Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1638 Angry

Chapter 1638 Angry

Baihu is cultivating his Thousand Chance Ring, which is the only talisman on his body and also his most powerful trump card.

After getting the news of the undead girl's rebirth, he launched the blood sacrifice method to forcibly suppress the injuries and blatantly appeared. The purpose was to intercept everyone related to the undead girl and ensure that the undead girl would not slip away from his palm again this time.

He knew very well that the leader would never allow him to fail twice in the same thing.

He didn't allow it himself.

Because of this, when he was hiding under the ancestral temple to heal his wounds, he handed over the precious mixed-eyed fish demon to his capable men, so that as soon as he found out about the undead girl, he would immediately kill the mixed-eyed fish demon. The fish demon mingled among these people, and immediately went to awaken him to be born, and then he would quickly come by locating the mixed-eye fish demon!
The concealment technique of the Wuyinmen really gave Baihu a headache. He first made sure that this group of people was in Guanggui City, and then used the most stupid way to screen them quietly with the help of the government, only to find the traces of the Wuyinmen.

But he didn't rush to scare the snake, because he found that the people from the Wuyinmen were also looking for the immortal girl, and they were separated from the immortal girl.

Compared to searching for a needle in a haystack without any clues, Bai Hu believed that the Wuyinmen must have some kind of clue about the undead girl, so he immediately decided to hold back and use the Wuyinmen to find the undead girl before taking action.
For this reason, he also tried his best to create an insider in the Wuyin Gate. He used both soft and hard methods to teach the secret traitor, and let him hide inside the Wuyin Gate to deliver messages for himself.

It's a pity that the traitor's status is not high, and what he doesn't know is that the traitor accidentally exposed his feet when he sent a message before, and has been alerted by Qian Huan. Qian Huan has already started to investigate the traitor quietly. People are just a matter of time.

If Su Yi and others don't come to Guanggui City, the Wuyinmen will get rid of the traitor and then take away the undead girl, but they are weak after all, they can't keep the undead girl, and the people of the Heisha Sect would never think that the undead girl can't be killed. It was not made of mud, and finally led to a series of stories about Qimen Dunjia.

But all this changed with the arrival of Su Yi and others.

The first time Hehetu became famous in Guanggui City, Baihu had already paid attention to Su Yi.But when he looked from afar, he realized that Nie Xiaoqian, the most advanced among the group, was only practicing casually during the Qi training period, so he didn't care.

The Heisha Sect needs a large number of casual practitioners to teach middle and high-level blood sacrifices. Naturally, he can't let everyone in Hehetu, no matter how small a mosquito is, it is meat.But Baihu knew that his most important task was to find out the whereabouts of the undead girl, so naturally he would not expose the traces of himself and the Heisha Cult for the sake of the "mere Hehetu" people, so as not to startle the snake and alarm the Wuyinmen.

Because of this, Su Yi and others have been practicing safe and sound until now.

Bai Hu also didn't expect that his little patience at that time would actually make the person in Hehe Tu give him a huge surprise!

They actually found an immortal girl for themselves!
Bai Hu was overjoyed to receive the report from his subordinates. After many years of waiting, he finally saw the light of day. Of course, he had to personally take action to ensure that everything was safe.

His subordinates told him that Hehetu has a large protective formation, but the mixed fish monster has already been sent in. If the traitor takes the opportunity to kill the mixed fish monster, then the protective formation will become a display.

Baihu was even more pleasantly surprised when he heard the news. This is a good start.

The Great Mountain Protecting Formation is the most troublesome thing. If you want to break through it, unless you are proficient in the formation, it will take a lot of effort and time.Now with the mixed-eyed fish demon, this most troublesome trouble is no longer a trouble, how can he not be happy?
He immediately rushed to Hehetu, and at the same time ordered his subordinates to contact the rest of the people and seal off Guanggui City, lest anyone who slipped through the net would take the opportunity to escape.

"I know a few of you took advantage of my dormancy to go to Heifeng Mountain in Jingzhou without telling me more than a year ago, hehe, is the martial arts that guy from Heishan gave you easy to practice?" Bai Hu sneered at his opponent before leaving road.

This subordinate hastily knelt down and tremblingly said: "Master, forgive me, we just want to strengthen our own strength, we are loyal to the master, and we have no second thoughts!"

"I don't even dare to measure you!" Bai Hu said disdainfully, "That guy from Black Mountain set up some kind of immortal meeting, just to attract new people to join the group. If you really think there is any chance of becoming an immortal there, you are totally wrong! I don’t care what martial arts you get from him, but he and I are both working for the leader, if you think you will have a better future by following him, then you are wrong!"

"Subordinates dare not, subordinates absolutely dare not..."

"Hmph, if this matter is done well, it will certainly be beneficial to you, but if it is not done well... the new and old debts will be settled together!" Baihu warned, and then he sacrificed the flying magic weapon and flew towards Hehetu. go.

Baihu is a late-stage foundation-establishment monk who is close to the completion of foundation-establishment. Although he has old injuries that need to be suppressed, he can still display [-]% of his strength.He originally thought that if the opponent's mountain protection formation was broken, or even if it hadn't been broken, as long as he created an opportunity, the traitor would take advantage of the chaos and make it easy to break the formation.

Then this group of small casual cultivators in the qi training period were like lambs waiting to be slaughtered and let him handle it.

In short, he was full of confidence and felt that this would be a very easy and smooth thing, and it was only a matter of time before he got the immortal girl.

So he clearly saw the big formation, but still rushed in without hesitation.

But when he entered the formation, he realized something was wrong.

This is not the mountain guard formation, but the Wansen formation!

The Wansen Formation is a trapping and killing formation with wood attributes, and there is a sacrificial method for this formation in the treasury of the Heisha Sect, so Baihu naturally knows about it.

This formation is only capable of being sacrificed by foundation-building cultivators, but it is arranged here now?

Baihu didn't wonder why there was a large formation of Wansen here - there are too many possibilities, and as long as everyone here is caught, everything will be clear.

He tried to attack the large formation, and soon realized that the power of Wansen's large formation was not as great as he imagined. I felt relieved again.

So he attacked the formation even more frantically. He believed that with his own strength, the little monks in charge of the formation would be trembling as if they were walking on thin ice, and those hiding behind the formation would also be frightened.As for the traitor I planted, as long as he takes the opportunity to kill the mixed-eyed fish demon and throw it into the formation, all problems will be solved.

It's a pity that what Baihu doesn't know is that the mixed fish demon has been consumed.This Wansen formation is the second formation owned by Hehetu.

Moreover, his traitor was also found out and killed, and he would never be able to take the shortcut of cooperating with the inside and outside to break the formation.

Bai Hu, who was struggling to support and seek the cooperation of the traitor in the battle, waited for a long time to no avail, he was shocked and angry.

Although he was trapped in the formation and didn't know what was wrong, it didn't mean that he would just wait and wait for death.

So he released two zombies to attack the formation for him, while he used the Talisman Ring of Thousand Opportunities, intending to forcefully break through the formation and rush out.

Although this will consume his mana and affect his old injuries, he can only use this most straightforward and stupid method now.Su Yi came in at this time.

Su Yi was sensed by Bai Hu the first time he entered the battle.

A junior with a level of Qi training?

Bai Hu was really stunned for a while, but Su Yi teleported to him, and Bai Hu put away his contempt.

Although he didn't think that Su Yi would pose any threat to him, people who knew his strength and dared to join the battle, unless they had a brain, would never have such insignificant strength on the surface.

He pretended not to know, and only cared about refining the talisman treasures.But in the dark, he was on guard, and if this junior dared to make a move, he would immediately give him a thunderous blow!
In fact, no matter whether he was prepared or not, Su Yi had no choice.

It was impossible for Su Yi to let him sacrifice the talisman to break the formation, so he took a step without hesitation, and in the next second he was in front of Baihu, and slapped the opponent's forehead fiercely.

The light of blood suddenly appeared, and a strong smell of blood rushed to the nostrils. Su Yi's palm seemed to be slapped and stuck in the thick blood, and the majestic power suddenly disappeared.

This is not surprising, it is strange that the other party has no defense.

Su Yi immediately launched the extremely dark thunder.

"Go to hell!" At the same time, the white tiger shot out a three-color light with a grinning grin, and came straight to Su Yi's body!

Su Yi's hair stood up in an instant, but he forcibly restrained the urge to escape. He waited until he had finished releasing the extremely dark thunder, and the moment before seeing the three-color light was about to cover his body, he could teleport away his body !
The extreme yin thunder is designed to subdue ghosts and ghosts, and the technique that Baihu cultivates is exactly this attribute. The blood light all over his body melted away in an instant, and his whole body also froze suddenly. in his hands.

The ritual was interrupted!

Not only that, the white tiger swam away with electric snakes all over his body, his face flushed and he spurted out a mouthful of reverse blood!

It is impossible for him to imagine that Su Yi can release the extremely dark thunder that can hurt him, it is impossible!

It's like it's impossible for any normal person to believe that a three-year-old spit out three kilograms of saliva in one gulp.

This is something that goes against common sense!
But it just happened, so Baihu got hit!

Suyi, the extremely dark Lei Suyi, did not dare to use it lightly, because it is the key to maintaining his body balance, but not daring not to do so easily does not mean that he cannot. Before dealing with Yan Chixia, he only cut a strand from a distance. This time, when dealing with Baihu, he is close Open it up, this extremely dark thunder has solidly acted on Baihu's body!
Thunder and lightning wantonly destroyed Baihu's meridians and dantian, and the injuries he suffered before could not be suppressed and erupted in an instant, resulting in the backlash of the injuries, and the sacrifice of the talisman was interrupted.

If Su Yi can seize the opportunity to hit Bai Hu hard at this time, maybe he can really succeed in the sneak attack, and let this Foundation Establishment Daxiu die before he can fully develop his cultivation.

It's a pity that Su Yi is too busy to take care of himself now.

Bai Hu is not a vegetarian. The "surprise" he prepared for Su Yi is like a maggot in the tarsal bone, chasing after her!
These are three three-color rays of light, one gold, one red, and one black!
Flying at extreme speed, Su Yi couldn't see what it was, but the palpitating aura fluctuating on the three-color light made Su Yi dare not let it touch his body at all.

He launched teleportation one after another, but no matter where he appeared, the three-color light would chase there, the speed was extremely fast.

He took out a magic weapon from the storage bag to block one or two, but the three colors of light seemed to have no substance at all, and his magic weapon couldn't touch the three colors of light at all!

If he was an orthodox monk, he would definitely release a body protection technique to block this blow at this moment, but it's a pity that Su Yi didn't!

He can only rely on his own body to bear it, but does he dare to let this light of unknown effect touch his body?

So he can only teleport one after another to dodge!

At a certain moment, Su Yi teleported to a zombie that was attacking the formation, grabbed the white-haired zombie and blocked it in front of him.

Although this corpse is a puppet without intelligence, its fighting instinct is still there, and it is very keen. The first time Su Yi touched him, he counterattacked, roaring and swung the mace in his hand and smashed at Su Yi fiercely. Su Yi's head.

Su Yi didn't hide, because he knew that Shi Sha's attack could not be as fast as the three-color light.

As he expected, before the corpse's attack landed on Su Yi's body, the three-color light instantly enveloped the corpse's body, and Su Yi released the corpse immediately and teleported away again.

Shi Sha let out an inhuman scream, and the three colors of his body flashed alternately. When the golden light flickered, his flesh and bones were cracked inch by inch; The body turned into flying ash inch by inch, flying in mid-air.

A good corpse will disappear completely in the world in the blink of an eye!
Only then did the three-color brilliance fade away, and Su Yi took a closer look, and found that it was a three-color insect whose body seemed to be between reality and reality, about the size of a fist, and looked hideous and terrifying!
It's just such a small bug that swallowed a corpse just now!
Su Yi saw that his scalp was numb and his hair stood on end, his heart was already in his throat.

But fortunately, the worm seemed to be "satisfied" after swallowing a corpse, and looked a lot more sluggish. It flew to the white tiger with a "swish", and got into its clothes.

At this moment, the white tiger's body was filled with blood, and while roaring, it made an astonishing change!
His facial features were distorting, white horns grew from his head, and his palms turned into sharp claws. His whole body was covered in white hair, his body swelled rapidly, and he became more than ten feet tall in the blink of an eye!
The white tiger was enraged!

"I want you to die!" He roared and pointed at Su Yi, and the unrefined Thousand Chance Ring whizzed towards Su Yi in an instant!

This thing rises in the wind, and in the blink of an eye, it reaches the size of the sky and the earth. No matter the towering trees or the sweeping land, it will be crushed into dust wherever it passes. It is unstoppable!
There was no way for Su Yi to hide, and his complexion changed instantly!

He didn't expect that this talisman would have such great power even before the sacrifice was completed, it's incredible!
He didn't even want to pinch the seal and press the token in his hand, and the next second he disappeared into the big formation and appeared outside the big formation!
Su Yi's figure appeared out of thin air in the backyard of Hehetu. Not far away, the person presiding over the formation had been replaced by Qianhuan, and eight bronze dragon-shaped pillars were suspended in eight directions.

(End of this chapter)

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