Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1659 The Girl

Chapter 1659 The Girl
as big as World, nothing is nonexistent.The Yellow Valley Bird is already a very strange creature. What is even more strange is that someone can discover its strangeness and invent things like the Spirit Feeding Pill and the Yingxiang Powder based on its characteristics to make use of it.

Tang Kun used this method to create a huge problem for the Black Evil Sect. Fortunately, Su Yi had better methods and could now rely on Huang Guniao to take the lead.

Han Li and Li Feiyu had to separate from Su Yi and others when they arrived outside the city. According to Su Yi's previous arrangement, the two of them had to go back to Wuligou of Caixia Mountain in Jingzhou to help Han Li's family detoxify, and then they would Go to Yellow Maple Valley.

After Su Yi said goodbye to Han Li, he took Li Feiyu to explain the matter.

"Master, one step at a time, you will definitely be able to find Senior Brother Ning and the others before the Black Evil Sect with this Yellow Valley Bird!" Seeing Su Yi's solemn expression, Li Feiyu comforted him.

Su Yi chuckled: "Nothing is absolute, and there is no guarantee that what we do will not have any flaws. Besides, whether it is the death of the immortal girl or the white tiger, there is a reason for the Black Evil Sect to go all out. This time we have poked a hornet's nest. , it is impossible for the Black Evil Sect to only focus on Jiayuan City and only one Tang Kun. What if they discover the whereabouts of Caichen and the others faster than us elsewhere..."

He shook his head: "Whether Caichen and the others can be safe depends on their own destiny."

But having said that, of course Su Yi still has to go all out to find someone.

He looked at Li Feiyu and said: "I have told you everything I should have told you before. You are about to embark on a road full of dangers and pains. Whether it is a blessing or a disaster depends entirely on you. As a master, I have no responsibility in this matter. I can't help you much. However, before I leave, I can tell you a method. If you encounter a fatal crisis in your practice, or encounter a huge trouble that cannot be solved, you can use this method."

"What method?" Li Feiyu was very curious.

Su Yi handed him a piece of paper: "It will be destroyed after reading it."

Li Feiyu took the paper and looked at it carefully, his expression became extremely strange as he looked at it.

"Master... are you really a god?" Li Feiyu couldn't help but ask, "According to the method on the paper, can I see you?"

Su Yi said calmly: "Believe it or not!"

Turning around, he patted his storage bag and took out the Fei Ling, the newly acquired female flying magic weapon from White Tiger, and threw it to Nie Xiaoqian and said: "Xiaoqian, control this Fei Ling to catch up with Huang Guniao!"

"Yes, son!"

Nie Xiaoqian did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly made secrets to transfer spiritual power to activate Feiling. Su Yi and Qian Huan stepped on it one after another.

"Farewell to Master (senior), Farewell to Senior Aunt Nie, Taoist Fellow Qian Huan..." Han Li and Li Feiyu clasped their fists together to bid farewell to Su Yi and others.

Nie Xiaoqian smiled and nodded at the two of them, Feiling soared into the sky and disappeared into the night in the blink of an eye.

After Li Feiyu watched Fei Ling disappear, he crumpled the paper Su Yigang left for him into a ball and stuffed it into his mouth, chewed it and swallowed it, then sighed: "Master, Master, are you really a god?"

"Why do you say that?" Han Li looked at him, but he was curious about what was written on that piece of paper, which made Li Feiyu express such emotion.

"...You don't understand, forget it, I won't tell you!" Li Feiyu hesitated for a moment, then waved his hand, choosing not to tell Han Li.The master took him aside to tell him this before leaving, obviously not wanting others to know.

Thinking about it, if others heard about this, they would either think that the master was a lunatic, or, like me, they would think that the master was really a god. Otherwise, how could such a thing happen?

"You idiot, I will become an immortal master soon. How arrogant will you be then?" Li Feiyu changed the subject and said to Han Li with a smile.

Han Li looked at him with some pity: "I hope you won't regret it in the future."

"Of course I won't regret it." Li Feiyu patted him on the shoulder, "How high I can grow in the future depends on how late you idiot provided me with the elixir. If I become an immortal in the future, you will definitely be my first choice. achievement!"

Han Li couldn't help but rolled his eyes: "One day, I will have become the emperor of immortals!"

Li Feiyu looked at him and nodded repeatedly with a very pleased look on his face: "You fool, your boastful face is already as good as mine."

"Fuck you!" Han Li couldn't help laughing and scolding, "Be careful, I won't ignore you after entering Yellow Maple Valley."

"You idiot, now you dislike the poor and love the rich?" Li Feiyu looked "shocked", "No, I have to find the master to come back, what he entrusted is an unfair person!"

"How could a god like Senior Su accept a disciple like you who is so obscure?" Han Li sighed deliberately, "I think Senior Su just missed you."

"I also think that master should actually accept you as his disciple." Li Feiyu smiled again, "Master is so kind to you. He gave you treasures and arranged for you to join the seven major sects. Alas, I don't even have any disciples. This treatment makes me so jealous of you, kid."

Han Li couldn't help but laugh: "If possible, I would really like to trade with you."

The Yellow Valley Bird flew all the way south. When the sky was getting brighter, it seemed to be tired of flying. It turned around and flew back to the flying magic weapon where Su Yi was, and landed in Su Yi's palm.Su Yi took out a feeding elixir from his storage bag and fed it to it. After the bird swallowed it, it immediately flapped its wings and flew away, heading south.

After passing through a thick fog, you can see the mountains ahead as far as the eye can see, giving people a sense of vastness and desolation.

"The Tainan Mountains are here!" Qian Huan narrowed his eyes and said quietly, "If my second brother and the others really come here, I probably know who they will go to find..."

At the same time, deep in the Tainan Mountains.

In a deep valley, a pangolin and a clairvoyant sat cross-legged by a fire, meditating and practicing.

Not far away from them, Ning Caichen and Fu Xiaozhuo, who were immobilized by the ban, were chatting with an innocent-looking girl.

"So this is how you and your master met? Do you know now that he is very powerful?" The girl smiled innocently and very cutely.She asked after listening to Ning Caichen talk about the past acquaintance with Su Yi.

This way south, although the girl's movements were not restricted, she was not free.Zhuge Qingyun treats her very well, but no matter where she goes, she cannot leave the sight of the Kirigakure disciples. In fact, she has always been under surveillance and control.

Although the girl is as innocent and innocent as a blank sheet of paper, she is by no means stupid. Of course she can feel this, and she can also feel that except for Zhuge Qingyun, the other four members of the Kirigakure Sect are both greedy and wary of her. That hint of hostility.

Even behind Zhuge Qingyun's friendliness, which was almost responsive to her requests, there was a sense of awkwardness that made her extremely uncomfortable.

Therefore, the girl preferred to stay with the two captives Ning Caichen and Fu Xiaozhuo.

The two people had been restrained and unable to move since they woke up from a coma. During this period, Ning Caichen yelled and made a fuss, hoping that the people at Wuyinmen would let him go on his own, but he was refused and ignored.Finally, after being "knocked out" and warned, I had to shut up and be honest.

"Are you the immortal girl they said?" This was the first thing Ning Caichen said to the girl. "Immortal girl?" The girl opened her eyes and pointed at herself, "Are you talking about me? I am not immortal, my name is Xiao Yuan."

"Little Circle, what kind of name is this?" Ning Caichen was startled.

The girl smiled and rolled up her sleeves to reveal her smooth and white arms, but she saw a circular mark on the outside of her left arm that was particularly eye-catching, like a ring of fire.

"I have a circle here, so Brother Zhuge calls me Little Circle." The girl smiled sillyly, "How about it, isn't this name cute?"

"Humph, it's so superficial. I don't even know what it means!" Ning Caichen snorted coldly. Seeing the girl in a daze, he hurriedly explained: "I'm not talking about you, I'm talking about Zhuge Qingyun's poor naming skills for such a beautiful and lovely girl like you. , deserves a better name.”

"Then give me a name!" The girl looked at Ning Caichen with great interest.

"Me?" Ning Caichen was startled, "Don't you have your own name before?"

The girl shook her head: "I have no name, and I don't know who I am. I don't know where I come from, what I want to do in life, and where I should go. I don't know anything."

Ning Caichen looked at her with pity and sighed: "It's okay not to know. If you don't know, you won't have so many worries."

"Do you have a lot of worries?" the girl asked

"Of course, I can't move now, I'm so annoyed!" Ning Caichen said.

"Then if I chat with you, will you feel better?" the girl giggled.

"Yes, I will be very happy." Ning Caichen smiled.

The girl felt Ning Caichen's sincerity and kindness and laughed happily: "Okay, then I will keep chatting with you!"

Ning Caichen has the clarity and frankness of a scholar, and the liveliness and innocence of a girl. The two of them talk to each other, and they talk about very boring things, but they are unexpectedly very speculative, and the more they talk, the more enjoyable they become. .

Later, Fu Xiaozhuo couldn't help but say a few words occasionally, but most of the time she listened quietly. However, her cold eyes became softer unconsciously when she looked at the girl.

The two of them chatted all the way to the Tainan Mountains. The girl's past was blank and she had nothing to say, but she asked questions like a curious baby and was very interested in everything Ning Caichen said.

Ning Caichen was also big-hearted and actually told her some embarrassing things from his childhood, which made the girl laugh from time to time.

At first, the people at Kirigakure kept their ears open to listen to the chat between the two people here, but as they listened, they lost interest.

Who wants to hear the stupid past stories of a mortal scholar?
so boring!

Half an hour ago, everyone came to this valley, and Zhuge Qingyun took Tie Dragonfly and Gui Jianchou to explore the way.

Because if you go not far further, you will have to go out of the Tainan Mountains to the border of Lanzhou, and you will soon reach Yunzhou.They need to make sure it's safe ahead.

It stands to reason that this kind of pathfinding matter would be more suitable for a clairvoyant with a talent for pupil skills, but along the way, the five people from the Kirigakure Sect were faintly divided into two factions - the "Far Escape Sect" with Zhuge Qingyun and the clairvoyant as one group. They believe that the current situation is not good and they should escape as soon as possible; there is also the "rescue faction" composed of Tie Dragonfly, Guijianchou and Pangolin. They believe that they should return to Jiayuan City to exchange hostages with Hehetu and exchange for the boss .

It stands to reason that the number of people is three to two, and the "rescue faction" should have the upper hand. However, Zhuge Qingyun is the second senior brother. In terms of status, he has a higher status than everyone else. Naturally, he speaks with more authority than Iron Dragonfly.Not to mention, Tie Dragonfly obviously has feelings for Zhuge Qingyun. Although the two have different opinions, the former cannot bear to disregard Zhuge Qingyun's face and make compromises again and again even if he loses his temper.

It is precisely because of this split that when Zhuge Qingyun left someone to guard the two captives and the immortal girl Xiaoquan, he deliberately left one person from both factions to check and balance each other and maintain a subtle mutual restraint relationship.

After Zhuge Qingyun and three other people went to explore the road, Pangolin and Clairvoyant checked the restrictions on Ning Caichen and Fu Xiaozhuo, and cast a sensing spell on Xiao Yuan, then sat aside and took the time to meditate and recover their spiritual power. went.

The effect of this sensing technique is that as long as the small circle leaves a certain range of the pangolin and the clairvoyant, the two people will immediately sense it.

Xiao Yuanhuan didn't want to leave at all. As she said, she didn't know where she should go. It was better to follow Zhuge Qingyun.

But now, she just wants to chat with Ning Caichen.

As Ning Caichen chatted, he talked about the ruined temple where he and Su Yi first met. He talked about his fear and panic that day, mistaking Su Yi for a scholar who was as powerless as him. .

This was the first time for Fu Xiaozhuo to hear these things. He was very absorbed in listening, and Xiao Yuan was even more interested. Only then did he ask the previous question - "Do you know now that your master is very powerful?"

"Of course I know, otherwise how could he be my master?" Ning Caichen said.

"I'm not talking about ordinary awesomeness, but extremely awesomeness!" The little circle gestured with his hands, but he didn't know how to describe it.

"Everyone combined can't beat him. Even I'm afraid of him!" There was fear in Xiao Yuan's eyes.

"Are you afraid of him? You've never seen him!" Ning Caichen laughed.

"But I heard you talking at the door of Jingshi Hall." Xiao Yuanhua said, "I also sensed his aura. His different from everyone else's."

"Are your ears so good?" Ning Caichen asked curiously, "How far can you hear?"

Xiao Yuan looked at the two people meditating over there, leaned into Ning Caichen's ear and whispered in a low voice: "I lied to Brother Zhuge and said I couldn't hear very far, but in fact I can. I want to know them What to say about me."

"Then what did they say about you?" Ning Caichen asked.

Xiao Yuan's expression dimmed and he said: "It's not good anyway. I used to like Brother Zhuge very much. He named me, took me away, and was kind to me. But now, I don't like him that much."

"No wonder the people from Wuyinmen use sign language to communicate when they talk about something in front of us." Fu Xiaozhuo interrupted abruptly, "It turns out they were guarding against Xiao Yuan."

"Humph, you're so sneaky and shameless!" Ning Caichen said in annoyance, "You're also very stingy, and you don't want me to move my hands and feet."

Xiao Yuanhua said with a smile: "Brother Caichen, if you can move, you can escape, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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