Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1630 Fierce Battle

Chapter 1630 Fierce Battle

The conversation is divided into two parts, Mr. Qian Huan, the boss of the Wuyin Sect, and Zhuge Qingyun, the second child, are conspiring to transfer the immortal girl to Jiayuan City, while Su Yi here is taking action against other members of the Wuyin Sect.

Under the soul of Sheqing's keen sensitivity to aura, these Wuyinmen, who are difficult to see through their disguise even as a Foundation Establishment cultivator, are as bright as fireflies in the dark night.

His first target was a short and thin man with a calligraphy and painting stand. He swooped down with a stone spear in his hand. The short and thin man was enjoying a painting he had just written when he suddenly felt something was wrong and raised his head. , Su Yi has arrived at him like a flash of lightning!
The short and thin man didn't even have time to take out the writing pen in his hand, and hastily sprayed a mouthful of blood on it for blessing, only then did he block Su Yi's blow.

But this gun was powerful and heavy, and its power was far beyond what the short and thin man had imagined.It was just a moment of insignificant stagnation, and the pen exploded with a bang. The short and thin man reacted very quickly, and took advantage of this small gap to activate a certain talisman, which appeared a hundred meters away in an instant.

He spat out a mouthful of blood in a "wow", his complexion turned pale instantly, and the expression on his face was both frightened and painful.

"My Feihong pen!" He yelled in heartache, staring at Su Yi who missed a hit in shock and anger, the magic talisman in his hand flickered, as if it would be activated in the next second.

But Su Yi took a step forward and immediately appeared in front of him. In his astonished eyes, he stabbed fiercely in his chest!

Ling Lie's evil spirit rushed towards his face, making the short and thin man's qi, blood and spiritual energy seem to be stagnant. He reluctantly patted the storage bag on his waist, and suddenly a yellow and broken tortoise shell appeared in front of him, and the tortoise shell actually blocked Su. B is a powerful and heavy shot!
A crack soon appeared on the tortoise shell, and its luster dimmed.The short and thin man hesitated slightly, as if he wanted to activate the talisman to transfer away immediately, but suddenly he gritted his teeth and grabbed the dull tortoise shell.

His greed hurt him, and in the next second a palm was rapidly enlarged in front of his eyes, and it slapped hard on his chest!

The evil spirit like a mountain roar and a tsunami poured into his body, and the short and thin man froze all over, and even exhaled white cold air from his mouth as he breathed, and he couldn't move his body for a while.

Su Yi brandished a stone spear to pierce his clothes, and threw his body back casually.

Fu Xiaozhuo, who had just fallen from the sky until this time, just appeared at the place where the short and thin man fell, and with a finger, a forbidden talisman suddenly ignited and sank into the short and thin man's body without wind, and he immediately lost consciousness and passed out.

"Pangolin!" A terrified roar came with the howling wind, Su Yi blocked it with his backhand, and only heard a bang, and the stone spear head in his hand exploded, leaving only a bare stick in his hand.

Broke another magic weapon...

The corners of Su Yi's eyes twitched, feeling more and more upset, and then he looked at the tall man who was wielding a hammer.

It was this person who launched a surprise attack from behind Su Yi just now, and the weapon he used was an ugly big hammer.

Seeing the hammer, Su Yi's eyes lit up immediately.

The hammer that Old Monster Mu lent him before made Su Yi very handy, and he became very interested in this heavy and violent weapon.

"You broke my magic weapon, so take this hammer to pay for it!" Su Yi pointed the wooden stick in his hand at the tall man, grinned, and with a flash of his figure, he was in front of the tall man in the next second!

In fact, Su Yi's fighting style, which is always close to the body, is completely different from the monks in this world, and they are not used to it.Practitioners in this world generally protect themselves when fighting, such as body protection charms, body protection magic tools, body protection spells, etc., and then control magic weapons, magic charms, etc. at a certain distance.

In this world, monks will not bother to study moves and fighting skills at all, because under the characteristics of monks' keen spiritual sense and many magic tools that can automatically track the enemy, moves are basically useless. Once you are enveloped, it's like retracting yourself into a strong turtle shell. No matter how you attack, you can't hit its body through the protective means.

In such a situation, what is the use of moves?What's the use of getting close?Are two turtle shells colliding?

But Su Yi's situation is too special. He is a physical trainer and possesses peerless martial arts. He is best at close-to-body fighting, and he is best at various moves and skills.

It is impossible for him to abandon the fighting style he is best at, and instead adapt to the fighting style of this world, covering himself with a protective shield from a long distance, and then using weapons and spells to hit you and me.

Therefore, when he fights, he must be close to the opponent to give full play to his greatest advantage, which is also his greatest shortcoming.

If there is a monk who deliberately pulls a long distance from Su Yi and attacks Su Yi from a long distance to prevent Su Yi from approaching, then Su Yi will be very passive.

Of course, no one has been able to crack Su Yi's [-]-meter teleportation so far, and his shortcoming has never been revealed because of this.

The tall and burly man stood there like a big black bear standing upright.He was horrified by the fact that Su Yi was holding his hammer head-on, because the innate divine power he was most proud of, coupled with his own mana and the blessing of high-grade magic weapons, actually just broke the opponent's seemingly It is a very rough low-level magic weapon.

The master of Wuyinmen of the previous generation once commented on his strength, saying that even if the cultivator of Foundation Establishment was to fight head-on, he would have to show eight points of his cultivation.But the relaxed look of the person in front of him, who was neither blushing nor panting, made him doubt the authenticity of these words for the first time.

Usually, the biggest shortcoming of a tall and tall person with natural power is bulkiness, and this tall man is no exception.

The monk's instinct allowed him to bless himself with a set of "thick soil armor" from the very beginning. In previous battles, even if the opponent broke through his protection, he could often rely on his skin and flesh to protect himself. Thick and hard to resist a blow, and then quickly launch a counterattack.

It's a pity that the opponent he faces this time is Su Yi, and the natural supernatural power he is proud of is actually his own weapon in Su Yi's eyes.

Su Yi first shattered his thick earth armor with a punch, and his fist landed firmly on the tall man.The turbulent evil spirit poured into the tall body with Su Yi's fist.This evil spirit has the effect of freezing qi and blood, but it is not released intentionally by Su Yi, but is an instinct. Unless Su Yi intends to control his own evil spirit, his attack must have the evil spirit attribute.

If any other monk had received such a solid punch from Su Yi, he would have been unable to move by now.But the tall man roared angrily and immediately launched a counterattack. While controlling the hammer to hit Su Yi on the head, he waved his spiritual power-encapsulated fist and punched Su Yi head-on.

What is the end of waving your fists in front of a martial arts master?
Not only did the punch of the big tall man fail to hit Su Yi, but he added a greater force, and his backhand landed firmly on his stomach.

This is just the most common trick in the Great Teleportation of the Universe, and there are many people who can crack this trick in the world of mortal martial arts.Although this tall man is a monk and an "immortal teacher", where has he seen such exquisite and advanced methods?
He didn't realize what happened until the other person flew out backwards while spitting blood.

The tall man was knocked into the air, and the big hammer lost control and fell down, easily held by Su Yi.

Immediately, there was a sense of fierce resistance and struggle from its body, and Su Yi was caught off guard and almost let go.

Instead of being surprised, he was overjoyed. He knew that it was because the other party had refined this high-grade magic weapon. It was a self-resistance caused by an outsider holding this magic weapon. Once he let go of it just now, the magic weapon would immediately fly back to his original owner. hands.

In fact, after refining all the magic tools with their own spiritual power, their power and handiness will be greater than before refining.Ordinary monks will refine magic weapons when they get them, but Su Yi is a different kind. The magic weapons he got and used before have not been refined.

It's not that he disdains it, or that he's lazy, but because in terms of real cultivation, his level is still only the first level of Qi training.

For a rookie at the first level of Qi training, it would take three months to refine even the lowest level of low-level magic weapon; if it is a high-grade magic weapon like this big hammer, it may not be enough for a year, Su Yi There's no need to waste time on such things.

Refined magical weapons are different from ordinary weapons, they can be used as soon as they are in hand, and all the mana refined by their original owner needs to be erased before they can be used.Otherwise, once you sacrifice the magic weapon, the original owner can take back his magic weapon with a single stroke of the formula.

Naturally, Su Yi would not make such a low-level mistake. He immediately took out a piece of magic talisman and pasted it on it as soon as he grabbed the big hammer. After the aura was cut off, the big hammer temporarily lost contact with its original owner. Immediately becoming "docile", Su Yi flipped his palm over and put it into the storage bag.

After finishing this, he struck out a flying sword with a backhand, but not far away, a one-eyed dragon wearing a blindfold commanded the flying sword to shoot at Su Yi again, and his whole body was shrouded in blue light. In the middle, he manipulated the flying sword with one hand, and shot out streaks of magic power with the other hand, sinking into a black stone floating in front of him.

The aura of the black stone gradually became stronger, emitting an aura that even made Su Yi feel palpitations.

Su Yi's face became serious, and he was about to take a step to interrupt his "big move", but at this moment, with a thought in his mind, he temporarily changed direction and appeared behind Fu Xiaozhuo.

Fu Xiaozhuo was using the forbidden talisman to seal the tall man. Although the latter was seriously injured, he still had the ability to resist. A light yellow armor appeared on his body. While vomiting blood, he commanded a flying sword to fight Fu Xiaozhuo.

If he hadn't been injured, Fu Xiaozhuo really wasn't his opponent, but now, under Fu Xiaozhuo's pressing step by step, he couldn't see it.

Just when Fu Xiaozhuo was about to break through the big tall man's defense, a three-strand steel claw flew out of nowhere and went straight to Fu Xiaozhuo's back!
Fu Xiaozhuo sensed the danger and his face changed, and when he was about to give up attacking the big tall man, Su Yi arrived, knocked the long stick in his hand backhand, and sent the steel claws flying back. Seeing the flying steel claws, the woman snorted coldly and made a seal with her hands, and immediately stabilized it in mid-air.

She glanced at Su Yi coldly, raised her hands forward, and the two three-strand steel claws instantly turned into two shocking waves and flew towards Su Yi.

At the same time, the one-eyed dragon over there also manipulated the flying sword to stab Su Yi, and Su Yi was immediately attacked.

Fu Xiaozhuo didn't get distracted, quickly broke through the big tall man's defense, sealed him with a forbidden talisman, and then turned around to assist Su Yi in the fight, but she saw a scene that made her heart tremble!
She saw Su Yi waving a stone stick in one hand to wrestle with the three magic weapons, and waving his fist in the other hand as it landed on the protective shield of the Cyclops like a torrential rain, beating it to pieces very quickly, and iron fists rained down on it. , the latter vomited blood in horror and flew out backwards. The half-sacrificed black stone suddenly became dim and flew back into the storage bag at his waist.

Without hesitation, Fu Xiaozhuo quickly sacrificed the forbidden talisman and sealed the seriously injured one-eyed dragon.

Here, Su Yi resisted the attack of the ugly girl, and the latter stepped on the flying carpet and rose into the air, holding steel forks in both hands, glaring at Su Yi, gritted his teeth and asked, "Why do you do anything to us? We never I provoked you!"

Su Yi didn't answer, and he took a step forward with a smile, and appeared in front of this ugly girl in the next second.

The latter reacted very quickly, and the steel fork with both hands came out and went straight to Su Yi's chest. At the same time, he flew back and threw a rope at Su Yi.

But these attacks were all in vain, Su Yi launched another teleportation to the face of the ugly girl, and smashed it down with a stick!
The spiritual energy on his body exploded instantly, and the protective spell was broken by Su Yi's stick. Before he could react again, Su Yi pointed at his left shoulder first.

"Stop!" A loud shout came, and a man in golden armor held a long knife and shot at Su Yi with extreme speed.

While Su Yi blocked the blow casually, he pointed out that Rudian had sealed several acupoints on the ugly girl's body, and flicked her back.

This man in golden armor radiated intense golden light all over his body. He was no more than three feet tall, but he was extremely flexible. hands.

The man looked at Su Yi solemnly, and made another move without saying a word. He sacrificed a few formation flags, and while quickly chanting, he threw these formation flags out, and the formation flags turned into several streamers of light and flew separately. Looking in different directions, Su Yi only felt the changes in the foreground, and the next second he found himself in a strange place surrounded by deep trees and thick fog.


This is not the first time Su Yi has come into contact with the formations of this world, but it is the first time he has confronted the formations head-on.

Su Yi is now in control of Old Monster Mu's mountain protection formation, and the Wansen formation he used to deal with Yan Chixia is also here, but Su Yi only uses ready-made ones and knows nothing about its principles.

But Su Yi is well aware of the power of this magic formation formed by the mighty power of heaven and earth. Even a monk in the Qi training period can trap a senior in the foundation building period as long as he can control a set of powerful formations. Not daring to take it lightly, he slapped the storage bag, and a golden ball flew out immediately.

"Buddhist relic?" The man with disheveled hair couldn't help but exclaimed when he saw this.

(End of this chapter)

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