Chapter 1623
For Han Li, it was very difficult for him to be recruited by a surprise attack. It was difficult behind his back, let alone face to face?What's more, Mo Juren, whom he fears and is most vigilant about?

So Han Li reacted the first time the black shadow shot out, throwing the fireball in his hand towards the oncoming black shadow without hesitation.

But the black shadow flickered suddenly, somehow dodged the fireball, and rushed towards Han Li viciously!
Only then did he see clearly that the black shadow was actually a phantom in the form of a human, with a hideous and distorted face, but it was a face he had never seen before.

Han Li reacted very quickly when he missed a blow. He immediately used the imperial object technique to control the stone on the ground to smash towards the shadow, and at the same time retreated quickly, preparing to condense the fireball.

But this did not hinder the black shadow at all. The stone passed through the "body" of the black shadow, but the speed of the black shadow was faster, and it arrived in front of Han Li in the blink of an eye. past.

At the same time, Mo Juren on the other side was not idle. He released the hidden weapon as soon as the shadow rushed out, and rushed towards Han Li at high speed.

The black shadow is naturally Yu Zitong's remnant soul. A person like Mo Juren is not capable of sacrificing his character for his family. He has never been threatened by Han Li's words from the beginning, and he doesn't even care about it. He only thinks about it. How to subdue Han Li, and then seize Han Li.

His plan could not be described as old-fashioned and cruel. Let Yu Zitong's remnant soul go to capture Han Li. No matter whether he succeeds or not, at least he can attract Han Li's attention, and then he will take the opportunity to attack and subdue Han Li.

No matter how vigilant and cautious Han Li is, he is still just a fledgling young man with few cards and lack of experience. These are his fatal flaws.

Seeing that Yu Zitong was not hindered, he panicked a little. In his panic, he slashed at Yu Zitong with his sword. The long sword still penetrated Yu Zitong's "body" without causing any harm to him.

Horrified in his heart, he could only back away desperately, hoping to avoid Yu Zitong.But at this moment, Mo Juren's hidden weapon arrived, and without any time to distract Han Li, he was immediately hit by dozens of obviously poisonous iron beads.

But after hearing a crisp clang of jingling, most of the iron beads bounced back and fell to the ground. It turned out that Han Li was still wearing chain mail under his clothes.

This caution saved his life again!
But there were still a few iron balls hitting his arms and thighs that were not protected by the chain mail, bursting out bloody flowers.

Han Li groaned in pain, his movements were immediately affected, and his body froze.

Just taking advantage of this time, Yu Zitong has already caught up with him.

At this time, both Yu Zitong and Mo Juren felt that "this is safe", but it was a pity that Han Li suddenly burst into a blazing red light.The red light hit Yu Zitong's body, and the latter's illusory body suddenly seemed to be stuck in the paste, unable to move in mid-air, and then plumes of black smoke came out.

Yu Zitong's remnant soul wailed miserably, it desperately wanted to break free from the red light envelope, but his remnant soul that had been exhausted a long time ago couldn't do it at all, and within a few breaths, Yu Zitong's remnant soul was completely wiped out, With the last wisp of smoke dissipating, this person has completely disappeared from the world since then.

Not to mention Mo Juren was taken aback by this sudden turn of events, even Han Li was taken aback.

But the latter reacted quickly, and quickly condensed the fireball technique and threw it towards Mo Juren.

Without Yu Zitong's early warning, mortals' reflexes would not be able to avoid the spells released by the monks.Mo Juren also managed to dodge, but was still hit by the fireball on the thigh.

After the fire adhered to the human body, it began to burn the flesh and bones "crackling" and spread rapidly.

Mo Juren was decisive and ruthless, and while howling, he raised his knife and dropped it, and cut off his leg that was on fire!

This scene made Han Li's scalp tingle and he was speechless.

Mo Juren crawled away from the fire on his hands instead of his feet, screamed, and quickly tapped acupuncture points to stop the bleeding, and then took out the hemostatic medicine and applied it on himself.

Han Li watched this scene and did not stop it, but silently condensed another fireball.

"Don't do it! I admit defeat!" Mo Juren shouted hastily upon seeing this.

But Han Li was not moved at all, he just looked at him indifferently, as if he was about to release the fireball in the next second.

"Don't you want to know the whereabouts of your family members? Don't you want to detoxify?" Mo Juren roared sharply.

"I'll kill you, I'll figure it out myself!" Han Li's voice was hoarse.

"No!" Mo Juren finally compromised seeing Han Li's reluctance.As soon as he gritted his teeth, the knife in his hand stabbed back into his chest.

He was on the verge of falling, and said to Han Li with a wretched smile, "I cut off my heart, and if I move, I will die immediately; even if I don't move, I won't live long. Should you be relieved now?"

Han Li looked at Mo Juren silently, and dispersed the fireball, but suddenly he raised his hand, and a string of darts flew over, and all the dozen or so darts fell into Mo Juren's body.

Mo Juren's whole body was shaken, and he fell to the ground, he didn't even have the strength to scream, he just gasped for breath like a dehydrated fish.

Han Li was relieved now, but he still didn't approach Mo Juren.

"If you have anything to say, speak quickly." He said.

"A traitor! I was almost killed by you!" Mo Juren cursed, turned over with effort, and stared at Han Li fiercely for a while, with a look of unwillingness on his face, "What's on you? Even Yu Zitong's All the remnants are gone!"

"Anti-ghost talisman." Up to now, Han Li has nothing to hide. He is a little thankful, but also a little scared, "This is what Li Feiyu's master gave him for self-defense. Feiyu thinks I need it more, so I gave this talisman to you." I didn’t expect it to save my life.”

"Li Feiyu's master?" Mo Juren was taken aback, his tone hurried, "He is an immortal cultivator, right? You learned your spells from him?"

"That's not true, but Senior Su gave me the entire copy of "Changchun Gong." Han Li said coldly, "And he guessed that there was a remnant soul of a cultivator in your body, guessed that you were assimilated, and how can you tell me that you have been assimilated?" Guessing that you were deceived by the immortal cultivator's remnant soul, otherwise I would have been taken away by you when I first cultivated the first ray of spiritual energy."

The amount of information in these words was a bit large, and Mo Juren was stunned for a long time before he smiled silently: "Okay, Yu Zitong, you really lied to me... Actually, I guessed that he would lie to me. I don’t know, even if I feel something is wrong, I don’t dare to take risks, I can only wait for you to cultivate to the fourth floor... Humph, but I know he has plans, how can I be unprepared for him?”

"I'm not interested in hearing about your schemes." Han Li frowned impatiently, "If you don't say what you should say, then I'll send you on your way."

"Okay, my good disciple, in terms of being ruthless and ruthless, you are worthy of my true teaching!" Mo Juren said comfortingly, "This is the best, even if you become an immortal master in the future, this disposition is also very important... Cough cough ..."

"Your family members are all in the small courtyard on the third row at the east end of Caixia Town. They were poisoned and unconscious... I didn't hurt them." Mo Juren said weakly, "You were hit by my hidden weapon just now. It should be able to detoxify them, but the poison on their bodies can only be detoxified by my family's Nuanyang Baoyu, hehe, how do you get Nuanyang Baoyu, I have written it in the suicide note, it will be on me, after I die , take it out and have a look.”

"Planning for half my life is a waste of time. I, Mo Juren, am so unwilling to end up like this...Han Li, no matter what, I led you in on the road of cultivating immortality. Do you recognize this love?"

Han Li's eyes were a bit complicated, and he didn't know how to answer.

Mo Juren smiled bitterly: "If you still miss this kind of love, please help me take care of my family. This is the last thing I can do for them!"

After watching Mo Juren die, Han Li stabbed Mo Juren more than a dozen times with the long sword controlled by the Imperial Object Technique. After making sure that the latter was too dead, he went forward and searched for the suicide note on his body.

Three days later, Han Li, who had settled down his family, and Li Feiyu, whose prestige had reached its apex after the destruction of the Wild Wolf Gang, walked out of the Qixuanmen.

The two looked back at the sect they had lived in for several years, both feeling a little emotional.

"I didn't expect that the two of us would leave Qixuanmen in such a way. The world is really impermanent..." Li Feiyu said with emotion.

"You have wiped out the Wild Wolf Gang, and your martial arts surpassed the sect master and the three Supreme Elders, how do you let them arrange you?" Han Li glanced at him and said indifferently, "They didn't secretly plot to kill you, but invited you to be open and honest. To make it clear, it would be very good to pay a large sum of money to send you away."

"That's true." Li Feiyu raised his eyebrows, "Wang Chujue is a descendant of Master Qixuan. After all, this Qixuanmen is his ancestral lineage. With my martial arts and prestige, besides giving me the position of master of the sect, he Otherwise, it will not be enough to convince the crowd. Sigh, too strong is also a kind of trouble..."

Looking at the smug Li Feiyu, Han Lirao couldn't help but smile knowingly even though he was full of worries.

"What about Zhang Xiuer?" Han Li asked, "This girl was crying like hell just now."

"Which pot is not opened, which pot is it?" Li Feiyu rolled his eyes at him, and sighed, "If I were still the old me, Qixuanmen would be the end of my life, maybe I would stay and marry her. But now ... I am an eagle that is about to spread its wings and fly high, and I cannot have any fetters!"

"Eagle, why can I fly, but you, an eagle, can't?" Han Li teased.

"It's great to have spiritual roots?" Li Feiyu said unconvinced, "Master said, he has a way for me to practice without using spiritual roots, hum! I will go to Jiayuan City with you to solve your family's affairs. Find Master! When the time comes, it will not be clear who is stronger or weaker between you and me!"

Han Li smiled slightly: "Fei Yu, thank you very much. This Nine Yin Strange Poison is very strange. Although I can suppress the poison for a while, it can only be suppressed for two years at most, and the poison will explode completely. Within two years, I must Get Nuanyang Baoyu!"

"Our brothers teamed up, why can't we do it?" Li Feiyu said vigorously, "Besides, don't you have the treasure flying sword in the storage bag I gave you? You also said that it is very powerful!"

Thinking of the gray shadow treasure, Han Li's mood improved a lot: "With that thing, it is indeed an extra card for survival."

"Hey, I agreed to borrow it from you. I will use it to honor Master when I see Master." Li Feiyu warned, "Don't secretly embezzle my things!"

"Don't worry, it won't delay your currying favor with Senior Su!" Han Li gritted his teeth.He was very greedy for the things in the storage bag, but Li Feiyu didn't take out any hair, and didn't give him anything.

The two turned around and walked towards the rivers and lakes.

This day was more than two years earlier than in Han Liyuan's plot, and he was not alone anymore.

In Guanggui City, after Su Yi determined to practice the exercises, he began to retreat and practice painstakingly.Nie Xiaoqian and Fu Xiaozhuo took very good care of her daily diet and daily life.

With a wide heart and a fat body, his progress was actually faster than expected. Of course, the corresponding price was that the spirit stone was consumed faster.

The second daughter and Ning Caichen did not waste this rare opportunity to practice. The second daughter had to take care of Su Yi, but Ning Caichen hardly ever left home except to meet his normal dietary needs.It's not cultivation, it's studying exercises.All day long, his eyes were blank and he muttered, making the two daughters wonder if there was something wrong with his spirit.

In order to save time, Fu Xiaozhuo and Nie Xiaoqian handed over the work of purchasing food and daily necessities to an honest middle-aged couple. The couple had no children and no daughters. Fu Xiaozhuo asked them to move to the front yard They live in the concierge, and they only take care of the house on weekdays. The main room and the back garden are listed as forbidden areas and they are not allowed to set foot. If there is an urgent matter, they can go to the middle hall to ring the bell. The bell device is connected to the practice room of Fu Xiaozhuo and Nie Xiaoqian. They came out to investigate.

The couple would go out to do some shopping every few days, and they didn't leave the yard on weekdays. At Nie Xiaoqian's suggestion, they even turned the flower garden in the front yard into a vegetable garden and grew some vegetables for self-sufficiency.

He Hetu was originally registered at the City Lord's Mansion, and with the death of the Five Color Gate Sect Master, such a peaceful and stable life has passed for nearly a year without any disturbance.

However, the levels of the four have all improved.

Ning Caichen has reached the fourth level of Qi training, Fu Xiaozhuo has also reached the eighth level of Qi training, and Nie Xiaoqian, who is the most talented, is about to break through the twelfth level of Qi training.As for Su Yi, he also broke through the first level of skin refining and entered the stage of meat refining.

The improvement of the realm made the four of them very happy, and they were all full of energy. They planned to continue to practice quietly in this spiritual vein formation.

But one day, the rapid ringing of the bell broke the peace, and the wind picked up again, wrinkling the spring water in the lake.

At first, only the two daughters Fu Xiaozhuo and Nie Xiaoqian went out to investigate the situation, but soon the two daughters knocked on Su Yi's door.

"Young master, something has happened!" Fu Xiaozhuo's face was serious, with a hint of anger in his eyes, "Brother Sun in the front yard was chopped into eight pieces, and in the morning, the body was thrown into the yard piece by piece. My sister-in-law fainted from fright and didn't wake up until noon, and then quickly rang the bell."

"My lord, this must be aimed at us." Nie Xiaoqian bit her lip and said, "They killed Big Brother Sun, dismembered his body and threw the body parts to us. They clearly wanted to provoke us."

Su Yi frowned: "Bury Brother Sun first, and comfort Mrs. Sun... Forget it, let's do this together. He has worked for us for almost a year, but we implicated him in his tragic death. What I do If the master doesn't even show his face, it's too unreasonable. Xiao Zhuo, you go and ask Cai Chen to come out."

(End of this chapter)

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