Wuyinmen is one of the loose cultivator organizations in the Yue Kingdom. Since the former leader Huang Zhenren died of fighting skills, this weak organization has lost their only foundation-building monk.

The future of casual cultivators can be described as despair.The only key to advance to the realm, the Foundation Establishment Pill, is controlled by various sects, and most of the casual cultivators have no hope of further progress until they reach the thirteenth level of the Qi training period in this life.Only a very small number of lucky ones can obtain Foundation Establishment Pill through some special means, or use some weird methods to break down the barriers and officially set foot on the road of cultivating immortals.

The future is hopeless, and the living conditions of casual cultivators are also very worrying.It is normal to be discriminated against and bullied by disciples of major sects or some cultivating families, and it is commonplace to be beaten and killed at will.Especially in recent decades, the inexplicable disappearances of casual cultivators have frequently occurred in the Yue Kingdom. The seven major sects are superior and indifferent to this.

But what makes this casual cultivator organization different from other organizations is that they are a group of like-minded people who like to fight against injustice, fight against injustice, do not bully ordinary people, do not seek pleasure, and have no villains.

And they are also different from other casual cultivators who live in seclusion in the mountains and rivers. They live in seclusion in the market, hiding their cultivation, making themselves look like ordinary people.

That is to say, Su Yi's Sheqing Soul is very sensitive to the aura fluctuations in people, otherwise he really wouldn't be able to see through the disguise of these Wuyinmen.

The methods of restraining breath, camouflage, and disguise of Wuyinmen all come from the elder brother of Wuyinmen—Mr. Qian Huan, a monk on the thirteenth floor of Qi Refining.This person's illusion was inherited from the ancient Dongfu, which is quite unique.Wuyinmen was able to hide and is still safe and sound, his merits are extremely high.

He is also the one with the most powerful magic power in the Wuyin Gate. After the death of the previous head, he carried the banner of the Wuyin Gate and connected the broken pillars of the Wuyin Gate.

The cave of Wuyinmen is located in an underground natural karst cave on a mountain in the west of Guanggui City.Every day during the day, the disciples of the sect went to the market to set up their own livelihoods and blend into the market.

They do this not for money, but as a survival strategy and attitude.

Their stalls are scattered in various traffic arteries in the city, and any disturbance in the city cannot be hidden from their eyes and ears.

They merged into the market because they found that when the aura was thin, instead of cultivating behind closed doors, it would be better to practice while cultivating in the world of mortals, which would actually make their cultivation progress faster.

What's more, occasionally in the market, they will hear some useful news for them, which will often bring them unexpected gains.

For example, Zhuge Qingyun immediately knew about Hehetu's trouble with Jingshitang this time, and responded.

Zhuge Qingyun is not very old, but he is a figure like a "brain-tank military adviser" in the Wuyin sect. His rank in the sect is only lower than that of Mr. Qian Huan, and he is respected as "Second Senior Brother" by the rest of the sect.

It was he who used the illusion technique and the Wuyinmen's Wuyin Escape method to snatch the undead girl Bingfeng from under Su Yi's nose.

Unlike other disciples, Mr. Qian Huan usually sits in the cave of Wuyinmen and meditates, and will not go out of the mountain unless there is a big event.

He is also in charge of the central token of the Wuyin Gate's "Mountain Protection Formation", and he can grasp any troubles in the formation at the first time, so when Zhuge Qingyun returned to the cave with the undead girl on his back, he opened it immediately. eyes.

"Second's access token? Isn't he monitoring Jingshitang? Why did he come back suddenly?" Mr. Qian Huan frowned and muttered to himself, got up in doubt, and walked out the door.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he went out, he saw Zhuge Qingyun standing in front of him with a serious expression on his back, carrying the undead girl on his back.

Mr. Qian Huan was stunned, looking at the girl lying obediently on Zhuge Qingyun's back.

This girl was small and cute, her clear eyes were full of curiosity, and she was looking at him fearlessly.

Mr. Qian Huan's face changed instantly, his pupils suddenly shrank: "She is..."

He looked at Zhuge Qingyun, who nodded seriously.

"It's not that I'm not in a hurry...why?" Mr. Qian Huan asked hurriedly.

"It happened suddenly, and I had no other choice!" Zhuge Qingyun said in a deep voice, "I'll settle her down first, and then we can talk."

Mr. Qian Huan held back his doubts and anxiety and nodded, turned around and went back to the room, immediately patted the storage bag on his waist, took out a few formation flags, and began to arrange them in the room.

On the other side, Zhuge Qingyun took the undead girl to his room, found some dry food and water for her, then bent down and laughed softly: "Little girl, you can eat something here, I will come to play with you later .”

"Is there any meat?" The girl asked expectantly.

Zhuge Qingyun hesitated, and said: "Not yet, but I can buy it for you."

"That's great, I haven't eaten meat for a long time." The girl laughed happily.

Zhuge Qingyun smiled: "You can't run around, for your safety, I have to lock the door first..."

"Go, go, don't you all do this?" The girl waved her hand impatiently, took a bite of dry food and chewed carefully.

Zhuge Qingyun was stunned for a moment, and was about to turn around and go out. As soon as he got to the door, he couldn't help turning around and asking, "Why don't you ask me why I brought you here?"

"Don't ask, I have nowhere to go anyway, anywhere." The girl shook her head, mumbled with food in her mouth.

"Then you are not afraid that I will harm you?" Zhuge Qingyun asked again, "You just come with me so honestly, without doubting it?"

The girl looked at his face: "You have been peeking at me for a long time, you must secretly like me, right?"

Zhuge Qingyun was stunned for a longer time before nodding: "Yes!"

The girl slapped her thigh and laughed loudly: "Haha, let me just say it? I guessed it right!"

Seeing the girl's happy look, Zhuge Qingyun's eyes flashed strangely, and he turned and went out the door. The sound of the door being bolted and locked was heard outside the door, but the girl didn't take it seriously at all, and began to eat dry food happily.

Zhuge Qingyun soon came to Mr. Qian Huan's room, and the latter said: "I have already set up the sound insulation array, so you can speak up if you have anything to say."

Zhuge Qingyun shook his head: "No..."

Suddenly he made several gestures.

This is for secret communication inside the Wuyinmen. Zhuge Qingyun, who is good at Qimen Dunjia Formation, specially invented a sign language communication method based on the combination of heavenly stems and earthly branches. It is very mysterious, and the possibility of outsiders cracking it is almost zero, which is very suitable for secret communication on specific occasions.

The gesture he made meant: "The immortal girl has very good ears, I wonder if there is a special way to break through the formation to listen."

Looking at the astonished Mr. Qian Huan, he nodded seriously, indicating that he was not joking.

Mr. Qian Huan nodded, and started gesturing: "Didn't you say that you won't bring her back and have no contact with her? Why did you act suddenly? After the death of Master Huang, those monsters have never let go of investigating us and the undead girl. The whereabouts of her, I have not found out whether there is any problem within us, and it will be very dangerous to bring her back rashly!"

Zhuge Qingyun showed helplessness: "I also had no choice but to do it. Hehetu made a sudden move to destroy Jingshitang. I saw that the leader used the soul-detaining method to arrest the soul of Guo Yancheng's senior disciple Fengbiao, so I knew that the immortal girl The matter was exposed, and in desperation, I had no choice but to snatch the person away first."

Mr. Qian Huan showed a look of shock, and hurriedly continued to gesture quickly: "He He Tu? Could it be that they really came after the undead girl?"

"It should be just a coincidence." Zhuge Qingyun gestured and briefly introduced Feng Biao's situation, "I have been monitoring their situation for a month, so I know their affairs very well. I know that Feng Biao is resentful and unwilling He just died like this, but I thought he wouldn't be able to make any waves, but I didn't expect him to cause such a big trouble..."

"So, Hehetu just happened at the right time?" Mr. Qian Huan was still a little suspicious, "This group of people has a mysterious origin, and the person at the head is even more evil. Although they have been cultivating behind closed doors for so long, apart from sending people to After killing the master of the five-color gate and contacting the master of the city, there has been no action. We have basically confirmed that they are not with the group of monsters, but I still think they are hidden dangers. That's why I decided to find the undead girl , we will immediately abandon Guanggui City and find another way to survive."

"The evil spirit on that man's body has been basically concealed, and he should have cultivated a very clever method of restraining breath." Zhuge Qingyun gestured, "However, with the method of breaking obstacles taught by you, boss, the evil spirit on his body still cannot be hidden from me. It should be just a coincidence that their involvement is pure. The evil spirit on that person is very pure, not the dirty blood evil spirit on those monsters. We have already identified this point, and therefore concluded that the two parties should not be a group son."

"Anyway, you have robbed the immortal girl, and our troubles are coming!" Mr. Qian Huan said solemnly, "The only ones I can completely trust now are you, the third sister, the sixth child and the seventh child. There is no way to prove it. So only the five of us know about the immortal girl!"

"I'm afraid not!" Zhuge Qingyun shook his head, "Everyone in the city knows about Hehetu's commotion. I don't think we can hide it from them."

Mr. Qian Huan frowned: "Then we can't stay in this place anymore, we have to take the immortal girl and move quickly."

He looked at Zhuge Qingyun: "Let's split up. One will take the undead girl away, and the other will contact other people. First, we will deceive the enemy, and second, we will use this opportunity to find the traitor! Second child, you are smart enough to deceive the demon to find someone else." The matter of the traitor must be handed over to you!"

Zhuge Qingyun smiled wryly: "I would like to, but is it so easy to build the trust of the Immortal Girl? You also know that she is special, she cannot faint or be stimulated, otherwise..."

Mr. Qian Huan frowned again.

"She said just now that she likes me, that's why she honestly let me carry it, otherwise you thought it would be so smooth?" Zhuge Qingyun looked at Mr. Qian Huan, "Actually, it's risky for me to contact her rashly, but we are very happy. Luckily, she didn't reject me, boss, if it were you...are you sure?"

Mr. Qian Huan looked deeply at Zhuge Qingyun: "Second brother, what does the immortal girl mean to us at Wuyinmen, don't I need to say more? We have stayed in Guanggui City for so many years just to find her. Lost and recovered!"

"Boss, don't worry, I will never let the Immortal Girl suffer!" Zhuge Qingyun looked solemn.

Mr. Qian Huan nodded and patted him on the shoulder: "Of course I believe in you, you are the smartest among us. The second child, the immortal girl can be reborn continuously, so she can help each of us. We brothers and sisters who share the same interests and share the same interests. It’s a friendship of living and dying together, the road to practice is difficult, and we need to support each other to go further in the future, and you should understand better than me the truth that a single tree cannot grow into a forest.”

"Boss, you don't believe me, are you afraid that I will leave you with the immortal girl?" Zhuge Qingyun looked at Mr. Qian Huan.

Mr. Qian Huan shook his head: "If I don't believe you, I wouldn't say that. It's just that you sometimes think too much, my second child, which will affect your decision. For example, this time, the immortal girl is actually the one who was merged with the picture. It’s not necessarily a bad thing if you have to go, you don’t have to take the risk of robbing people at all. Although we can’t see through the depths of Hehetu’s people, the Wuyinmen is not easy to mess with, and we can use them to help us attract the firepower of monsters... Second child, If you care about it, it will be chaotic, this matter is too reckless, which makes us so passive now..."

Zhuge Qingyun was stunned for a while, and then hastily made a gesture: "I did not think carefully, maybe I have been too vigilant about the people in Hehetu, and I think they are very harmful."

Mr. Qian Huan looked at him: "Don't talk about this, second child, you take the immortal girl to Jiayuan City first, and you wait for us to meet in Jiayuan City, remember, be careful! If a month later you If you can't wait for us...then you can hide your name with the undead girl and fly far away!"

"It won't happen." Zhuge Qingyun said with a serious face, "Boss, I believe everyone can get through this calamity safely!"

"I hope so!"

Mr. Qian Huan and Zhuge Qingyun soon parted ways in front of the cave. The latter looked at the back of the boss leaving, his smile gradually subsided, and a glint of haze flashed in his eyes.

"Hey, do you want to take me to eat meat?" The girl on the back asked enthusiastically, "I was not full just now."

"Yes, but you have to go far away to eat, the meat tastes better there." Zhuge Qingyun said softly.

"Let's go then, I'm starving!" The girl couldn't wait any longer, "If it's any later, the coldness will come!"

"Who? What's cold?" Zhuge Qingyun was startled.

"Leng Bingbing, you ran away when you saw him before, didn't you know him?" the girl said with a smile, "He has already arrested the four people who talked to you—ah, it was your boss who passed by just now, right? He also fought with others."

"Can you see?" Zhuge Qingyun's complexion changed drastically.

"I can hear." The girl said, "My ears are fine."

With a sullen face, Zhuge Qingyun suddenly sacrificed a flying boat, made a trick in his hand to make it zoom in quickly, then jumped on it, directing it to fly out of the city into a frightened bird.

"Fly! Fly!" The girl happily clapped her hands.

"Little girl, can you hear how they played? Who won?" Zhuge Qingyun asked.

"Ping-pong-pong is not over yet." The girl said with a smile, "But your boss will definitely not be able to beat him. In this city, Leng Bingbing is the only person I fear."

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