completed in front of Dao Yichang, and conveyed the attitude of the master outside. Su Yi nodded in satisfaction. In this way, it should be quiet for a long time.

Dao Yichang was dumbfounded when he heard it, but he didn't react for a long time.

"Little brother, it seems that you can retire after success." Su Yi smiled and looked at him, "I have a message for you before parting."

"Please tell me." Dao Yichang said hastily.

"Women are afraid of marrying the wrong man, and men are afraid of entering the wrong profession." Su Yi said, "Your character is not suitable for being a policeman, so get out of this big dye tank as soon as possible. If you are interested... I still need a housekeeper for this house, suitable for you."

Dao Yichang's face was a bit ugly, and he sneered, "Master Su, even if I starve to death, I won't come to your place to be a watchdog! Since I'm fine, I'll take my leave too. Thank you for your hospitality! Don't send it away!"

After saying that, he turned around angrily and walked away.

Fu Xiaozhuo raised his brows upside down: "How dare you be so disrespectful to Young Master! Young Master, let me teach him a lesson!"

"What's the lesson? I disrespected him first, he was just angry." Su Yi smiled and waved his hands, "Okay, this matter is over, and then we can quietly cultivate for a while .”

That night, the city lord summoned all forces in the city, big and small, and clearly stated that no one is allowed to disturb the purity of the nobles in Hehetu, otherwise the city lord will send troops to destroy them, and there will be no mercy!
The solemnity and sternness of the city lord, coupled with the death of the master of the five-color gate, made the word "Hehe Tu" a taboo in Guanggui City.Until a year later, when the gangsters in Guanggui City resurged, someone had the audacity to plot against Su Yi.

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