Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1637 Strong Enemy

Chapter 1637 Strong Enemy
Wan Sen's formation was really powerful, and the menacing black shadow tried to break free several times but failed.

But it's a pity that Nie Xiaoqian is only at the twelfth level of Qi training. No matter how powerful the big formation is, it is still a calf pulling the cart, which is very difficult.Every time the black shadow struggled violently to fight back, Nie Xiaoqian would vomit blood.It's hard to say how long she can last.

Not only Su Yi could see this, but Qian Huan on the side could also see it, as could Fu Xiaozhuo and Ning Caichen who released the other four people from Wuyinmen.

"My lord, you go first!" Nie Xiaoqian herself knew this, and she barely dared to be distracted after saying this in a hurry, and put all her heart and soul into mobilizing the formation.

How is it possible to leave?
This option has never been in Su Yi's dictionary.

Su Yi's face was as heavy as iron, and suddenly he took a step forward without saying a word, and slapped Qian Huan's chest with his palm.


"you dare!"

The faces of the four people who were brought out changed greatly when they saw this, and they all shouted.

Even Qian Huan was taken aback, his first thought was that Su Yi wanted to silence them, Su Yi would rather kill them than let the enemy get them, and then get information about the immortal girl through them.

But he immediately realized that he was worrying too much, because Su Yi's palm actually released all the restrictions on him.

The spiritual power surged in his body again, and he was free!

"Go and help her!" Su Yi said in a deep voice, "otherwise no one will be able to leave!"

The fluctuating aura of this black shadow is stronger than that of Old Monster Mu and Yan Chixia. Su Yi is sure that this is the most powerful person he has encountered so far, and he knows that he has to go all out.

It is his best choice now to release Qian Huan and let Qian Huan assist Nie Xiaoqian to maintain the formation.

Of course, there is an element of gambling in this - betting that Qian Huan is not a selfish person, and will not run away regardless of his fellow apprentice; also betting that Qian Huan will know the general situation because of the common powerful enemy, and choose to join forces with Su Yi.

Su Yi made the right bet, Qian Huan stretched out his hand without even half a moment of hesitation, and hurriedly said, "Give me my storage bag!"

Su Yi didn't ask what he was going to do at all, and just took out the storage bag that had been confiscated before and threw it to the other party.

He then pointed at the trapped four people of the Kirigakure Sect and said hastily: "Seal them with the Forbidden God Talisman! There may be a traitor among these four people! This person may have a way to break the magic seal!"

The purpose of the mixed-eyed fish demon being sent in by Ning Caichen is obviously not for positioning, but for breaking the formation.To break the formation, someone has to kill this thing, who will do it?
Su Yi's killing of the fish demon was just a whim, and it was definitely not in the enemy's plan, but it was just that Su Yi helped the enemy in advance.Su Yi had guessed before that the purpose of the enemy releasing this fish demon was probably to let the traitor sabotage at a critical moment, but the accident happened before he had time to do anything, so that now his life is hanging by a thread and he has no chance to confirm his guess .

Although Su Yi has no evidence to confirm this guess, he trusts his intuition.Now I have to do my best to deal with powerful enemies, but if there is a traitor, it is tantamount to leaving hidden dangers to Fu Xiaozhuo and the others.

So Su Yi simply made this matter clear!

I know there is a mole among the four of you, and I know you may have trouble.I will tell you clearly now that I will seal your consciousness just in case, so that you have no chance to make trouble!
If there is a traitor, what will he do at this critical moment?
As soon as Su Yi said this, everyone in the Wuyin Sect was stunned, and then everyone's expressions changed drastically, including Qian Huan.

Fu Xiaozhuo and Ning Caichen naturally obeyed Su Yi's orders 100%. The former took out the Forbidden Talisman and took action without saying a word.

"Boss, do you believe in such nonsense?" Cyclops suddenly roared, "He wants to kill us!"

There was an astonishing roar from the Wansen formation on one side, and Nie Xiaoqian was still struggling to support herself, bleeding from the corner of her mouth from time to time, her face pale.

Su Yi patted the storage bag, and suddenly a wooden token appeared in his palm.

This is the piece that Old Monster Mu gave him back then. In that battle, it was with this wooden card that he could come and go freely in Old Monster Mu's Wan Sen formation, constantly harassing and attacking Yan Chixia.

Now, he's going to do the same.This was a very urgent matter, but he stood there with a blank expression and was not in a hurry to enter the battle.

The beauty of this matter is that he gave Qian Huan freedom in advance, and then revealed the matter, leaving very short time for everyone to react.

Any emotional change in an emergency can easily lead to wrong choices.How would Qian Huan choose?How would the traitor choose?
Without further ado, Fu Xiaozhuo pasted a forbidden talisman on the tall man's forehead, and the latter fell silently and limply on the ground, losing consciousness.

"Boss, just look at it like this!" Cyclops's eyes were tearing, "The enemy is now, this is to kill us! He wants to silence!"

Qian Huan's face flashed sharply, his eyes were red, he stared at the silent Su Yi beside him, and then at the roaring formation and Nie Xiaoqian who was struggling to support, he gritted his teeth and said nothing.

The thin and short man was also sealed by the forbidden talisman, and his body went limp.

With a blank face, Fu Xiaozhuo pressed the third talisman to the forehead of the third person with one hand.

"Boss!" Cyclops yelled in grief and indignation.

As soon as the voice fell, the accident happened suddenly!
The person who was about to be banned by Fu Xiaozhuo was a middle-aged man with triangular eyes, the same person who had been captured by Nie Xiaoqian before. Suddenly, a strange red flashed in his eyes, and he slapped Fu Xiaozhuo who was very close to him. !
Even Fu Xiaozhuo was taken aback by being reminded by Su Yi to be careful all the time, but fortunately she reacted very quickly, and the flying sword she had sacrificed earlier slashed viciously at the first time.

At the same time, Ning Caichen, who had been on guard all the time, threw a fireball over without hesitation, hit the triangular eye, and then pulled the one-eyed dragon who had not been banned at last to fly back.


The flying sword flew out, and the fireball was instantly extinguished!

An inhuman roar came from the throat of the young man with triangular eyes, and an astonishing change took place in his whole body!

His body suddenly swelled as if he had been injected with a puffing agent, and the clothes on his body were also quickly torn, revealing a body covered with black hair.

"Demonization! Shayaojue!" Qian Huan cried out tremblingly, with disbelief and pain in his eyes.


Fu Xiaozhuo and Ning Caichen's attacks once again landed on their demonized bodies, but they didn't even damage the opponent's fur.


This guy seemed to lose his mind after being demonized, his eyes were red and violent, and he couldn't see the slightest human emotion. He roared and grabbed the tall unconscious man on the ground, and tore it into pieces without saying a word. It's raining!
"No!" Qian Huan and Cyclops shouted in grief and anger at the same time.

At this moment, Su Yi stepped in front of the demonized monster and punched it hard on the black-haired face!

The monster roared and flew backwards.

Su Yi's punch failed to injure him, which shows how powerful this monster is!
If such a monster suddenly made trouble when Su Yi entered the formation to deal with the powerful enemies in the formation, who could stop Ning Caichen or Fu Xiaozhuo?

In fact, Su Yi made a good guess. This guy really planned to launch a sudden attack when his master attacked. The three-eyed fish monster was prepared for him, and was going to break He Hetu's protective formation at that time.Unexpectedly, the hidden danger was detonated by Su Yi's marriage proposal.

But after being demonized, this monster is comparable to a foundation-building cultivator, and it is also extremely harmful. This is why Su Yi still insists on clearing mines!

To fight outside, you must first be safe inside.

Su Yi patted the storage bag and took out a long saber magic weapon, with killing intent in his eyes.

Nie Xiaoqian is still insisting that he must fight quickly, but this monster has thick skin and thick flesh, it is difficult to break through its defense...

"Dantian! Dantian is his only vital point!" Qian Huan cried out in pain on the other side.

Su Yi's eyes flashed, and he took a step forward and disappeared in place.

Although the monster lost his mind, he could still understand human words. When he heard the words, he subconsciously defended his dantian, but before he could react, a long knife had quietly pierced his fur and pierced his chest. Dantian!


There seemed to be a crackling sound coming from his dantian, and his whole body suddenly spewed out a huge amount of black air like a leak, and in the blink of an eye, the surrounding area was completely enveloped in black mist!

Su Yi slapped him on the face with a palm, and his body, which was still indestructible just now, had turned into a mortal body. Su Yi's palm directly broke his head up to the neck, and the big head flew out immediately, and his body also Quickly began to shrink, unable to hang down!

Su Yi took a step back and teleported out of the black mist envelope.

Qian Huan and Cyclops were staring blankly at this scene with pained faces.

"Seal him! You go first!" Su Yi pointed to the one-eyed dragon and ordered.

Cyclops, who had protested violently before, burst into tears like a fool, and let Fu Xiaozhuo put the forbidden talisman on him without moving, and then lost consciousness.

"Let's go!" Fu Xiaozhuo mentioned the unconscious one-eyed dragon and the skinny man, and sacrificed the flying magic weapon. She knew very well that staying here would not do anything except to hinder Su Yi.

Ning Caichen obviously understood this truth, and hurriedly jumped onto Fu Xiaozhuo's flying silk.

"Master, be careful..." His concerned shout gradually faded away.

"Can I still trust you?" Su Yi looked at Qian Huan and said coldly.

"I've already guessed about the traitor, even if you don't kill him if you find him, I'll kill him!" Qian Huan gritted his teeth while holding back the grief, "We and the Heisha Sect are inseparable, don't worry..."

"My lord!" Nie Xiaoqian spit out a mouthful of blood again, and cried out anxiously, her whole body was shaking like a sieve, and there was a rumbling tremor, as if it would be broken in the next second.

"Help!" Su Yi didn't waste any more time, in fact, Qian Huan had already passed the test.Just now he let go of Qian Huan's restraint before breaking the traitor's matter. What he wants to see is not only the traitor's choice, but also Qian Huan's.

Holding the token, Su Yi stepped into the formation and disappeared out of thin air.

Qian Huan also hurriedly rushed to Nie Xiaoqian to slap the storage bag, threw a pill to Nie Xiaoqian without saying a word, and spoke quickly: "This is an explosive panacea, which is harmful to a certain extent but can double your mana for a short time... "

Before she finished speaking, Nie Xiaoqian threw the elixir into her mouth without saying a word.

She trusted Su Yi unconditionally, so she also trusted the people Su Yi sent to help her.

The elixir melted at the entrance, but it turned into violent spiritual power rushing through her meridians. Nie Xiaoqian's complexion instantly became flushed like a drop of blood. The array suddenly became much "docile".

At the same time, Qian Huan was not idle. He took out eight dragon-shaped bronze pillars from the storage bag. Each bronze pillar was engraved with a dragon's head, and each dragon's mouth contained a bronze ball.

While figuring out the formula, he manipulated the dragon-shaped bronze pillar to fall in different directions, and said quickly: "The potency of the Explosive Spirit Pill can only last for a stick of incense, after which you will fall into a period of weakness, and it will take three days for you to recover to a half-full cultivation level. So I will be in charge of the big formation later! Although I don’t understand the principle of this big formation and I don’t have a refining formation flag, I can sense the direction of the most violent fluctuations of the big formation with the help of the eight senses! With your assistance, I can concentrate on manipulating part of the large formation in the area where the enemy is located, and achieve the same effect as you control the large formation..."

Nie Xiaoqian finally heaved a sigh of relief after listening to her tense heart, and said in her heart that the young master finally believed in this person...

in the array.

The endlessly circling jungle and the earth that rotates in the opposite direction and turns upside down at any time make the people trapped in the formation dazzled and find it difficult to live peacefully for a moment.

Boss Mu is a monk in the mid-stage of Foundation Establishment, so the big formation he has painstakingly created is of course no small matter.Even though the attacking monster is powerful, he doesn't have the magical weapon like the Vajra relic, and the mixed-eyed fish monster spends a lot of time defending it. With only brute force, it's hard to break through this monster in a short while. Wan Sen's formation.

Of course the demon was very angry, he never imagined that this kind of formation that could compete with the foundation cultivator, the opponent actually had two sets!

It's a pity that he doesn't have two mixed-eyed fish demons, otherwise how could he be so passive?

But even if this big formation is powerful, it can only trap him and not pose any threat to him at all.

And it's not impossible to break the formation with a strong force, it just takes time.

When Su Yi entered the formation, he could see at a glance that the demon was directing two white-haired corpses to attack the formation one by one.

This magic weapon fluctuated with an aura that made Su Yi's heart palpitate!
This is definitely not an ordinary magic weapon!
Su Yi thought of the short blade hidden in the cane in his storage bag.

This is a talisman!
There are special formulas for mobilizing the talisman, and it takes time to prepare, recharge the talisman, and then activate it. This is the correct way to open the talisman.

In addition to using it in this way, the talisman can also be activated instantly, and it can be activated by using an ordinary magic weapon, but in this way, the talisman can only exert one-third of its own power, and cannot exert its full effect.

Su Yi used the second method instead of the first method when using talisman treasures before.

There are two reasons. The first is that the first method naturally requires a long time to prepare, but in the fight, unless there is someone to cover it, or there is a safe environment to not be interrupted, the spell can be cast; the second is because the first method needs to extract the energy from the body. Su Yi's level [-] Qi training couldn't afford the large amount of mana. Even if he drained it all, it wouldn't be enough to activate the talisman.

So it's not that Su Yi doesn't want to use the first method, it's that he can't use it.

But just because he couldn't use it, it didn't mean that others couldn't use it. At this moment, the demon was obviously preparing to activate the ring talisman with all his strength and prepare to use it to break the formation.

Seeing this scene, Su Yi's eyelids twitched. The opponent used two corpses to attack the formation, and Nie Xiaoqian was already in a mess. If he urged Fu Bao to do it again...

He was sure that even if Nie Xiaoqian and Qian Huan were added together, they would not be able to withstand this blow.

(End of this chapter)

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