Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1660 Human Heart

Ning Caichen was startled by Xiao Yuan's words and subconsciously glanced at the pangolin and clairvoyant who were meditating over there.

Xiao Yuan was amused by his sneaky look: "Don't worry, they think what we say is useless nonsense, so they don't listen to what we say."

Ning Caichen breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Xiao Yuan, I don't want to lie to you, so just pretend you haven't asked me this question."

As he said this, he glanced at Fu Xiaozhuo on the side, their eyes twinkling.

Little Circle looked at this, then that, and laughed: "I know, as long as you can move on your own, you can escape, right?"

Ning Caichen smiled bitterly and was about to say something when Fu Xiaozhuo suddenly said: "Xiao Yuan, if we really want to escape, will you tell your brother Zhuge?"

"But why are you running away? Isn't it good to follow Brother Zhuge?" Xiao Yuan said she couldn't understand this. "There are bad people chasing us now. Brother Zhuge is trying to save everyone. It's Sister Dragonfly who wants to use you in exchange." Others, she is the bad person.”

"You happened to say the opposite!" Fu Xiaozhuo sneered, "If one day your brother Zhuge wants to kill us, I won't be surprised at all."

"Why did he want to kill you? He has always been very good to you?" Xiao Yuan frowned.

Ning Caichen sighed and said: "Forget it, Xiao Yuan is very simple, she doesn't understand this."

Finally, he said to Xiao Yuan: "No matter what happens between us and your brother Zhuge, you don't need to ask or care about it. I don't want you to be troubled and unhappy because of these things."

Xiao Yuan looked at Ning Caichen for a while, then suddenly said: "I will let you go when we are all safe."

"Then let me thank you first, Little Circle." Ning Caichen said with a smile, but he didn't believe it at all.

"They're back." Xiao Yuan suddenly turned around and looked at the dense forest on the left. "They were quarreling all the way."

"What's the noise about?" Fu Xiaozhuo asked.

"It's still the same problem." Xiao Yuanhua said, "Brother Zhuge is leaving, but Sister Dragonfly wants to take you back to replace him."

As he was talking, he saw a flying magic weapon not far away carrying three people flying through the forest at high speed, and they arrived in the blink of an eye.

The pangolin and clairvoyant who were meditating were awakened, opened their eyes and stood up.

The three people fell down and put away their flying magic weapons. They were Zhuge Qingyun, Tie Dragonfly and Gui Jianchou.

The pangolin and the clairvoyant both rushed forward.

"Third sister, what's going on?" the pangolin asked eagerly.

Tie Dragonfly had a stinky face and said nothing, while Zhuge Qingyun on the other side also looked very unhappy.

Pangolin raised an eyebrow and looked at Gui Jianchou: "Are you arguing again?"

Guijianchou showed a helpless look, shook his head and said, "I can't get out. The direction to Yunzhou is blocked tightly by the Black Evil Cult. There are spiritual birds flying around in the sky to patrol and search. On the ground, they don't hesitate to spend a lot of money." Deploying manpower and absolute soul restrictions, and they are constantly narrowing the scope.”

"Absolute Spirit Restriction? The entire boundary of Taiyue Mountain?" The clairvoyant took a breath of cold air after hearing this, "The powerful Black Evil Sect is really willing to spend a lot of money! How many spiritual stones will this cost? Even if we hide ourselves, we can't be completely free. Spiritual energy fluctuations..."

He looked at Zhuge Qingyun: "Second brother, let's change direction?"

"It's useless." Zhuge Qingyun said gloomily, "They have already spared no expense, and it will be the same in the other direction."

"Then what should we do?" Qianliyan was anxious, "You can't really let them catch you in a trap, right?"

"Who is Turtle? Are you?" Gui Jianchou snorted coldly and glanced at Zhuge Qingyun dissatisfied, "I think the third sister is right, we don't have the ability to keep the small circle, so don't involve yourself in it. Give up the small circle, and the Black Evil Cult will naturally not bite our butts like crazy wild dogs. Then we will take the two of them together to exchange for the eldest brother, leave Lanzhou, and live in seclusion in peace and security from now on. Practice!”

"So many people died for her, and I paid such a high price. Why don't you give up? I'm not willing to do it!" Thousand Miles Eye said coldly.

"Ahem!" Zhuge Qingyun glared at them fiercely, winked, and made gestures.

"No need for secret words, I just told her!" Gui Jianchou pointed at the small circle over there and shouted dissatisfied, "Second brother, I know you are crazy about building a foundation, and I want it too! Just ask Who among us doesn’t want to? But I think we are almost dead now, so don’t think so much! Besides, isn’t brother’s life important?”

"No one said that the eldest brother's life is not important! The second brother meant that at least we should get out of danger first!" The clairvoyant argued, "I don't think there is a conflict between saving the eldest brother and taking the woman with him! We have a hostage!"

"You said it yourself before, saying that hostages are useless, that people who make peace with each other will not give up their interests, and now you are using hostages as your excuse?" Pangolin sneered with sarcasm on his face, "You are the one doing the talking over and over again? Don't you think it's ridiculous?"

"Okay, stop arguing!" Zhuge Qingyun couldn't help but raise his voice.

"Stop putting on your airs, Second Senior Brother!" Pangolin glared. Ever since Shunfeng Er's death, he has always had a big problem with Zhuge Qingyun. "We have been fighting all the way. If you and Third Sister are not annoyed, I am annoyed! Third Sister She gives in to you again and again because she has selfish motives for you, but fourth brother and I are dedicated to the sect! We don’t want the immortal girl anymore, we just want the eldest brother to come back alive!"

"That's right, hand over the Immortal Girl and these two people to Hehe Tu, and let them follow the Black Evil Sect like dog bites dog. Let's fly away and ignore anyone!" Gui Jianchou immediately said.

Iron Dragonfly still had a dark face and said nothing.Zhuge Qingyun sighed and said: "Fourth and Sixth, you think things are too simple. Yes, Xiao Yuan is indeed a hot potato, but she also has a life. Can you bear to leave her to the Black Evil Cult? You all know how inhumane the Black Demon Sect is, but can't you guess how miserable Little Circle will end up in their hands?"

"We can't even take care of ourselves, so how can we care about others?" Gui Jianchou said irritably.

"Okay, let's talk about ourselves." Zhuge Qingyun said again, "Do you think the people in the Hehetu are fools? Are we the only ones who can play tricks to divert trouble? Maybe others have this idea too, and even the situation we are facing now This situation may have been caused intentionally."

"Then you are definitely overthinking. My master is not as insidious and cunning as you." The quarrel here was loud, and Ning Caichen heard it clearly. Xiao Yuan was hearing that he was called a "hot potato." He looked very sad, his eyes rolling in his sockets.

When Ning Caichen heard Zhuge Qingyun speculate about Su Yi, he immediately interrupted: "At least we and the people in the group can go straight and upright, and we can't do bad things that are treacherous."

As soon as these words came out, Pangolin immediately started chattering and said awkwardly: "Friend Daoist Ning, I have already apologized to you... This matter is indeed my fault. When it is our boss, I will kowtow to you."

"There's nothing wrong with each other. We don't agree with each other!" The clairvoyant snorted, "Ning, we have been good enough to you all the way. You'd better be less arrogant. If you talk too much, be careful of me..."

"Knock me out, I know, why don't you just say nothing?" Ning Caichen shrugged nonchalantly, but he really didn't speak either.

The editor-in-chief, Tie Dragonfly finally spoke.

She looked at Zhuge Qingyun and said: "You heard it, I have been compromising and listening to you all the way, and both the fourth and sixth children have objections to me! But I actually want you to give up before the difficulties. I also guessed that The Black Evil Cult will not let us go so easily. You have also seen the current situation. We cannot leave Lanzhou, and they are narrowing the scope of the search. We will be forced by them to have no way out! Second brother, you are not willing to give up yet ?"

"I support saving the boss, but I have to ensure your safety and the safety of everyone!" Zhuge Qingyun said seriously.

He pointed in the direction behind him: "If we go back now, we will die. The Black Evil Cult has laid out a dragnet and is waiting for us. When we go back, we won't see the boss at all, nor the people who made up the plan, let alone any exchange! There is only Only if we escape safely will the Black Evil Cult withdraw, and the boss, Hehe Tu, and the others will be safe. At that time, we will send a signal to let them leave Lanzhou to trade elsewhere. This is what I think!"

"Is my idea selfish? Isn't it public-spirited? Is it just for my own foundation construction?" Zhuge Qingyun shouted excitedly. He looked at the pangolin and said, "Lao Liu, say it yourself, isn't this the best?" Is there any way?"

"The best way is to give up the Immortal Girl. Let's leave her here. The Black Evil Cult's target is her. If we capture her, we will be safe. We don't have to go anywhere!" Pangolin snorted coldly, "You can say a thousand things. In case this is also your selfish intention, don’t treat others as fools!”

"Then Master Huang's death was in vain? We didn't care about his death?" Zhuge Qingyun asked with a frown.

"My life is almost gone, who cares about my life?" Gui Jianchou sneered, "Sect Leader Huang knows the best. If he is alive, we in Guanggui City will have nothing to do with this turmoil. , how could it happen today?"

"Okay! I have nothing to say! You all blame me, what can I say?" Zhuge Qingyun also lost his temper, "I know you blame me for Lao Qi's death. Yes, I am also very angry. I feel guilty, but don’t you have to be happy if I go to bury Lao Qi with you? Do you have to have me die?”

The last sentence was yelled by Zhuge Qingyun.

After he finished shouting, he turned around angrily and flew away into the distance, leaving everyone with different expressions and silence.

A strange look flashed in Qianliyan's eyes, and he said slowly: "I'm going to persuade the second brother, the fourth brother, and the sixth brother, don't go too far! We all have different opinions, but the second brother is not our enemy!"

After that, he also chased in the direction of Zhuge Qingyun.

After he also left, Pangolin could no longer control his emotions. While wiping his tears to contain his sadness, he pointed to the direction they left and said to Tie Dragonfly: "I can't forgive him! In fact, Lao Qi didn't have to die at all. Lao Qi His death is all his fault! Lao Qi has always had the biggest objection to him. Lao Qi has always secretly liked you. I feel like he did it on purpose..."

"Stop talking nonsense without evidence!" Tie Dragonfly interrupted him irritably.

But looking at the red eyes of the pangolin, her eyes were moist and she softened her tone: "Sixth brother, don't worry, if you believe me, don't make trouble with the second brother first. I'm not compromising, I'm letting him hit the wall. Go back again. Once I rescue my eldest brother, I will definitely give everyone an explanation for the death of my seventh brother."

Gui Jianchou patted Pangolin on the shoulder and sighed: "Lao Liu, Third Sister is right, we all have to focus on the overall situation. But now we really have no way out. Let's wait and see what he says when he comes back. If we can find him If there is a way out, we will listen. If what he said is not bullshit...then he will take away the immortal girl, and we will take away the two prisoners and go our separate ways!"

After a pause, Gui Jianchou looked at Tie Dragonfly: "This is actually what Third Sister meant, am I right, Third Sister? You said this to Second Brother yourself before."

"I agree, if there is really no way out, let's do this!" Tie Dragonfly nodded slowly, with sadness flashing in his eyes.

The three people on the other side witnessed the sudden conflict in the Kirigakure Gate. At this moment, they were all silent and thoughtful.

the other side.

Zhuge Qingyun flew until he reached a mountain col far away before stopping. He put away his flying magic weapon, stood with his hands behind his back, and looked at the mountains in front of him with an expressionless face.

Soon, the clairvoyant arrived. He landed not far behind Zhuge Qingyun, cupped his fist and said, "Second brother, you secretly summoned me to come see you alone, but do you have something to give me?"

"Fourth, you entered the Kirigin Sect because I recommended you. Although everyone in the sect is a brother, brothers are also close and distant. I have always felt that the relationship between the two of us is the best." Zhuge Qingyun slowly said Then he turned around and looked deeply into the clairvoyant eyes, "I don't know what you think of me, but I have always treated you as my biological brother, and I have always thought that you are the most like me."

"Most casual cultivators are actually just getting by, because they have no future. They have accepted their fate and feel that it is worthwhile to live a few decades longer than ordinary people. But you and I are different." Zhuge Qingyun stepped forward. He walked a few steps and stood in front of the clairvoyant, "I know, we are not willing to practice in vain in the end, and finally become a pile of bones! We are all determined to build a foundation. Fourth child, do you still have your ambition? "

"Here, always will be!" Clairvoyant said firmly, "And I have always regarded my second brother as my biological brother! My life was saved by you, my second brother. I have sworn a long time ago, even if you want me to Even if you die, I will go through fire and water, no matter what!"

Zhuge Qingyun patted his shoulder happily: "I don't want you to die, I want you to become a Taoist foundation like me and live forever! It's best for us brothers to live as long as heaven and enjoy immortal blessings forever! So, immortal girls, we You must hold it firmly in your hand and never let go!”

After a pause, he added: "It's already far away here. She can't hear what we say anymore. There's no need for the two of us to talk in circles. Fourth, I'll just say it directly if I have something to say. I need you to do something for me." thing!"

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