Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1636 Sudden Change

The painting is indeed a good painting, in which the blue waves are rippling and a hundred fishes are competing to swim.

The shapes of fish are different, each one is different, very lively and vivid.

If you just look at it with the naked eye, this is an ordinary picture of a hundred fishes.But in Su Yi's view, he could see the "difference" of a fish in the painting at a glance.

This fish fluctuates with spiritual power, evil spirit and evil spirit!
Although it was extremely hidden, how could it be hidden from Su Yi's perception?
What's more, this fish looks different from other fishes. It has a third eye on its forehead!
It's just that if you don't look carefully among the fish, it's difficult to tell them apart.

The moment Su Yi's eyes fell on the fish, the fish immediately realized that he had been exposed.


With a roar, a big mouth full of fangs sprang out from the painting and quickly enlarged, swallowing viciously at Su Yi!

The fish was extremely fast, but Su Yi had been on guard for a long time, how could he be hurt by it?

Without hesitation, he slapped the strange fish's forehead hard with all his strength!
"Don't kill..." When Mr. Qian Huan exclaimed from the other side, Su Yi's palm hit the fish monster firmly on the forehead.

Just hearing a "poof", the hard head of the fish was instantly collapsed.At the same time, Nie Xiaoqian's flying sword also arrived, sinking deeply into the fish's back.

The fish monster's red and fierce eyes instantly became dull, and quickly became lifeless.


It fell soundlessly to the ground, its tail not even fully poking out of the painting at this point.

Su Yi grabbed Nie Xiaoqian and quickly teleported back a few feet, looking at the fish's body with a serious face, Nie Xiaoqian also retracted her flying sword.

Su Yi was sure that the fish would definitely die from the blow just now, but for some reason, he felt extremely palpitating.

"It's really a mixed-eyed fish monster! It's over! It's over now! You shouldn't kill it, you shouldn't kill it!" Mr. Qian Huan almost beat his chest and stamped his feet when he saw this and shouted in annoyance, with a hint of panic in his voice.

call out!
As soon as he finished speaking, the third eyeball in the middle of the fish demon suddenly shot out!

But the entire backyard was surrounded by a large formation, and the flying eyes were quickly blocked by the formation.

Su Yi's eyes were fixed, and he was ready to take action immediately if any changes occurred.

But the next second, the eyeball exploded on its own!
The movement it exploded was obviously not big, but it sprayed out a large amount of blue thick fog, covering the world in the blink of an eye.

What the hell is this!

Su Yi was taken aback!
In the original plot, the three-eyed fish demon was not killed, so this scene did not happen. Su Yi did not expect such a thing to happen after the fish demon died.Reminiscent of Qian Huan's words to prevent him from killing the fish and saying that he shouldn't kill it, Su Yi has realized that he has done something that he shouldn't have done.

This time, Su Yi didn't need to make a move. Nie Xiaoqian and the other three made a move in unison, using the wind exhalation technique to blow out the blue fog and prevent it from getting close to everyone.

This blue mist comes and goes quickly, and it doesn't seem to have much power.But soon, as the blue mist rose, something strange happened!
The "sky" is divided into areas of different sizes by blue lines with clear boundaries.The blue color of some nodes is more intense and condensed, as if they were highlighted.

Su Yi's heart suddenly sank, and his face became very ugly.

Because he has already seen that what the blue line divides is not the sky, but marks the envelope boundaries of various small formations such as phantom formations, killing formations, and trapping formations that make up the large protective formation!

Those blue nodes marked are the weakest nodes of the entire protective array!
In this way, once a strong enemy strikes, as long as you follow the boundary of the blue line, you will not be blocked by the formation at all; as long as you attack those blue nodes, the formation will become very fragile.

Originally, the large formation that could be resisted even in the late stage of foundation establishment, if no one stopped it now, a monk in the Qi training stage could easily break it.

This is like marking the correct route in a maze, making things that could have been fatal without difficulty.

Su Yi took out the formation flag with a sullen face, and quickly performed the secrets to change the formation, but Qian Huan on the side sighed: "It's useless, unless you re-sacrifice the formation flag and use spiritual power to erase the blue mist, otherwise you will not be able to transform." The same will happen if the formation is rearranged at the formation flag position. This formation is no longer useful."

Su Yi tried a few times and saw that it was just as Qian Huan said, so he wisely stopped.

"What's going on?" Su Yi asked in a deep voice.

"The fish you killed just now is a peculiar kind of demon pet, called the mixed-eyed fish demon. It is a specialty of Cheqi country. This fish is born with three eyes, and the middle fish eye is called 'mixed pearl'. Once shattered, it can be destroyed. It releases a large amount of blue mist, hence the name of this monster." Qian Huan introduced in a hurried language, "This fish doesn't have much ability, but it has a lot of brute force, rough skin, thick flesh, and can be big or small. Temporarily leave the water to survive, and you can also put yourself on various items to turn yourself into a mark."

"But once the fish dies, its eyes will explode and release blue mist. This blue mist is non-toxic and tasteless, but it is somewhat incompatible with spiritual energy. If it is in the outside world, it will disperse as soon as the wind blows, and there is no trace of it. Hazardous. It’s scary to be afraid of it exploding in the big formation! The big formation is covered with spiritual energy, and the blue mist and spiritual energy are repulsive. With nowhere to go, we can only drill into the weak points of the spiritual energy, and then quickly consume the thin spiritual energy there and cause this strange thing to happen. Changes will produce the current effect..."

"Hey, when people didn't know about this kind of thing, many monks were ruined by this fish monster. But after this mixed-eyed fish monster became known to everyone, no one would kill it in the big formation anymore. As long as you don't kill it, then it's fine." Qian Huan looked at Su Yi speechlessly, "This junior didn't expect that, senior, you..."

"I've never heard of this thing." Su Yi shook his head frankly, and he was also very speechless in his heart. Who would have thought that such a thing would happen after killing a fish demon.

"Sir, we have never heard of this thing." Fu Xiaozhuo said hurriedly.

Su Yi waved his hand, looked at Qian Huan and said, "Someone brought this fish to us through Caichen. Is his purpose to break the formation?"

"My lord, the person who gave the painting to you, should we find him?" Fu Xiaozhuo asked.

Su Yi shook his head: "That person is not important at all. No matter who he is, he is just a small character."

"Senior said that's right, the important thing is the owner of this demon pet!" Qian Huan looked serious, "This junior thinks that the owner of the demon pet may not hope to break the formation, but to position. The master and the demon pet can interact with each other within a certain distance. Sensing each other's location, if we don't find this fish, the owner of this fish will sense our location..."

He was stunned halfway through speaking, his eyes widened in astonishment, and he was a little speechless.

Ning Caichen also realized the problem at this time, and his face changed: "Who in Guanggui City doesn't know where our Hehetu is? The person who gave me this picture also knows! They don't need to locate us at all! So their The purpose is to break the formation! But why are they so sure that we will kill this fish? What if we recognize this fish and don’t kill it?”

"Even if you don't kill him, he won't lose anything." Nie Xiaoqian continued, "Maybe he just wanted to try his luck."

"Then they are lucky, I just don't know this thing." Su Yi couldn't help sighing.

If you don’t know it, you don’t know it. There’s nothing wrong with that. Besides, Su Yi’s idea at the time was that “if you kill it, there’s nothing wrong with it.”This kind of anti-routine Su Yi is hard to see through no matter how smart he is.

But maybe there is another possibility... Su Yi pondered for a while, but didn't express this guess.

"We can't stay here any longer, we have to leave immediately!" Su Yi quickly made a decision.

He ran all the way from Jingzhou to Lanzhou, originally to avoid the Heisha sect.This time, for the sake of the Immortal Girl, she brazenly attacked the Wuyinmen and provoked the Heisha Sect. It is difficult to tell who is right, and there is no need to worry about it.

Originally, he thought about taking back the Immortal Girl by himself and letting Nie Xiaoqian and others stay here. With the protection of a large formation, they could withstand any danger.But now this plan doesn't work, so everyone just leaves.

Just hope it's not too late.

"Xiaoqian, go to the solitary room and bring the people out! Xiaozhuo, Caichen, clean up and take everything you can..." Su Yi was making arrangements when suddenly there was a loud noise!
The ground shook violently, and Qian Huan, whose mana had been banned, couldn't even stand still and fell to the ground!

"what happened!"

Su Yi's complexion changed drastically, he couldn't help but rise into the air, used the ink jade shuttle to levitate in mid-air and looked in the direction of the loud noise.

The loud noise came from the east. At this moment, there was smoke and dust, and a large area of ​​houses could be seen collapsed with the naked eye. There was faint blood, and the evil spirit was soaring into the sky, and the screams and wailings could be heard endlessly!
The next second, a black shadow suddenly rose into the sky and roared towards the sky.

Sensing the strong and powerful aura of the other party, Su Yi didn't even want to lower Mo Yusuo.

"Caichen Xiaofan, go and bring people back, Xiaoqian, Bu Wansen is in a big formation!" Su Yi hurriedly ordered as he quickly made a formula.

If it was really an enemy, it would be too late to run away. Where could Su Yi run with his family and his family in tow?

Although the three of them didn't know what was happening, they did as they were told without hesitation.

"Is it the demons of the Heisha Cult? Such a big commotion must be them!" Qian Huan shouted anxiously, "Senior, the enemy is at hand, we can help..."


Before he finished speaking, rumbling sounds could be heard all around, but Su Yi made a gesture and put away the mountain-protecting formation.

This formation has become a living target that marks the answer. If you stay here, you will be defeated in one blow.It's worthless if it's destroyed like this. It's better to put it away and refining it later to eliminate the blue mist and still use it.

Su Yi had just put away the formation with his front legs, and Nie Xiaoqian was already making a gesture while mumbling a few formation flags to the surroundings.

In an instant, the originally elegant backyard turned into a vast jungle with dense trees!

This is the Wansen Formation obtained from Old Monster Mu.Different from the protective array, the entire array can be controlled with a single token, and there is no need to pay attention to maintenance all the time.But this Wansen formation is an attacking formation, and someone with a certain level of cultivation needs to be in charge of the manipulation to attack the enemy.

Naturally, Su Yi's first-level level of Qi training is not enough. Even if he holds the spirit stone in one hand and continuously draws spiritual power, it will not be able to supply the operation of the Wansen formation.

However, Nie Xiaoqian, who has the highest level of cultivation among the people, can barely maintain it, so Su Yi "gifted" the Wansen Formation to Nie Xiaoqian early, so it can be regarded as making the best use of it.

Qian Huan, who was about to speak, looked at the changes in the environment in astonishment, and was relieved when he saw that Su Yi had come up with such a big formation again.

Almost at the same time as the formation was completed, a fireball came from the eastern sky and smashed viciously on the newly formed formation.

This big formation is not a protective formation, but a trapping and killing formation, so the fireball will fall into the formation without hindrance!

The vast forest was destroyed in an instant, and a large area of ​​the forest was reduced to debris in a sea of ​​flames.

Nie Xiaoqian groaned, her mouth was filled with blood, and she showed a look of pain. Her hand movements changed rapidly, and she waved the formation flag in her hand.

A thick fog suddenly appeared in the vast jungle. As the terrain of the mountain forest changed, the fireball was trapped in a transformed point. The fire immediately decreased, and the fireball gradually extinguished and returned to its original appearance. It turned out to be a huge copper ball covered with runes!
"Demon Sealing Armor! It's Bai Hu, the elder of the Black Evil Sect, here! It must be the demon!" Qian Huan screamed with splitting eyes when he saw the copper ball.

Before the words were finished, a black shadow descended from the sky and also fell into the formation. As if summoned, the copper ball roared up into the sky to meet the black shadow.

Seeing this, Nie Xiaoqian hurriedly launched the formation, and the ground turned upside down and the trees in the formation were spinning, but she heard the black shadow in the formation snort coldly, stretched out her hand and pressed forward out of thin air, drank the word "open", and the large formation suddenly stopped In the next second, the copper ball flew in front of him without hindrance, and "slammed" on him without slowing down!
But the second before the copper ball touched the black figure's body, it seemed to turn into water and quickly wrapped around his body, turning into a set of copper armor!

Nie Xiaoqian, who repeatedly waved the formation flag, launched the formation again, making Wansen's formation work again. The black shadow staggered a few steps, and shot dozens of fireballs with successive tricks. Restored to the original state, the earth and the jungle rotated faster!
Not only that, countless sharp and strong wooden guns flew from all directions, shooting towards the black shadow in the middle!

The shadow didn't even try to dodge. As soon as these wooden guns hit the copper armor on his body, they exploded into pieces.

Nie Xiaoqian's expression changed again, and she waved the formation flag hurriedly. Immediately, countless vines surged out from the ground, the sky, and all directions, instantly wrapping the black shadow into a huge takraw ball.

Blazing flames immediately emerged from the sepak takraw ball. The next second, the sepak takraw ball fell into pieces, and a black shadow shot out of the sky. However, the sky and the earth were upside down, and he fell headlong into the soil.The rotating earth wanted to crush his body like a millstone, but it couldn't even break the copper armor on the black shadow. The black shadow shouted angrily and slapped his palm on the ground, but the sound of "rumbling" stopped and the big sound stopped. The formation stopped for a breath again, and the black shadow took the opportunity to rush out of the earth millstone, smashing the trees that were turning crazily towards him, but the next second the world was turned upside down, and he was once again trapped in the strangulation of the formation.

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