Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1625 The Truth

Feng Biao killed himself!
This was something that no one present had expected.

Because he couldn't think of it, and he committed suicide very simply, wiping his neck without hesitation, so no one had time to stop him.

Actually Su Yi could, but he didn't because he didn't have to stop it.

First of all, Sheqing was very sensitive to the smell of Qi and blood. When Feng Biao drew the knife, he smelled a familiar faint smell on Feng Biao's knife.

Su Yi had just smelled this scent not long ago, and it came from Big Brother Sun.

So based on this alone, Su Yi can basically conclude that this seal is the murderer.Since this seal is the murderer, then he deserves to die, he can kill himself, and save Su Yi from doing it.

Second, for Su Yi, the dead are easier to interrogate than the living, especially the bardo body who has just died and still retains the memory of his life.So dead seals are more useful than living seals.

But speaking of blood...

Su Yi sniffled, frowned deeply, walked slowly to Feng Biao's body and squatted down...

For others, Feng Biao's suicide is tantamount to confirming his identity as the murderer.

Otherwise, why did he commit suicide in fear of crime?

After a brief silence at the scene, Guo Yancheng was the first to react.

"You kill a thousand knives Fengbiao! I'll marry your grandma!" He wailed like a pig, jumped three feet high, and pointed at Fengbiao's body lying in a pool of blood with a face full of rage and cursed, " I treat you well Feng Biao, you hurt me so much? You bastard, what's the matter with you dying like this? Damn you, what bad things did you do, you have to explain clearly before you die, what the fuck? I don't even know, now the yellow mud is falling into the crotch, can I make it clear? Oh, killed me, you bastard..."

He jumped up and howled and cursed, this scene made everyone stunned again, his apprentice soon showed a look of displeasure, while Ning Caichen and other outsiders showed contempt and contempt.

Anyway, Feng Biao is your big disciple of Guo Yancheng. Now that his body is still cold, it is too cold and selfish for you to point at the corpse and yell at the corpse in order to clear the relationship.

"Master Guo!" Dao Yichang stepped forward and shouted sharply, "It's too late to get rid of the relationship now, don't you think it's too late? Who in Guanggui City doesn't know that Feng Biao is your most proud disciple, and he always obeys your words. How dare you say you don't know what he did?"

"I knew it, I knew you would say that, and many people would think so!" Guo Yancheng waved his arms excitedly, spit flying, "But I swear, I swear on the life of my newborn son, this I really don't know the matter, if I lie to others, my son is not my own!"

Dao Yichang was moved: "You dare to swear such a poisonous oath? Don't you really know?"

Guo Yancheng blushed and slapped his hands vigorously: "I really don't know! You, you must believe me..."

At this moment, Su Yi, who had been squatting beside Feng Biao's body, smelling a little blood on his fingertips, suddenly said suddenly: "Your apprentice Feng Biao's blood contains some blood that does not belong to him. This blood Whose?"

As soon as these words came out, the complexions of Guo Yancheng and his other two apprentices all changed, but Guo Yancheng concealed it better.

"It's's not, my lord, why can't I understand what you said?" Guo Yancheng looked blank.

"This blood should have been in your apprentice's body for four or five days." Su Yi rubbed the blood from his fingertips on the sealed clothes and stood up, looking at Guo Yancheng with a half-smile, "But this blood is extraordinary, you This apprentice simply cannot bear the majestic energy contained in this blood. Even if he hadn't committed suicide just now, he wouldn't survive two days!"

As soon as these words came out, Ning Caichen and Dao Yichang frowned, Guo Yancheng's other two apprentices showed fear and lowered their heads, while Guo Yancheng still had an innocent look on his face.

"My lord, I don't know about that..." Guo Yancheng shook his head like a rattle, "To be honest, I don't know anything about Feng Biao. If I knew him, I wouldn't let him carry me behind his back." Wouldn't it harm me if he did such a thing? Really, this bastard deserves more than his death, such a death would be cheap for him..."

Su Yi smiled and looked at Guo Yancheng until the latter smiled and was speechless.

"If you don't tell the truth, you will have no chance to speak again." Su Yi said quietly.

Guo Yancheng smiled reluctantly: "My lord, you, you are a bit of a bully, and no matter what the status of the seal is, it has nothing to do with what you want to investigate? You said why you should meddle in your own business, right?"

"This is the trouble for living people," Su Yi sighed, "Xiao Zhuo, I leave it to you."

"Yes, my lord." Fu Xiaozhuo took the order and took a step forward.

Guo Yancheng had already felt bad, and his face changed quickly: "My lord, it's not so necessary, is it? Why push people too hard?"

"Forcing you? Are you worthy too?" Fu Xiaozhuo sneered, and suddenly reprimanded, "Look into my eyes!"

Guo Yancheng's mind buzzed, and he subconsciously met Fu Xiaozhuo's clear eyes, and the next moment, he was bewildered, and his mind was in a trance.

"Do you know about Feng Biao's murder?" Fu Xiaozhuo asked.

"I don't know, this kid deliberately harmed me, damn it." Guo Yancheng subconsciously said.

This scene immediately caused an uproar among the people present.

"How did the blood in Feng Biao's body come from?" Fu Xiaozhuo asked again.

"It's an immortal girl." Guo Yancheng's tone suddenly became agitated, "This blood contains the secret of immortality..."

"Witchcraft, this is witchcraft!" One of Guo Yancheng's apprentices suddenly yelled in horror.

All the people present were frightened, and they all backed away with a "crash", leaving a large open space.

The outside movement disturbed the charm that Fu Xiaozhuo was performing, she was distracted, but Guo Yancheng broke free.

The dazed look in Guo Yancheng's eyes flashed away, and then changed drastically, with a maddened murderous intent in his eyes, while suddenly drawing his sword, he shouted sharply: "Too much bullying! Die to me!"

The world-shocking knife really lived up to its reputation, when the knife was slashed, there was a faint sound of wind and thunder.But seeing a flash of brilliance like a horse, it is almost to the extreme!Even though Fu Xiaozhuo possessed the spiritual sense of a practitioner, he was overwhelmed by the power of the saber, and his reaction was half a beat too late.

But a practitioner is a practitioner after all, and she reacted when the blade was less than two feet away from her. If she was slower, Nie Xiaoqian, Su Yi, and even Ning Caichen would all be ready to attack.

She gestured with both hands at the long knife, and the blade froze in mid-air as if stuck in a quagmire.Guo Yancheng, who rose into the air, showed an expression of incomparable horror and astonishment.

"go with!"

But before he had time to react, Fu Xiaozhuo casually pointed aside, and Guo Yancheng suddenly felt a huge force coming from the knife, and he was thrown aside with the knife, and fell heavily to the ground.

Fu Xiaozhuo was extremely ashamed and annoyed that he almost got hit just now, so he made another tactic, but when he saw the knife in Guo Yancheng's hand, it escaped his control, flew into the air with a "clank", then fell quickly, and stabbed it into his abdomen with a "poof". middle.

Guo Yancheng screamed "Ah", covered his stomach in horror, crawled backwards, and begged for mercy: "Surrender! I surrender! I surrender!"

The whole process is a long story, but it actually happened in a very short period of time, just a little over ten seconds.Before Guo Yancheng's apprentices and grandchildren could decide whether to help their master, the battle was over.

There was a loud buzz at the scene, everyone watched this scene in horror, even Dao Yichang subconsciously clenched the handle of the knife, and couldn't help swallowing.

He glanced at Fu Xiaozhuo fearfully, then turned his head to look at Guo Yancheng, whose body was half dyed red, and stepped forward and said loudly: "Master Guo, what are you still hiding? What secret is worse than your life?" What's more important? The people in Hehetu have no grievances with you at all, and you can't make a lie at all!"

"I really don't know about the murder of Feng and Feng Biao!" Guo Yancheng gritted his teeth and endured the pain, and said to Su Yi in horror, "It is true that there is blood in his body that does not belong to him, but my lord, this matter is only our shocking hall!" A little research conducted internally involves the top secrets of our Shocking Hall, and has nothing to do with what he did outside! Now that others are dead, I was seriously injured by you and Hetu, just as if I offended and the believers were not strict What else do you want? If you want any compensation, just say the number, just, just please don't kill us!"

His attitude has already been lowered, but even Dao Yichang can't be convinced by his words.

"Master Guo, whether Feng Biao committed suicide in fear of crime, or died to conceal the secret, this remains to be verified! Before the investigation is clear, all his affairs cannot be said to have nothing to do with his murder." Dao Yichang said.

Guo Yancheng's expression was uncertain, as if he was weighing something.

Su Yi on the other side was too lazy to wait for him, he stretched out his hand and immediately, Feng Biao's newly formed bardo body was pinched in his hand.

Only practitioners can see this scene, and ordinary people can only see Su Yi gesticulating in midair inexplicably.

Feng Biao's bardo body was pinched by Su Yi, and he immediately showed fear and pleading. Obviously he had understood his situation and felt Su Yi's terror.

There was no need for Su Yi to threaten and force him, he immediately took the initiative to open his memory for Su Yi to explore.

Scenes of the past related to this incident during his lifetime suddenly appeared in front of Su Yi like a fast-forward movie. Soon Su Yi understood the cause and effect of everything, and couldn't help showing a strange look on his face.

Guo Yancheng gritted his teeth for a moment and was about to say something, when he suddenly realized that everyone in the picture with him was looking at their young master in unison, and the young master raised one hand out of thin air to make a scratching movement, with a strange expression, and he didn't know what he was doing something.

Guo Yancheng was a little confused, so he didn't act rashly because he didn't understand.

After Su Yi figured out the cause and effect, he let go of his hand.

Feng Biao couldn't wait to run away, and hastily bowed to Su Yi. Soon, a light enveloped him, making his soul and body gradually blur until he disappeared.

This world is different from the extraordinary world that Su Yi experienced before. Unless the soul is scattered, no matter how dead people are, as long as they want to enter reincarnation, they will be enveloped by the divine light of reincarnation, leading them to reincarnation.

It was not the first time Su Yi and Ning Caichen had seen this scene, so it was no surprise.Su Yi also had the intention to delve into this divine light of reincarnation, but he felt palpitations when he got close to it, and his intuition told him that this thing was not something he could touch now, so he kept keeping it at a respectful distance.

"Master, are you clear?" Ning Caichen asked.

Su Yi nodded, and said: "This bid was taken advantage of by someone, and the behind-the-scenes mastermind is not Jingshitang, but a gang called the Hammer Gang."

"Iron Hammer Gang?" Dao Yichang was surprised, "This is one of the three major gangs in Guanggui City, but seven days ago, the Iron Hammer Gang was attacked by Wu Semen and Jingshitang, and its leader fled with his elite disciples. Missing. As far as I know, the Five Colors Gate and you Jingshitang are looking for their whereabouts all over the world, am I right, Master Guo?"

Guo Yancheng also looked very shocked, and immediately said after hearing the words: "That's right, but we haven't heard any news about them until now..."

He hesitated slightly, and looked at Su Yi in disbelief: "My lord, you just said that Feng Biao was used by members of the Hammer Gang, and the person who ordered Feng Biao to commit the murder was a member of the Hammer Gang?"

All eyes fell on Su Yi.

Su Yi chuckled: "The Iron Hammer Gang is about to be wiped out, and at the moment of life and death, they lost their awe, and came up with a plan to drive away tigers and wolves. Their gang leader is called Ou Deguang, right? This man went to the doctor in a hurry and ordered Feng Biao to kill Brother Sun wanted to provoke us and use our hands to destroy Jingshitang."

"Damn schemer, how innocent is Brother Sun? This is a reckless disregard of human life!" Ning Caichen said angrily.

"My lord, since you have found out the truth, is this enough to show that this matter has nothing to do with our Jingshitang?" Guo Yancheng hurriedly said, "Your lord, for the sake of our innocence and the fact that I paid the price, Please let us live!"

I have to say that Guo Yancheng is really able to bend and stretch, and endure what ordinary people can't.This person's posture has always been so low, and his attitude is so good, Su Yi can't bear to have trouble with him anymore.

It's a pity that it really doesn't work.

Su Yi smiled and looked at him: "Innocent? You are not innocent. Feng Biao is your most proud disciple, why is he willing to cooperate with the Hammer Gang like a bereaved dog, and would rather exchange his own death for the demise of Jingshitang? Isn't Master Guo curious about the reason?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone's eyes fell on Guo Yancheng.Let alone him, everyone is curious about him.

Guo Yancheng's complexion changed slightly, and he sighed: "It's unfortunate for my family. I'm also very sad that such a scum came out. It's just that I'm seriously injured and have lost a lot of blood. If I don't get medical treatment, I'm afraid my life will be lost. I'm really not in the mood. I don’t have the energy to take care of other things. My lord, since you have already obtained what you want, I beg you to let me go back and heal my injuries. I, Guo Yancheng, am grateful!"

Su Yi smiled lightly and said, "I also want to let you go back, but I'm also very interested in the immortal girl you brought out from Yanggu Town a month ago."

As soon as these words came out, Guo Yancheng's complexion finally changed completely!

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