Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1633 Jiaojiao

Of course, Mr. Qian Huan would not admit that the Immortal Girl was sent to Jiayuan City. The five of them from the same sect were caught in the enemy's hands. The only bargaining chip was the Immortal Girl. How could he cut off his last hope?

But Su Yi's piercing vision and keen insight scared him, so that when Su Yi asked him again, he closed his eyes and remained expressionless. He said nothing if he could, and said as little as possible. He was so anxious that he kept tossing and saying only one thing: "When my third sister brings back the immortal girl, everything will be over. Why should you be anxious, senior?"

Seeing this, Su Yi didn't bother to ask any more questions, and with a chuckle, he called Ning Caichen and others to take the captives back home.

A group of people went downstairs in a mighty manner and were about to go out, but they saw the Sansheng Pavilion old bustard whom they had met before rushing along with a few women with heavy make-up, blocking the way of Su Yi and others.

"Is your son leaving now? Oh, I have not fulfilled my friendship with the landlord, I really deserve to be damned." The old bustard bowed to him with an apologetic smile on his face. table, and then let our five big oirans of Sansheng Pavilion sing a little song for your young master, and let us dance for a while."

Although Su Yi had a smile on his face, he was a little surprised in his heart. The old bustard looked like he was afraid to avoid it before, but now he is trying to flatter him, overly enthusiastic, is he asking for something?Or come up with something?

He looked at the old bustard with a half-smile, but he didn't see any flaws, and his eyes flicked over the so-called "five big oirans" behind him one by one.

Compared with Nie Xiaoqian and Fu Xiaozhuo, these five women are just rouge pink. If I had to choose one who stands out, it is the charming woman in pink who stands out among the five women. She has quite the figure and appearance. Not vulgar.

It's just that this is just from the perspective of ordinary people...

Before Su Yi looked at the woman in pink, like the other four women, she made a charming gesture and looked at the people opposite.But unlike the other four girls who put their eyes on Su Yi from the beginning, the girl in pink looked at Mr. Qian Huan immediately.

The two looked at each other from a distance, and a strange purple flashed in the eyes of the woman in pink, which was so fleeting that even Su Yi didn't notice it.

Strangely, when the purple color disappeared from the eyes of the woman in pink, a touch of purple also appeared in Mr. Qian Huan's eyes.The latter lowered his head and closed his eyes calmly, covering up slightly.

In the next second, the voice of the woman in pink rang in Mr. Qian Huan's mind——

A very rough voice: "Tsk tsk tsk, boss, why are you in such a mess? I always thought you were very majestic, but today your image in my eyes is completely ruined."

Mr. Qian Huan did not speak, and only communicated with his mind: "Stop talking nonsense! Go to Jiayuan City and tell the second and third sons for me, don't come back, and don't stay in Jiayuan City, go! The farther away, the better ! The same goes for you, let’s go!”

The rough voice became serious: "Are you so unconfident? You haven't died yet, which means that the other party is still asking for you. Is it because he was the head of the Yellow Gate..."

"Yes!" Mr. Qian Huan interrupted him anxiously, "Time is limited, and you shouldn't come to see me, it's too risky!"

"You know what I'm capable of, who can detect my consciousness..." The woman in pink clothes didn't take it seriously. She glanced at Su Yi inadvertently, but realized that the other person was looking at him with a half-smile, and his heart skipped a beat. He hurriedly pretended to be calm and winked at Su Yi.

He just wanted to check Su Yi's realm, hesitated a little, and first asked Mr. Qian Huan with his spiritual sense: "Hey, isn't he a great repairer of alchemy?"

"Of course not!" Mr. Qian Huan said: "But this person is too weird, don't underestimate him!"

"My skill, I can't even notice it until I get the pill, ha ha..." The woman in pink chuckled, "Boss, at any rate, you once saved me. Although I am not from your Wuyinmen, I can't help you if you die. If you don’t save your life, tell me, what should I do to save your life?”

"There is no hope!" Mr. Qian Huan smiled miserably in his mind, "There was such a big commotion today, and the whereabouts that the Kirigakure Gate had hidden for so long were completely exposed. Do you think the Black Evil Church was not aware of it?"

"The Black Evil Cult!" The pink-clothed woman's spiritual thoughts screamed, and then she gritted her teeth, "These ghostly guys!"

"They are still lingering. They have been looking for us for so long and have never given up. They will definitely come this time! It is difficult for us to compete with their power. Now I can only place my hope on Su and the Black Evil Cult. Get up, it’s best for both of them to suffer losses and see if there is any chance to escape, otherwise..."

Mr. Qian Huan didn't continue, just sighed deeply, and said again: "Now you know why I told you to leave quickly, right? Although your cultivation technique is special, after all, you haven't established a foundation yet. The Heisha Sect could find you back then. , can you guarantee that you won't find out now? I happened to save you back then, but now I can't protect myself..."

The two of them communicated with their spiritual thoughts. To the outside world, Su Yi did not come forward. Nie Xiaoqian stepped forward and declined the old madam's kindness. The old madam seemed sincere and tried to stay, but Nie Xiaoqian refused. The latter then retreated and said the next best thing. I want door-to-door service, and the food and courtesan will be delivered to the house.

Just when Nie Xiaoqian was about to sternly refuse again, Su Yi suddenly spoke.

"Xiaoqian, since it's hard to refrain from being kind, let's accept some kindness." Su Yi said with a smile, "The food and drinks are free, but the oiran can take one away. It's not bad to enjoy the singing and dancing performances."

He said with a smile and pointed at the woman in pink: "I think, just her, let her go with us."

As soon as these words came out, the communication between the woman in pink and Mr. Qian Huan suddenly stopped, and she looked at Su Yi in surprise.

After Mr. Qian Huan was stunned for a moment, his expression suddenly became suspicious.

And the rest of the Wuyinmen had strange expressions on their faces, which seemed to be holding back a joke.

"My lord, you are so discerning! Jiaojiao is the number one in our Sansheng Pavilion..." The old bustard reacted quickly, and immediately happily introduced the pink-clothed woman.

The woman in pink came back to her senses, and subconsciously released her consciousness to do something he had never done before—to investigate Su Yi.

He practiced a very special kind of kung fu, which allowed him to be active at the ninth level of the qi training period and still live a very nourishing life. It even allowed him to play with the monks of the foundation building period.

Of course, all things in the world are interdependent, and martial arts are no exception. If you walk a lot at night, you will inevitably encounter ghosts.He once met a person who restrained his special skill. This person was from the Black Evil Cult. After the Black Evil Cult saw through him, they chased him to the sky and into the earth. Just when he was about to fall. When he fell into the enemy's hands, he was rescued by Mr. Qian Huan.This was the only time in his life that he was so embarrassed.

Even though he had such a profound lesson once, the woman in pink firmly believed in the strength of her technique. He firmly believed that this was just a special case, and there would never be a second accident.

So even though he knew that Su Yi was very powerful, he did not hesitate to use his skills to detect Su Yi.

He couldn't believe that he would be so unlucky to go to hell again.

It's a pity that fate is always keen to punish those children who don't believe in evil.

The woman's consciousness in pink "penetrated" into Su Yi's body without hindrance, and his consciousness detected a deep blue.

He seemed to hear a soft cry, and then, a fear from the depths of his soul arose out of nowhere.

This is like the fear of encountering a natural enemy, and also like the despair on the verge of death!
This feeling made him almost suffocate!

He was terrified in his heart, and wanted to withdraw this wisp of divine consciousness that he had separated out in shock, but it was already too late!

The cyan color instantly enveloped her consciousness, and then the consciousness was wiped out.

It's like the cyan color has eaten up the consciousness.

The consciousness was damaged, and the woman in pink immediately suffered backlash!
Because he knew that Su Yi was powerful, he spent a lot of spiritual consciousness to detect Su Yi for the purpose of camouflage and concealment, so his spiritual consciousness suffered unprecedented damage!
At that moment when her consciousness disappeared, the woman in pink let out a startling scream, blood spurted out from her seven orifices, and her body fell limply to the ground!
Before he fell down, his appearance changed rapidly in the eyes of everyone, and he turned into a young man with a pale face and a fat body!

No one expected this turn of events, not even Su Yi, and was stunned in place.

His screams startled the bustard and the other four girls who were close at hand. The five of them looked together, and saw the scene where the woman turned into a fat man. The five of them lost their ability to think on the spot, and couldn't believe it. His own eyes stood there dumbfounded.

Here, Mr. Qian Huan's expression changed drastically. He was the quickest to guess what was going on. The horror on his face could hardly be concealed, and he suddenly turned his head to look at Su Yi.

The other four people from Wuyinmen were also stunned, and they were also very shocked, but they seemed to be puzzled in their shock.

"No...shouldn't it be a big nose hair? Why did it change like this?" The tall man who had the big hammer snatched away by Su Yi murmured in confusion.

"It's actually a man!" Nie Xiaoqian and the other three also realized at this time, and they were all very surprised.

Especially the second daughter of Nie Xiaoqian, Su Yi asked for this pink-clothed "woman" by name just now, they once thought that Su Yi fell in love with this woman's beauty, and they were attracted by her beauty, and the two daughters felt very uncomfortable because of this, unexpectedly It turned out that he was actually a man!

In addition to being shocked, they were also very awe-inspiring. They were all practitioners. They didn't know that this pink-clothed "woman" had been using her powerful spiritual sense to cast illusions from the very beginning, distorting the vision of everyone who saw her. Make everyone who sees him feel that he is just like the woman in pink.

What a powerful illusion this is!And this kind of illusion that can distort everyone's perception, how much spiritual consciousness does it need to maintain?
They were horrified at the thought of this, for they were unaware of it!

However, they were not very surprised that the opponent's illusion was broken. Now they couldn't guess that Su Yi had seen through the opponent's illusion from the beginning, and now he directly broke the opponent's illusion, allowing the opponent to reveal his true colors.

But what they didn't know was that Su Yi really didn't do it on purpose.

At this moment, his face was a little weird, and he dared to use his spiritual sense to probe into his body. Isn't this an initiative to deliver food?
He can control the soul of Sheqing not to devour other people's souls, but they didn't give him a chance to swallow them, this fat man is equivalent to directly sending his own consciousness into Sheqing's stomach.

It really reaches the stomach in one step, so it is digested directly.

Can Su Yi be blamed for this?

Although Su Yi could see through his disguise at the first time, Su Yi really didn't want to expose him now, but he didn't expect that he suffered a heavy loss and couldn't maintain his illusion.It can only be said that he caused the current situation by himself.

The fat man lay on the ground with his head in his arms and howled endlessly, his distorted face was obviously in pain, and there was an uproar at the scene.

"What's going on? What's going on here? What's going on?" The old bustard was so frightened that he couldn't speak coherently, and his whole body was shaking like a sieve. The other four girls were not much better, and their faces paled.

"You go down first." Su Yi ordered.

"Go, go quickly..." The madam's teeth chattered. This strange scene obviously subverted her inherent knowledge. She didn't want to stay here for a second longer.

The madam and the other four women ran away almost crawling on the ground.The fat man was still lying on the ground limp and wailing, but his voice was much softer.

"Master, what kind of spell is this? How do you know that he is a man?" Ning Caichen was very surprised by this and asked curiously.

But Su Yi was not interested in resolving his doubts at the moment, he waved his hand, walked up to the fat man, and said with a half-smile: "This brave brother who is skilled in art, what's his name?"

"Ouch... Ouch..." The fat man was still howling.

"It's normal to suffer." Su Yi went on to laugh, "But if you still whimper and don't answer my question..."

"Wan, junior Hua Xiangrong..." Fatty didn't dare to wait for Su Yi to finish the rest of his sentence, so he forced himself to answer with pain. He was trembling all over, and looked at Su Yi with fear in his eyes.

He couldn't even imagine what kind of existence was standing in front of him, it was too terrifying!

If there was a regret medicine in this world, he would have fled far away as soon as Su Yi came to Sansheng Pavilion, fled from Yue Kingdom, or even escaped from Tiannan!

"Hua Xiangrong, Hua Xiangrong...well, they can be boys or girls, brothers are very malleable." Su Yi smiled and patted his shoulder.

"Senior, have mercy on me..." Hua Xiangrong couldn't help begging for mercy.

"It depends on your performance." Su Yi said with a smile, "First question, what are you doing here?"

"Wan, junior and Taoist fellow Qianhuan are old acquaintances. We knew he was in trouble, so we saw if we could rescue him..." Hua Xiangrong didn't dare to hide anything at all, so he confessed honestly.

"So, the old bustard came here for no reason to be so courteous because you were bewitched?" Although he was asking, Su Yi's tone was very firm, and he only just now understood why the old bustard behaved so strangely.

"...Yes, she is just a mortal, and the junior is trying some tricks...Senior, please spare her life..." Hua Xiangrong begged for mercy again in fear.

"No hurry, no hurry," Su Yi smiled gently, "Second question, what are you doing hiding in the brothel? I will give you a warm reminder before answering, so I can tell if you are lying."

"Junior dare not lie, junior must tell everything he knows!" Hua Xiangrong had been frightened for a long time. Even if Su Yi didn't remind him, he had no intention of lying.

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