Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1626 Ice Phoenix

Although Jingshitang is notorious in martial arts, it is rare to be recognized as a good doctor in Xinglin.

Jingshitang is best at treating all kinds of difficult and miscellaneous diseases. This is a well-known thing, not only in Guanggui City, but also in Lanzhou, and even the surrounding states. People come to seek medical treatment.

But Jingshitang not only has amazing medical skills, but also the price.If they can't afford the exorbitant medical expenses, even if someone dies at their gate, they will never take a second look.This is also the most criticized and even hated point of Jingshitang.

The owner of Zhuge Medicine Cottage once commented on Jingshitang in this way - "This is a gang that does medical treatment business by the way, and their main business is still doing evil."

These words are quite recognized by the public, and this is exactly the image of Jingshitang in everyone's mind.

However, Jingshitang was criticized again. Those who had intractable diseases but failed to seek medical treatment everywhere still came here to seek the last hope of survival.There is a generally accepted consensus among the apricot forests in Yue State - only Jingshitang has the final say on whether a patient is cured or not.

A considerable number of patients who were judged by those famous doctors to die undoubtedly came to the Shocking Hall by luck, and they all survived.

In Su Yi's memory of sealing the bid, the reason why the old owner of Zhuge Yaolu no longer had trouble with Guo Yancheng and his Jingshitang was not because of the generosity of the old man, but because a patient was personally treated by the old man. It was judged that the medicine stone had no cure, but he was cured by his rebel Guo Yancheng in Jingshitang. This made the old man very frustrated and depressed, and he never cared about the grievances with Jingshitang since then.

But why is Jingshitang's medical skills so brilliant?
Is it because Guo Yancheng has outstanding talent in this area, and the blue is better than the blue?
Yes or no, it is true that Guo Yancheng is outstandingly talented, but the most important thing is that this man went so far as to seek the secret of longevity, he frantically collected corpses and even dissected living people everywhere. As a result, he has not found the secret of longevity, but indirectly let his medical skills Introducing the old and bringing forth the new, embarked on an unprecedented road.

After all, such things as dissecting living people are too appalling and cruel. Guo Yancheng is not a pervert after all, so he still has a lot of psychological pressure on it. Therefore, he only does it once in a while by chance, and the scope of his knowledge is limited to his own. three disciples.

But dissecting the dead was done by most people in Jingshitang. Guo Yancheng dragged all the apprentices who came to Jingshitang to study medicine into trouble.

Among the courses he taught, there was a special anatomy class, so Jingshitang's corpses were in great demand.

If we only look at these superficial aspects, according to the level of thinking and cognition of Su Yi's modern people, Guo Yancheng is both a lunatic and a genius, and he is a wave of the times that can promote the transformation of medical technology.

But the problem lies in the sources of corpses used by Jingshitang for teaching and researching the secret of longevity.There is no general teacher who is willing to donate his body these days. Guo Yancheng and the others get the body from the only source——steal!

They went around to steal the newly buried corpses. They didn't dare to steal nearby, so they ran to the surrounding counties, towns and mountain villages to steal.Sometimes there is an urgent need for corpses, and they will "make" some corpses by themselves.

In troubled times, human life is worthless, and some untouchables in remote villages die as soon as they die, and no one cares at all.

A month ago, Guo Yancheng personally organized a "hunt". His target was a cottage with dozens of people who lived in seclusion in the mountains to avoid exorbitant taxes.

This is a rare "big operation". If it can be successful, it will at least solve the "source of corpses" in Jingshitang for nearly three months.In order to ensure everything was safe and not to be exposed, Guo Yancheng personally led his confidantes to travel dozens of miles at night to arrive at this cottage, and then personally led the team to kill them.

With their martial arts, these Orion mountain people had no power to fight back, almost lost their lives in their sleep.

The operation went very smoothly, the entire cottage, from the elderly to the babies, were all killed without leaving their lives.

After the killing was over, Guo Yancheng organized his disciples to load the corpses into the carriages in batches, and then rushed to Guanggui City in the dark.

But in the middle of the return journey, an unimaginable strange thing happened!
In the carriage full of corpses, a little girl covered in blood crawled out, standing on the shaft of the carriage with a blank expression, looking around.

Guo Yancheng was the first to discover it, and he was shocked!
Because he personally checked the corpses one by one and made sure that everyone was dead, but why is there still one alive now?
"Kill her!" Guo Yancheng didn't have time to think, and immediately ordered his disciples to kill her.

The closest disciple stepped forward and stabbed the little girl in the stomach. The little girl seemed to be just an ordinary person, she didn't know how to dodge at all, and was directly pierced by the knife.

She clutched her stomach in pain, her eyes widened in disbelief, and she let out a cry of pain.

Something terrible happened!
At first, the little girl's cry was just a girl's frightened scream, but as she screamed, it turned into an inhuman roar!

There was no way that sound could have come from a human voice.

As the howling sound became louder, the little girl's body suddenly burst into colorful light, and her body grew bigger and bigger, with colorful feathers growing out, and her face also began to deform, giving birth to pointed long hair beak.

After a while, she turned into a colorful phoenix bird more than one foot high!
With one paw, she grabbed the person who stabbed her just now, and then she flapped her wings, and the people in front of her were blown away by him again. It opened its mouth to the person in front who wanted to turn around and run away. The person was immediately frozen in an ice crystal, and the whole person turned into an ice sculpture, freezing to death alive.

In just a few seconds, six or seven people died!

"Monster..." Where did the people in Shocking Hall see such a battle?Guo Yancheng's disciples were frightened and fled in all directions, not daring to stay at all.

Guo Yancheng was also very scared at the beginning, but he grew greedy after being frightened, and unreconciledly used a handful of hidden weapons.Attack this colorful phoenix.

But as soon as his dart touched the colorful phoenix's feathers, it was bounced off, and it couldn't do any harm to it at all.

Now Guo Yancheng completely gave up, turned around and ran away without hesitation.

His attack enraged Fenghuang, who left the others behind and only pursued him.

Guo Yancheng's dead soul fled frantically, but how could he escape?Seeing that he was about to be chased by Fenghuang to his death, at this time, Fenghuang behind him suddenly froze and stopped, his body shrank rapidly, and the feathers on his body quickly faded, and finally he turned into the girl before, covered in red fruit, and fell on the ground unconsciously. on the ground.

But after ten breaths, the girl woke up faintly, got up and looked around in a daze, where is there any wound on her body?
Guo Yancheng was terrified and didn't dare to approach, he just forced a disciple to go forward to investigate.

The disciple tried to tie the girl with a rope when he arrived, but the girl didn't resist at all. Guo Yancheng immediately threw a delayed-onset highly poisonous medicine and asked the disciple to feed the girl.

The girl stupidly swallowed the medicine in one gulp, like eating jelly beans, but muttered with a bitter face: "Bitter, it's not delicious."

Guo Yancheng looked vigilantly for a moment and finally heaved a sigh of relief. He was sure that when this girl was in human form, she would become powerless, and she would not remember what happened just now. If you asked her something, she would just say, no. Asked her, she just sat there in a daze, without struggling when tied up, and shameless without clothes.

On the contrary, Guo Yancheng thought it was indecent, so he took the initiative to ask his disciples to put a long gown on the girl.

"What's your name? Where are you from? What are you?" Guo Yancheng asked repeatedly, but the answers he got were all unknown, or inexplicable smirks.

In the end, Guo Yancheng had to give up, but he was not discouraged. On the contrary, his heart was full of excitement.

He felt like he had found a treasure.

After bringing the girl back to the Shocking Hall, he immediately locked the girl in the dungeon himself, and then asked people to reinforce the walls and iron gates of the dungeon.

Then he couldn't wait to read a lot of information to find out what kind of strange bird the girl transformed into.

He really found it out. In an ancient book, he found out that there is a kind of magical creature called the phoenix. The image description of this phoenix is ​​exactly the same as the transformed image of this girl.

And there are many kinds of phoenixes. There is a kind of phoenix that can turn everything into ice, called ice phoenix.

The phoenix also has a very magical physique - the immortal physique. As long as they reach certain conditions and levels, they can be reborn from nirvana continuously. Therefore, theoretically, every phoenix is ​​immortal.

Guo Yancheng, who consulted these materials, was extremely excited, with an immortal physique?Nirvana rebirth?
Isn't this the immortality he has been pursuing?

It's really hard to find a place to break through the iron shoes, and it takes no effort to get it!
From then on, Guo Yancheng called the girl "the immortal girl", locked her in the dungeon, and delivered food and vegetables every day to keep the girl alive.

A month of research led him to discover that the girl would transform into an ice-phoenix form as long as she received a greater stimulus, but the ice-phoenix form would revert to a human form after ten breaths at most. This girl has no fighting power in the human form of.

And even when she was in the body of the ice phoenix, the girl didn't have half of her sanity at all, she would only be irritable for ten breaths, and then she would die down and turn into a human again.

This discovery gave Guo Yancheng both joy and a headache. The joy was that the girl was so stupid that she had no thought of escaping while hiding in the dungeon; The short ten breaths that fainted behind me
Guo Yancheng tried every means to draw the girl's blood, including using drugs, poison, knocking her unconscious, or even forcibly taking blood.

If you use medicine, a small dose will not work, but a slightly larger dose will irritate the girl and turn her into an ice phoenix.

It is impossible to be stunned, she will not faint at all, unless it is a fatal blow, otherwise she will turn into an ice phoenix and immediately tear the person who beat her to pieces.

The fate of forcibly taking blood is the same.

In order to take Bingfeng's blood, Guo Yancheng had already killed several disciples.

But every time a girl transforms, she will faint for ten breaths for a short time. After summing up this rule, Guo Yancheng used the ten breaths to quickly draw blood, and then left. After paying the price of more than ten lives, he managed to accumulate a small bottle blood.

Then Guo Yancheng started his experimental journey.

He first took out a small drop of blood and let an ape drink it, but the ape immediately exploded and died.

After that, Guo Yancheng tried ferocious beasts such as wolves, bison and even tigers, but the results were without exception. These animals could not bear the girl's blood at all. Even a small drop of blood was enough to make these animals explode and die.

He tried to dilute this small drop of blood into a large basin of water, then divided the water into dozens of parts, and gave some animals to drink, but the result was still not much better. Although these animals would not explode and die immediately , but they will become dying, lying motionless on the ground.

After Guo Yancheng observed for more than ten days, some of these animals died, and some barely survived but seemed to die at any moment.

So he lost his patience and began to experiment with humans.

The result disappointed him again. Anyone who took the girl's blood would explode and die.

If it is diluted blood, people who take it will be dying like those animals.

Just when Guo Yancheng was disappointed, a disciple unexpectedly persevered, and his martial arts soared!

He was overjoyed, and hurriedly investigated, and found that this disciple was actually the one with the strongest inner strength among all the experimenters.After taking the girl's blood, he immediately meditated for three days to run his inner strength. As a result, the three days of hard work was comparable to his ten years of meditation, and his inner strength skyrocketed.

Guo Yancheng was inexplicably excited, thinking that he had found the right path, but reality gave him a stick again.

When this disciple practiced meditation in the afternoon of the fourth day, his meridians and blood vessels all over his body burst and he died a miserable death.

Guo Yancheng was very unwilling. He learned from the pain, summed up the failure experience, and finally came to two conclusions——

First, this disciple's internal strength is still not high enough, and his potential is too low, so he can't bear the girl's blood; second, the girl's blood needs to be diluted again.

After reaching these two conclusions, Guo Yancheng set the target of the experiment on his first disciple Feng Biao.

Feng Biao is the one with the highest talent potential among all the disciples, and also the one with the strongest inner strength, almost catching up with his master.

But the problem is that Feng Biao has participated in all the experiments, and he knows the power of the girl's blood.

Guo Yancheng couldn't be bothered, he mixed the diluted blood into the wine and tricked Feng Biao into drinking it.Only tell Feng Biao the truth when Feng Biao feels something is wrong.

Before Feng Biao's attack, he threatened Feng Biao's wife and children and forced Feng Biao to cooperate with his experiments.

Sure enough, Feng Biao submitted, but he hated Guo Yancheng very much.Although his martial arts progressed rapidly every day, he could clearly feel a violent force entrenched in his body, becoming more and more unstable and tending to explode.

He didn't have the confidence to control this increasingly violent energy, and he didn't know how to resolve it.

He grew desperate, and despair twisted him.

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