Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1664 Dalai

Zhuge Qingyun couldn't figure out how such a thing could happen. He had obviously arranged everything, why would such a change happen?

He was frantically exploring the area, searching for traces of the undead girl. He didn't even look at the clairvoyant who died tragically on the spot. Instead, three people including Tie Dragonfly, who usually didn't have a good relationship with the clairvoyant, were surrounding her body. There were expressions of grief all around.

"Go, go east!" Zhuge Qingyun ran from the east holding a compass, his eyes were red and his face was as sinking as water, and his expression seemed to be about to eat someone. "The aura of the small circle still remains in the east, they should be heading east!"

"Them? Who are they?" Iron Dragonfly asked with tears in her eyes.

"How do I know!" Zhuge Qingyun shouted irritably, "Hurry up, the people from the Black Evil Sect will be here soon. Do you want to stay here and wait to die?"

"What to do with Lao Wu's body?" Gui Jianchou asked.

Zhuge Qingyun popped up a fireball without saying a word.

Clairvoyant's body immediately burst into flames.

"Dust to dust to dust, we can't take him away, so let him rest here. Let's go quickly!" Zhuge Qingyun urged again, and then he sacrificed his flying magic weapon and chased towards the east impatiently.

"Third Sister?" Pangolin and Gui Jianchou looked at Tie Dragonfly.


Iron Dragonfly wiped away her tears, whispered something, and then took out her flying magic weapon and flew out.

"Lao Wu has always regarded him as his brother. He burned Lao Wu without even looking at him. It's so chilling!" Gui Jian said sadly.

"Let's leave, Fourth Brother." Pangolin suddenly suggested, "Zhuge Qingyun has gone crazy. I'm a little scared. I think he will kill us all sooner or later!"

"What should I do, boss? What should I do with the third sister?" Gui Jianchou sighed, and also took out his flying magic weapon, "Anyway, let's pass this level first."

After saying that, he also rose into the sky.

The pangolin looked uncertain for a while, but finally stomped after him.

A huge fireball hit the flying magic weapon of Zhuge Qingyun at the speed of a falling meteor.

Zhuge Qingyun, who was flying at high speed, controlling the compass in his hand to detect the direction, and anxiously lowering his head to look for traces of small circles, did not notice the sudden attack from the clouds above.By the time he realized it, it was already too late, the fireball had already arrived!

"Second brother, little..." The iron dragonfly's frightened cry seemed to come from behind, but the fireball hit the flying magic weapon hard, causing the latter to immediately fall into pieces.

At the critical moment, Zhuge Qingyun hurriedly took out a ball of sticky and soft stuff from the storage bag and input spiritual power frantically. Before the fireball swallowed it up, the sticky and soft stuff expanded rapidly and wrapped Zhuge Qingyun in it, as if It was like Zhuge Qingyun was wrapped in a huge layer of translucent amber.

The flame burned on the translucent amber, and although it made a "sizzling" sound, it could not burn any of it.

But losing the flying magic weapon also caused Zhuge Qingyun to fall rapidly. He was only chasing the small circle before, and the distance between him and Tie Dragonfly and others was far away. As a result, Tie Dragonfly had no time to catch him, and could only watch Zhuge Qingyun like a meteorite. It also hit the mountain forest below, and then rolled down the hillside, stopping only after knocking down a towering tree.

"Hahaha... run! You guys should run!"

Akame's ecstatic voice came closer and closer from the clouds above. He swooped down, suddenly flapped his huge wings, and pointed at Zhuge Qingyun below.

A line of fire fell from the sky, like an ever-extending spear, piercing Zhuge Qingyun's body directly and accurately.

This fire line technique had already maximized his speed, and he was in front of Zhuge Qingyun in the blink of an eye.

Zhuge Qingyun's expression suddenly changed as he made a gesture, and his whole body turned into a ball of black mist with a "bang" and disappeared in place.

The line of fire went straight through the previous "amber", but unfortunately the current amber had become an empty shell, and Akame missed it again.

"As expected of a ground rat, he can really hide..." His red eyes had already fallen, and he was not annoyed when he saw this. He smiled solemnly and made a hand seal with his hands. Suddenly, a ball of scarlet blood floated on his palm, following his hand seal. , this mass of blood turned into a mass of thorns covered with blood thorns.

"Blood Fierce Thorn!" Zhuge Qingyun, who had just gained a foothold below, screamed when he saw this, with a look of fear in his eyes. It was obvious that he knew the reputation of the spell cast by Akame.

"Third sister, fourth and sixth brother, hurry up!" Zhuge Qingyun was so anxious that his tone changed.

"You recognize my blood-evil thorns. It seems that they are not frogs in the well." Akame sneered, and suddenly pushed forward with both palms. Suddenly, the blood thorns turned into countless lines of blood as thin as ox hair, about an inch long. Threads shot towards Zhuge Qingyun and others below like an overwhelming force.

His attack actually covered everyone including Zhuge Qingyun and Tie Dragonfly, hoping to end the battle in one fell swoop.

But he is not arrogant. Anyone who has heard Akame's name will change their color at the mention of this bloody thorn!
This technique is quite vicious. It is to refine 81 [-] virgins with yin years, yin months and yin days into a ball of blood essence at once, and then refine it into the body to use evil energy to sacrifice and nourish it with spiritual energy. At least It will take three years for this method to achieve some success.

Don't look at the blood thorns that are as thin as cow hairs. These blood thorns can contaminate spiritual energy instruments. Once they come into contact with a person's body, they will immediately burrow into their body. Even if only one thorn burrows in, it will roam around in their blood vessels and destroy them. , dirty blood, making people miserable.

If you don't have the ability to deal with it, all the blood on your opponent's body will be stirred up, refined and drawn out by this small blood evil thorn, and he will die miserably.

The Kirigakure Sect has always regarded the Black Evil Sect as the enemy of life and death, so they have naturally known about Akame's vicious methods for a long time, and have even made planned responses to various methods of the Black Evil Sect.

Seeing blood streaks all over the sky, Zhuge Qingyun hurriedly called to the other three disciples, patted his storage bag and took out three formation flags and a golden formation disk.

His hands rapidly changed the seals, and suddenly the golden array disk suspended in the air with a buzzing sound and started spinning, while the three array flags flew in three different directions.

Tie Dragonfly and the other three people had a tacit understanding with him. They had already rushed to three different directions when he called before, and the three formation flags just flew towards them and were grabbed by them with one hand.

The four people made secrets in unison and frantically delivered their spiritual power. The whole place buzzed, and immediately within the area of ​​three formation flags, a whirlpool of black mist rose into the sky. In the blink of an eye, it surged and swept across an area of ​​tens of feet. It looked like a Huge funnel.

All the bloodshot fibers were drawn into this huge whirlpool and kept accelerating.Akame was stunned when he saw this scene. He was actually blocked by the formation?

He had long heard that the Kirigakure Sect was extremely good at formations, illusions, weapon refining and other unorthodox methods, but this was the first time he saw it. He had never even heard of the formation in front of him, and he couldn't figure out what it was. He was stunned for a moment. It's a bit hard to start where I am.

He narrowed his eyes slightly and thought for a moment, then slapped the storage bag, and a bloody sword flew out and was held in his hand.

Akame turned his wrist, and the big knife in his hand ignited with a "bang" of flames. His eyes turned ruthless, and he slashed hard at the huge whirlpool.However, he saw that the flaming blood sword surged crazily with this slash, turning into a huge shadow almost as big as the huge whirlpool. Just when it was about to land on the whirlpool, a stream of countless bloodshot threads suddenly shot out from the center of the whirlpool. The black air column smashed the giant blood knife shadow into pieces!

Then the fragments of the blood knife phantom and the scattered fireballs were once again enveloped in the huge whirlpool, spinning crazily.

Akame's pupils shrank suddenly, this large formation could actually use the enemy's attack power to counterattack!

What kind of ghost formation is this?

His eyes were filled with evil spirits, and he was about to use his trump card, but at this moment his expression changed and he looked in a certain direction.

Over there, Master Qingyan and the old man named Ye from Huang Maple Valley were arriving hand in hand without concealing their whereabouts.

"Damn it!" Akame cursed, and his face immediately darkened.

With his cultivation level, if he were to fight alone, he would naturally not be afraid of any monks of the same level.But he recognized the two people in front of him and knew that these two people were not easy people. If these two people join forces, today I am afraid...

He looked ugly and just hoped to get rid of these two people as soon as possible to avoid causing trouble.

Thinking of this, he just stood there without doing anything and waited for the arrival of these two people.

Soon, Master Qingyan and the old man named Ye arrived. The former looked at Akame with a half-smile, then looked at the vortex formation below, with a strange look in his eyes.

"Who am I? It turns out to be fellow Taoist Akame." Master Qingyan looked at Akame again, "Why are you here at my doorstep without even saying hello, so that I can show off my friendship as a landlord?"

Akame said calmly: "I have never had any contact with the real person, so I don't need to say hello, right? This place is still dozens of miles away from your cave, so what? Is it possible that in Tainan Mountain, outsiders are no longer eligible to enter or exit?"

"That's not true." Master Qingyan's smile continued, "But your Black Evil Sect has blocked the entire Lanzhou, and some of my disciples were stopped when they went out for urgent matters. Should I give an explanation for this matter? "

"You want an explanation? Okay, I will report it to our leader later, and he will naturally give you an explanation himself." Akame sneered, "But now it is our Black Evil Sect that is hunting for the traitor, so you two came uninvited, could it be that Want to join me in teaching family chores?"

"Rebellion? Not necessarily?" Master Qingyan sneered, "If I'm not wrong, the person who set up the spirit-binding jet array below should be a member of the Kirigakure sect, right?"

Akame's pupils shrank and he said nonchalantly: "No matter who the real person is, it's best to stay out of other people's business. I, the Heisha Cult, must do something with all the strength of the whole sect. No matter how generous the real person is, I can't stop him!"

Just as Master Qingyan was about to speak, his heart suddenly moved and he looked up.At the same time, the old man named Ye and Akame raised their heads one after another.

But I saw a yellow valley bird flying high in the sky, flying into the sky, circling for a week and then flying to the west and north.

Akame's eyes were full of murderous intent, and as soon as he pointed a finger, a flame suddenly shot out.

That Yellow Valley Bird is just a mortal bird. No matter how clever it is, how can it withstand the attack of the Foundation Establishment Monk?
It turned into a ball of fire on the spot and fell to the ground at a very fast speed.

More than twenty miles away, Su Yi's expression suddenly changed as he stood on the flying magic weapon and looked into the distance.


He gave an order, and Nie Xiaoqian immediately controlled the flying magic weapon to stop in place.

"Huang Guniao is dead!" Su Yi said solemnly, "There are three strong auras in front of us, they should be three strong foundation builders!"

Nie Xiaoqian and Qian Huan looked at each other, and both saw the seriousness in each other's eyes.

Three foundation-building experts?
This was unimaginable to them, and things got worse and worse.

"That's the Soul-binding Jet Array!" Qian Huan looked far away and saw the spinning vortex rising into the sky in the distance. He suddenly cried out, "It's the second brother and the others! It must be them! This is my Kirigakure Sect's unique Some magic formations are specially designed to deal with the Black Evil Cult!"

"So Xiao Zhuo and Young Master are also there?" Nie Xiaoqian looked at Su Yi with a solemn expression, "Young Master, the three foundation builders, I'm afraid..."

Su Yi waved his hand to stop her from speaking, and his expression was extremely serious: "They are confronting each other. They should not be the same group, but there are many people from the Black Evil Cult dispatched this time. I'm afraid there will be a steady stream of help coming soon... …”

"This matter cannot allow us to wait and see what happens. I have to go over and take a look!" Su Yi quickly made a decision, "You retreat first, go west, to the direction of Jingzhou, and find a place to hide."

"Master!" Nie Xiaoqian said anxiously.

"If you want to help me, practice hard." Su Yi smiled at her and turned to look at Qian Huan, "Can I contact your second brother?"

Qian Huan shook his head: "I can't contact him under the noses of the three foundation-building monks..."

Su Yi nodded and said: "I'm afraid a big battle is inevitable later, and I don't have the energy to protect others. So whether we live or die depends on their fate."

"I understand." Qian Huan said solemnly to Su Yi, "Senior is still willing to take action. I can't thank you enough."

"I'm not here for you." Su Yi looked over there, "Xiao Zhuo and my apprentice are still there."

He waved his hand and took one step out of the flying magic weapon. No one could see how he moved. After taking a few more steps, his body turned into curls of green smoke and dissipated on the spot, and his figure and breath disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Qian Huan was a little moved: "My Kirigakure Sect's Kirigakure Escape Technique and Hidden Spirit Technique can be so effective in the hands of seniors, it's really incredible!"

The Kirigakure Escape Technique is an escape technique that everyone in the Kirigakure Sect knows, as well as the Hidden Spirit Technique that they use to conceal their aura. These two techniques were learned by Su Yi as he took the time to learn them along the way. For this reason, he has no "predecessors" "Fengfeng" asked Qian Huan for the key points and asked them in great detail. Qian Huan answered them one by one and demonstrated them personally, so Su Yi quickly learned these two techniques.

But I didn't expect that when Su Yi came to these two techniques, they would undergo some changes due to the Soul of Photographing Blue.

The reason for this is because the Kirigakure Escape Technique involves using the power of divine consciousness to perform illusions, and the Hidden Spirit Technique also requires the use of divine consciousness to conceal one's own aura.

Su Yi's spiritual consciousness is the power of capturing green. Using the power of capturing green, he used these two techniques to produce incredible effects.

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