Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1627 Scream

Chapter 1627 Scream
Many masters often beat, scold and insult their apprentices, and the apprentices dare not resist, and cannot be driven away, and they are filial in every possible way with a smile on their faces, more respectful than their own fathers.It is easy for the masters to have a distorted illusion, that is, they feel that they are gods in the eyes of the disciples.

But in fact, if it is not for the sake of learning skills, who is willing to make such compromises to serve a person who has no blood relationship?
You regard me as worthless, and I regard you as an enemy. Not all disciples have the generosity and foolishness of "no matter what the master does, it is for my own good".

It is for this reason that conflicts between master and apprentice abound.The same is true of Guo Yancheng and the old gentleman of Zhuge Yaolu, and the same is true of Feng Biao and Guo Yancheng today.

The biggest mistake Guo Yancheng made was that he felt that Feng Biao was held in the palm of his hand for him to knead and manipulate. He underestimated Feng Biao so much that he didn't think that Feng Biao could cause any waves under his nose.

But unfortunately, he didn't know that Feng Biao had a secret that he kept from telling him, that is, Feng Biao had been in secret contact with Ou Deguang, the head of the Hammer Gang.

Feng Biao has a long history of resentment towards his master. In his opinion, he is treated as a free slave by his master, not only living without any value, but even without any dignity.Coupled with the long-term evil and scandalous things done for Master, Feng Biao feels that he may be used as a scapegoat or silenced in the future, so he has a strong sense of crisis.

Therefore, he is already planning to contact the Hammer Gang, Ou Deguang, to get rid of Guo Yancheng together, and then he will be the master of the Shocking Hall, giving up most of the benefits to the Hammer Gang, and both sides will get what they need.

It's a pity that this matter has never been discussed, so he was secretly fed "immortal blood" by Guo Yancheng, and even his family members were fed Guo Yancheng's unique poison to coerce him into submission.

On the other hand, due to the decline in prestige in Hehetu some time ago, Wusemen urgently needed to do something earth-shattering to re-prove their status in the world, so they contacted Jingshitang, both of them were ambitious people, hit it off, Dang even made a plan to jointly destroy the Hammer Gang.

Guo Yancheng also knew that after the Hammer Gang was wiped out, the Five Colors would definitely see him as a thorn in his side, but he had a secret weapon—the immortal girl!
He was planning to release the undead girl to frighten Wu Semen so that the other party would not dare to attack him.When I research the secret of longevity, what will the five-color gate be?

Therefore, he also has the confidence to seek skin from the tiger, and join hands with the strongest Wu Semen among the three parties to destroy the weakest Iron Hammer Gang.

Because Feng Biao's strength increased greatly due to swallowing undead blood, Guo Yancheng was originally listed as the main force in this battle, but Guo Yancheng was afraid that if Feng Biao made any mistakes in this battle, the gain would not be worth the loss, so before the battle, he temporarily put Feng Biao The standard was taken out from the list of participants in the battle.

At this time, Feng Biao hated Guo Yancheng very much, so he naturally didn't want to see Guo Yancheng succeed, so he secretly informed Ou Deguang, the leader of the Iron Hammer Gang, so that the latter could gather the elite and escape first, retaining the hope of making a comeback.

Guo Yancheng didn't know this.

What he didn't even know was that, in order to avenge Guo Yancheng, Feng Biao had originally planned to lure wolves into the house and cooperate with Ou Deguang to kill him together.

But Ou Deguang didn't believe in Feng Biao. After finding out the truth about the grievances between Feng Biao and Guo Yancheng, he came up with a vulgar idea of ​​"driving tigers and wolves away", and dreamed of sitting on the mountain and watching tigers fight.

At this time, Feng Biao already felt that the violent energy in his body was becoming more and more uncontrollable, and he might explode to death at any time. In addition, he knew very well what his master Guo Yancheng was like, and knew that the other party would never be able to fulfill his promise That way—once I die, I will detoxify my family members, and then give a large sum of money to my family members to live on.

He knew that Guo Yancheng was greedy, selfish, ruthless, and he would definitely wipe out his family as well.

With his death imminent, he was full of despair, and his only obsession was to take revenge on Guo Yancheng.It's a pity that after Guo Yancheng killed him, he kept guarding against him. Even if he tried his best, he had no chance, so he had no choice but to agree to Ou Deguang and agree to cooperate with him in his actions.

The aspect of "suicide out of fear of crime" was originally listed as a last resort possibility. Ou Deguang believed that if the people in Hehetu exposed the fact of his murder, it would be impossible for him to resist, so he might as well commit suicide on the spot and leave Guo Yan in the dust. Dropping the crotch is either shit or shit.

With Hehetu's style of acting, Guo Yancheng is sure to die.

But at that time they agreed that this possibility was very small, so the focus of their plan was how to sow discord in Hehetu after its arrival, and finally deal Guo Yancheng a fatal blow.

It's a pity that Feng Biao's psychological quality is really not very good, and his flaws were exposed so quickly, and he was forced to go to a dead end from the very beginning, slandering Guo Yancheng with his own death, and pulling Guo Yancheng off his horse.

Su Yi, who learned the truth about these things, was speechless.

These two people, one crouching dragon and the other phoenix chick, somehow got together.

One of the two dares to think, the other dares to do it. When the brainless meets the stupid and bold, they both think they are very smart.

In Su Yi's eyes, this plan is nothing but shit, full of loopholes, seemingly logical, but in reality it treats everyone else as fools.

Taking a step back, even if the seal bid was not exposed, Su Yi and the others would not listen to his one-sided words even if they turned against Guo Yancheng on the spot. They really felt that Guo Yancheng did it.

Even Dao Yichang knew that Guo Yancheng had no reason or motivation to do so.

But their stupid strategy of driving tigers and wolves away is actually not a failure, because they hit the right way, and Su Yi just happened to never let go of Guo Yancheng, a villain who slaughtered the village, and was also very interested in the immortal girl.

In Feng Biao's original plan, he didn't intend to reveal the secret of the undead girl, and Ou Deguang didn't know about it.Originally, he planned to wait for Guo Yancheng to scream, he used poison to fight poison as the last fight, drank all the blood of the undead girl, and finally fought madly, trying to see if he could put himself to death and survive.

If he survived, of course he earned it. If he failed to survive, he was able to drink the blood of the undead girl, the second murderer who caused his death, before he died, which would be considered revenge.

Although the idea is a bit naive, it is not bloody.

Back in time, when Su Yi told the truth about the undead girl, Guo Yancheng knew that things couldn't get better.

His complexion changed drastically, and despair appeared in his eyes.

This man is worthy of being a hero, with the determination of a strong man to sever his wrists.

He smiled miserably and said: "My lord, I admit it! Can you give me a way to survive? I will leave Guanggui City now, and I will never come back again."

"I don't care." Su Yi chuckled, pointing to Dao Yichang who was frowning while listening to the cloud, "But let's see if this jealous policeman can forgive you for killing hundreds of police officers over the years." Human lives, dozens of villages were slaughtered a month ago, and the old, weak, women and children refused to let go..."

"What?" Dao Yichang's eyes widened in disbelief, and he looked at Guo Yancheng in surprise and anger, "Did you really do such a thing?"

"I, I want to say that I am innocent, do you believe it?" Guo Yancheng sighed, then looked down at the knife stuck in his stomach, and finally glanced across the faces of Su Yi and others.

"Hehetu...are you immortals?" He asked doubtfully, "How do you know everything?"

"We are a gang, a chivalrous gang!" Ning Caichen snorted coldly, "If you want others to be unaware, unless you do something yourself, don't think that if you hide and do something bad, you will be unnoticed."

"Haha, the gang is good! The gang is good! I, Guo Yancheng, died in the gang fight, and I deserved it!" Guo Yancheng laughed loudly when he heard this, and suddenly pulled out the knife stuck in his stomach, and blood splashed out immediately.

"What do you want to do?" Dao Yichang shouted angrily and stepped forward to stop him. He swung the long sword, intending to fly the sword in Guo Yancheng's hand.

But Guo Yancheng's face was flushed with red light, the light of the saber crossed, blocking Dao Yichang's saber, followed by the body of the saber to bully Dao Yichang's middle door like passing through a willow.

Seeing that Dao Yichang couldn't even get away with Guo Yancheng's move with all his strength, Su Yi was about to save someone, but Guo Yancheng suddenly turned his wrist and slapped Dao Yichang away with the back of the sword.

He spared the knife and lived a long life.

Dao Yichang flew upside down and fell heavily on the ground, spewing out a mouthful of blood, pointing at Guo Yancheng with pain on his face, speechless.

"I know you, you are a fool and easy to catch, there are not many people like you in this world, I will not kill you." Guo Yancheng said in a low voice, looked at Su Yi, clasped his fists and said: "I, Guo Yancheng I have done so many evils that I deserve death, my lord, I can't even beat your maid, so of course I can't be your match. I also know that with you around, even if I want to die, it will be difficult for me, right?"

Su Yi didn't speak, just looked at him quietly.

Guo Yancheng smiled casually: "Immortal girl, it's yours now. I hope that for her sake, and for the sake of my respect and never offending you, I will end it myself. Killing people is nothing more than a nod, I die." Finally, Jingshitang’s Wanguan family wealth is yours, I just want to die quickly, I don’t want to be sent to the police station and humiliated by those dirty things!”

"Okay, I promise you." Su Yi pondered slightly and nodded.

This Guo Yancheng was so witty and obedient, he really had no reason to refuse.

"Thank you, sir!" Guo Yancheng heaved a sigh of relief.

"No, you can't let him commit suicide in fear of crime!" Dao Yichang wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth while struggling to stand up, "His sin should be punished by the law..."

"Hahaha..." Guo Yancheng laughed loudly, as if he had heard the best joke in the world, "The law? The law is a fart!"

His words were full of contempt: "If the law was useful, I wouldn't have been exterminated since I was a child. Only I escaped by hiding in a cesspit for three days and three nights. Silly arrest, when we were exterminated, Guojia Village killed Liang The one who pretended to be the great general of the dynasty, has the law sanctioned him?"

As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar.

This is also the first time that Guo Yancheng has revealed his life experience.

But he seemed to just mention it casually, and he said to Su Yi with some emotion: "My lord, you must be a fairy, including your two maidservants, and your apprentice. The temperament and smell of you are different from the one I have seen before." Immortal masters are exactly the same! Sigh, since there are martial arts and courts in this world, why should there be immortals on top?"

"I originally longed for power and magic power, but then I found out that all of this is fart in front of immortals! Everything I pursue is meaningless." Guo Yancheng became excited, "Immortals live forever. To me, it's just a moment when nothing happens, it doesn't make any sense at all!"

"I want to become a fairy! It's a pity that the fairy teacher told me that I don't have spiritual roots, haha! It turns out that cultivating immortals requires spiritual roots, and without spiritual roots, you can't cultivate immortals! Why? Why is there such a fucking shit!" At the end of Guo Yancheng's speech, he was hoarse and looked like a madman.

Su Yi couldn't help frowning at these words, and his expression gradually became serious.

Ning Caichen couldn't help but look at Su Yi when he heard the words. He knew that his master had almost no spiritual roots, but he had embarked on a unique path of cultivation.

"Tianxingjian gentleman strives for self-improvement, no matter what the reason is, it is not an excuse for you to ignore human life!" Ning Caichen said in a deep voice.

"What do you know? You have spiritual roots, so of course you can stand and talk without pain in your back." Guo Yancheng gritted his teeth and said bitterly, "I hate you lucky guys. Seriously, if you don't have spiritual roots, You don't even have the right to fart in front of me!"

Ning Caichen frowned and was about to speak, when Guo Yancheng over there said loudly: "It doesn't matter! I tried my best, but God didn't follow my wishes! It's not my fault, it's God's will!"

He looked up to the sky and roared angrily: "It's the sky that wants to destroy me!"

The lingering sound lingered in his ears, and it seemed that it would not go away for a long time. The unwillingness and resentment in his roar made it difficult for everyone present not to feel it.

Guo Yancheng suddenly laughed again. He pointed at his disciples and grandchildren, and said maliciously: "My disciples follow me to do my best. I can guarantee that they don't have any good things. After I die, these people you Those who should be arrested, those who should be killed, absolutely no one will be wronged."

"Guo, you fucking bastard!"

"Guo Yancheng, you are talking nonsense, I am a good person, I have never done anything!"

"Bastard, you want to hold us back when you are dying, Guo Yancheng, you are not human..."

Those people immediately cursed and exclaimed incessantly.

Seeing this, Guo Yancheng couldn't help laughing again.

Smiling, he looked towards the east of the city, where Zhuge Yaolu was located.

"Master, Guo Yancheng will pay back your life!" He shouted with the last of his strength, then played a set of saber techniques, and finally threw the saber in his hand forcefully!

The long knife circled quickly and flew out for a certain distance and then turned back. Guo Yancheng raised his neck and closed his eyes with a smile.

A head soared into the sky, and all the noise at the scene fell silent for an instant.

Guo Yancheng is undoubtedly a bad person, bad to the bone.

But his death still caused complicated emotions in the hearts of everyone present.

Seeing Guo Yancheng's headless body fell down, someone in the crowd shouted, and the disciples of Jingshitang were about to disperse.

Su Yi said calmly without raising his head: "Knife catcher, it's your turn to fight with Ti Qi."

Dao Yichang took a deep look at Su Yi, and shouted: "No one is allowed to leave! No one is allowed to leave! Tiqi, intercept!"

He rushed up, and the Tiqi sent by the city lord hurriedly surrounded and intercepted him, making the scene a mess.

(End of this chapter)

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