Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1661 Methods

Chapter 1661 Methods
"What does the second brother want me to do?"

"Kill the two prisoners He Hetu!" Zhuge Qingyun suddenly showed murderous intent in his eyes.

This was a look that Clairvoyance had never seen on Zhuge Qingyun's face. This sudden ferocious look startled Clairvoyance so much that he was stunned for a while before saying, "Kill them?"

"That's right, only by killing them can we cut off the thoughts of Third Sister and the others!" Zhuge Qingyun said solemnly, "It's not that I don't want to save my eldest brother, but the problem is that this is not realistic at all! Third Sister and the others are too naive, and I don't want to let them go." They are going to die, and we don’t want to be involved with them! The only way is to kill the people in Hehetu, so that they have no reason to go against us!"

The clairvoyant frowned and thought for a while, then said: "Second brother, I will do whatever you ask me to do, but I think the worst thing we can do is take the undead girl away and let the third sister and the others go back to find the boss. Each of us can do our own thing without involving each other... …”

"Childish!" Zhuge Qingyun sneered, with a hateful expression, "Don't involve each other? The Black Evil Cult has many means of extracting souls and refining souls to make you tell the truth. If they are really captured alive by the Black Evil Cult, Do you think they won’t involve us?”

The clairvoyant frowned silently.

"Also, we are already alone, and we need more people to be more powerful. If there are only two of us, what do you think we can accomplish?" Zhuge Qingyun continued, "I have already thought about it, Fourth Brother, when we leave Lan After the state, I will find the secret of the Immortal Girl as soon as possible and use her to build the foundation, and then you will be next! After we all successfully build the foundation, we will set up a small sect specifically for monks to refine weapons and sacrifice formation flags. Make good friends with all the forces and slowly grow bigger and stronger. When the time comes, I will be the sect leader and you will be my deputy sect leader!"

The clairvoyant's heart was pounding: "Among us, Third Sister has the highest level of weapon refining! Boss... In addition to the boss, Gui Jianchou is good at making formations and flags, and Pangolin is good at breaking formations..."

Speaking of this, my eyes were horrified, and an incredible thought came to my mind——

The second brother brought out some useful people with special skills!

What's the use of yourself?

In addition to being able to see further than others with pupil skills...

Shunfeng Er can hear farther than others, isn't he also dead?
No, no, no, the immortal girl can replace Shunfeng Er, but no one can replace herself.

And I have always been loyal to my second brother...

Clairvoyant suppressed his wild thoughts, managed to clear his thoughts, and said: "Second brother, now the Black Evil Cult has surrounded us, is there any way for us to get out?"

Zhuge Qingyun sighed and said: "There is a way, but it really gives me a headache... Forget it, let's talk about it when we get back, otherwise I have to say it twice."

Without waiting for the clairvoyant to ask further questions, Zhuge Qingyun looked solemn and said solemnly: "When I go back later, I will leave with the three of them, Third Sister, Fourth and Sixth, and you are responsible for watching over the two prisoners and Xiao Yuan. "

"After we leave, you use the formation to trap Xiao Yuan in place, and then find any excuse to take the two prisoners farther away and kill them! Remember, it is best to take them ten miles away! I was with Xiao Yuan before After doing experiments, ten miles is the maximum distance limit that she can hear."

Qianliyan nodded with a heavy look and said, "Then what should we do next? Third sister and the others will come back and ask..."

"You have two choices here," Zhuge Qingyun put his hand on Qianliyan's shoulder, "The first choice is that you stay, and when we come back, you tell Sanmei and the others that you are the one you want to kill. Because you don't want your brothers to have conflicts because of outsiders, you are doing this to take the overall situation into consideration. As for the boss... Just say that the boss has the consciousness to die, otherwise you will not hint to the third sister not to come back, and you are doing the same Follow the boss’s last words!”

"The deal is done by then. Even if Third Sister and the others continue to blame you, how can they do anything to you just to kill two outsiders?" Zhuge Qingyun said, "When the time comes I will pretend to reprimand you, but in fact I am speaking for you and protecting you. . I would say you did this to avoid embarrassing me. In this way, even if Third Sister and the others don’t want to, they can only hold their noses and admit it. With their escape route cut off, they will naturally be of the same mind as us."

The clairvoyant was silent.

Zhuge Qingyun said sincerely: "Fourth brother, it's not that I want you to take the blame for me, Second Brother, but at this time, I can't let Third Sister and the others blame me. They blame you, and I can speak for you, but they blame me, not Someone speaks for me! Your words have no weight and no one listens to you!"

"Second brother, you don't need to say this, I understand." Qianliyan looked at him, "What's the point of taking the blame for you? I said, my life is yours."

Zhuge Qingyun patted Qianliyan's shoulder: "I know that we are life-long friends, so I have to make it clear to you. This is the first option, and there is a second option, which is that you leave a letter , saying that you took two prisoners to rescue the elder brother, let us take the small circle to break out first and survive, and don’t live up to your adventure..."

Seeing Qianliyan frowning, Zhuge Qingyun immediately said: "Of course, I don't really ask you to take people to rescue eldest brother. After you take them away, first leave Taiyue Mountain and go north to Jingzhou. Then find a suitable place. Kill them, dispose of the bodies, and then leave quietly and hide them. When the storm is over, you come to Xizhou to find us, and I will leave a code mark for you."

"There are three advantages to doing this. First, Third Sister and the others will not blame you and hate you when they come back, but they will also be grateful to you! Second, when we break out, we will definitely attract people from the Black Evil Sect, and you act alone It will be safe. No matter whether we succeed or not, the Black Evil Cult will withdraw, and you will be completely safe."

"The last advantage is that you are sacrificing yourself by doing this. Although you didn't save the boss, you still made a great contribution. When we meet up safely, you can find any excuse to fool us, and I will be able to follow your example. Using the excuse of great merit, I will let you use the Immortal Girl to build the foundation for the second time, so that Third Sister and the others will have no reason to disobey you!"

"One step at a time, one step at a time, your second foundation will be established. After that time, you will have the highest level of cultivation besides me, and the deputy sect leader will definitely be yours!"

The more the clairvoyant listened, the brighter his eyes became. As soon as Zhuge Qingyun finished speaking, the clairvoyant said: "Second brother, I choose the second path!"

Zhuge Qingyun sighed and said: "Actually, I also know that the second path is good for you, but in fact, I hope that our brothers will always be together. If you are alone, I will be very worried about you..."

Clairvoyant shook his head and said: "Second brother, I'm not a child, there's nothing to worry about. Don't worry, I will be very careful."

Zhuge Qingyun nodded and patted his shoulder: "I know that among our brothers, you are the one I admire the most. You have the Thousand Mile Eye Skill and can avoid danger in advance. This is why I dare to let you act alone."

Clairvoyant said gratefully: "Thank you, second brother, for your concern."

Zhuge Qingyun waved his hand: "If my brothers don't say this, if you act alone, although it is [-]% safe, there is still a certain risk..."

He patted the storage bag, took out a bag of tips from it, handed it to Clairvoyant and said: "Put it away, this is the trump card I left for you, don't open it unless absolutely necessary!"

"What is this?" Clairvoyant took it curiously. "There are my restrictions on it. You'd better not peek out of curiosity, otherwise it won't work!" Zhuge Qingyun solemnly warned again, "Don't waste my efforts. Remember, you must not open this unless your life is in danger. It’s something that can save your life, you hear me?”

Clairvoyant nodded solemnly: "Second brother, I remember!"

He carefully put the tips into his storage bag, and Zhuge Qingyun was relieved: "Okay, let's go back. Aren't you curious about how I can break out of the encirclement? Haha, listen carefully later."

The two quickly returned to their original place one after the other, and Tie Dragonfly and the other three were silently waiting for their return.

Zhuge Qingyun looked around and smiled: "Second brother was a little excited just now and lost his temper in front of everyone. It was my fault. As an older brother, I should be more generous."

"Second brother, we also have something wrong." Tie Dragonfly said in a low voice, "But today we have to make a decision, either go back to save the boss, or follow you to the end!"

"I have to do both things! I want to save the boss, and I won't give up on Xiao Yuan!" Zhuge Qingyun smiled and looked at Xiao Yuan on one side, and smiled kindly at her, "I rescued her, I have to let her go." It’s my responsibility for her to live well!”

Little Circle looked at him blankly and said nothing.

Zhuge Qingyun frowned slightly. For some reason, he felt that Xiao Yuan's reaction was a bit...


But he didn't have the heart to pay attention to this at the moment. The little girl always had a lot on her mind. Maybe it was because the third sister said some unpleasant things after he left just now?
He guessed this and said: "I have a way to break through the siege and blockade of the Black Evil Sect!"

As soon as these words came out, Tie Dragonfly and the other three looked at each other in shock.

Zhuge Qingyun did not give in and revealed the answer directly: "I know there is a teleportation array nearby, which can teleport directly from Lanzhou to Xizhou! The Black Evil Sect definitely does not know the existence of this teleportation array. We can borrow this teleportation array leave here."

"When we get out of the encirclement of the Black Evil Sect, the Black Evil Sect will surely notice it. By then, we will be able to fly like a fish and the sky is high! The Black Evil Sect will naturally lift the blockade by then, boss. They are out of danger, and they will naturally find a way to sneak out. At that time, we will find a place to negotiate with Hehetu and rescue the boss!"

Having said this, Zhuge Qingyun looked at everyone with a smile and said: "Wouldn't this kill two birds with one stone? The biggest dispute between us will no longer exist."

The prospect he described was very good, but the three people in Iron Dragonfly looked at each other with doubts.

"Why would you tell me such a good idea now?" Pangolin questioned.

"This is not a good idea." Zhuge Qingyun sighed, "Do you know where this teleportation array is and who it belongs to?"

Tie Dragonfly seemed to have thought of something, and her eyes suddenly lit up: "Could it be Master Qingyan?"

"Which Qingyan Master?" Pangolin did not respond.

"Are you stupid?" Gui Jianchou clicked his tongue, "It's the Qingyan Master who held the Tainan Meeting in his cave three times in a row before the Immortal Ascension Conference held by the seven major sects, allowing all casual cultivators to trade freely. !”

"It's him!" Pangolin suddenly realized, and his eyes suddenly lit up, "I heard the boss said that this senior has a relationship with our Kirigakure Sect!"

"That's right! To be more precise, our Wuyin Sect is kind to him!" Zhuge Qingyun said seriously, "Back then, the Immortal Cultivation Clan Wanjia was in danger of annihilation. At the cost of a Foundation Establishment Pill, we invited all the loose cultivators to Go and help, as long as you can help Wanjia survive that disaster, Wanjia will reward you with a Foundation Establishment Pill!"

"I've heard about this!" Clairvoyant couldn't help but said, "The Kirigakure Sect hadn't been established at that time. There should be only you, the second brother, and the three brothers, the boss and the Huang Sect Leader."

"That's right." Zhuge Qingyun nodded, "At that time, the three of us, Huang Sect Master and Boss, and I were close friends. After hearing about this incident, although we were still lacking in strength, we wanted to join in the fun. But at that time, Qingyun Master Yan is already a monk at the thirteenth level of qi training, and he is quite famous among casual cultivators."

"That incident was actually very dangerous. When we arrived, we three brothers realized that we were not qualified to snatch this Foundation Establishment Pill. However, the three of us had our own strengths, but they were not comparable to those of ordinary Qi-training monks. So we After discussing it, we decided to join one of them and help him obtain the Foundation Establishment Pill, so that after this person becomes enlightened, he will also appreciate our favor."

"The one we chose at that time was Master Qingyan. At first, Master Qingyan didn't pay much attention to the three of us, but he never thought that it was because the three of us took action at the most critical moment that the disaster of annihilation of thousands of families was avoided. , which laid the foundation for Master Qingyan to reverse the situation."

"The Wan family kept their promise afterwards, and Master Qingyan received the Foundation Establishment Pill. He was very grateful for the contribution of the three of us brothers, and promised that no matter what the situation, as long as we did not offend the seven major sects, he would help us once. !”

Hearing this, Tie Dragonfly couldn't help but ask: "Why have I never heard you mention this matter? If there is such a thing, why did the Huang Sect Leader die in the first place?"

"He didn't even think about the death of the Huang Sect Leader. He didn't even have time to come to the cave of Master Qingyan in Tainan Mountain for help!" Zhuge Qingyun sighed, "As for the fact that we never mentioned this matter, it was because it was just a verbal promise at the beginning. Later, Master Qingyan had a close relationship with the seven major sects. It was very difficult to meet him, and we never saw him again. After so many years, who knows what he is thinking, and whether he still recognizes the original kindness? "

"Second brother, could the teleportation array you mentioned be in the cave of Master Qingyan?" Tie Dragonfly asked.

"That's right." Zhuge Qingyun nodded, "And this teleportation array was made by our three brothers who specially invited an expert named Xin from Yuanwu Kingdom to refine it."

"In that case, let's go find Master Qingyan!" Pangolin said strangely, "Why are you still hesitant? You were so secretive before!"

"What should I say?" Zhuge Qingyun asked, "This is an old fox. How can we explain to him that the Black Evil Sect is willing to blockade Lanzhou to find us? How can I be sure that he has nothing to do with the Black Evil Sect? People are deeply separated from each other."

(End of this chapter)

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