Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1622 Reverse Kill

Li Feiyu finally went to fight with the Wild Wolf Gang, but under Han Li's reminder, he was a little more careful and let some elder-level masters in the gang pretend to be his ordinary subordinates to mix with the team and set off in a mighty manner Yes, he was in high spirits, and the slogan he shouted was - Destroy the Wild Wolf Gang.

After Li Feiyu practiced the I Ching's Marrow Washing Sutra, there was no hidden danger in his body. With the help of Han Li's elixir, the depth of his inner strength almost reached [-]% of Su Yi's level. In addition, his level of swordsmanship in one hand was also [-]% of Su Yi's true inheritance. In martial arts, he is definitely one of the few masters.

It is precisely because of this that he is so confident.

But he didn't expect that the novice gift package that originally belonged to Han Li - Master Jin Guang, a monk in the Qi training period, was just invited to their hall by Jia Tianlong, the leader of the Wild Wolf Gang.Li Feiyu led his troops into the headquarters of the Wild Wolf Gang, relying on the superb martial arts taught by Su Yi along the way, it can be said that gods can block and kill gods, and Buddhas can block and kill Buddhas, like destroying the dead.

Then he ran into Master Jin Guang who was being entertained by the Wild Wolf Gang.

After Jia Tianlong knelt and begged in public, this person stood up very arrogantly, looked at Li Feiyu and the others with disdain and said, "Which one of you is going to die?"

Li Feiyu is not the original Xiaobai now, just now when he heard Jia Tianlong talk about "immortal master", he realized that something was wrong, and he was extremely vigilant.

He suppressed his subordinates' eagerness to move, and stood alone, cupping his fists and saluting respectfully to Master Jin Guang: "Dare to ask if the immortal master is a cultivator? I don't know which one of the seven sects is the immortal master?"

These words made Venerable Jin Guang startled and confused: "How can you, an ordinary person, know about the Seven Great Schools? Who are you?"

Li Feiyu replied: "The family teacher is also a practitioner, but the younger generation has no spiritual roots, and has no destiny with the Dao."

Venerable Jin Guang was taken aback. He was originally a low-level cultivator, but because he knew that his talent was shallow, he wandered around the world, eating, drinking and having fun. He didn't seek longevity, but just wanted to be free.

In front of mortals, he is a high-ranking fairy teacher, but only he knows that he is nothing in the world of practice, so what he fears most is meeting fellow practitioners in the world of practice, because whenever a practitioner comes out, there is a high probability stronger than him.

Although the young man in front of him is a mortal, he has a master who is a cultivator of immortals.

Venerable Jin Guang groaned secretly in his heart, but on the surface he asked kindly: "It turns out that Lingshi is also a fellow, I don't know where Lingshi is from?"

Where did Li Feiyu know about Su Yi's background?But he has rich experience in the world, so he pretended to hesitate at this time, and said vaguely: "The seven major sects are of the same spirit, and they are all the same in the eyes of the master. Which sect is the immortal master? This place is not far from Huangfeng Valley, could it be Is the immortal master an expert in Huangfeng Valley?"

How dare Venerable Jin Guang pretend to be a member of the Seven Great Sects?In particular, Li Feiyu's words imply that his master is a member of the Seven Great Sects.In front of Li Kui, he, Li Gui, became even more timid.

"I, huh, I'm from the Qinling Ye family. My family's ancestors are also disciples of Huadaowu. Speaking of which, we can be considered as a family with the Lingshi. Oh, this is really a big flood to the Dragon King Temple..." Jin Guangshang The man smiled all over his face, "Nephew, this is all a misunderstanding."

"Master Immortal!" Jia Tianlong on the side turned pale with shock when he heard this, and was about to speak.

"Shut up! I'm talking to my nephew, how can you interrupt?" Venerable Jin Guang sternly shouted.

"But you took my gold! You can't just take the money and do nothing!" Jia Tianlong yelled angrily.

"Bold, dare to disobey the immortal!" Master Jin Guang yelled, staring and slapping the storage bag, a gray shadow flew out, circled around Jia Tianlong's neck, and then flew back into his hand. He flipped his wrist, The gray shadow disappeared.

On the other hand, Jia Tianlong, who was facing him, froze all over, his expression froze, a line of blood appeared on his neck, and at the same time he fell on his back, his head also fell off, and the blood sprayed out from the broken neck was instantly stained red. Large areas of ground.

This accident happened so suddenly that no one expected it.Soon, the members of the Wild Wolf Gang dispersed in unison and fled in all directions!

"Chase and kill, leave no one behind!" Li Feiyu also reacted at this moment, and issued an order in surprise.

All the people under him were in high spirits and began to chase and kill the top leaders of the Wild Wolf Gang.

Li Feiyu approached Master Jin Guang with a smile on his face and clasped his fists. He said enthusiastically, "Senior, I am very grateful for your help. I haven't asked you, Senior, your name?"

"Me? Hehe, ordinary people call me Venerable Jin Guang. As for my nephew, you can just call me uncle." Master Jin Guang stroked his beard with restraint. Man, as an elder, I naturally want the beauty of an adult."

Because Li Feiyu was suspected to be the master of the disciples of the Seven Great Sects, Master Jin Guang not only did not dare to offend Li Feiyu, but wanted to make friends with him as much as possible.Of course, he didn't plan for Li Feiyu, he just hoped that everyone would go their separate ways after today, as long as Li Feiyu didn't hate himself, he even wished that Li Feiyu could forget himself completely so that he could continue to live carefree in the world Happy.

Although Li Feiyu is not as careful as Han Li, but he has been in the world for many years and has a lot of experience in the warmth and coldness of people's hearts. How can he not see that Master Jin Guang intends to please?

But he remained calm on the surface, and said with a smile: "Uncle, my nephew is here just for revenge. After destroying the Wild Wolf Gang, my nephew's goal has been achieved. I heard that the gold that the Wild Wolf Gang plundered for decades Silver wealth is immeasurable, I would like to dedicate all of this wealth to my uncle, in order to thank my uncle for his kindness and help!"

Venerable Jin Guang was startled, then his face flushed red, he grabbed Li Feiyu's arm excitedly and asked hastily: "Nephew, are you serious?"

"Of course, how dare my nephew lie to my uncle?" Li Feiyu's eyes flashed.

"Okay, okay, my nephew treats money like dung, it's really noble." The Master Jin Guang was overjoyed, "You are so generous, I can't ask you for nothing, I have a golden light talisman here, which can protect you from swords and swords." body, you put it away."

Li Feiyu took the paper talisman respectfully, and said, "Thank you for the treasure, uncle. Dare I ask uncle, can this talisman be used many times?"

Venerable Jin Guang was stunned, and said: "It can only be used once. My nephew, this kind of magic talisman is a life-saving thing at a critical moment, and it is not easy to refine it."

Li Feiyu lowered his head with a strange expression: "But how did I hear that this golden light talisman that can only be triggered once is just the lowest-level and weakest talisman?"

Master Jin Guang hadn't reacted yet, the next second his sword light flashed, and his head soared into the sky!

Li Feiyu, who had killed this person with one sword, didn't stop. He immediately took out another talisman from his bosom and held it in his hand. Holding the sword, he stared at Master Jin Guang's corpse vigilantly.

In the next second, a golden light burst out from his body suddenly, and a black shadow with a ferocious face was reflected by thousands of rays of light.This black shadow was getting out of Master Jin Guang's body, roaring and rushing towards Li Feiyu.

A flash of light reacted in an instant, piercing the black shadow like a sharp arrow. The black shadow screamed and twisted and struggled in mid-air.

Li Feiyu's eyes burst out with murderous intent at this moment, and he swung his sword "swipe" and stabbed dozens of times in an instant. The long sword stained with his pure yang blood immediately twisted Master Jin Guang's ghost into pieces, turned into a little smoke and dissipated.

What a master of golden light, just like that, his body and head were separated, and his soul flew away!
After confirming that Master Jin Guang had died thoroughly, Li Feiyu breathed a sigh of relief.

Don't look at him as easy to kill, but in fact he has tried his best, used all his hole cards, and exhausted all his life's knowledge.

Li Feiyu knew very well how powerful a cultivator is. He was able to kill Master Jin Guang, but he took advantage of his unpreparedness and killed him with lightning speed.

If there is a problem with the method he used just now, the result may have to be rewritten at this time.

"Today I ruined your good deed. Even if I try to make more mistakes, I will tie my life to your thoughts. How could I go back to the mountain and let you go?" Li Feiyu sneered and leaned over to touch the corpse. The existence of the bag, so I took off Master Jin Guang's storage bag as soon as I got started.

"I only mentioned the name of the Seven Great Sects and you are subdued. It can be seen that you either have a shady background or have no background. If this is the case, there will be no trouble after killing you!" Li Feiyu muttered while searching, as if explaining to the corpse , "The golden light talisman master gave me can be activated many times, but the one you gave me can only be activated once, and it can only resist mortal swords... Hehe, from this point of view, your cultivation realm is not too high!"

"The most important thing is, I don't feel as much pressure from you as Han Li, so why should I be polite to you?"

Except for the storage bag, Li Feiyu found nothing from the Golden Light Master.

He was a little disappointed, but he looked forward to the contents of the storage bag even more. He stripped off Master Jin Guang's clothes, chopped off his head beyond recognition, searched it and set it on fire, burning the house to the ground.

When his subordinates asked about the "immortal master" just now, Li Feiyu didn't reveal anything, only said that Yujian flew away.They could only sigh with yearning, and did not dare to doubt that such a majestic fairy teacher was killed by Li Feiyu.

Li Feiyu's side was safe and sound, and Han Li's side also encountered a huge crisis.

Mo Juren was cunning and cunning, and he transferred Li Feiyu, who he considered to be Han Li's biggest "reliance" with the trick of Tiaohulishan, and Han Li didn't feel any vigilance about it.

Following Mo Juren, he sneaked into Han Li's unnamed valley, and with the help of the remnant soul of the practitioner in his body, he bypassed or deciphered the early warning device left by Han Li. While cultivating with all his heart, he suddenly made a move, wanting to take down Han Li in one fell swoop.

But he really didn't expect that Han Li was so cautious that he had set up warning traps in the shack where he lived. The first time he rushed over, Han Li was immediately alarmed.

Although three months was not enough to improve Han Li's realm, he painstakingly studied two kinds of spells, one was imperial object and the other was fireball, and he was able to use these two spells fairly smoothly.

Mo Juren's speed was so fast that Han Li didn't have time to execute the fireball technique. He hurriedly volleyed and grabbed the wooden table by the window to block Mo Juren's approach, while he took the opportunity to use Luo Yanbu to break the wall and escape the shack.

Both Mo Juren and Yu Zitong were taken aback by Han Li's reaction, especially the former, who didn't expect Han Li to learn spells after beating him to death.

But now that the arrow is on the string, he is not allowed to think too much, so Mo Juren has no choice but to grit his teeth and rush out.

At this time, Han Li had stabilized his position, released a series of preparation methods such as hidden weapons and poisonous smoke, and began to deal with Mo Juren, and at the same time bought time for himself to use the fireball technique.

With Yu Zitong's reminder, Mo Juren narrowly avoided Han Li's first fireball.

The blazing temperature of the fireball made Mo Juren's soul tremble. At this moment, he realized that things were completely out of his control.

Seeing that the second fireball formed from Han Li's fingertips was about to be released, Mo Juren yelled in horror: "Han Li! If you dare to strike, your whole family will die!"

Han Li was stunned for a moment, and suddenly his mind was in turmoil. He cried out in grief and indignation: "Mo Juren, what have you done to my family?"

"Your parents, younger brothers and sisters have all been poisoned by my Nine Yin Strange Poison. I am the only one in the world who can cure this poison. Even an immortal can't do anything about it!" Mo Juren gritted his teeth, "And They are all hidden in a secret place by me, and no one except me knows where they are! If you dare to harm me, they will all be buried with me!"

Han Li's chest heaved violently, and it took him a while to calm himself down.

He did not release the fireball technique, but let the fireball stay on his fingertips, maintaining a deterrent to Mo Juren, and then calmly said: "Master, I will never let you go. Today you are dead."

"You don't care about your family's lives? You want them dead?" Mo Juren shrank his pupils and shouted sharply.

"I care, but I don't believe you won't kill me after killing me." Han Li said, "You don't have to promise or swear to me, you don't have any credibility with me. If my parents and younger siblings really There is no escape...Master, I swear that I will find all your living relatives and friends and kill them all."

Han Li said the harshest words in the calmest tone, which made Mo Juren shudder.

His face was cloudy and uncertain for a long time before he gritted his teeth and asked, "Where did you learn the fairy art?"

"No comment." Of course it was impossible for Han Li to tell him, "Master, as long as you tell me the whereabouts of my family members and the method of detoxification, I can promise to kill you alone."

Mo Juren's complexion was uncertain, he seemed to be hesitating on the surface, but in fact he was urgently discussing countermeasures with Yu Zitong in his body.

In fact, he also has the ability to burn his life essence to temporarily cast spells, but it takes time to prepare and cast, and Han Li will never give him this time.

So he can only rely on Yu Zitong.

Mo Juren lowered his head to prevent Han Li from seeing his ferocious expression. He gritted his teeth and asked, "Han Li, do you swear that you will really let my family go?"

"I'm not like you, I keep my word." Han Li said sarcastically.

"Okay, I believe you!" Mo Juren suddenly raised his head, and at the same time a black shadow sprang out from his sky cap, shooting towards Han Li like a thunderbolt, the speed was extremely fast!

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