Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1632 Jia Yuan

"It's late." Su Yi said coldly, "Trust is a very fragile thing. From the first moment you planned to deceive me as a fool together, my weak trust in you all disappeared. .I don’t believe that you guys can take the initiative to send the undead girl back to me. I will let you know that starting tomorrow, I will kill one person a day until someone sends the undead girl back.”

After a pause, Su Yi sneered and said again: "So you better pray that your companion who kidnapped the undead girl cherishes your life, otherwise... Ha ha!"

Su Yi's words changed the faces of everyone present at Wuyinmen.

Mr. Qian Huan hurriedly said: "Senior Su, you captured us alive, we tried our best to get out of danger. This little trick is completely useless to you! Senior Su, we want to survive, and compared to getting an immortal girl, I believe you don't want to kill us either, our goals are actually the same."

Su Yi frowned, turned to look at Nie Xiaoqian: "Do you think what he said makes sense?"

"My lord, the more reasonable he says, the more it proves that this person is dishonest." Nie Xiaoqian smiled gently, "Even if you really want to let him go, you must never let him go."

"What you said makes more sense than him." Su Yi gave Nie Xiaoqian a thumbs up, turned his head and smiled, and said to Mr. Qian Huan: "Your eloquence is good, you convinced me. But in view of your previous dishonesty, I decided to Combine the two methods just now and make a compromise. I can release a person to help me bring back the immortal girl, but there is a time limit. Once the time limit is up, I will kill people. Do you think it is better to limit the time to a few days? "

"Three months!" Mr. Qian Huan said without thinking, "Give us three months, I promise..."

"You want to fart?" Su Yi frowned and interrupted him rudely.

"Pfft..." Nie Xiaoqian laughed behind her.

Seeing Su Yi looking over, she blushed slightly, coughed lightly and said, "Young Master, continue."

Su Yi turned around and said to him: "Seven days! This is the longest time limit I'll give you."

"Seven days is impossible!" Mr. Qian Huan hurriedly said, "Senior Su, I won't hide it from you until now, the immortal girl has already left the city, and I don't know where she went. There are no clues at all, it's all about luck..."

"Save this set of rhetoric to deceive ghosts." Su Yi sneered and pointed at him, "Last warning, next time you lie to me, don't let me see it, this time I will treat it as the last time you do it to survive Stupid little attempt, and next time, my captives will be down to five. Did you hear me?"

Looking at Su Yi's cold and heartless eyes, Mr. Qian Huan's Adam's apple subconsciously surged, his eyes changed and he nodded slowly: "Understood!"

"But seven days is really not enough." He continued, "One month, you give us one month, otherwise, even if you kill us all, there is nothing we can do."

Su Yi stared into his eyes for a while, and the latter was not afraid to look at him with a determined look on his face.

Su Yi looked around and suddenly smiled: "One month... It seems that one month is enough for your companions to come up with ways to deal with me. This is why you fought for so long."

As soon as these words came out, Mr. Qian Huan's pupils shrank suddenly, but he quickly smiled bitterly: "Senior, one month is nothing but a fleeting moment for us practitioners, what can we do in such a short time? We are all casual cultivators and have no backer , if so, we would have moved out to negotiate terms with you, why wait until now?"

"If something goes wrong, there must be a demon. I guess the problem must be the immortal girl." Su Yi stared at him with a smile.

Mr. Qian Huan shook his head and said: "To be honest, we just think this woman is special, but we don't know why she is like this. It is difficult for practitioners to say no to such strange things. If we encounter it, we will definitely find out. , see what opportunities there are.”

Su Yi nodded: "What you said is too reasonable, okay, then ten days, this is my last concession."

Without waiting for Mr. Qian Huan to object, Su Yi asked: "Except for yourself, I can let go of one of you to retrieve the immortal girl. Who do you think is the most suitable?"

Mr. Qian Huan's eyes passed through everyone one by one. When he saw the one-eyed dragon, the latter smiled bitterly and said: "Don't look at me, I am definitely impossible! I don't know anything about the immortal girl. Boss, what do you think? I blocked the news like this, obviously because I don’t trust me.”

"Shunfenger, don't say such things!" The ugly girl scolded, "We don't know about this either!"

After finishing speaking, she looked at Mr. Qian Huan, nodded seriously to him and said, "Let me go!"

"Okay, you go." Mr. Qian Huan looked at her deeply without hesitation, "Our lives are hanging by a thread, everything is up to you, you have always been emotional, but this time it is about everyone's life and death, I hope you can put an end to this."

"I understand." The ugly girl nodded with a twinkle in her eyes.

There was nothing wrong with the conversation, and Su Yi smiled and listened to this without expressing the slightest hint.

"Xiaoqian, let go of her restraint and let her go." Su Yi ordered.

"Yes, my lord." Nie Xiaoqian stepped forward and cast a spell, releasing the restraint on the strange and ugly girl.

The latter stood up and moved his body, his eyes changed a bit, his eyes passed over his companions one by one, and finally locked on Su Yi, saying: "I will definitely come back in ten days! I hope you will treat my companions well and don't insult or abuse them." them!"

Su Yi nodded: "It's a very reasonable request, and I agree."

The strange and ugly girl clasped her fists together, and kicked her feet neatly.

A window on one side opened suddenly, and she flew out along the window, followed by a flying carpet that appeared at her feet out of thin air, carrying her and disappearing into the sky.

Su Yi withdrew his gaze, and was about to speak, but looked at the door with a flick of his eyes.

In the next second, Ning Caichen's voice came from outside the door: "Master, may I come in?"



The door opened, Ning Caichen looked at Su Yi with a grin, and stood in the middle of the door without speaking.

"Why? Weird?" Su Yi raised his eyebrows.

"Master, are you not angry with me?" Ning Caichen smiled apologetically.

"It's normal for you to have your own ideas, and besides, what I say and what I do may not necessarily be right." Su Yi smiled and said, "You don't think I'm an independent husband who doesn't tolerate different opinions, do you?"

"Of course not! Who doesn't know that Master is the most wise and generous?" Ning Caichen breathed a sigh of relief, and walked in with a smile, "Master, what you told me has been done." He looked at the five people who were restrained in the house, " Who are these people? Are they the ones who snatched the immortal girl?"

Su Yi gave a "hmm" and said, "You came just in time, go find a carriage and take them back together."

"Yes!" Ning Caichen responded, and asked again, "Where is Miss Xiaozhuo?"

"Go to work." Su Yi said.

As he was talking, he saw Fu Xiaozhuo flying in from the window, holding a young woman in red with a pale face in his hand.

"My lord!" Fu Xiaozhuo let go of the woman and saluted Su Yi. "The leader of the Iron Hammer Gang has already been punished, and I have also punished the backbone of the gang. This girl is a helper invited by the leader from Jiayuan City..."

When Fu Xiaozhuo mentioned the word "Jiayuan City", Mr. Qian Huan over there subconsciously glanced at her.

"This girl is not bad at ordinary martial arts, and she is good at poisoning." Fu Xiaozhuo turned to look at the girl with a half-smile.

"When I went there, she was planning with the leader of the Hammer Gang how to divert trouble to the east and use us to destroy the Five Color Sect." Fu Xiaozhuo said, "I originally wanted to kill her together, but this woman said that his father is also an immortal master. ... I hesitated for a moment, so I brought her here, and I will leave it to you to decide what to do with her."

Su Yi nodded to show that he understood. He looked the woman in red up and down, and asked indifferently: "So, it was your idea that the people who killed us would use us to deal with Jingshitang?"

"Of course not!" the woman in red said immediately, her voice was clear and pleasant, with a sense of straightforwardness, "This is a bad idea that idiot Ou Deguang came up with on his own without listening to me! My original idea was to have him come to you and ask you for help frankly. He tried to impress you with generous rewards, but he thought it would be better to use some strategy, and the result is now like this!"

"Lie!" Fu Xiaozhuo sneered, "Don't leave yourself so clean, did you think I didn't hear the topic you discussed when I went?"

"I know that my sister is an immortal teacher with good ears and eyes. Of course we can't hide what we said from you." The woman in red respectfully said, "But I just want to make amends and save that idiot Ou Deguang by the way. After all, I still need him in Guanggui. The city will help us get involved in the five-color gate."

"But you should have known that Hehetu is a place where immortal masters live in seclusion. Even if you kill me, I won't offend you like this. Fortunately, sister, you arrived in time, so that I didn't let me do something stupid. Sister, I have to thank you What about you..." the woman in red smiled at Xiao Zhuo.

Fu Xiaozhuo rolled his eyes: "Stop flattering, didn't you say that your father is a fairy teacher? Tell me about your origin!"

"Yes, sister!" The woman in red hurriedly responded, then turned to Su Yi and saluted Su Yi Yingying, and said: "Young master, the little girl's name is Mo Yuzhu, and she is from the Jingjiao Society of Jiayuan City."

"Jing Jiaohui?" Su Yi was surprised and couldn't help but confirm again.

"Yes, so my lord, you have also heard of the Jingjiao Society, this really flatters the little girl!" Mo Yuzhu said pleasantly.

This girl is soft and charming yet heroic, she has the straightforwardness of the sons and daughters of the world, and the charming charm of a pretty girl, she is really a stunner.

Su Yi gave a "tsk", thinking that this was really a coincidence, he hit the Hammer Gang and blasted out the Jingjiao Society in Jiayuan City.

Jingjiao Society was created by Han Li's cheap master Mo Juren, and now it is jointly controlled by several of his wives. Mo Yuzhu is Mo Juren's eldest daughter.

According to the original plot, Han Li was lucky enough to survive the battle with Mo Juren, but he also fell into Mo Juren's scheme and was poisoned by a strange poison. He had to go to Jiayuan City to seek help from the Mo family to detoxify. .

The wives of the Mo family and the daughters of Mo Juren are not easy-going lamps, and a group of mortals forced Han Li, who had a deep thought, to be used by them to help them eliminate the enemy. A deal is made.

But now with my own participation, will these things still happen?
While thinking about it, Su Yi said to Mo Yuzhu with a half-smile, "You said your father is an immortal teacher?"

"That's right!" Mo Yuzhu said seriously, "My father got a chance in his early years and lived in seclusion to cultivate immortals. Since you know the name of the Jingjiao Society, you must have heard the rumors about my father's disappearance. In fact, this is just to cover up people's eyes and ears. , my father has been living in seclusion and cultivating, and you are considered to be on the same path as your son."

Su Yi smiled and looked at Mo Yuzhu who was tearing the tiger's skin for his life, and didn't bother to expose her: "Xiao Zhuo, are you sure that Brother Sun's death has nothing to do with this woman?"

Fu Xiaozhuo said: "I eavesdropped on their conversation for a while when I arrived. It sounds like she did have some complaints about the killing of Big Brother Sun. She probably wasn't the one who conspired."

Su Yi nodded and said, "Then let her go and let her go."

As soon as these words came out, Mo Yuzhu's eyes immediately showed joy, even Fu Xiaozhuo on the side was relieved, she smiled in her eyes, looked at Mo Yuzhu and said, "Master, you are kind, you can go!"

"Thank you, sister, and thank you to this young master!" Mo Yuzhu clasped his fists and said joyfully, "If you come to Jiayuan City in the future, please come to our Mo mansion by all means, so that the little girl can fulfill the friendship of a landlord, and thank you, young master and sister, for turning hostility into jade silk today kindness!"

"There is a chance." Su Yi smiled, "If a man named Han Li comes to your Mo residence in the future, remember to ask him to come to Hehetu to find me."

"Han Li?" Mo Yuzhu looked puzzled, "Young master, who is this Han Li?"

Su Yi pretended to be mysterious: "You will know when you see him."

"Yes, little girl understands!" Mo Yuzhu didn't want to stay here at all, and didn't ask any more questions after hearing the words, bowed again, slowly exited the door, and then ran all the way away.

"Master, the carriage is ready." Ning Caichen came in and said.

Su Yi waved his hand and looked at Mr. Qian Huan with a half-smile, "Jiayuan City, the person who abducted the immortal girl went to Jiayuan City, right?"

Mr. Qian Huan looked bewildered: "Why did Senior Su say that?"

"Being emotional, so we have to put an end to it... Before your companion left, did you explain it to her?" Su Yi said with a smile, "Among the eight gates of Qimen Dunjia, Dumen lives in the southeast Xun Palace, and Jiayuan City is also in the southeast. You deliberately mentioned the word "eliminate" to remind your companions to look for it in the direction of Dumen, right?"

Mr. Qian Huan's eyes flashed, and he forced a smile and said: "Senior Su, you really think too much, and this statement is too far-fetched..."

"Later, when Xiao Zhuo mentioned the word Jiayuan City, it aroused your reaction." Su Yi interrupted him, "You raised your head and subconsciously glanced at her, which means that the word Jiayuan City is important to you. Said it was special."

Su Yi looked at him with a smile: "One coincidence is a coincidence, two coincidences are still a coincidence? Don't lie to me, the Immortal Girl is in Jiayuan City, right?"

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