Chapter 1624
In fact, Su Yi and this big brother Sun only met once, so naturally there is no such thing as a feeling of common hatred.It's just that his employees were brutally dismembered and then thrown into the house where he lived. The nature of this incident was too bad.

Even if Su Yi doesn't care about worldly views and doesn't consider any pros and cons, he can't just ignore it based on his nature.

After appeasing Mrs. Sun, who was out of breath from crying, Su Yi brought everyone to see the corpse.In troubled times, everyone is used to cannibalism, so even Ning Caichen did not avoid fear.

"Master, you can see that the knife edge is so smooth and neat, as if it was cut off by someone with a single knife. The murderer must have great strength." Ning Caichen speculated while inspecting the corpse.

"It's just that you can't do this with great strength." Su Yi shook his head, "This is a kind of saber technique, a saber technique with special strength skills. There should not be many people who can practice this kind of saber technique. If the murderer is not a foreigner , or someone who hides his head and shows his tail but is unknown, then this person should have a certain reputation."

People in the martial arts practice a peerless martial art, and they often rely on it to become famous and use it as a title, so Su Yi made such a judgment.

"In that case, we just need to find out who knows this kind of sword technique, won't we know everything?" Nie Xiaoqian said.

"It can't be that simple, sir?" Fu Xiaozhuo looked at Su Yi, "There shouldn't be someone who blatantly exposes his identity to provoke us, right? It shouldn't be easy to investigate this person."

"It's useless to suspect, we have to get moving to find out what's going on." Su Yi said lightly, "Xiao Zhuo, go to the patrol room and ask an arrester to come and take a look... just the knife Yichang who I met before Bar."

"Hurry up? Master, are we going to hand over this case to the government?" Ning Caichen asked doubtfully.

"This matter is a bit strange, and it is not a good idea to hand it over to the government." Su Yi said, "They may do something wrong out of fear, in order to give us an explanation as soon as possible. So we should do the investigation ourselves. The reason why it is called Come quickly because we need a local snake to give us an introduction."

Ning Caichen was stunned: "The arrester has contact with all three schools and nine streams, and they are most familiar with the situation in the city."

Su Yi nodded to show that he was right.

"Young master, wait a moment, I'll be back as soon as possible!" Seeing this, Fu Xiaozhuo hurriedly left.

Su Yi stood with his hands behind his back, pondering slightly.

After a while, Fu Xiaozhuo arrived with Dao Yichang, whose serious face was still somewhat unnatural.

"My lord, the city lord outside the gate has brought a lot of people here, saying that he wants to meet you and investigate the case strictly." Fu Xiaozhuohui reported.

"Let them go, we will settle this matter ourselves." Su Yi said, something happened in the house of the "immortal master" who lived in seclusion in the city, of course the city lord couldn't sit still.

"Calm down." Su Yi added.The city lord is very knowledgeable, and Su Yi is very satisfied with the peaceful environment this year.

Fu Xiaozhuo took the order and left, Su Yi looked at Dao Yichang, smiled and said: "Little brother, we meet again."

"I'm still working as a catcher, and I'm doing well. Are you disappointed?" Dao Yichang asked.

"Why am I disappointed?" Su Yi said with a smile, "Aren't you happy to be a catcher, don't you know in your heart?"

"I'm very happy, not to mention how happy I am!" Dao Yichang said with his neck stuck.

Su Yi nodded, pointed to the corpse and said, "Let's take a look."

Dao Yichang took a deep breath, and went up to him to check carefully.

"What a brilliant knife technique!" Dao Yichang only glanced at it, and his expression immediately became extraordinarily dignified. There are not many in your city!"

"Who are they?" Su Yi asked.

"The master of the five-color gate is not old Yan Wang Li Hu can do it. I heard that his martial arts has reached the peak. It must not be difficult for him." Dao Yichang said, and after a pause he explained to Su Yi: "One The master of the Five Colors Gate that you killed years ago was only the master of the sub-helm of Guanggui City. The Five Colors Gate is a big gang that spreads all over Lanzhou. Their headquarters is in the cave under the Devil Lake Peak in Jiayuan City. It’s called the Five-Color Hell of Demon Lake Peak. But Guanggui City is the origin of the Five-Color Gate, so it’s a bit special for them.”

"The whereabouts of the Bulao Hades are secretive. It is said that he often practiced secretly in Guanggui City. Especially more than a year ago, I heard that he went to Jingzhou to obtain a peerless martial arts. After returning, he retreated day and night to practice. People are very suspicious, after all, there is enmity between you."

"With motivation and ability, this person is indeed suspicious." Ning Caichen said, "I didn't dare before, but if I really practice some peerless martial arts, maybe I will become more courageous?"

Demon Lake Peak Five-Color Hell Immortal Hades?
This title made Su Yi thoughtful. He thought of his book "Golden Fiend's Deadly Palm", and thought of the "Black Wind Secret Realm Incident" he had experienced when he first arrived in Jingzhou.

If this old Hades Li Hu was one of the people who went to explore the Black Wind Secret Realm and successfully obtained peerless martial arts, then the suspicion of this person can be ruled out.

Because if this person did something, there would definitely be evil spirits remaining on the corpse.

But in fact there was nothing on the corpse except the stench.

"Who else is suspected?" Su Yi asked again.

"The owner of Zhuge Medicine House can do it too." Dao Yichang said, "Although this old man is over 70 years old, he can dance a big knife weighing more than 70 kilograms like a tiger. It's not difficult to do it. But I don't believe it's him, this old man has a kind heart and hates evil like a vengeful, he is a rare kind person."

"A good person may be a bad person in disguise." Fu Xiaozhuo said coldly when he came back from the door.

She said to Su Yi again: "The city lord left behind a team of cavalry, saying that he would never disturb the young master, but he would go through fire and water for the young master at any time. If you have any chores, you can just order them to do it."

Su Yi nodded, and said to the knife: "Go on."

"Actually, from the first time I saw this wound, I thought of a name - Jingshitang!" Dao Yichang looked at Su Yi, "This technique is too similar to the stunt of Jingshitang Megatron martial arts - a shocking sword In Guanggui City, Jingshitang is a well-known unscrupulous medical clinic, which almost monopolizes the business of medicinal materials and medical clinics in the entire city. The Zhuge Medicine House I just mentioned is their deadly enemy."

"I know this amazing hall." Nie Xiaoqian suddenly frowned and interjected, "I went to their house to buy spiritual seeds before, but this unscrupulous businessman actually pretended to be fake seeds, which made me work hard for more than half a month, and nothing was grown! "

Hearing this, Fu Xiaozhuo couldn't help complaining: "Sister Xiaoqian, it has nothing to do with the authenticity of the seeds that you can't grow anything. Didn't you buy real seeds later? Didn't you grow anything?"

Nie Xiaoqian is very keen on planting flowers and plants, but it's a pity that she hasn't even planted a single grass since a year ago.

Nie Xiaoqian stuck out her tongue, looked at Su Yi with a guilty conscience, and muttered: "The soil here is not good..."

"But the vegetables grown by Mrs. Sun in the front yard are growing well." Fu Xiaozhuo said.

Nie Xiaoqian glared at Fu Xiaozhuo with feigned anger, a fleeting smile appeared on the latter's face, and he stopped talking.

The two girls are playful and charming, and the other is cold and beautiful. Ning Caichen and Dao Yichang are almost stunned by their inadvertent amorous feelings.

Both of them had the attributes of a stunned boy, and soon they blushed and lowered their heads, not daring to look around.

"Let's talk about this amazing hall." Su Yi said.

"Yes, yes, Jingshitang..." Dao Yichang sorted out his thoughts and continued, "The master of Jingshitang is Guo Yancheng, who was actually the apprentice of the master of Zhuge Yaolu. More than ten years ago, Zhuge Yaolu took in a world-renowned lone swordsman, who was seriously injured in a martial arts competition, and even died."

"Guo Yancheng coveted this swordsman's peerless swordsmanship, so he took advantage of the opportunity to change the medicine to steal the swordsman's secret book of swordsmanship, and was afraid that the swordsman would retaliate against him after he recovered from his wounds, so he simply did nothing and killed the swordsman. The swordsman even set fire to the Zhuge Medicine House, and then fled away."

"Zhuge Yaolu used to have hundreds of disciples, and the scale was huge, but because of this incident, it has been in a slump since then. Afterwards, Guo Yancheng learned the peerless sword technique, and returned to Guanggui City brazenly, and founded the Shocking Hall. Zhuge The owner of the medicine house was at odds with Jingshitang at the beginning, but for some reason, the two sides stopped fighting each other and stopped provoking each other."

Speaking of this, Dao also paused for a long time, looked at Su Yi and said solemnly: "Guo Yancheng's world-shattering sword was not only known by himself, but he also accepted three major disciples, all of whom taught this sword technique. Laws are also very popular. But although they bully the market and do evil, they have no grievances or enmity with you, and there is no reason to do so."

"Everyone in the rivers and lakes knows that Guo Yancheng is a complete villain. He bullies the weak and fears the strong. He is best at adapting to the wind. You and Hetu not only killed the master of the Five Colors Gate a year ago, but also asked the city master to escort you. Strictly prohibit all People provoke you, you are so famous, Guo Yancheng has no time to curry favor with you, how could the person who killed you still provoke you so much?"

"If you want to say that there is no grievance or enmity, we have never had any enmity with any force except the Five Colors Gate..." Dao Yichang's analysis made Ning Caichen frowned, but halfway through the sentence, he suddenly thought of a change in his face, and suddenly raised his head Looking at Su Yi nervously, "Master, could it be black..."

He stopped talking halfway, and glanced at Nie Xiaoqian and Fu Xiaozhuo.The second daughter also realized what he was going to say, and couldn't help but change her face slightly.

Dao Yichang was very keen, and immediately asked: "Who did you think of?"

"Impossible." Su Yi shook his head and denied Ning Caichen's guess, "If it's really them, do you think we can easily stand here now?"

Without waiting for Dao Yichang to ask again, Su Yi said: "Little brother, take us to the Shocking Hall."

Dao Yichang suppressed his doubts, and asked again: "Why Jingshitang?"

"I have to pick one, right?" Su Yi chuckled.

Shocking Hall is not far from Su Yi's residence, and it is also in the wealthy area.After Su Yi arrived at the gate, Dao Yichang stepped forward and reported Hehetu's name, and the gatekeeper immediately changed his face and ran back to the yard as if flying.

After a while, hurried and dense footsteps were heard, and a middle-aged man who described as wretched led a group of young people to swarm out and ran outside the gate.

"Where is Hehetu's lord? Where is it? Flourishing and radiant, luxuriant and radiant!" The middle-aged man shouted exaggeratedly with an excited look.

He looked around for a week, and finally fixed his eyes on Su Yi. The flattery was beyond words, and without saying a word, a bunch of extremely nasty flattery came rolling in, making Su Yi frown.

"Well, Master Guo, I have to interrupt you..." Dao Yichang couldn't listen anymore, and stepped forward to interrupt Guo Yancheng, "We are here to investigate the case, and someone died in Mr. Su's house , was dismembered into several pieces. Judging from the knife marks, it seems that it was done by a shocking knife from your sect."

"It's absolutely impossible!" Guo Yancheng said without hesitation when he heard the words, "This is definitely a misunderstanding! There are only three people in our Shocking Hall who have practiced the world-shocking knife. Apart from me, there are only my big apprentice and Two of the three apprentices. These days we are busy dealing with a patient suffering from an intractable disease, and we spend almost all day and night researching the disease together, so we don’t have time to go out and kill people.”

"It is effortless for a martial arts master to kill an ordinary person." Dao Yichang said, "If the plan is right, a stick of incense can kill a person. Master Guo, can you guarantee that you and your two The apprentice didn't even leave for a stick of incense today?"

"This is definitely not the case. People always want to eat and drink." Guo Yancheng said with a smile, "But this must be a mistake. Even if you borrow ten more courage from us, we will not dare to make things difficult for the adults of Hehetu... ..."

His attitude was the same as what Dao Yichang had described before, but Su Yi and the others clearly noticed that just when Guo Yancheng swore that he was definitely not the murderer, a dark and strong man behind him looked terrified, with a very terrified look on his face. Uneasy look.

Its abnormality is obvious, and Su Yi and others have noticed it.

"Master Guo, this is..." Dao Yichang, as Su Yi's temporary mouthpiece, asked the questions of Su Yi and others.

"He is my big apprentice Feng Biao, he..." Guo Yancheng introduced with a smile at the beginning, and inadvertently looked back at Feng Biao's expression, he was stunned for a few seconds before regaining his smile: "He On weekdays, he is the most honest person in our Jingshitang, hehe..."

"Seal the bid, right? You seem to be scared?" Dao Yichang asked a step forward.

Feng Biao heard that his eyeballs were spinning non-stop, his face was ugly, and his teeth were clenched.

Now any fool can see that he is wrong.

"What are you afraid of? Could it be that you killed people?" Dao Yichang continued to approach and ask.

"Ah!" Feng Biao yelled suddenly.

The next second there was a flash of the sword, and he slashed at Dao Yichang fiercely.

No one expected that this person would attack suddenly, and the knife was too long to be caught off guard, but fortunately, he reacted fairly quickly, and a lazy donkey rolled and dodged in embarrassment.

Feng Biao didn't continue to chase, but turned the knife across his neck with his backhand and wiped it hard.

Blood splashed out immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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