Chapter 1628
Although Guo Yancheng's tragedy before his death was impressive and deeply moved, it did not bring him much sympathy for him, because he was a heinous villain in the first place.

As soon as he died, Jingshitang's disciples immediately dispersed, but Dao Yichang and City Lord Mansion Tiqi refused to let go of these minions who were working for tigers, and began to surround and arrest them.

In the chaotic scene, an old man with white beard and hair staggered up to Guo Yancheng's glaring head. His eyes were cloudy and his expression was sad. He muttered and didn't know what to say. Put Guo Yancheng's head in a short coat and wrap it up.

"It's old Mr. Zhuge. I didn't expect him to collect Master Guo's body in the end. It's really an impermanent world..." Su Yi understood the identity of this person when he heard someone sigh like this.

He frowned slightly, watching the old man put up Guo Yancheng's head and let him go away with the head, feeling something wrong in his heart, but he couldn't tell where it was wrong.

"My lord, is there any question?" The attentive Fu Xiaozhuo saw that Su Yi's expression was different, so he couldn't help asking in a low voice.

"It's nothing..." Su Yi pondered for a while, but finally shook his head bluntly, and didn't go any further.

"Let's go, let's meet this immortal girl." Su Yi took a deep breath and looked towards the gate of Jingshi Hall.

Ice Phoenix?
But I don't know if this ice phoenix that seems to have something wrong has something to do with the ice phoenix that smuggled into the spirit world together when Han Li finally became a cultivator of transforming spirits?
Or is this ice phoenix the same ice phoenix?

What is so special about the blood of the ice phoenix?
In the original plot, Dao Yichang, who lost a leg and an arm, not only returned to a normal person, but also became an existence capable of carrying demons when the ice phoenix did not hesitate to consume its own blood.

Also, after the death of Bingfeng, she was really reborn from Nirvana and defeated the two great monsters.

This ice phoenix is ​​deeply attracted to Su Yi, whether it is intuition or existing facts, it tells him that this is the biggest opportunity he faces right now, and he must not miss it!
Just when Su Yi was about to bring Ning Caichen and others into the Shocking Hall, he suddenly heard an inhuman scream coming from the depths of the courtyard.

The cry shook the whole world, even Su Yi couldn't help his blood surging slightly when he heard it, and he had the urge to cover his ears.

Ning Caichen and the others didn't have Su Yi's stamina, and each covered their ears with pained faces.

The mortals farther away also had the same expression, but it may be because of the distance, their performance is limited to this.

The screeching sound came and went quickly, and disappeared so quickly that everyone hadn't realized what happened.

That ice phoenix?

Su Yi, who had seen Feng Biao's memory, quickly realized that this was the sound made by the ice phoenix.

Only when it is strongly stimulated can the ice phoenix make such a sound and restore its shape!

not good!

Su Yi's complexion changed suddenly, and he took a step forward without even thinking about it, and teleported instantly.

Ning Caichen and the others felt a blur before Su Yi's figure disappeared, and the three of them looked at each other.

"Follow up with the young master, I'm afraid there will be changes!" Nie Xiaoqian was also the second to react at this time, her face changed and she said hurriedly.

Fu Xiaozhuo and Ning Caichen just woke up from a dream. The former also took out his magic weapon and flew in, but the latter had no magic weapon, so he had to shout "Wait for me" and ran in.

From Feng Biao's memory, Su Yi had already known where the Immortal Girl was being held. He teleported twice in a row and arrived at this semi-natural underground grotto.

Cold, damp, bleak.

The iron gate was open, and the rough stone walls on all sides were full of scratches, which seemed to be caused by sharp objects.

But this dungeon is empty, there is nothing.

Su Yi looked around with a sullen face, and there were still remnants of spiritual energy fluctuating violently in the air, as well as two faint breaths.

Obviously, he was eaten by people.

Su Yi couldn't help but squinted his eyes and smiled.

"Interesting," he said.

Nie Xiaoqian and Fu Xiaozhuo arrived one after another.


They looked dignified, looking at the environment in the dungeon.

They are smart people, and they quickly guessed the truth of the matter.

"My lord, the so-called immortal girl... Could it be that she escaped or was snatched away?"

"An outsider has been here." Fu Xiaozhuo picked up a piece of broken metal debris from the ground, "This thing seems to have been frozen, and it is still cold."

"Master!" Ning Caichen also ran in, looking at everyone in surprise, "What happened?"

"Young master, someone snatched the Immortal Girl while we were confronting people from Jingshitang outside." Nie Xiaoqian said.

Ning Caichen frowned: "The snipe and the clam fight for the fisherman's profit, but Master, why did we get this immortal girl? In fact, we came to avenge Big Brother Sun. Now that we know the culprit is the Hammer Gang." Sect leader, why don't we go directly to him? This immortal girl will be lost as soon as she is lost, and it has nothing to do with us anyway."

"Didn't you call yourself chivalrous just now?" Su Yi raised his eyebrows and looked at him, "Why do you want to be alone now?"

Ning Caichen froze, and pointed at the scratches on the surrounding stone walls with a sly smile: "I'm afraid this immortal girl is not a kind person, does she need us to save her?"

"My lord, I will definitely need it!" Fu Xiaozhuo said firmly, "My lord, what should we do next?"

Su Yi said lightly: "I don't have the habit of swallowing my anger when someone robs me of something. If they dare to snatch food, they must be prepared to bear my revenge!"

"But we don't even know who the other party is." Nie Xiaoqian frowned slightly.

"Who says I don't know?" Su Yi chuckled, turned his eyes, looked at Ning Caichen and said, "Caichen, you stay here to deal with the aftermath. The amazing hall has been standing for so many years and has collected a lot of wealth. Instead of letting them If it falls into the hands of corrupt officials, it is better for you to think of a more suitable place for them."

Ning Caichen was startled, and hurriedly said: "Yes, Master."

"Also, find their inherited medical books." Su Yi thought for a while and added.

Guo Yancheng himself is a mortal, so Su Yi naturally wouldn't expect anything in his medical skills to help him practice.But Su Yi can be regarded as half a person in the apricot forest. He is still very interested in Guo Yancheng's medical achievements, and it is good to pass the time as "extracurricular reading materials" in his spare time.

"Yes!" Ning Caichen hastily bowed his hands in response, but when he looked up, he saw that Su Yi had gone out with Fu Xiaozhuo and Nie Xiaoqian, he was slightly silent, with a look of sadness in his eyes.

Su Yi, who came out of the dungeon door, was about to take out the Mo Yushuo and fly away, but Nie Xiaoqian suddenly said: "My lord, I'm afraid there is a lot of wealth in this astonishing hall. You don't have a storage bag, so it's inconvenient to load and transport it."

"That's right." Su Yi thought for a while that he had really overlooked this point, so he patted his waist, took out an empty storage bag, took a deep look at Nie Xiaoqian, and said with a smile: "Go and send it to him, Go to the south of the city market to meet us later."

Nie Xiaoqian seemed to have seen through all the thoughts of Su Yi, couldn't help her heart pounding, and said in an unnatural hurry: "I... I will come soon, young master!"

Su Yi nodded, stepping on the ink jade shuttle to make a formula and soaring into the sky.

When Fu Xiaozhuo and Nie Xiaoqian passed by, he said coldly: "I want you to be troublesome..."

Nie Xiaoqian bit her lips and did not speak, but turned around in silence and returned to the dungeon.

"Miss Xiaoqian!" Ning Caichen was still standing there in a daze, and when he saw Nie Xiaoqian going and returning, he hurriedly cupped his fists and cast a questioning look.

"My lord asked me to send you a storage bag, where Jingshitang's important belongings can be stored." Nie Xiaoqian handed the storage bag to Ning Caichen.

"Thank you, Miss Xiaoqian!" Ning Caichen bowed respectfully and took it.

Nie Xiaoqian looked at him and said softly: "My young master, you shouldn't doubt your master. You also shouldn't think that the master must be selfless and have no desires."

Ning Caichen sighed, and said with a wry smile: "I regret it now too. At first I just imagined that these people imprisoned a somewhat special little girl and mutilated her in an attempt to live forever. When I wanted to get involved, I felt that Master should not be the same kind of person as them..."

"What kind of person?" Nie Xiaoqian frowned slightly, "Young master, in the world of practice, you can't become a fairy by meditating behind closed doors. The road lies in the word 'struggle', if you don't fight, there will be no hope of building a foundation for the rest of your life, and we will only live a few decades longer than ordinary people, are you willing to follow this path of cultivation?"

Ning Caichen said: "I know, and I also know that I misunderstood Master. As a man, how could he have no bottom line and use any means? In fact, I was too pedantic in thinking, and I didn't know how to speak, so I offended Master is not happy... Alas!"

Seeing Ning Caichen's dejected look, Nie Xiaoqian's eyes showed a look of relief: "It seems that I am worrying too much, the young master can figure out these things by himself, and there is no need for me to enlighten him."

Ning Caichen was silent for a long time before cupping his hands and saluting, his tone was much colder: "Thank you, Miss Xiaoqian, for enlightening me, a poor student, for Master, thank you."

Nie Xiaoqian suddenly said: "Young master, in fact, I have always wanted to find an opportunity to say this to you—I know can see your thoughts about me, and I have always wanted to find a chance to talk to you." Let me be clear, Xiaoqian's life belongs to you, and everything belongs to you, you are a high-achieving student, your future is limitless, why should you feel depressed about something that is absolutely impossible?"

Ning Caichen's face turned red and he smiled bitterly: "Am I... so obvious?"

"Young master is a person who knows etiquette, I admire it very much." Nie Xiaoqian said again, "It's just that young master should not restrain himself, but should let go, how can you not see things that I can see? "

Of course the master can see that, he even matched you and me... Ning Caichen felt bitter.

He took a deep breath and looked at Nie Xiaoqian and said, "Don't worry, Miss Xiaoqian, I will definitely feel relieved."

Nie Xiaoqian nodded and said: "I am most afraid that because of me, you and your master and apprentice will be separated, and then I will die forever. Moreover, practitioners are most afraid that their hearts will become demons. If this happens for a long time, it will be a disaster for you, not a blessing." , this time, young master, you questioned the young master, which made me very worried, so I boldly stood up and said these words, if there is any offense, young master, please forgive me."

"There is nothing to offend." Ning Caichen said solemnly, "Miss Xiaoqian, you are Master's maid, and you can also be regarded as my Ning Caichen's elder. I only have respect for you, and I have absolutely no intention of discriminating between you. Now and in the future, There will never be any more!"

Nie Xiaoqian smiled, and said playfully: "I will treat you as a junior too, young master! I'm relieved if you think so, and I'm going to meet up with you, see you later, young master!"

After finishing speaking, Nie Xiaoqian waved her hand and drifted away.

Ning Caichen hurriedly handed him off, and after Nie Xiaoqian left, he straightened up and laughed at himself: "Are you embarrassing, Ning Caichen? I told you to stop thinking about it. Now that someone sees it, is it embarrassing?" , Throw me to death..."

He shook his head and sighed, looking very melancholy.

On the other side, Su Yi and Fu Xiaozhuo were flying quickly in mid-air. The houses in the city below were like boxes and people were flowing like ants. No one noticed the two astonishing stars passing by like meteors above them.

Fu Xiaozhuo didn't ask Su Yi how to locate the person who kidnapped the undead girl, but he summoned up his courage and said on the way: "My lord, sister Xiaoqian's loyalty to you can be learned from the world. As early as the day when we were rescued by you, our sisters Then I swear to the sky, in this life..."

"Are you afraid that I will misunderstand Xiaoqian and Caichen?" Su Yi couldn't help interrupting him and said with a smile, "Don't worry, I don't think so, I know she saw that I was unhappy just now, so she wanted to do something. "

Fu Xiaozhuo was stunned, and said sincerely: "Young master's heart is as clear as a mirror, it is my blessing and Xiaoqian's."

"Stop flattering me." Su Yi said, "I'll be in charge of the fight later, and you'll be in charge of the aftermath. Now, you hold these forbidden talismans, and if I knock down one, you ban one, and don't worry about the rest!"

Fu Xiaozhuo's heart trembled: "Yes! Young Master, are there many people on the other side?"

"Do you still remember those people I pointed out to you the day we first entered the city?" Su Yi asked.

"They snatched the immortal girl?" Fu Xiaozhuo was taken aback, "How do you know it's them, my lord? Did you see it?"

"That's not true." Su Yi said lightly, "But in this city, they are the only ones who can steal people from under my nose. If I don't look for them, who will I look for?"


Su Yi changed the subject, suddenly pointed at the bustling market below, and swooped down!

Before he landed, he slapped the storage bag on his waist, and suddenly a stone gun appeared in his hand.

This stone gun is a low-level magic weapon found in the storage bag of the captured old monster Mu. There are seven or eight pieces of magic weapons like this in the storage bag of the old monster Mu, such as knives, swords, sticks, seals, etc. Wait, all kinds, several styles.

Su Yi has always been short of a handy, high-quality magic weapon or magic weapon. In the previous few battles, the magic weapon he got was often destroyed before it was warmed up, which made him very depressed.

But there is no rush, it depends on the opportunity.

(End of this chapter)

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