Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1621 Methods

Chapter 1621 Methods
Mu Laoguai's yin and yang reverse chaos and blood evil skill is indeed a skill that is a hundred times or even a thousand times more profound than Su Yi's Jinsha killing palm.It is not a real body training art, but a magic way of self-cultivation.Originally, this was useless to Su Yi, but it contained a small part of the "demonization" of the monster clan's body training, which made Su Yi feel like a treasure.

This is exactly what Su Yi needs most.

In fact, the "demonization" part of this exercise is to integrate the method of demon cultivation with the body training method of the monster clan. The original purpose of this should be to resolve the backlash problem caused by the evil spirit of rebellious yin and yang, but the side effect But it has become the method of attacking the bottom of the box for this technique.

The method of Qi training is completely useless to Su Yi, all he has to do is to strip out the part that can be used for body training.

Of course, it was not easy. Su Yi called Ning Caichen, who was good at theoretical research, and with the help of the latter, it took more than three months to completely separate this set of "Inverting Chaos Yin and Yang Blood Evil Body Refining Method".

There are two biggest flaws in this set of exercises—the first is that the accumulated evil energy contained in the blood is difficult to dissolve, and it is necessary to regularly sacrifice blood to people with strong yang energy to balance the blood evil yin energy; the second is that it will make practitioners lose their balance , share both masculine and feminine characteristics.

For example, Old Monster Mu was originally a pure man, but now he calls himself "grandmother" because of some characteristics of himself.

But these two flaws don't exist in Su Yi's place. The evil spirit doesn't do any harm to him. For the matter of rebelling against Yin and Yang, he can do it with a little change in the I Ching's Marrow Cleansing Sutra and the Great Move of the Universe. To do it, for Su Yi, the difficulty lies in the point that ordinary monks don't care about-how to absorb spiritual energy into the body.

The original method of gathering spirits by pricking acupoints with golden needles is still barely enough if you also practice the method of body training modified by the original inefficient Jinsha Killing Palm.But for the current Rebellious Yin-Yang Blood Fiend Body Refining Method, it is completely insufficient.

Absorbing spiritual energy into the body, which is not a problem at all for others, is the most basic and simple step, but it has become the biggest threshold restricting Su Yi's cultivation.

In the past three months, Su Yi has been troubled by this matter for at least two months.He called Ning Caichen for help because he was really helpless and helpless.

Fortunately, Ning Caichen is indeed very talented and imaginative in this area.He innovated from the original Su Yi's method of gathering spirits with golden acupuncture points, combined with the matrix of gathering spirits arranged by Su Yi, and used eight pieces of spirit stones according to the directions of the eight trigrams, together with a jade disc the size of a basin mouth and eight gold wires, to make a Become a very strange "magic weapon".

The only function of this magic weapon is to forcibly transmit the spiritual power in the spirit stone to the eight meridians of a person. It is a tasteless existence to anyone, but it is a good solution to Su Yi's inability to absorb spiritual energy by himself. Defects.

Of course, it is not perfect, and its principle is somewhat similar to the modern "infusion device", except that what it infuses is not medicinal liquid, but the spiritual energy in the spirit stone; moreover, it requires Su Yi to Pierce the ends of the eight gold wires into the eight acupoints of Gongsun, Neiguan, Linqi, Waiguan, Shenmai, Houxi, Lieque, and Zhaohai respectively, and then activate this magic weapon to start performing exercises.

When the spiritual energy in any spirit stone is completely absorbed, the magic weapon will stop running immediately, and the spirit stone needs to be replaced in time before it can be activated again.

There is another biggest limitation of this magic weapon, that is, it can only use spirit stones as the source of energy, and it cannot directly absorb the uneven and unstable spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

That is to say, before he can think of a new method, Su Yi will not be able to absorb the aura of heaven and earth for a long period of time, but can only cultivate through spiritual stones.He was complacent about moving the spiritual eye of Old Monster Mu's cave before, but it would be useless in the blink of an eye, which meant that he just created a good environment and convenience for Ning Caichen and the three of them, which made Su Yi quite speechless.

As we all know, Lingshi is the hard currency in the practice world of this world, and Su Yi is now burning money to practice.After practicing for a month, Su Yi made a summary, which can be described as mixed.

The good news is that the efficiency of this Reversing Chaos Yin-Yang Blood Fiend Body Refining Method is dozens of times higher than before!After absorbing the spiritual energy into the body through the eight meridians, he then uses the evil spirit to reverse the chaos of yin and yang, draw the spiritual energy into the blood, and then exercise the body through blood circulation, so that the spiritual energy can fully integrate into the flesh and bones, and finally draw out the evil spirit. Then the whole body training process can be completed.

Because of Su Yi's removal of evil energy, it is impossible for him to have the ability to "demonize", but his body's defense ability has been upgraded to a higher level, and because he has integrated the I Ching's Washing Marrow Sutra to assist in reversing chaos, the two are comparable. After the combination, his own ability of "making up for the incomplete and regenerating the broken limb" has been evolved and strengthened, and he has evolved in the direction of the "self-healing body" of the wood monster.

Now that Su Yi casually cuts a knife on his arm, he won't even bleed out, and heals in the blink of an eye.Of course, the consequence of doing this is to consume the aura in the body, and make the aura that has been refined into the flesh and blood thinner.

Su Yi specially conducted an experiment for this purpose, no matter how serious the skin injury is, it will heal within a few breaths; but if it hurts the bones, meridians, or internal organs, this self-healing body will have no effect, and Su Yi needs to work The I Ching, which can fill in the gaps, can restore the injury.

The reason for this is because the method of reversing the chaos of yin and yang and blood evil is also divided into layers, the skin, muscles, muscles, bones, blood, marrow and viscera are cultivated layer by layer from the outside to the inside.Su Yi is now only in the most basic level of skin refining, and has not even reached the level of "copper skin" of great success. The aura cannot penetrate deep into the body, so naturally it can only act on the superficial surface.

What worries Su Yi is that this exercise is too costly!
Su Yi has spent more than 40 pieces of spirit stones without even practicing the first stage to achieve great success.This amount of money can buy a good magic weapon, but for Su Yi, at least another five or sixty yuan of spirit stones will be spent to complete the first level of practice.

If it reaches the second floor, the consumption of spirit stones will be four or five times higher.

The third layer doubles again...

If the seven-layer cultivation method is to be perfected, the number of spirit stones needed in the end is probably an astronomical figure, at least several million spirit stones.

The total of Su Yi's original spirit stones and the spirit stones he got from Mr. Mu is only more than 300 pieces, which is not even enough for him to complete the second level of cultivation.

Moreover, even if the Reversing Chaos Yin-Yang Blood Fiend Body Refining Method is completed at the seventh level, it is only to the point of cultivating the physical body into a top-level magic weapon, which can make him invincible under the formation of the alchemy, but the magic weapon of the talisman and the alchemy cultivator will still be fatal to him threaten.

In other words, such a costly body training method is nothing more than a method before the alchemy period, and the upper limit is not high at all.

Su Yi who had figured out the account had no choice but to smile wryly, then put aside all worries, and decided to practice this technique.

The reason why he made such a decision is because he has no choice now, the King Ming Jue he coveted is still missing, even if there is news, he must have the strength to seek it.

Now he has to use the Sheqing hole card against Yan Chixia, if he meets a monk who is forming an alchemy, the outcome is really unknown, he is not sure whether he can use the power of Sheqing to destroy a monk who is in the realm of forming an alchemy.

Secondly, Su Yi knows very well that the current tranquility is only temporary. This world is very complicated and dangerous. He cannot and does not have the opportunity to practice slowly step by step, so he must cherish the opportunity he can grasp.No matter how flawed this costly body training method is, it is the only way for him to improve his strength as soon as possible, and he must firmly grasp it.

As for the lack of spirit stones... Now these more than 300 spirit stones are enough for Su Yi to practice for at least a year. He plans to use a combination of new methods and old methods to absorb spiritual energy, which can last for almost two years until he can practice. To the second level of Dacheng.

At that time, Su Yi's strength should be able to take a small step up, and he will have more confidence and capital to seek resources for himself.

As for how to obtain spiritual energy resources, Su Yi has a way.

First of all, it was Ning Caichen. He was shocked when he knew that his master had found it so difficult to absorb spiritual energy.

But he didn't doubt Su Yi's strength at all, because he had seen Su Yi's strength with his own eyes.On the contrary, he admired Su Yi even more, and felt that Su Yi's perseverance and perseverance were an example he needed to learn from.

He is very caring and enthusiastic about how he can help Su Yi. Su Yi saw the sincerity of his cheap apprentice, so he simply told Ning Caichen some abilities that he thought could be used, and Ning Caichen really found out. A "way".

"This method of absorbing stars is very interesting." Ning Caichen said enthusiastically, "Master, this exercise can absorb the internal force of ordinary martial arts, and can also absorb blood and evil spirits. It must be able to absorb spiritual energy."

"I tried, but it doesn't work at all." Su Yi said.

"There must be something missing...Master, let me study and study. If the star-absorbing method can absorb other people's spiritual energy for your use, it would be a good way. It's just...this method is a bit cruel, I'm afraid it will hurt the sky And." Ning Caichen hesitated slightly after speaking.

"Swords and swords also kill people, the key is in whose hands they are held." Su Yi said, "But if you really research it, this method must not be known to anyone other than you and me."

Ning Caichen nodded solemnly: "You are right, master. If this method is really possible, it must not be spread to the outside world! Otherwise, it will be known by people with evil thoughts, and it will cause endless disasters."

"It's not just that." Su Yi said, "The basis for the survival of practitioners is mana. Because of mana, immortals are different. Now there is a kind of exercise that can drain their mana, and even mortals can master it... this It is tantamount to bypassing the rule of not practicing without spiritual roots, which is subverting the entire practice world!"

Ning Caichen was shocked and moved: "Master, what you say... I feel really scared."

"It's good to know that you are afraid." Su Yi said with a smile, "Knowing the weight of the things you study, you will be more cautious. But don't be full of these things, the most important thing is your own practice. Caichen, I I found that you have been obsessed with studying various exercises recently, and your progress in practice has been a bit slow."

Ning Caichen scratched his head and said, "I see, Master, don't worry, I will arrange the time reasonably."

"There's no rush to attract stars, it won't happen overnight," Su Yi said.

In fact, he only had some expectations for whether Ning Caichen could research it, but he didn't really pin his hopes on it.As he said, once Ning Caichen succeeds, this practice is likely to be a subversive existence in this world, and it may even cause some mortals to treat practitioners as prey.Maybe this exercise will become a taboo in the practice world, and it is not certain that Su Yi and others will become public enemies in the practice world.

"You can study and study in your spare time. The root of a practitioner is his own realm." Su Yi warned.

"Yes, Master."

Apart from Ning Caichen's illusory hopes, Su Yi actually mainly pinned his hopes on the agreement with Yan Chixia three years later.

With the golden belt of killing and setting fire, he is looking forward to making a fortune and obtaining a large number of cultivation resources if he and Yan Chixia take over the old black mountain demon's lair together.

Then there is Han Li.

When Han Li grows up, Su Yi can entrust him to refine some pills that can increase his cultivation, assist in body training, and even increase his aura. I believe that with the previous foreshadowing, Han Li will not refuse.

"According to the time, it's almost time for Han Li to have a showdown with his master, right?" Su Yi was already looking forward to Han Li's early departure from Qixuanmen, a novice village.

What he didn't know was that because of his appearance, the already close relationship between Li Feiyu and Han Li became stronger.Li Feiyu, who has practiced Su Yi's martial arts, showed great power in the Qixuanmen. Not only did he severely damage the Wild Wolf Gang, but he also defeated several elders in a row by force in the power struggle of the sect. Make an exception and be promoted to the deputy sect master.

Mo Juren knew that Li Feiyu and Han Li had a close relationship, and Li Feiyu's rise had aroused Mo Juren's great vigilance. Thinking of Han Li's mysterious appearance in the nameless valley, and thinking of Li Feiyu's soaring power now, he Some can't sit still.

Yu Zitong, the soul of another practitioner in his body, also felt that something was wrong, so he couldn't care less about scheming with Mo Juren at this time, lest Han Li, a fish that was close to his mouth, break free and run away, and their years of planning would be ruined. The bamboo basket fetches water in vain.

Mo Juren decided to launch immediately and seize Han Li, which was more than two months earlier than he had planned.

First, he secretly captured Han Li's parents, siblings, and hid them in the dark for emergencies. Then he colluded with Jia Tianlong, the leader of the Wild Wolf Gang, to pull out several branches of Qixuanmen, and left behind provocative words for Li Feiyu.

Li Feiyu, who was in the limelight, naturally couldn't just sit back and watch this kind of thing that challenged his majesty happen.But when he talked about this with Han Li before he set off, Han Li was keenly aware that there was something strange about it.

A while ago, the Wild Wolf Gang was beaten by Li Feiyu to the point of retreating to the headquarters, so why did they suddenly take the initiative to provoke and be so arrogant?
And how did the Wild Wolf Gang know that there are so many secret divisions in Qixuanmen?
No matter how vigilant Han Li was, he still couldn't get in touch with him. He just thought that this might be a trap set by the Wild Wolf Gang against Li Feiyu to make Li Feiyu give up his revenge plan.But Li Feiyu is young and energetic, and a man of high art and boldness, how can he be willing to be a coward?

(End of this chapter)

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