Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1631 Captive

Chapter 1631 Captive
The vajra relic in Su Yi's hand came from Yan Chixia. When Yan Chixia fought against the old monster Mu, Su Yi became the last oriole, and the relic that Yan Chixia used to break the formation fell into Su Yi's hands First, Yan Chixia's request was fruitless, and angrily nicknamed Su Yi "Su Xiaohai".

The vajra relic is a very special relic in the Buddhism of this world. Only the elders who serve as guardians of the vajra in Buddhism and have practiced special skills can cultivate it. Moreover, the condition for the condensation of the vajra relic must be at least a monk who has formed an alchemy.

That is to say, the vajra relic in Su Yi's hand is at least the inner alchemy of the alchemy cultivator, and it may even be the Nascent Soul.

How could such a precious treasure be in Yan Chixia's hands?
Su Yi has no way of knowing this, but he must have his own chance.Su Yi only knows that this thing is a prerequisite for the cultivation of the body training method Mingwang Jue, without the Vajra relic, one cannot practice Mingwang Jue.

Therefore, Su Yi made up his mind to get it as soon as he learned of its existence.This thing can not only break through the illusory, but also use relics to perform Buddhist magic, which can be regarded as Yan Chixia's trump card.This thing was snatched by Su Yi, one can imagine how upset Yan Chixia was.

If Su Yi didn't show him the grace to save his life, or if he was afraid of Su Yi's mind and strength, Yan Chixia would definitely snatch the relic back.

The man with disheveled hair is Mr. Qian Huan, the big brother of Wuyinmen. He is also well-informed, and he recognized the vajra relic in Su Yi's hand, and couldn't help but exclaim.

He looked at Su Yi's eyes again, and became more vigilant and murderous: "What's the relationship between you and the demon monk Cihang Pudu?"

Su Yi kept silent, holding the relic in one hand and the spirit stone in the other, only using his spiritual power to move the relic, making it shine golden and illuminate the world!
Wherever the golden light went, the sights of the towering trees disappeared one after another, revealing the original appearance of the market that had been beaten into a mess.

This is the delusion-breaking effect of this vajra relic. Of course, the effectiveness of this relic is also related to the limited power of the array arranged by Mr. Qian Huan.

The golden light broke the illusion, and Su Yi quickly locked the position of Mr. Qian Huan, who was holding a token, and looked at Su Yi in the formation with a changed expression.

"I found you." Su Yi grinned and stepped forward.

When Mr. Qian Huan hurriedly slapped the storage bag and sacrificed the flying sword, Su Yi was already standing in front of him and punched him!
This punch was like hitting steel. Although Mr. Qian Huan was knocked away, his protective technique was not damaged at all and did not hurt the opponent at all.

In the next second, the flying sword pierced Su Yi viciously in the air. Su Yi put away the vajra relic with one hand, and raised the stone stick crossbar with the other to strike. In front of Mr. Huan, he slapped down viciously with a stick!
Mr. Qian Huan was thrown out again.

Su Yi knocked away the flying sword that was following him, and once again started teleporting to catch up with Mr. Qian Huan, using his spiritual power to strike hard.

The overwhelmed stone stick finally couldn't bear Su Yi's rough usage and exploded completely, but Su Yi's stick finally defeated Mr. Qian Huan's protective technique.

Su Yi slapped his face without changing his face, and it was about to seal the victory. Unexpectedly, Mr. Qian Huan, who was showing a frightened expression, suddenly turned into a black smoke and exploded, making Su Yi's slap empty. , whose person has appeared hundreds of meters away.

Su Yi frowned, and was about to catch up and fight again.

"Stop!" Mr. Qian Huan shouted sharply.

But how could Su Yi listen to him?
Several teleported to the latter one after another, at the same time, he took out another knife from the storage bag, and chopped it down fiercely!

The blow was straightforward, the saber and Mr. Qian Huan's protective cover exploded at the same time, at the same time Su Yi shot like lightning, his palms turned into afterimages, and hit Mr. Qian Huan viciously on the chest and abdomen.A series of sounds of defeat sounded, and the latter spat out blood mixed with white air and ice balls and flew backwards with a painful "wow".

Fu Xiaozhuo, who had been waiting by the side for a long time, immediately made a formula to activate a forbidden talisman, sealing Mr. Qian Huan.

Su Yi looked around, but saw that the entire market was in ruins at the moment, and all mortals had fled away from the beginning.

This is also Su Yi's deliberate control of the scope of the spread, otherwise it is inevitable that innocent people will be hurt.

There was a faint sound of fighting from another street not far away. It seemed that Nie Xiaoqian was fighting with someone, accompanied by the roar of gunpowder explosion, it looked very fierce.

"Go and have a look." Su Yi ordered.

"Yes, my lord!" Fu Xiaozhuo took the order and left.

Su Yi strolled up to the five unconscious Wuyin sect members whose consciousness was blocked by the forbidden talisman, squatted down unceremoniously and began to search their storage bags.

Just as Su Yi finished collecting the spoils, Nie Xiaoqian and Fu Xiaozhuo arrived with an unconscious person.

"My lord!" Both of them saluted together.

"Young master, Xiaoqian is not good at learning, so she was run away by one." Nie Xiaoqian said in shame.

"That man's escapism is so good, my sister and I will definitely not be able to catch up, so I gave up and came back to my son for the time being." Fu Xiaozhuo explained.

"A fish that slipped through the net, just ran away, it doesn't matter." Su Yi narrowed his eyes slightly, looked left and right, paused on a building called "Sansheng Pavilion" not far away, pointed there and said : "Xiaoqian, take all these people there, and ask the owner there to make room for us to ask questions. Xiao Zhuo, the culprit who killed Brother Sun was the Hammer Gang, and the bid sealing was nothing more than It’s just a knife. They are hiding in the secret room under the Chenghuang Temple in Wudaoqu in the east of the city. Go and deal with them!"

"Yes, my lord!" The two girls bowed in response.

The reason why Su Yi knew where the remnants of the Hammer Gang were hiding was naturally because of Feng Biao's memory.Fu Xiaozhuo was sent to kill people because this woman was the most decisive and never discounted his orders.And Ning Caichen and Nie Xiaoqian often have their own ideas and personalities, and sometimes when the Madonna's heart breaks out, they will do things that make Su Yi speechless.

But this is not a bad thing. No one is a robot without self-awareness. It is normal to have their own emotions and demands. The key is how to guide and tolerate, so that everyone can seek common ground while reserving differences, and have the same goal.From a general point of view, Ning Caichen and Nie Xiaoqian's help to Su Yi is definitely more beneficial than harmful. There is no need to correct some small flaws, just let them exist.

It is no exaggeration to say that this battle turned Guanggui City upside down.

What Su Yi didn't know was that when he was fighting fiercely in the market, the new head of the Five Colors Sect was terrified, fearing that He He Tu would overthrow the old account, and ran away with his confidantes.

The city lord also had a headache, but he could only complain secretly, pretending to be an ostrich and not looking or listening.Su Yi moved to Sansheng Pavilion on the front foot, and immediately sent someone to clean up the mess on the market side.

On the Jingshitang side, Ning Caichen was also very effective in handling affairs. With him in charge, Jingshitang's accumulated property and medical records over the years also remained intact, and he seized them all.He put some important things directly into the storage bag, and asked those Tiqi who cooperated with the action to help them pull them into Hehetu with a carriage.

Dao Yichang had a big opinion on this, and asked Ning Caichen why he disregarded the law and took stolen goods privately.

Ning Caichen was thin-skinned and could not speak in embarrassment, but Dao Yichang was quickly scolded and threatened by his superior officer.Seeing Dao Yichang's boss bowing his head and apologizing to himself sincerely, Ning Caichen was not only not happy, but felt very uncomfortable.

Sansheng Pavilion is actually a brothel, and the reason why it is so named is actually to intercept the meaning of "fated fate and three lives".

A prostitution place insists on making a fateful relationship with its customers, and I don’t know whether it’s sarcasm or treating the customers as fools.

Nie Xiaoqian revealed her identity as Hehetu, which immediately changed the expression of the old bustard here. She tremblingly vacated the largest room here to Su Yi, and then took everyone in the brothel to the backyard, for fear of getting into trouble.

This is exactly what Su Yi wanted.

After he asked Nie Xiaoqian to seal the spiritual power of these people one by one, and then lifted the forbidden talisman, the six people woke up faintly, and after seeing the situation of themselves and their classmates, the expressions on their faces were very wonderful.

"Senior, I don't know where we have offended you. Even if we die, let us die to understand?" The strange and ugly woman was the most anxious, and asked Su Yi with staring eyes.

"Are you taught by Heisha?" Cyclops asked suspiciously.

This is already the second time they have mentioned the Heisha Cult.

"I was not taught by Heisha." Su Yi sat on a chair with Dama Jindao, while Nie Xiaoqian obediently offered tea, and then stood silently behind Su Yi.

This scene made everyone's eyelids twitch.

Nie Xiaoqian is at the twelfth level of Qi training, but now she is willing to stand behind Su Yi as a slave, and Su Yi's own level is only at the first level of Qi training in the eyes of outsiders, but even a fool knows that the first level of Qi training It is impossible for the monks to destroy the Wuyinmen in one fell swoop.

Moreover, Su Yi's unique and weird fighting style made them aware of Su Yi's uniqueness. Except for Mr. Qian Huan who vaguely associated the word "body repair", everyone else was confused about it.

"It's not the Heisha sect, how could there be Buddhist Vajra relics?" Mr. Qian Huan suddenly asked, staring into Su Yi's eyes, as if he wanted to use this to analyze the truth of Su Yi's words. "As far as I know, the Buddhist lineage of the entire Yue Kingdom is only the national teacher, and there is no other branch. Your Excellency holds the Buddhist vajra relic, it is hard to say..."

"Is there only one Yue country in the world?" Su Yi frowned slightly and interrupted him, "You are the leader of your group, right? What sect and sect you are from, what are your names, come here one by one! "

This remark made everyone in Wuyinmen very astonished. They looked at each other, and the ugly woman couldn't believe it: "You, you don't know us?"

"Should I know you?" Su Yi asked back.

"Then you're sick, you attacked us out of nowhere!" the strange and ugly woman exclaimed excitedly.

"It seems that the rest of you really don't know." Su Yi glanced across the blank and puzzled faces, and finally locked on the face of Mr. Qian Huan, "but you are so calm, you must know me. Why would you make a move?"

All eyes fell on Mr. Qian Huan's face.

The latter let out a long breath, looked at Su Yi solemnly and said, "Dare to ask your honor and name? Who is your family?"

"Hehetu, Su Yi." Su Yi said casually.

Mr. Qian Huan nodded: "Senior Su, Ming people don't talk dark words, I do know why you attacked us, but there is a reason for this matter, it is not what senior thinks..."

"No need to explain anything." Su Yi raised his eyebrows, "I don't care what your relationship with the immortal girl is, I'm not interested in these."

As soon as the word "immortal girl" came out, the expressions of the other people in the Wuyinmen changed.

Obviously, the rest of the people knew about it too.

"What I care about is that you snatched her away under my nose." Su Yi stretched out a finger and waved, "This is not okay, you have to send her back."

Everyone in the Wuyinmen had different expressions, and they stopped talking at the moment.

Su Yi tapped the armrest of the chair lightly, looked around the crowd with a smile, and finally his eyes fell on Mr. Qian Huan's face.

"You arrived in time, and you're an insider. If I'm right, the person who kidnapped the immortal woman should have split up with you. He's in charge of moving people out of the city, and you're in charge of notifying your companions to evacuate together. wrong?"

Mr. Qian Huan's face sank like water, and he remained silent.

"From this point of view, at least there is some affection between you." Su Yi continued on his own, not caring about his one-man show when no one responded, "It's easy to handle, the six of you, I can Let go of one and find the undead girl. For the remaining five, I will trouble you to go to the humble house as guests. If the undead girl comes back, I will exchange for five living people; if the undead girl does not come back, I will exchange for five dead people.”

"We don't know where the undead girl has gone!" Cyclops excitedly said, "We are only temporarily cooperating because of interests. You guessed wrong, there is no relationship between us! You want to use us to threaten the person who took away the undead girl , then you made a wrong calculation!"

"So you are useless?" Su Yi asked with a smile after listening.

"What I mean is, we suffered a complete disaster!" Cyclops further explained, "Yes, we know each other, but the person who took away the undead girl obviously tricked us too, we didn't even know he would do something like this today !"

Su Yi was noncommittal, looking at Mr. Qian Huan: "His words make sense, what about you? How do you explain it?"

"I... I was also deceived by him." Mr. Qian Huan smiled wryly, "Now that I think about it, I'm so stupid..."

Su Yi sighed: "So, I was thankless and caught six useless fools?"

This made everyone unable to answer, and the six of them exchanged glances secretly.

Su Yi said lightly: "Xiaoqian, there is a pool of lotus in the backyard. It seems that it is not blooming very well. I guess the owner here must be too lazy to fertilize."

A smile flashed in Nie Xiaoqian's eyes, but she cooperated tacitly with Su Yi: "If these six young masters are made into fertilizer, it must be quite good."

"Then how about that?" Su Yi chuckled, "Who made you and I love flowers?"

"Okay, senior, you won!" Mr. Qian Huan said helplessly, "I agree with your previous proposal, let go of one person, bring back the immortal girl, and replace the other five!"

(End of this chapter)

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