Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1634 Dayan

You may suspect that a beggar on the street is a high-ranking person who hides his name in order to avoid his enemies. Although the probability of this is small, the logic is reasonable.

But would you suspect that a courteous courtesan of a brothel with a clear price tag and a man who is as good as he can be is actually a fairy teacher?

Especially this oiran is "good quality and low price", as long as you are willing to spend ten taels of silver, no matter you are a peddler, a government servant or a scholar, you can kiss Fangze and have a good time with her.

Moreover, Jiaojiao's reputation is very good, she is beautiful and works well, and she is praised by others.

"The reason why I stay in Sansheng Pavilion is because no one doubts that the famous Jiaojiao is actually a cultivator, and the all-pervasive Heisha Cult will never doubt me. Furthermore, I can stay with fellow Taoist Qianhuan in Guanggui City. I have someone to take care of me..." Hua Xiangrong answered Su Yi's second question in a trembling voice.

"Then you won't really follow those men who paid money to come to you...then what?" Ning Caichen couldn't help but grinned and asked.

"Of course not..." Hua Xiangrong suddenly raised his voice, "I just used illusion to confuse them, making them mistakenly think that I was with me... But in fact, they can't even touch me! The reason why I keep picking up customers is because Because my skills are special, I need to practice constantly to exercise my spiritual consciousness."

"What's the matter with the big nose hair?" The big tall man who had been listening couldn't help but also asked, "We thought you were a demon before, but in the end you showed your original appearance, an ugly man with nose hair look, you now..."

"This is the cleverness of Fellow Daoist Hua. He was afraid of you pestering him, that's why he became like that." It was Mr. Qian Huan who answered them, "You always think he is an ugly, vulgar, dirty, and low-level person with the characteristics of Long Yang. Good person, so he refuses to associate with him, and he doesn't bother to pay attention to him, which is exactly what he wants, but he is using his second illusion to deceive all of you!"

"Big nose hair, so you have been lying to us all this time, your illusion is really brilliant!" the short and skinny pangolin praised sincerely.

"What's the use of being clever?" Hua Xiangrong smiled wryly, looked at Su Yi in fear, and then hurriedly lowered his head, "My master has always said that I am obsessed with this technique, and I am obsessed with it. That's right..."

"Do you have a teacher?" Fu Xiaozhuo immediately asked in a deep voice after hearing the words.

"I don't dare to hide it from the girl and my seniors. In fact, I have a teacher who is my disciple. The reason why I am hiding here to cultivate is not only to avoid revenge, but also because I have sent a letter asking for help to my teacher. The teacher has already replied to the letter, saying that he will be here soon. I will come to pick you up when I leave..." Hua Xiangrong accompanied Su Xin and said to Su Yi, "Senior is well-informed, have you ever heard of the name 'Dayan Shenjun'?"

"In the far west, the leader of Qianzhu Sect?" Su Yi was surprised.

Except for Su Yi, everyone else was stunned, including Mr. Qian Huan.Obviously, none of them had ever heard of the name Dayan Divine Lord.

This is not unusual, Tiannan Continent has a vast territory, and Yue Kingdom is just a tiny piece of land.The people here are all low-level casual cultivators with no background, one counts as one, and they have never even gone out of the Yue Kingdom in this life, so it is normal to be ignorant and ignorant.

It is good enough for them to know the seven major sects of the Yue Kingdom, and to know that there is such a place as the Far West. As for the names of Qianzhu Sect and Dayan God Lord, they are too far away for them.It is no exaggeration to say that they don't know the names of the heads of the seven major sects of the Yue Kingdom, let alone the Qianzhu Sect, which is thousands of miles away in a barren land?
But Su Yi couldn't help but get excited when he heard the name.

The first keyword that popped up in his mind was - Dayan Jue!

This is a technique that can strengthen the strength of the spiritual consciousness. What is the spiritual consciousness?It originally refers to the perception of the soul, but as the cultivator's own realm becomes stronger, the soul also rises, and he can use the power of the soul to do some incredible things.From simple control of objects with spiritual consciousness, to performing all kinds of incredible spells with spiritual consciousness, even the spiritual consciousness is divided into thousands, controlling puppets, corpses and fighting with enemies.

To put it simply, spiritual consciousness is the power of the soul, and for Su Yi it is the power of seizing youth.

Is Su Yi's ability to capture youth strong?

It goes without saying.

Although he hasn't compared it, Su Yi knows very well that his Soul of Sheqing is definitely a very powerful existence even in this world.But he spent his whole life collecting the seven emotions and six desires, and managed to barely maintain the balance of the soul. Of course, he must cherish and care for this hard-won achievement.

Therefore, since coming to this world, Su Yi has never really used the power of taking youth.Occasionally exuding such a negligible little bit is enough to win by surprise.Even if he encounters such powerful enemies as Old Monster Mu and Yan Chixia, Su Yi can still hold back his Soul of Sheqing.

Because he knew very well that getting out of his body might break the balance of his body and soul, so he didn't want to live with a blue crystal skull anymore.

But the reason why Su Yi's Soul of Green Soul is strong is because of the properties of Green Soul itself, which can use the power of Green Soul with the help of the physical body. Su Yi only knows two methods - teleportation within [-] meters and releasing evil energy.

This is just the most superficial use of the self-contained attributes of Sheqing Power, and it is not a skill or method at all.That is to say, Su Yi's experience is blank in terms of the use of divine consciousness.

That's why he is very interested in the Dayan Jue, a technique that specifically exercises and utilizes the divine consciousness, and also needs it very much.

The degree of demand is second only to body exercises.

He desperately needs a kung fu method that can control and utilize it, as well as give full play to his youthful power. This kung fu method should also have the ability to solve the embarrassing dilemma of his body-soul balance.

Dayan Jue is the technique that he has placed high hopes on!
Su Yi knew that the first half of the Dayan Jue was currently hidden in the hands of a foundation cultivator in Huangfeng Valley. He was not ready to seek it yet, and he did not dare to provoke such a behemoth as the Seven Great Sects. Not yet on his schedule.

Unexpectedly, luck always comes unexpectedly like this, just lost the mysterious undead girl, but unexpectedly learned the information related to Dayan Jue.

He was already very interested in Hua Xiangrong's illusion using the power of divine consciousness. If this illusion was related to Dayan Jue, his interest would be dozens of times stronger!
Hua Xiangrong didn't know that Su Yi knew much more about Dayan Shenjun than he did.Seeing that Su Yi really knew the name of the God of Dayan and told the history clearly, he was both afraid and happy.

Happily, since Su Yi knew about Dayan Shenjun and Qianzhu Sect, he didn't have to waste any more bragging and science popularization.

What is frightening is that Su Yi even knows this kind of "unpopular" information, I'm afraid this person is not easy to deceive...

"Senior is well-informed, and even knows things far away in the far west, and this junior admires it very much." Hua Xiangrong hurriedly flattered, and then turned to the topic, "To be honest, this junior is a thousand years old. A disciple of the Bamboo Sect, Dayan Shenjun is the ancestor of the younger generation. The reason why the younger generation came to Yue this time is actually to track down a traitor I taught."

"Looking for the traitor? It's up to you?" Fu Xiaozhuo said with a sneer in disbelief.

"Of course it's not because of me. In fact, the people who came to the east this time are hundreds of masters of the teaching led by my master. My master is the elder of the teaching. I'm just one of them. My mission is to be in Jingzhou. Inquire about traitors within the scope of the situation." Hua Xiangrong explained, "The reason why I stayed in Sansheng Pavilion actually has this reason. I also reported to my master that I was attacked by the Heisha Sect before, and his old man has already believed Told me it would be my call."

Seeing Hua Xiangrong lying on the ground in a state of distress, everyone had different expressions.What this person said is reasonable and well-founded, very reasonable, is it true?

Nie Xiaoqian and Ning Caichen both frowned, feeling a little tricky.

If it is true, this person has such a great background, is he causing trouble?

The scene was silent for a while, but Su Yi still looked normal, and asked with a smile: "So, the illusion you cast is the spell in the Dayan Jue?"

Hua Xiangrong's heart trembled again, he didn't expect that Su Yi even knew the Dayan Jue.

He had a lot of thoughts, afraid that Su Yi would not dare to lie after seeing the real Dayan Jue, so he hastily apologized and said with a smile: "This junior is practicing the Dayan Illusory Art, which is a skill derived from the Dayan Jue."

Su Yi asked with a half-smile, "What's the name of the leader of your Qianzhu sect?"

"Master Jin, the taboo name is Jin Nantian." Hua Xiangrong said hastily.

Have not heard.

But Su Yi continued unhurriedly: "If I remember correctly, your leader should have usurped the throne, right?"

"This..." Hua Xiangrong's expression froze, his eyelids twitched, and his smile was already a bit forced, "Master Jin... the former master practiced kung fu, so..."

"Your so-called traitor is the son of the former leader, your former young leader, right?" Su Yi looked at him with a smile.

Hua Xiangrong couldn't laugh anymore at this time: "Senior, senior knows my Qianzhu sect so well, could it be..."

"As far as I know, only the true core disciples of the Thousand Bamboo Sect are qualified to practice the real Da Yan Jue; only the senior members of the Qian Zhu Sect can obtain the second and third layers of the Da Yan Jue; Only the leader and heirs of the leader can get the exercises after the third level." Su Yi looked at Hua Xiangrong with a half-smile, "Brother Hua, am I right?"

Hua Xiangrong's face turned pale and he said in a trembling voice: "Yes, senior... you are right."

Su Yi nodded: "I forgot to ask just now, which elder protector is your master from the Qianzhu Sect?"

Hua Xiangrong, who was barely holding up half of his body to answer the question, gave a soft arm, and lay down on the ground with a plop, shaking like a sieve: "Wan, junior..."

Su Yi squinted his eyes at the speechless Hua Xiangrong and said, "It's human nature to say big things in order to survive. Ants can steal their lives, let alone you? This matter can be forgiven, but only for this time." once."

"Thank you senior, thank you senior..." Hua Xiangrong said tremblingly.

Su Yi's deep understanding of Qianzhu Sect made him dare not tell any more lies.Just as Su Yi guessed, he did tell these background stories just now to make Su Yi worry about his "background", but he did not expect such a result.

Su Yi said: "I like people who are loyal. Since you are here, why don't you come with me and be a guest? Do you have any objection?"

"Junior, junior is so honored..." Hua Xiangrong said bitterly, how dare he say no?
On the other side, Mr. Qian Huan sighed secretly, and closed his eyes in frustration.

Ning Caichen and the three of them didn't realize until now that Hua Xiangrong's bullshit had stunned them for a while, but he was actually pulling a tiger's skin to make a big banner. They were annoyed and laughed, very speechless.At the same time, he was also very surprised, and didn't understand why Su Yi knew so clearly about things in the Far West, thousands of miles away.

In the distance, on the ruined bazaar, the vendors whose houses had been destroyed had begun to clean up the mess.

Su Yi took a look and pointed there and said: "Caichen, it's not easy for ordinary people to survive, so go and compensate those who have been damaged. But remember to go with the market as you go, don't give too much, or you will bring disaster to them instead."

Ning Caichen was stunned for a moment and hurriedly agreed.

After hearing this, everyone in Wuyinmen looked at each other in blank dismay, unable to believe that someone like Su Yi would actually care about the livelihood of ordinary people.

But Su Yi didn't care about their reaction, and told Nie Xiaoqian and Fu Xiaozhuo to take the prisoners back carefully, then he lifted Hua Xiangrong, sacrificed Mo Yusuo, and flew away to Hehetu.

At the same time, a young man in a police uniform was stepping into the ancestral temple in the east of the city more than ten miles away.

This temple is dedicated to the founding emperor of the Yue Kingdom. It is repaired every year, and the incense is kept burning. On weekdays, there are two thousand city defense troops guarding it, and the Ministry of Rites sends people to take charge.Logically speaking, let alone a small policeman, even if the current city lord wants to come, he has to report in advance.

But this little catcher swaggered in from the door, and the heavily guarded city defense army was treated by him as a decoration.

The little catcher looked solemn, and quickly walked to the back of the incense table, took out a token from his pocket, and touched the statue's right heel.



The space under the incense table suddenly distorted, and a black hole appeared out of thin air. The policeman stepped in without hesitation, and then the black hole disappeared, and the entire ancestral temple returned to silence.

When the policeman reappeared, he had already appeared in a huge underground cave space.

Eight huge chains extend from different directions in the cave, firmly locking the middle metal ball full of runes.The metal ball sometimes turned red, and sometimes it became as black as ink, fluctuating with a palpitating aura, very terrifying.

What's even more frightening is that under the ball, there are actually covered with white bones. If you count them carefully, there are more than two thousand pairs!
Although it was not the first time for the policeman to see this scene, he was still full of fear.

Especially thinking that these more than 2000 bones were supposed to be the city defense troops standing outside guarding the ancestral temple, and the seemingly heavily guarded sergeants outside are actually just illusions conjured up by fairy arts, the fear in the arrester's heart is even greater. Nothing can be added!

Without saying a word, he knelt down in front of Yuanqiu, kowtowed respectfully and said: "Master, this subordinate has something important to report!"

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