Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1663 Arrive

Chapter 1663 Arrive
Everyone in the Kirigakure Sect now knows that the Immortal Girl can help people build foundations, but except for Qian Huan and Zhuge Qingyun, no one else knows how to do this.

Why does Zhuge Qingyun treat Xiao Yuan so well?It was because he knew that Huang Shang succeeded in building the foundation inexplicably, and he hoped that he would be the same.

It's a pity that even though he tried his best to appear kind and kind, he still couldn't make Xiao Yuan react. On the contrary, the two prisoners, Fu Xiaozhuo and Ning Caichen, just chatted with Xiao Yuan, and they got immortality. A true gift from a woman!
At this moment, the crazy jealousy almost twisted the clairvoyant's whole body.

Why it came out like this!
But at the same time, there is a deep fear!
Foundation period!
Except for bugs like Su Yi and Han Li that cannot be solved by common sense, ordinary monks must follow the basic rule that "the great realm is an uncrossable gap."

The Qi training period is absolutely no match for the foundation building period!

It's like the difference between a newborn lion cub and a male lion that has been invincible on the grassland for many years.

They are both lions, but the latter can kill the former with one slap.

It is impossible for ten lion cubs to defeat one male lion.

Unless these lion cubs can either teleport, set traps, or use weapons to play tricks...

In short, normal can never be beaten.

Clairvoyant was just a normal young lion, and he knew this, so after seeing Fu Xiaozhuo building the foundation, he had no intention of resisting at all, and was even a little desperate about whether he could escape.

He immediately thought of the tips Zhuge Qingyun gave him——

Life-saving tips!

He patted the storage bag and broke through the restrictions Zhuge Qingyun placed on the bag without hesitation.

But his expression immediately changed, because at the moment when the restriction was broken, he realized with shock that the restriction was a time-sensitive restriction that would automatically expire when it expired. The result of the failure would be an automatic explosion. If the object was still alive when it exploded, If you put it in a storage bag, it will definitely blow the storage bag to pieces!
why is it like this?

Without waiting for his reaction, the next second——

A black beam of light shot up into the sky and exploded in the sky. In an instant, black mist filled the sky and never dispersed!
This is--

A trace of confusion flashed in Qianliyan's eyes.

He quickly realized that this was the signal for the Black Evil Cult to gather its fellow disciples!

This black mist that condenses in the sky and never disperses will move with the movement of the person who releases it, which is very magical.The purpose is to allow fellow members of the Black Evil Sect to reunite with the person who sent the signal as soon as possible.

This is not a life-saving tip, this is a life-saving talisman!
The clairvoyant is not really a fool, he is just blinded by interests and blinded by Zhuge Qingyun's hypocrisy!

Zhuge Qingyun didn't even want to let him live!

He figured everything out in an instant——

When he left with two prisoners and killed two prisoners, he must have wanted to find a place to hide first.Then the bag of tips will explode when he is unprepared, releasing the signal for the Black Evil Cult to summon his fellow disciples.

What will happen next?
Everyone from the nearby Heisha Cult will rush there!His clairvoyance will instantly make him a target of public criticism!

He is dead!
He killed Hehetu's people, Zhuge Qingyun wants to silence him!Not only to continue to act like a good guy in front of Tie Dragonfly and the others, but also to make him the scapegoat without any evidence when He Hetu is held accountable in the future!

At this moment, Thousand Miles Eye was completely devastated. He was obviously full of spiritual power, but at this moment, he was like an empty bag that had been drained. He sat slumped on the ground, with no trace of blood on his face!
He couldn't figure out why, he was obviously so loyal.

He said that he could give his life to his second brother, why would he still do this?
The movement caused by the clairvoyance also instantly alerted Fu Xiaozhuo and Ning Caichen, who were forced to separate from the state where their cultivation base had been crazily improved.

Both of them shook their bodies and spurted out a mouthful of blood.

It was like a runaway train that suddenly came to a sudden stop, causing them to suffer varying degrees of backlash.

But the backlash was not serious, and the two of them quickly suppressed it.

Fu Xiaozhuo glanced at the clairvoyant who was slumped on the ground in front of him, and without thinking, he stretched out his hand and released an ice pick.

Unexpectedly, the latter not only did not dodge, but also closed his eyes.

The ice pick pierced his head directly. The clairvoyant died on the spot and fell to the ground dead!
"Small circle!" Ning Caichen shouted in horror.He picked up Xiao Yuan who collapsed in front of the two of them.

Fu Xiaozhuo was stunned for a while, as if he didn't believe in his own realm, and he didn't seem to believe that he could kill the clairvoyant so easily.

She stared at her hands blankly for a long time before she was awakened by Ning Caichen's frightened scream.

Then she saw Xiao Yuan's withered face and gray hair.

She was still a radiant girl before, but now she looks like an old woman who has run out of energy.

"How could this happen?" Fu Xiaozhuo was stunned again, "How could she do this?"

"I don't know!" Ning Caichen shouted angrily at Xiao Zhuo.


If you don’t know, you don’t know. Why are you yelling at me?

"Little Circle, what's wrong with you? Don't scare me... Did you give us all your power? Really? Why are you so stupid?" Ning Caichen burst into tears.

"Don't hold her so tightly, she's still alive!" Fu Xiaozhuo shouted hurriedly when he saw Xiao Yuan's slightly trembling eyes.

Ning Caichen hurriedly relaxed a little, and Fu Xiaozhuo hurriedly sent spiritual energy into her body, but her heart soon sank.

Because she found that Fu Xiaozhuo's body was like a funnel, and the spiritual energy she delivered quickly leaked out and had no effect at all.

"Life-renewal talisman?" Fu Xiaozhuo suddenly thought of something, "Did your master teach you to draw a life-renewal talisman?"

"No!" Ning Caichen cried sadly, "I didn't learn it!"

Fu Xiaozhuo's face darkened, and his eyes quickly fell on the storage bag on the waist of Qianliyan's corpse.

She stretched out her hand and the storage bag flew into her hand.

There are restrictions on the storage bag cloth. If it were before, it would be time-consuming and labor-intensive for Fu Xiaozhuo to crack it. It is definitely not a task that can be completed in a short time.But now, with the simultaneous rush of his spiritual power and consciousness, the restrictions on the storage bag were instantly destroyed.

Fu Xiaozhuo quickly put his consciousness into it, his eyes lit up quickly, and he took out a blood ginseng and a wax-sealed elixir.

"This is a 30-year-old blood ginseng. Use your spiritual power to unlock the medicinal power of the blood ginseng!" Fu Xiaozhuo quickly threw the blood ginseng to Ning Caichen and squeezed open the wax pill. The medicinal fragrance immediately hit his nostrils.She put it to her nose and sniffed it, then pinched off some particles and tasted it. After making sure it was okay, she stuffed it into her small circle mouth.

"I don't know if the Qi-boosting elixir is useful." Fu Xiaozhuo said quickly, patting his storage bag and taking out a flying boat. "We have to leave quickly. The black mist in the sky is obviously a summons signal. Someone will come soon." Will come."

She quickly refining the clairvoyant flying boat, making it quickly enlarge.

"Go up first!" She called to Ning Caichen to jump on the flying boat, then controlled it to rise into the sky and rush towards a certain direction deep in the jungle!

The black mist in the sky remained motionless, shrouding the body of the clairvoyant.

The moment the signal shot up into the sky, many people noticed this scene.

In a certain mountain stream, Zhuge Qingyun took out a transmission talisman and was thinking about words to invite Master Qingyan out. At this moment, a black beam of light shot up into the sky.

The four people in the Kirigakure Gate looked at each other, and their expressions changed.

"That's where we were just now!" Iron Dragonfly yelled out after identifying the location, "This is the summoning order of the Black Evil Sect! The Fourth Brother and the others are in danger!"

"Go back!" Zhuge Qingyun's face turned green!
Without even thinking about it, he used his flying magic weapon and frantically channeled his spiritual power to rush back first!
This is what he left to the clairvoyant, how could he not recognize it?

But this signal should come out a day later. Why now?

Why are you still there?
He didn't understand why this happened!

He doesn't care if the Clairvoyant is dead or not, but the Immortal Girl is still there!How could he not go back?

The other three people were a little slow to react, but they hurriedly followed suit.The four of them hurried back along the original route.

There is a valley in Tainan Mountain that was originally nameless, but is now called "Qingyan Blessed Land".As the name suggests, this is naturally the cave of Master Qingyan.

There is a small spiritual vein in the valley. This spiritual vein was not formed innately, but was moved here by the Wan family ancestors who spent a lot of mana to thank Master Qingyan.

It is certainly enviable that Qingyan Zhenren, a mere casual cultivator, possesses spiritual veins, but what is even more enviable is the behavior of Wanjia Patriarch.

As long as the ancestors of the Wan family are still alive, no one will dare to take the idea of ​​​​Qingyan Paradise. This is the biggest reason why Qingyan Master has been like a fish in water over the years.

At this moment, Master Qingyan was playing chess with a foundation-building monk from Yellow Maple Valley.

Qingyan Zhenren is tall and thin, and looks like an immortal from behind, but his green-spotted face is really scary.It is said that this is caused by the special skills he practiced.

The old man opposite him was equally distinguished and kind-hearted.

"Fellow Taoist Qingyan, I leave it to you to arrange the marriage between my unsatisfactory nephew and the legitimate daughter of the Wan family. After the event is completed, Ye will definitely be rewarded." The old man said with a smile.

Master Qingyan waved his hands and said indifferently: "Fellow Daoist Ye is out of sight. Considering the relationship between you and me, how can we repay you? I met your nephew a year ago. He has reached the late stage of Qi training at a young age. I am afraid that he will be in the foundation building stage." It’s not far away. My old friend’s daughter is just one of a kind, and if she can find a young man with outstanding talents, she will definitely not refuse her.”

After a pause, Master Qingyan seemed to say casually: "By the way, I heard that Fairy Hongfu of Huang Maple Valley has refined another furnace of True Yuan Pills, which has quite a lot of finished pills. I wonder if this furnace of pills has a buyer?"

The old man surnamed Ye said with a smile: "Our Ye family has always been on good terms with Sister Hongfu, and my Ye family has a share of this furnace of elixirs. If fellow Taoist Qingyan is interested, I am willing to share half of it on behalf of the Ye family."

Master Qingyan's face was filled with joy and he was about to speak when his expression suddenly changed slightly and he looked into the distance.

This was the time when the Black Evil Cult signal soared into the sky.

"The signal from the Black Evil Cult..." Master Qingyan frowned slightly, "It's not far from my place."

"Heisha Cult?" The old man surnamed Ye obviously knew about them and raised his eyebrows, "Humph, it is said that these demons are becoming more and more arrogant. With the support of others, they are paying less and less attention to the seven major sects. .”

"They are just frogs at the bottom of a well." Master Qingyan chuckled, "If their skills had no merit and everyone had high expectations for them, how could they be allowed to be so presumptuous?"

"Ahem, fellow Taoist, be careful what you say!" The old man surnamed Ye was a little unhappy.

"Sorry, sorry, I made a mistake!" Master Qingyan apologized, but there was ridicule in his eyes.The seven major sects acted as scoundrels and built memorial arches, which made him feel ridiculous.

"But this Black Evil Cult suddenly sealed off the entire Lanzhou, and I don't know what it's doing. Now it's still gathering disciples very close to my cave, and it doesn't even come to inform me. It really doesn't take me seriously. Ah..." Master Qingyan snorted coldly, "Fellow Daoist Ye, are you interested in going and watching the fun together?"

The old man surnamed Ye felt dissatisfied again, knowing that Master Qingyan wanted to pull his Huang Maple Valley background to support him.Although it was nothing, this approach of treating him like a fool disgusted him.

Just thinking about entrusting this person with his nephew's marriage, he just nodded as if he had swallowed a dead fly: "It's up to you to take a look."

This Qingyan, who was humble and polite a few years ago, has become more and more arrogant in recent years thanks to Wanjia!

He suppressed his displeasure, but continued to talk and laugh with Master Qingyan on the surface. The two raised their flying magic weapons and rushed towards the direction of the black light pillar.

There were many Heisha cult members near Tainan Mountain. They all saw the black light pillar and gathered here from all directions.

At the same time, Akame, who was still hundreds of miles away from Tainan Mountain, suddenly received a flying telegraph signal. He placed it between his eyebrows and sensed it carefully. His eyes suddenly lit up, and he flew in the direction of the signal without saying a word. go.

The search in Jiayuan City was of course fruitless. A group of monks worked hard for an hour but could not find the whereabouts of the Yellow Valley Bird. Akame decisively stopped. He had already guessed that the Yellow Valley Bird might have been intercepted. If he continued to think about it, he was afraid that The death of the eight-armed monkey may not be an accident, otherwise it would be too coincidental.

At the thought of this, Akame was shocked and angry.

Someone actually made such a small move under his nose, completely treating him as a decoration.

He secretly hated him and said that if this person really existed, he must make him look good.

Fortunately, the whereabouts of the Immortal Girl are not without clues. Although the Eight-armed Ape does not have the means of Tang Kun, it is still a scheming person. He secretly left a means to find out the general direction of Zhuge Qingyun and his party, but it was only That’s all.

Based on this clue, Akame flew all the way to search and arrived near Tainan Mountain.Unexpectedly, as soon as I arrived, I received a message from my fellow disciples stationed at Tainan Mountain. This was an unexpected surprise.

At the same time, more than 300 miles away from Tainan Mountain, Su Yi and his group were carefully avoiding the searches and blockades of the Black Evil Cult, and followed Huangguniao to gather in the target direction.

The ones closest to the Clairvoyant corpse were Zhuge Qingyun and his group, so they were the first ones to arrive.

When Zhuge Qingyun lowered his flying magic weapon and saw the corpse of the clairvoyant, he was completely stunned.

He stood still for a moment, and Tie Dragonfly and three other people arrived one after another. At this time, Zhuge Qingyun searched around like crazy.

"Where's the little circle!" His eyes were red, his face was distorted and he yelled angrily.

He can't accept this reality!
(End of this chapter)

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